Review of Economics of the Household

(The TQCC of Review of Economics of the Household is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Consumption and income expectations during Covid-1962
Parental disability and teenagers’ time allocation47
Marriage as insurance: job protection and job insecurity in France45
Child penalty in Russia: evidence from an event study27
Do preschool investments depreciate and fadeout or result in dynamic complementarities? An assessment using the Head Start Impact Study26
How informal institutions matter: clan culture and fertility in China18
Pregnant in haste? The impact of foetus loss on birth spacing and the role of subjective probabilistic beliefs16
Marriage and divorce during a pandemic: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on marital formation and dissolution in Mexico15
Social status and marriage markets: Evaluating a Hukou policy in China13
A bigger house at the cost of an empty stomach? The effect of households’ indebtedness on their consumption: micro-evidence using Belgian HFCS data13
The impact of a rural clinic expansion on the fertility of young rural women in Mexico13
Women’s empowerment and gender-differentiated food allocation in Bangladesh12
The impact of minimum wage on parental time allocation to children: evidence from the American Time Use Survey11
Work, motherhood and women’s affective well-being10
Wealth inequalities among seniors: the role of marital histories across cohorts10
Income loss among the self-employed: implications for individual wellbeing and pandemic policy measures10
Family background, education, and earnings: the limited value of “test-score transmission”9
Parental housing wealth and children’s marriage prospects in China—evidence from CHARLS9
Intertemporal elasticity of substitution with leisure margin9
Does signaling childcare support on job applications reduce the motherhood penalty?9
Child marriage: using the Indonesian family life survey to examine the lives of women and men who married at an early age9
The impact of the COVID-19 recession on Mexican households: evidence from employment and time use for men, women, and children8
The many ways COVID-19 affects households: consumption, time, and health outcomes8
Maternal education and child survival: causal evidence from Kenya8
The added-worker effect in the Netherlands before and during the Great Recession7
Health insurance reform impact on children’s educational attainment: evidence from Vietnam7
Maternal health and child socio-emotional development: findings from the growing up in New Zealand study7
Abortions and extra male births6
Navigating educational disruptions: the gender divide in parental involvement and children’s learning outcomes6
Notification and consent: the differential effects of parental involvement laws on teen abortion6
Ethnic fertility and exposure to armed conflict: the case of Sri Lanka6
Who is doing the chores and childcare in dual-earner couples during the COVID-19 era of working from home?6
Correction: What explains the gender gap in wealth? Evidence from administrative data5
Adverse childhood experiences and unhealthy lifestyles later in life: evidence from SHARE countries5
Connecting Medicaid and child support: evidence from the TennCare disenrollment5
Correction to: Why do families foster children? A Beckerian approach5
Famine and matching by socioeconomic status—evidence from the Great Chinese Famine5
Housing prices, social security, and fertility rate4
Unequal consequences of Covid 19: representative evidence from six countries4
Disability and work intensity in Italian households4
Women’s empowerment and child nutritional outcomes in rural Burkina Faso4
Work from home and daily time allocations: evidence from the coronavirus pandemic4
Intrahousehold Resource Allocation and Child Food Poverty in the United States4
Intra-household management of resources: evidence from Malawi4
Correction: Do fathers have son preference in the United States? Evidence from paternal subjective well-being4
Why do families foster children? A Beckerian approach4
The effect of COVID-19 lockdown and the subsequent reopening on consumption in Iran4
Correction to: The impact of closing schools on working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence using panel data from Japan4
Medicaid Expansion and the Mental Health of Spousal Caregivers3
The long-run effects of recessions on fertility3
The effect of gender norms on gender-based sorting across occupations3
Parents, neighbors and youth crime3
Experimental evidence of the effect of head start on mothers’ labor supply and human capital investments3
The effects of a negative economic shock on male marriage in the West Bank3
The independent woman—locus of control and female labor force participation3
Gender identity and market and non-market work of married women: evidence from Japan3
Correction to: Non cognitive skills and childcare attendance3
School schedules and mothers’ employment: evidence from an education reform3
The impact of reducing formal care benefits on caregivers’ well-being: evidence from Japan3
Unconditional cash transfers for families with children in the U.S.: a scoping review3
Giving and volunteering over a lifecycle3
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on treatment for domestic violence injuries: evidence from medical claims3
COVID-19, marriage, and divorce in Japan3
Son preference and crime in India3