Optimization Letters

(The TQCC of Optimization Letters is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The Big-M method with the numerical infinite M52
A class of new modulus-based matrix splitting methods for linear complementarity problem25
Explicit extragradient-like method with adaptive stepsizes for pseudomonotone variational inequalities22
Personnel scheduling during Covid-19 pandemic21
On the unique solution of the generalized absolute value equation20
Bi-local search based variable neighborhood search for job-shop scheduling problem with transport constraints18
Study on proportionate flowshop scheduling with due-date assignment and position-dependent weights17
A primal-dual approximation algorithm for the k-prize-collecting minimum power cover problem16
Closing the gap in linear bilevel optimization: a new valid primal-dual inequality16
The single machine scheduling problem with setup times under an extension of the general learning and forgetting effects15
Modeling the spread of infectious diseases through influence maximization15
A note on partial calmness for bilevel optimization problems with linearly structured lower level15
Approximation algorithms for the multiprocessor scheduling with submodular penalties13
A mixed-integer programming formulation of the double row layout problem based on a linear extension of a partial order13
Proximal operator and optimality conditions for ramp loss SVM12
Convergence rates analysis of a multiobjective proximal gradient method12
Modeling a flexible staff scheduling problem in the Era of Covid-1912
Edge metric dimensions via hierarchical product and integer linear programming12
Naive constant rank-type constraint qualifications for multifold second-order cone programming and semidefinite programming12
A new concave minimization algorithm for the absolute value equation solution12
Combining variable neighborhood search and machine learning to solve the vehicle routing problem with crowd-shipping11
A new DIRECT-GLh algorithm for global optimization with hidden constraints11
A dynamic programming algorithm for solving the k-Color Shortest Path Problem11
Minimum budget for misinformation detection in online social networks with provable guarantees10
Resolvent of the parallel composition and the proximity operator of the infimal postcomposition10
Bi-objective optimization model for the heterogeneous dynamic dial-a-ride problem with no rejects10
Practical initialization of the Nelder–Mead method for computationally expensive optimization problems10
Bounds of the solution set of the tensor complementarity problem9
On the Burer–Monteiro method for general semidefinite programs9
Convergence of Lasserre’s hierarchy: the general case9
2DPackLib: a two-dimensional cutting and packing library9
Green supply chain design with emission sensitive demand: second order cone programming formulation and case study9
A more efficient cutting planes approach for the green vehicle routing problem with capacitated alternative fuel stations8
Shrinking approximants for fixed point problem and generalized split null point problem in Hilbert spaces8
Existence and generic stability conditions of equilibrium points to controlled systems for n-player multiobjective generalized games using the Kakutani–Fan–Glicksberg fixed-point theorem8
Robust optimality, duality and saddle points for multiobjective fractional semi-infinite optimization with uncertain data8
A resiliency analysis of information distribution policies over mobile ad hoc networks8
Spatial price equilibrium networks with flow-dependent arc multipliers8
QN-tensor and tensor complementarity problem8
Gain-optimized spectral distortions for pronunciation training8
Maximum shortest path interdiction problem by upgrading edges on trees under hamming distance7
Optimization approach to Berge equilibrium for bimatrix game7
Games with distributionally robust joint chance constraints7
Exploring the tradeoffs among forest planning, roads and wildlife corridors: a new approach7
An efficient heuristic for a hub location routing problem7
Variable and constraint reduction techniques for the temporal bin packing problem with fire-ups7
Strong convergence of inertial subgradient extragradient algorithm for solving pseudomonotone equilibrium problems7
Complexity of near-optimal robust versions of multilevel optimization problems7
Extremely non-convex optimization problems: the case of the multiple obnoxious facilities location7
On the proximal point algorithm and its Halpern-type variant for generalized monotone operators in Hilbert space7
Two-Bar Charts Packing Problem7
Improved exploitation of higher order smoothness in derivative-free optimization6
Zeroth-order methods for noisy Hölder-gradient functions6
Distributionally robust joint chance-constrained support vector machines6
On atomic cliques in temporal graphs6
Some notes on the solvability conditions for absolute value equations6
On quantitative stability in infinite-dimensional optimization under uncertainty6
Existence of the least element solution of the vertical block Z-tensor complementarity problem6
A parallel variable neighborhood search for solving covering salesman problem6
Numerical solution of delay fractional optimal control problems with free terminal time6
Efficiently solving the thief orienteering problem with a max–min ant colony optimization approach6
A descent extension of a modified Polak–Ribière–Polyak method with application in image restoration problem6
Exact penalty functions with multidimensional penalty parameter and adaptive penalty updates6
On lattice point counting in $$\varDelta $$-modular polyhedra5
Strong convergence theorems for inertial Tseng’s extragradient method for solving variational inequality problems and fixed point problems5
Improved analysis of spectral algorithm for clustering5
Approximating the product knapsack problem5
A deep reinforcement learning framework for solving two-stage stochastic programs5
On the superiority of PGMs to PDCAs in nonsmooth nonconvex sparse regression5
Statistical robustness of two-stage stochastic variational inequalities5
Vehicle routing problem considering equity of demand satisfaction5
Minsum scheduling with acceptable lead-times and optional job rejection5
Commutation principles for optimization problems on spectral sets in Euclidean Jordan algebras5
