Environmental & Resource Economics

(The TQCC of Environmental & Resource Economics is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Welfare Effects and the Immaterial Costs of Coastal Flooding182
Long-Term Climate Treaties with a Refunding Club137
Forward-Looking Belief Elicitation Enhances Intergenerational Beneficence68
When it Rains, it Pours: Estimating the Spatial Spillover Effect of Rainfall48
Robust Abatement Policy with Uncertainty About Environmental Disasters47
Rent Seeking over Tradable Emission Permits46
Solar Geoengineering, Free-Driving and Conflict: An Experimental Investigation46
Landfill Scarcity and the Cost of Waste Disposal40
The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Firms’ Product Quality: Evidence from Chinese Exporters37
EAERE Award for the Best Paper Published in Environmental and Resource Economics During 202236
The Impact of Climate Change on Risk and Return in Indian Agriculture34
Stick or Carrot? Asymmetric Responses to Vehicle Registration Taxes in Norway33
Assurance Contracts to Support Multi-Unit Threshold Public Goods in Environmental Markets31
An allocatively efficient auction for pollution permits31
Heterogeneous Domestic Intermediate Input-Related Carbon Emissions in China’s Exports29
Short-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Cognitive Performance: New Evidence from China’s College English Test28
Managing Marine Mammals and Fisheries: A Calibrated Programming Model for the Seal-Fishery Interaction in Sweden28
The Resilience of FDI to Natural Disasters Through Industrial Linkages27
The ‘Climate Adaptation Problem’ in Biodiversity Conservation: The Value of Spatial Flexibility in Land Purchase27
Modeling Intertemporal Trading of Emission Permits Under Market Power25
Fish Protein Transition in a Coastal Developing Country21
Cost-Potential Curves of Onshore Wind Energy: the Role of Disamenity Costs21
Willingness-to-Pay for Energy Efficiency: Evidence from the European Common Market21
Nutrition and Climate Policies in the European Union: Friends or Enemies?20
Mosquitoes and Potatoes: How Local Climatic Conditions Impede Development18
The Green Premium: Environmental Regulation, Environmental Risk and Property Value16
Area-Based Hedonic Pricing of Urban Green Amenities in Beijing: A Spatial Piecewise Approach16
The Power of Nudging: Using Feedback, Competition, and Responsibility Assignment to Save Electricity in a Non-residential Setting16
Lottery Incentives and Resource Management: Evidence from the Agricultural Data Reporting Incentive Program (AgDRIP)16
Genuine Savings and Sustainability with Resource Diffusion16
Floods, Agricultural Production, and Household Welfare: Evidence from Tanzania16
Optimal Carbon Storage in Mixed-Species Size-Structured Forests14
Reflections on the Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity14
The Role of Industrial and Market Symbiosis in Stimulating CO2 Emission Reductions14
The Dutch disease revisited: consistency of theory and evidence14
The Climate Actions and Policies Measurement Framework: A Database to Monitor and Assess Countries’ Mitigation Action13
Understanding the Heterogeneity in the Effect of Driving Restriction Policies on Air Quality: Evidence from Chinese Cities13
Trade in Carbon and Carbon Tariffs13
How to Support Residential Energy Conservation Cost-Effectively? An analysis of Public Financial Schemes in France13
Experience and Learning with Improved Technologies: Evidence from Improved Biomass Cookstoves in Ethiopia13
Altruistic Foreign Aid and Climate Change Mitigation13
Local Effects of Payments for Ecosystem Services on Rural Poverty13
The Economic Value of Ecosystem Services: Meta-analysis and Potential Application of Value Transfer for Freshwater Ecosystems12
Is Green Transition in Europe Fostered by Energy and Environmental Efficiency Feedback Loops? The Role of Eco-Innovation, Renewable Energy and Green Taxation12
Environmentally Differentiated Port Dues: A Case Study for a Transparent Scheme12
Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Emissions and Time-Consistent Taxation12
The Economic Dynamics After a Flood: Evidence from Satellite Data12
The Net Zero Challenge for Firms’ Competitiveness12
The Performance of a Repeated Discriminatory Price Auction for Ecosystem Services11
Information, Consequentiality and Credibility in Stated Preference Surveys: A Choice Experiment on Climate Adaptation11
Continuous Versus Discrete Time in Dynamic Common Pool Resource Game Experiments11
Biodiversity Benefits of Birdwatching Using Citizen Science Data and Individualized Recreational Demand Models11
Does Declining Air Pollution Levels Always Signal Higher Premium for Housing Market?11
