Food Policy

(The TQCC of Food Policy is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Viewpoint: Regulating meat consumption to improve health, the environment and animal welfare177
Viewpoint: The case for a six-dimensional food security framework164
Viewpoint: Rigorous monitoring is necessary to guide food system transformation in the countdown to the 2030 global goals142
COVID-19 and food security: Panel data evidence from Nigeria126
Viewpoint: Agri-nutrition research: Revisiting the contribution of maize and wheat to human nutrition and health125
Global food waste across the income spectrum: Implications for food prices, production and resource use122
Reducing food loss and waste: Five challenges for policy and research121
Viewpoint: The future of work in agri-food101
Agricultural policy in the era of digitalisation97
Cost and affordability of nutritious diets at retail prices: Evidence from 177 countries96
Does internet use improve technical efficiency of banana production in China? Evidence from a selectivity-corrected analysis82
The rapid rise of agricultural mechanization in Myanmar81
Do farmers gain internet dividends from E-commerce adoption? Evidence from China73
Does it matter who advises farmers? Pest management choices with public and private extension67
Extreme weather events cause significant crop yield losses at the farm level in German agriculture66
Quantity and quality food losses across the value Chain: A Comparative analysis63
A global view of aquaculture policy62
Food-away-from-home plate waste in China: Preference for variety and quantity59
Has global agricultural trade been resilient under coronavirus (COVID-19)? Findings from an econometric assessment of 202058
Viewpoint: High-frequency phone surveys on COVID-19: Good practices, open questions58
The environmental impact of reducing food loss and waste: A critical assessment57
Can low-income households afford a healthy diet? Insufficient income as a driver of food insecurity in Europe55
Affordability of nutritious diets in rural India53
Determinants and dynamics of food insecurity during COVID-19 in rural Bangladesh50
Using food loss reduction to reach food security and environmental objectives – A search for promising leverage points48
Improving data on food losses and waste: From theory to practice45
Does dietary knowledge affect household food waste in the developing economy of China?45
Barriers to urban agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa44
Viewpoint: Food insecurity among college students: A case for consistent and comparable measurement44
The inverse relationship between farm size and productivity: Refocusing the debate44
Food price volatility and household food security: Evidence from Nigeria43
Pesticide-free but not organic: Adoption of a large-scale wheat production standard in Switzerland43
Urban food policies for a sustainable and just future: Concepts and tools for a renewed agenda43
COVID-19 morbidity and mortality in U.S. meatpacking counties43
African swine fever in China: Impacts, responses, and policy implications42
Consumer-related antecedents of food provisioning behaviors that promote food waste40
Interested, indifferent or active information avoiders of carbon labels: Cognitive dissonance and ascription of responsibility as motivating factors40
Can agricultural insurance encourage farmers to apply biological pesticides? Evidence from rural China40
The coronavirus pandemic and food security: Evidence from Mali38
Do tradeoffs among dimensions of women’s empowerment and nutrition outcomes exist? Evidence from six countries in Africa and Asia38
Estimating the market effect of a trade war: The case of soybean tariffs37
Viewpoint: Characterising early agricultural and food policy responses to the outbreak of COVID-1936
Analyzing the economics of food loss and waste reductions in a food supply chain35
Is food labelling effective in reducing climate impact by encouraging the substitution of protein sources?35
Integrated soil fertility management and household welfare in Ethiopia34
Post-harvest losses in rural-urban value chains: Evidence from Ethiopia34
Quantifying war-induced crop losses in Ukraine in near real time to strengthen local and global food security34
Trade impact of maximum residue limits in fresh fruits and vegetables34
Impact of climate smart agriculture on food security: An agent-based analysis34
Green identity labeling, environmental information, and pro-environmental food choices34
Market-oriented agriculture and farm performance: Evidence from rural China33
Improved on-farm storage reduces seasonal food insecurity of smallholder farmer households – Evidence from a randomized control trial in Tanzania33
Information effects on consumer preferences for alternative animal feedstuffs33
Impacts of agricultural incentive policies on land rental prices: New evidence from China32
Identity labels as an instrument to reduce meat demand and encourage consumption of plant based and cultured meat alternatives in China31
Subsistence production, markets, and dietary diversity in the Kenyan small farm sector30
Informal vendors and food systems planning in an emerging African city30
Effects of regulatory policy mixes on traceability adoption in wholesale markets: Food safety inspection and information disclosure29
Demand elasticities for fresh meat and welfare effects of meat taxes in Germany29
Recall length and measurement error in agricultural surveys28
Predicting access to healthful food retailers with machine learning28
Review: Nudge interventions to promote healthy diets and physical activity28
Does global value chain participation and positioning in the agriculture and food sectors affect economic performance? A global assessment28
Are small farms really more productive than large farms?27
Municipal foodscapes: Urban food policy and the new municipalism27
Viewpoint: The measurement of water access and use is key for more effective food and nutrition policy27
Produce to eat or sell: Panel data structural equation modeling of market participation and food dietary diversity in Zambia26
Agroecology and nutritional health: A comparison of agroecological farmers and their neighbors in the Ecuadorian highlands24
The dynamics between the food environment and residential segregation: An analysis of metropolitan areas24
Geographical indications and trade: Firm-level evidence from the French cheese industry24
The emergence of city food networks: Rescaling the impact of urban food policies24
Trade-related food policies in a more volatile climate and trade environment24
How accurate are yield estimates from crop cuts? Evidence from smallholder maize farms in Ethiopia24
How food policies emerge: The pivotal role of policy entrepreneurs as brokers and bridges of people and ideas24
Heterogeneous informational and attitudinal impacts on consumer preferences for eggs from welfare enhanced cage systems24
