Management Learning

(The TQCC of Management Learning is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Politicizing and humanizing management learning and education with Paulo Freire38
Lived rhythms as a ground for togetherness and learning in hybrid workspace38
The gradeless paradox: Emancipatory promises but ambivalent effects of gradeless learning in business and management education30
Decolonizing research using gamification: The case of Choco30
There’s nothing as practical as understanding the nature of theory: A phenomenographic study of management educators’ implicit theories of theory23
Structured shadowing as a pedagogy22
Taking leadership fashions seriously as a vehicle for leadership learning22
I, strategist21
“If a (queer) revolt is to come”: Toward a sensuous pedagogy for dis/orienting management learning21
Secular discernment: A process of individual unlearning and collective relearning17
Learning to manage a mental health condition: Caring for the self and ‘normalizing’ identity at work17
Book review: Made to work: Mobilising contemporary worklives16
(Un)felt ferments: Limning liminal professional subjectivities with pragmatist–posthuman feminism and intimate scholarship16
With or without you: Career capital development as experienced by MBA alumni16
Challenging the hidden curriculum: Building a lived process for responsibility in responsible management education14
Harnessing chaos: Antifragility’s lessons for management, strategy, and organizational learning14
Experiencing communality in collective activity: Four ways to generate sameness in differences13
Book Review: Entrepreneurialism and Society: New Theoretical Perspectives; Entrepreneurialism and Society: Consequences and Meanings12
Book Review: Debating Business School Legitimacy: Attacking, Rocking, and Defending the Status Quo Anders Örtenblad and Riina Koris (eds)11
Interweaving positive and critical perspectives in management learning and teaching10
Corrigendum to Critical reflection, unlearning, and engagement9
The role of professional elites in shaping management practice: How the old mentalities condition the adoption of new management ideas9
How do inclusive leaders emerge? A theory-based model9
AACSB’s failures in guarding the ethical henhouse of business schools9
Embracing the academic–practice gap: Knowledge collaboration and the role of institutional knotting8
How to be a hero: How managers determine what makes a good manager through narrative identity work8
(De)humanization in the business school: Critical reflection on doctoral experiences8
Towards an integral pedagogy in the age of ‘digital Gestell’: Moving between embodied co-presence and telepresence in learning and teaching practices8
Beyond the entrepreneur: A study of entrepreneurial learning from a social practice perspective working with scientists in West Africa8
Intersectional reflexivity and an uncomfortable account of researcher privilege8
Book review: Rethinking Leadership: A New Look at Old Questions8
Writing differently in Management Learning7
Learning to manage as learning to fail: The lessons of running7
Algorithmic management learning7
Arts-based methods in business education: A reflection on a photo-elicitation project7
Book review: Bridgman & Cummings: A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Management Theory7
History in management learning: A multi-temporal reflexive approach7
Feeling your way as an occupational minority: The gendered sensilisation of women electronic music artists7
The Catch-22 organization: Living with austerity, bureaucracy and absurdity in a public sector organization6
Infusing courageous love for universal dignity and environmental response-ability through management education and learning: Inspired By Freire’s dream6
Developing critical geopolitical awareness in management education6
The fallacies of non-agility: Approaching organizational agility through a dialectical practice perspective6
How we learn whiteness: Disciplining and resisting management knowledge6
Book Review: The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organization Studies5
Responsibility as weight and space: An aesthetic (re)theorising of responsibility and responsible leadership development for youth5
Taking stock of “Organizational Learning”: Looking back and moving forward5
Gamifying situated learning in organisations5
Trojan horses: Creating a positive hidden (extra)curriculum through a Justice, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) initiative5
Paulo Freire and the praxis of liberation: Education, organization and ethics5
Turning complexity into a Delight to the Mind: An integrative framework for teaching and learning complex reasoning5
Homo responsabilis as an extension of the neoliberal hidden curriculum: The triple responsibilization of responsible management education5
Flipping the normative: Developing and delivering a critical pedagogy for executive education in a UK business school5
A tragic ethics for the Anthropocene: On the unmanageable and impossible in management learning5
Authorising managers in management development?5
Scaling up and scaling down: Improvisational handling of critical work practices during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Navigating hope and despair in sustainability education: A reflexive roadmap for being with eco-anxiety in the classroom5
Students of entrepreneurship: Sorting, risk behaviour and implications for entrepreneurship programmes5
Book Review: The Friction Project: How Smart Leaders Make the Right Things Easier and the Wrong Things Harder5
Management learning and the unsettled humanities: Introduction to the special issue5