Environment and Planning D-Society & Space

(The TQCC of Environment and Planning D-Society & Space is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
‘A war of houses and a war of land’: Gentrification, post-politics and resistance in authoritarian Cambodia51
The racial environmental state and abolition geography in California’s Central Valley33
Proactive state geographies: Geocoded intelligence in London’s ‘suburban shanty towns’32
Gendered infrastructure and liminal space in Delhi’s unauthorized colonies31
‘German Theory’: Cosmopolitan geographies, counterfactual histories and the (non)travel of a ‘German Foucault’28
Dwelling as politics: An emancipatory praxis of/through care and space in everyday life26
Refusing to relinquish: How settler Canada uses race, property, and jurisdiction to undermine urban Indigenous land reclamation26
The inheritance and repetition of colonial practices of dispossession24
The smart grid archipelago: Infrastructures of networked (dis)connectivity in Amman23
Becoming fugitive: Prison breaks and the space of punishment22
Perceptions of atmosphere: Air, waste, and narratives of life and work in Mumbai20
Urban Social Hauntings: Disappearing Gravestone Murals in Gentrifying Brooklyn18
Repair and the 2014 Mount Polley Mine disaster: Antirelationality, constraint, and legacies of socio-ecological disruption in settler colonial British Columbia18
Guerrilla farms: Practicing food sovereignty in Assam17
On cosmic injustices: Critical thinking, outer space, green values, and capitalist ideologies in a planetary age17
Automated office infrastructures and the valuation of work15
Anticipation by redress: Transforming African mega-infrastructure futures14
Capture land as abolition geography: The mutuality of placemaking and flight13
Restoration otherwise: Towards alternative coastal ecologies13
Carceral and colonial domesticities: Subaltern case geographies of a Delhi rescue home13
The case for doing less in our peer reviews13
(Tiny) spaces of hope: Reclaiming, maintaining, and reframing housing in the tiny house movement12
Street Salafism: Contingency and urbanity as religious creed11
Ventography and the spatial politics of wind11
Homeless shelters and the blues11
“This place is no better than a jail”: The geographies of surrogate houses in India11
On delivery waiting: The entanglement of gig and border temporalities in platform cities11
Cities after planning10
Prison fixes and flows: Carceral mobilities and their critical logistics10
Counter-mapping the mobile border: Racial surveillance and data justice in spaces of disappearance10
After zombies: Notes on labor union and municipal renewal10
Sparks from the friction of terrain: Transport animals, borderlands, and the territorial imagination in China10
Logistical turbulence: Between valorization and violence along the China–Myanmar Economic Corridor9
Retrofit: Aerial cable cars and the reengineering of urban peripheries9
The Kings ain't playin’ no one tonight: Desanctifying property as an abolitionist practice in Sacramento9
Experiments in peripheral urbanization: Building and unbuilding commons in urban India9
Colonial laws, postcolonial infrastructures: Land acquisition, urban informality, and politics of infrastructural development in Pakistan9
Wasting and wanting: An extractive supply chain approach to outer space geographies9
Civilizing swamps in California: Formations of race, nature, and property in the nineteenth century U.S. West8
Refracting Eurocentrism, operationalizing complicity: The Swiss Sonderfall as a vantage point8
Camps and counterterrorism: Security and the remaking of refuge in Kenya8
‘An Epic Tale of England’: Atmospheric authentication of nationalist narratives8
Deepening counter institutions: Property, lands, relations, and the economic future of the Tŝilhqot’in8
Dispossession as depotentiation7
The coloniality of infrastructure: Engineering, landscape and modernity in Recife7
Zombie infrastructure: A legal geography of railroad monstrosity in the California desert7
Blue lines and blues infrastructures: Notes on water, race, and space7
Infrastructures as colonial beachheads: The Central Arizona Project and the taking of Navajo resources7
Subalternity as displacement: Memoirs of homelessness and the struggle to be heard7
Psychic geographies of queer multiculturalism: Reading Fanon, settler colonialism and race in queer space7
Racial regimes of property: Introduction to the special issue6
A minor theory of direct action politics and performance in New Orleans’ economic justice movement6
Warehousing asylum seekers: The logistification of reception6
Migration control entangled with local histories: The case of Greek–Turkish regime of bordering6
Unplanned links, unanticipated outcomes: Urban refugees in Halba (Lebanon)5
Livestreamed land: Scams and certainty in Myanmar’s digital land market5
Growing Black food on sacred land: Using Black liberation theology to imagine an alternative Black agrarian future5
Infrastructural (im)mobility: Urban maritime development in the Suez Canal Zone and Marseille5
Apportioned city: Gendered delineations of asylum, work and violence in Cape Town5
Like harvesting tarulla: The decolonization of being from a petrolized swamp5
“El Chamizal is ours forever:” Rumor, time, and the law in El Paso’s settler society5
Some Black feminist notes on Native feminisms and the flesh5
Circular movements: Migratory citizenships in anticolonial Athens5
Living and dying in the shadow of coal: Relocating social death and its contestations in Lephalale5
Money, slavery, myth5