Journal of Economic Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Economic Psychology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The effect of perceived similarity and social proximity on the formation of prosocial preferences29
Preference reversals with social distances28
Revisiting “money illusion”: Replication and extension of Shafir, Diamond, and Tversky (1997)26
Impatience and crime. Evidence from the NLSY9725
Public good provision, in-group cooperation and out-group descriptive norms: A lab experiment25
An experimental investigation of the Allais paradox with subjective probabilities and correlated outcomes25
It does (not) get better: Reference income violation and altruism20
Transcranial stimulation over the medial prefrontal cortex increases money illusion19
It’s about the process, not the result: An fMRI approach to explore the encoding of explicit and implicit price information17
Discounting from a distance: The effect of pronoun drop on intertemporal decisions17
The informational affective tie mechanism: on the role of uncertainty, context, and attention in caring17
Employee reactions to positive action policies in the United Kingdom: Does the organization’s justification matter?15
Book review14
Gender differences in bargaining with asymmetric information14
Book review14
Reservation price uncertainty: Loss, virtue, or emotional heterogeneity?13
Editorial Board12
Promoting healthy behavior through repeated deposit contracts: An intervention study12
App-based experiments12
Endocrine state is the physical manifestation of subjective beliefs12
Take-it-or-leave-it offers in negotiations: Behavioral types and endogenous deadlines12
Donation requests following a pay rise11
Giving time or giving money? On the relationship between charitable contributions11
Less cheating? The effects of prefilled forms on compliance behavior10
Predicting serial position effects and judgment errors in retrospective evaluations from memory recall10
Eyes on the account size: Interactions between attention and budget in consumer choice10
Tipping in crises: Evidence from Chicago taxi passengers during COVID-1910
A “More-is-Better” heuristic in anticommons dilemmas: Psychological insights from a new anticommons bargaining game10
Replication: The money illusion effect in a Brazilian sample and meta-analyses10
Strategic interactions between humans and artificial intelligence: Lessons from experiments with computer players9
Do restaurant customers who receive an unreasonably low bill bring it to the server’s attention? A field experiment on dishonesty9
Reference dependent prices in bargaining: An experimental examination of precise first offers9
The effect of intergroup contact on discrimination9
Conditioning the effect of prize on tournament self-selection9
COVID-19 lockdowns and children’s health and well-being9
Saving regret and procrastination9
Pre-decisional information acquisition: Why do we pay too much for information? Brief report9
The Big Five personality traits and earnings: A meta-analysis8
How decision-makers’ sense and state of power induce propensity to take financial risks8
Beyond the pitch: Exploring the role of beauty in soccer player salaries8
Entrepreneurial worries: Self-employment and potential loss of well-being7
When losses can be a gain. A large lab-in-the-field experiment on reference dependent forgiveness in Colombia7
Moral hypocrisy and the dichotomy of hypothetical versus real choices in prosocial behavior7
The effects of social information and luck on risk behavior of small-scale fishers at Lake Victoria7
Editorial Board7
Editorial Board6
Book review6
The association between saving disposition and financial distress: A genetically informed approach6
Undervaluation versus unaffordability as negotiation tactics: Evidence from a field experiment6
Cognitive abilities, self-efficacy, and financial behavior6
Concord and contention in a dynamic unstructured bargaining experiment with costly conflict6
Competition between and within universities: Theoretical and experimental investigation of group identity and the desire to win6
Couple and individual willingness to take risks6
Not all luck is created equal: Sources of income inequality and willingness to redistribute6
What are you calling intuitive? Subject heterogeneity as a driver of response times in an impunity game6
Book review6
Editorial Board6
Measuring economic competence of youth with a short scale6
Coercive and legitimate power in the sharing economy: Examining consumers’ cooperative behavior and trust5
Institutional quarantine and dishonest behavior5
Book review5
Experimental analysis of impatience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations5
I did most of the work! Three sources of bias in bargaining with joint production5
Fostering trust: When the rhetoric of sharing can backfire5
Learning to be selfish? A large-scale longitudinal analysis of Dictator games played on Amazon Mechanical Turk5
Risky and non-risky financial investments and cognition5
Does deception raise or lower lie aversion? Experimental evidence5
Editorial Board5
Fairness and the Coase conjecture5
Dictator game variants with probabilistic (and cost-saving) payoffs: A systematic test5
Multilateral bargaining with subjective claims under majority vs. unanimity rule: An experiment5
Spontaneous anchors bias consumers’ divisions, judgments, and behavior5
Trust and trustworthiness after negative random shocks5
Smartphone use decreases trustworthiness of strangers5