Measuring women's empowerment in agriculture, food production, and child and maternal dietary diversity in Timor-Leste24
Temperature effects on crop yields in heat index insurance23
Food insecurity during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in four African countries23
The role of diverse distribution channels in reducing food loss and waste: The case of the Cali tomato supply chain in Colombia23
Identifying interventions to reduce household food waste based on food categories23
Consumer ethnocentric behavior and food choices in developing countries: The case of Nigeria23
Is growing your own food necessary for dietary diversity? Evidence from Nigeria22
The co-production of urban food policies: Exploring the emergence of new governance spaces in three Spanish cities22
Seasonal time trade-offs and nutrition outcomes for women in agriculture: Evidence from rural India22
When poultry take a sick leave: Response costs for the 2014–2015 highly pathogenic avian influenza epidemic in the USA22
Agricultural market access and dietary diversity in Kenya: Gender considerations towards improved household nutritional outcomes22
Viewpoint: Are food labels good?22
An analysis of food demand in a fragile and insecure country: Somalia as a case study21
Beyond backyard chickens: A framework for understanding municipal urban agriculture policies in the United States21
Review: Do green defaults reduce meat consumption?21
Would you buy vegan meatballs? The policy issues around vegan and meat-sounding labelling of plant-based meat alternatives21
Unscrambling U.S. egg supply chains amid COVID-1921
Food waste declined more in rural Chinese households with livestock21
Consumer willingness to pay for redundant food labels20
Market access, household dietary diversity and food security: Evidence from Eastern Africa20
Digital tools and agricultural market transformation in Africa: Why are they not at scale yet, and what will it take to get there?20
Examining intensity of conservation practice adoption: Evidence from cover crop use on U.S. Midwest farms20
The future of surplus food redistribution in the UK: Reimagining a ‘win-win’ scenario20
The Basket-Based Choice Experiment: A Method for Food Demand Policy Analysis20
The impact of China’s new agricultural subsidy policy on grain crop acreage20
Female farmers in the United States: Research needs and policy questions20
The effects of the Chilean food policy package on aggregate employment and real wages20
The effect of sell-by dates on purchase volume and food waste19
Expanding the boundaries of food policy: The turn to equity in New York City19
Climatic conditions and household food security: Evidence from Tanzania19
Impact of food safety regulations on agricultural trade: Evidence from China's import refusal data19
Assessing rice production efficiency for food security policy planning in Malaysia: A non-parametric bootstrap data envelopment analysis approach18
Meat, money and messaging: How the environmental and health harms of red and processed meat consumption are framed by the meat industry18
Root for the tubers: Extended-harvest crop production and productivity measurement in surveys18
The unintended consequences of the fertilizer subsidy program on crop species diversity in Mali18
The social impacts of a transition from conventional to cultivated and plant-based meats: Evidence from Brazil18
Viewpoint: A proposal to reconstruct the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) into a universal basic income program for food18
The effect of agricultural programs on dietary diversity and food security: Insights from the smallholder productivity promotion program in Zambia17
Has COVID-19 accelerated the E-commerce of agricultural products? Evidence from sales data of E-stores in China17
London’s food policy: Leveraging the policy sub-system, programme and plan17
A new global database on agriculture investment and capital stock17
How does adoption of labor saving agricultural technologies affect intrahousehold resource allocations? The case of push-pull technology in Western Kenya17
The global cost of reaching a world without hunger: Investment costs and policy action opportunities17
Controlling for the effects of climate on total factor productivity: A case study of Australian farms17
COVID-19 risk perception and restaurant utilization after easing in-person restrictions17
What about her? Oil palm cultivation and intra-household gender roles17
Climate-smart agricultural practices for promoting sustainable agrifood production: Yield impacts and implications for food security17
Could the new dairy policy affect milk allocation to infants in Kenya? A best-worst scaling approach16
Nudging greater vegetable intake and less food waste: A field experiment16
Farmland Leasing, misallocation Reduction, and agricultural total factor Productivity: Insights from rice production in China16
Impact of home garden interventions in East Africa: Results of three randomized controlled trials16
Taxing food consumption to reduce environmental impacts – Identification of synergies and goal conflicts16
Viewpoint: COVID-19 and seed security response now and beyond16
Lead-farmer extension and smallholder valuation of new agricultural technologies in Tanzania15
The effects of message framing on novel food introduction: Evidence from the artificial meat products in China15
Nudging and corporate environmental responsibility: A natural field experiment15
Public food procurement from family farming: A food system and social network perspective15
Smallholders' perceptions and preferences for market attributes promoting sustained participation in modern agricultural value chains15
Insurance subsidies, climate change, and innovation: Implications for crop yield resiliency15
Essential, fragile, and invisible community food infrastructure: The role of urban governments in the United States15
India’s food supply chain during the pandemic14
Sweetened beverage taxes: Economic benefits and costs according to household income14
Consumers’ valuation of cultured beef Burger: A Multi-Country investigation using choice experiments14
Culture and agricultural biodiversity conservation14
Introducing quality certification in staple food markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: Four conditions for successful implementation14
Public agriculture investment and food security in ECOWAS14
How do consumers respond to labels for crispr (gene-editing)?14
Refunding of a climate tax on food consumption in Sweden14
Subsidizing improved legume seeds for increased household dietary diversity: Evidence from Malawi’s Farm Input Subsidy Programme with implications for addressing malnutrition in all its forms14
In search of economically significant food losses: Evidence from Tunisia and Egypt14
Impact assessment of salmon farming on income distribution in remote coastal areas: The Chilean case14