Analytic solution of the continuous particle swarm optimization problem5
Implicit steepest descent algorithm for optimization with orthogonality constraints5
A general VNS for the multi-depot open vehicle routing problem with time windows5
General variable neighborhood search for the parallel machine scheduling problem with two common servers5
An effective version of Schmüdgen’s Positivstellensatz for the hypercube5
On periodic solution to control problem with time-driven switching5
NPROS: A Not So Pure Random Orthogonal search algorithm—A suite of random optimization algorithms driven by reinforcement learning5
Lower bounds of the solution set of the polynomial complementarity problem5
Computationally efficient approach for solving lexicographic multicriteria optimization problems5
On solving the order processing in picking workstations5
A matrix-free trust-region newton algorithm for convex-constrained optimization4
On the new modulus-based matrix splitting method for linear complementarity problem of $$H_{+}$$-matrix4
Expected value based optimal control for discrete-time stochastic noncausal systems4
On the asymptotic behavior of the Douglas–Rachford and proximal-point algorithms for convex optimization4
A covering traveling salesman problem with profit in the last mile delivery4
The single train shortest route problem in a railyard4
Unified linear convergence of first-order primal-dual algorithms for saddle point problems4
On self-concordant barriers for generalized power cones4
Homogeneous polynomials and spurious local minima on the unit sphere4
The quasidifferential descent method in a control problem with nonsmooth objective functional4
Bregman circumcenters: monotonicity and forward weak convergence4
The moment-SOS hierarchy and the Christoffel–Darboux kernel4
The assignment problem revisited4
Using regression models to understand the impact of route-length variability in practical vehicle routing4
Convergence of the proximal bundle algorithm for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems4
Exact algorithms for the robust uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem4
Connectedness properties of the efficient sets and the nondominated sets to vector optimization problems4
Inertial projection and contraction methods for split feasibility problem applied to compressed sensing and image restoration4
The multi-depot k-traveling repairman problem4
Directional asymptotics of Fejér monotone sequences4
Conditions for linear convergence of the gradient method for non-convex optimization4
Improved lower bound on the dimension of the EU council’s voting rules4
Sample average approximations of strongly convex stochastic programs in Hilbert spaces4
A note on the hierarchical multi-switch multi-echelon vehicle routing problem4
Chebyshev center and inscribed balls: properties and calculations3
The subdifferential descent method in a nonsmooth variational problem3
A robust model for the lot-sizing problem with uncertain demands3
Linear and conic reformulations for the maximum capture location problem under multinomial logit choice3
A note on Anti-Nash equilibrium for bimatrix game3
Prediction of annual CO2 emissions at the country and sector levels, based on a matrix completion optimization problem3
Approximation algorithms for the k-depots Hamiltonian path problem3
Online NDP-constraint scheduling of jobs with delivery times or weights3
Randomized Lagrangian stochastic approximation for large-scale constrained stochastic Nash games3
Kernel $$\ell ^1$$-norm principal component analysis for denoising3
Optimal multi-state partnerships for woody biomass co-firing incorporating a demand-response function for biomass procurement3
On generalized convex functions and generalized subdifferential II3
Efficient metaheuristics for the home (health)-care routing and scheduling problem with time windows and synchronized visits3
Multi-objective home health care routing: a variable neighborhood search method3
A unified convergence rate analysis of the accelerated smoothed gap reduction algorithm3
Optimization models for integrated biorefinery operations3
Log-domain interior-point methods for convex quadratic programming3
A note on study on proportionate flowshop scheduling with due-date assignment and position-dependent weights3
An exact method for optimizing a quadratic function over the efficient set of multiobjective integer linear fractional program3
A variable neighborhood search for the last-mile delivery problem during major infectious disease outbreak3
A block coordinate descent method for sensor network localization3
Constrained optimization based adversarial example generation for transfer attacks in network intrusion detection systems3
Less is more approach in optimization: a road to artificial intelligence3
Designing an optimal contract mechanism in a cellulosic biofuel enterprise3
Solving the probabilistic profitable tour problem on a line3
Mixed-integer linear optimization for full truckload pickup and delivery3
Siting renewable power generation assets with combinatorial optimisation3
On the convergence of a class of inertial dynamical systems with Tikhonov regularization3
Douglas–Rachford splitting algorithm for solving state-dependent maximal monotone inclusions3
Finding optimal solutions to several gray pattern instances3
A new Bregman projection method with a self-adaptive process for solving variational inequality problem in reflexive Banach spaces3
Circumcentric directions of cones3
Robustness of solutions to the capacitated facility location problem with uncertain demand3
Feature selection in machine learning via variable neighborhood search3
Two-machine flow shop scheduling with convex resource consumption functions3
Optimality conditions and DC-Dinkelbach-type algorithm for generalized fractional programs with ratios of difference of convex functions3
Inverse integer optimization with multiple observations3
A General Variable Neighborhood Search approach based on a p-median model for cellular manufacturing problems3
The exact worst-case convergence rate of the gradient method with fixed step lengths for L-smooth functions3
A closed-form bound on the asymptotic linear convergence of iterative methods via fixed point analysis3
Iterated local search for the generalized independent set problem3