Regulation & Governance

(The TQCC of Regulation & Governance is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Assessing the regulatory challenges of emerging disruptive technologies62
Private authority and public policy interactions in global context: Governance spheres for problem solving52
How to regulate algorithmic decision‐making: A framework of regulatory requirements for different applications43
Algorithmic regulation: A maturing concept for investigating regulation of and through algorithms36
The algorithmic regulation of security: An infrastructural perspective36
Algorithmic governance: A modes of governance approach35
What drives compliance withCOVID‐19 measures over time? Explaining changing impacts with Goal Framing Theory34
Trustworthy artificial intelligence and the European Union AI act: On the conflation of trustworthiness and acceptability of risk33
Why and how does the regulation of emerging technologies occur? Explaining the adoption of the EU General Data Protection Regulation using the multiple streams framework31
Grounding transnational business governance: A political‐strategic perspective on government responses in the Global South30
Human Judgment in algorithmic loops: Individual justice and automated decision‐making29
Adaptive governance for the Internet of Things: Coping with emerging security risks28
Private regulation, public policy, and the perils of adverse ontological selection26
Emerging technologies and problem definition uncertainty: The case of cybersecurity26
Hardening foreign corporate accountability through mandatory due diligence in the European Union? New trends and persisting challenges24
Regime complexity and managing financial data streams: The orchestration of trade reporting for derivatives24
Certification systems for machine learning: Lessons from sustainability24
The politics of platform capitalism: A case study on the regulation of Uber in New York22
Power transitions and the rise of the regulatory state: Global market governance in flux22
Professional action in global wealth chains21
Extending the framework of algorithmic regulation. The Uber case21
Experimentalist interactions: Joining up the transnational timber legality regime21
The politics of supply chain regulations: Towards foreign corporate accountability in the area of human rights and the environment?20
Alone in the campaign: Distrust in regulators and the coping of front‐line workers20
Demystifying the modernized European data protection regime: Cross‐disciplinary insights from legal and regulatory governance scholarship20
Regulating human control over autonomous systems19
The Nordic governments' responses to the Covid‐19 pandemic: A comparative study of variation in governance arrangements and regulatory instruments19
Accountability in transnational governance: The partial organization of voluntary sustainability standards in long‐term account‐giving18
Regulatory agencies, reputational threats, and communicative responses16
Compliance, defiance, and the dependency trap: International Monetary Fund program interruptions and their impact on capital markets15
Algorithmic state surveillance: Challenging the notion of agency in human rights14
More power, more control: The legitimizing role of expertise in Frontex after the refugee crisis13
Foreign corporate accountability: The contested institutionalization of mandatory due diligence in France and Germany12
Regulatory reform in the era of new technological development: The role of organizational factors in the public sector12
Technocracy in the Era of Twitter: Between intergovernmentalism and supranational technocratic politics in global tax governance11
A victim of regulatory arbitrage? Automatic exchange of information and the use of golden visas and corporate shells11
Same, same, but different! Qualitative evidence on how algorithmic selection applications govern different life domains11
The hybrid regulatory regime in turbulent times: The role of the state in China's stock market crisis in 2015–201611
Disaggregating public‐private governance interactions: European Union interventions in transnational private sustainability governance11
Co‐creating ambitious climate change mitigation goals: The Copenhagen experience11
Quo Vadis? Career paths of Brazilian regulators11
The right to contest automated decisions under the General Data Protection Regulation: Beyond the so‐called “right to explanation”11
How domestic contexts shape international private governance: The case of the European Accord and American Alliance in Bangladesh10
Perspectives in the study of the political economy of COVID‐19 vaccine regulation10
Reconfiguring governance: How cyber security regulations are reconfiguring water governance10
How do interests, ideas, and institutions affect multisectoral governance? The case of tobacco governance in two Pacific small island developing states10
Support for behavioral nudges versus alternative policy instruments and their perceived fairness and efficacy10
Regulating havens: The role of hard and soft governance of tax experts in conditions of secrecy and low regulation9
From voluntary to mandatory corporate accountability: The politics of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act9
The symbiotic tensions of the regulatory–carceral state: The case of cannabis legalization9
Governance landscapes for emerging technologies: The case of cryptocurrencies9
Who captures whom? Regulatory misperceptions and the timing of cognitive capture9
The politics of Uber: Infrastructural power in the United States and Europe9
Crises as driver of policy accumulation: Regulatory change and ratcheting in German asylum policies between 1975 and 20199
Comparing definitions of data and information in data protection law and machine learning: A useful way forward to meaningfully regulate algorithms?9
Hardening corporate accountability in commodity supply chains under the European Union Deforestation Regulation9
Mind the ESG capital allocation gap: The role of index providers, standard‐setting, and “green” indices for the creation of sustainability impact8
Governing through non‐enforcement: Regulatory forbearance as industrial policy in advanced economies8
The growth of policies, rules, and regulations: A review of the literature and research agenda8
Expert network interaction in the European Medicines Agency8
Will there be a Nordic model in the platform economy? Evasive and integrative platform strategies in Denmark and Sweden8
When private governance impedes multilateralism: The case of international pesticide governance8
Steering global energy governance: Who governs and what do they do?8
Beyond opportunism: Intermediary loyalty in regulation and governance8
Network‐led advocacy for a green shipping transformation: A case study of governance networks in the Norwegian maritime sector8
Transparency and corruption: Measuring real transparency by a new index8
Going Nordic—Can the Nordic model tackle grand challenges and be a beacon to follow?7
How does organizational task matter for the reputation of public agencies?7
Legal enclaves as a test environment for innovative products: Toward legally resilient experimentation policies17
Why meta‐research matters to regulation and governance scholarship: An illustrative evidence synthesis of responsive regulation research7
How many regulations does it take to get a beer? The geography of beer regulations7
Reflective and decisive supervision: The role of participative leadership and team climate in joint decision‐making7
How do external conditions affect the design of local governments' sustainability strategies?7
An integrated approach to corporate due diligence from a human rights, environmental, and TWAIL perspective7
Taxation: A Regulatory Multilevel Governance Perspective7