Spatial Trade-Offs in National Land-Based Wind Power Production in Times of Biodiversity and Climate Crises11
Does Environmental Regulation Shape Entrepreneurship?11
Correction to: Trade, Transport Emissions and Multimarket Collusion with Border Adjustments11
Study on the Interactive Relationship Between Marine Economic Growth and Marine Environmental Pressure in China11
The Recreational Value of the Baltic Sea Coast: A Spatially Explicit Site Choice Model Accounting for Environmental Conditions11
Corporate Green Bonds: Understanding the Greenium in a Two-Factor Structural Model11
Balancing Cost Effectiveness and Incentive Properties in Conservation Auctions: Experimental Evidence from Three Multi-award Reverse Auction Mechanisms11
A Lost Opportunity? Environmental Investment Tax Incentive and Energy Efficient Technologies10
International Climate Justice: What the People Think10
All Inclusive Climate Policy in a Growing Economy: The Role of Human Health10
Climate, Technology and Value: Insights from the First Decade with Mass-Consumption of Electric Vehicles10
Correction to: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Game Harvests in Sweden10
Creatively Destructive Hurricanes: Do Disasters Spark Innovation?9
A Framework for Estimating the Impact of Monitoring and Enforcement on (Unobserved) Illicit Extraction9
If You Build It, Will They Compost? The Effects of Municipal Composting Services on Household Waste Disposal and Landfill Emissions9
The Design of Emission Taxes in Markets with New Firm Acquisitions9
Optimal Management of a Renewable Resource Under Multiple Regimes9
A Novel HydroEconomic - Econometric Approach for Integrated Transboundary Water Management Under Uncertainty9
Economic Aspects of the Energy Transition9
The Impact of Wind Energy on Air Pollution and Emergency Department Visits8
How Much Will Climate Change Reduce Productivity in a High-Technology Supply Chain? Evidence from Silicon Wafer Manufacturing8
The Impact of Career Concerns and Cognitive Dissonance on Bureaucrats’ Use of Benefit-Cost Analysis8
Leaving Home: Cumulative Climate Shocks and Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa8
Open Access Versus Restricted Access in a General Equilibrium with Mobile Capital8
Political Stability: an Impetus for Spatial Environmental Spillovers8
The Impact of Government Disaster Surveillance and Alerts on Local Economic and Financial Conditions8
Negotiations over the Provision of Multiple Ecosystem Services8
Does a Carbon Tax Reduce CO2 Emissions? Evidence from British Columbia8
Altruist Talk May (also) Be Cheap: Revealed Versus Stated Altruism as a Predictor in Stated Preference Studies7
Stepwise Investment in Circular Plastics Under the Presence of Policy Uncertainty7
Drought Exposure and Accuracy: Motivated Reasoning in Climate Change Beliefs7
Evaluate the Impacts of Wind Farm Facilities on Land Values with Geographically-Linked Microdata in China7
Heterogeneity in Farmers’ Social Preferences and the Design of Green Payment Schemes7
Negative Traffic Externalities and Infant Health: The Role of Income Heterogeneity and Residential Sorting7
A Biodiversity Hotspots Treaty: The Road not Taken7
Policies to Promote Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies7
More Power Generation, More Wheat Losses? Evidence from Wheat Productivity in North China7
The Effects of International Trade on Structural Convergence and CO2 Emissions7
The Effect of Information Provision on Stated and Revealed Preferences: A Field Experiment on the Choice of Power Tariffs Before and After Japanese Retail Electricity Liberalization7
Do Stringent Environmental Policies Deter FDI? M&A versus Greenfield7
Trade, Resource Use and Pollution: A Synthesis7
Guidance to Enhance the Validity and Credibility of Environmental Benefit Transfers6
Increased Marginal Damages of Air Emissions Following Improvements in Air Quality in the United States6
Patents and P2: Innovation and Technology Adoption for Environmental Improvements6
Natural Resource Management: A Network Perspective6
Leveraging the Honor Code: Public Goods Contributions under Oath6
The Dasgupta Review and the Problem of Anthropocentrism6
Technology Adoption and Early Network Infrastructure Provision in the Market for Electric Vehicles6
When is Environmentalism Good for the Environment?6
Valuing Ecosystem Services and Downstream Water Quality Improvement in the U.S. Corn Belt6
Sustainable Intensification Farming as an Enabler for Farm Eco-Efficiency?6
Price and Consumption Misperception Profiles: The Role of Information in the Residential Water Sector6
Catch More to Catch Less: Estimating Timing Choice as Dynamic Bycatch Avoidance Behavior6