Review of Financial Studies

(The TQCC of Review of Financial Studies is 24. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The Real Effects of Secondary Market Trading Structure: Evidence from the Mortgage Market278
Disloyal Managers and Shareholders’ Wealth240
Trade Credit and the Transmission of Unconventional Monetary Policy235
The State Price Density Implied by Crude Oil Futures and Option Prices229
Monetary Policy, Business Liquidity and Survival: Evidence from the Refinancing Channel219
Publisher's Note194
New Perspectives on Insurance192
Do Corporations Retain Too Much Cash? Evidence from a Natural Experiment168
Corporate Capture of Blockchain Governance152
Do Temporary Demand Shocks Have Long-Term Effects for Startups?132
Volatility Risk Pass-Through117
Monetary Policy Risk: Rules versus Discretion115
The Leading Premium108
Erratum to: Investors’ Attention to Corporate Governance106
Competing for Talent: Firms, Managers, and Social Networks101
Credit Building or Credit Crumbling? A Credit Builder Loan’s Effects on Consumer Behavior and Market Efficiency in the United States101
The Dynamics of Loan Sales and Lender Incentives98
Can Risk Be Shared across Investor Cohorts? Evidence from a Popular Savings Product97
Designing Securities for Scrutiny93
Import Penetration and Executive Compensation90
What Moves Stock Prices? The Roles of News, Noise, and Information89
Field of Study and Financial Problems: How Economics Reduces the Risk of Default88
OTC Intermediaries86
Stock Market Stimulus83
Fractional Trading83
Debt Maturity and the Dynamics of Leverage78
Housing Consumption and Investment: Evidence from Shared Equity Mortgages76
Health Care Costs and Corporate Investment76
The Incidence of Student Loan Subsidies: Evidence from the PLUS Program74
Duration-Based Valuation of Corporate Bonds66
Real Consequences of Shocks to Intermediaries Supplying Corporate Hedging Instruments64
Long-Term Investors, Demand Shifts, and Yields64
Competition and Innovation Revisited: A Project-Level View63
Macroprudential Regulation, Quantitative Easing, and Bank Lending61
Institutional Investors and Infrastructure Investing60
A Fistful of Dollars: Financial Incentives, Peer Information, and Retirement Savings59
A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates under Limited Household Risk Sharing58
Digitalization and Retirement Contribution Behavior: Evidence from Administrative Data57
Labor Force Demographics and Corporate Innovation56
Missing Data in Asset Pricing Panels54
Valuing Financial Data54
The Total Return and Risk to Residential Real Estate54
Student Loans, Access to Credit, and Consumer Credit Demand53
Credit Cycles, Expectations, and Corporate Investment52
Pay, Stay, or Delay? How to Settle a Run52
How ETFs Amplify the Global Financial Cycle in Emerging Markets51
High Inflation: Low Default Risk and Low Equity Valuations51
Teams and Bankruptcy50
Narrative Asset Pricing: Interpretable Systematic Risk Factors from News Text49
Mutual Fund Liquidity Transformation and Reverse Flight to Liquidity49
Asset Pricing with Fading Memory48
Mortgage Finance and Climate Change: Securitization Dynamics in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters48
What Do Mutual Fund Investors Really Care About?48
The Human Factor in Acquisitions: Cross-industry Labor Mobility and Corporate Diversification47
Competition for Attention in the ETF Space47
Illiquidity and Higher Cumulants44
Gendered Prices43
Machine Learning for Continuous-Time Finance42
Opioid Crisis Effects on Municipal Finance42
Flight to Safety: How Economic Downturns Affect Talent Flows to Startups41
Noise in Expectations: Evidence from Analyst Forecasts41
Methodological Variation in Empirical Corporate Finance40
Real Effects of Search Frictions in Consumer Credit Markets39
How Global Is Your Mutual Fund? International Diversification from Multinationals38
The Coholding Puzzle: New Evidence from Transaction-Level Data38
Bond Price Fragility and the Structure of the Mutual Fund Industry37
The Market Inside the Market: Odd-Lot Quotes36
Financial Market Ethics36
Markets versus Mechanisms36
Banks as Liquidity Multipliers36
Corporate ESG Profiles and Banking Relationships35
The Effect of Carbon Pricing on Firm Emissions: Evidence from the Swedish CO2 Tax35
Climate Change and Long-Run Discount Rates: Evidence from Real Estate35
Digital Payments and Consumption: Evidence from the 2016 Demonetization in India34
Capital Flows, Real Estate, and Local Cycles: Evidence from German Cities, Banks, and Firms33
Adjusting to Macroprudential Policies: Loan-to-Value Limits and Housing Choice33
Comomentum: Inferring Arbitrage Activity from Return Correlations33
Banking on Carbon: Corporate Lending and Cap-and-Trade Policy33
News Diffusion in Social Networks and Stock Market Reactions32
Idiosyncratic Risk in Housing Markets31
Trust and Insurance Contracts31
Deposit Insurance and Depositor Behavior: Evidence from Colombia30
Regulatory Forbearance in the U.S. Insurance Industry: The Effects of Removing Capital Requirements for an Asset Class30
Private Renegotiations and Government Interventions in Credit Chains30
Are Analyst “Top Picks” Informative?29
The Impact of Risk Cycles on Business Cycles: A Historical View29
Replicating Private Equity with Value Investing, Homemade Leverage, and Hold-to-Maturity Accounting28
International Portfolio Choice with Frictions: Evidence from Mutual Funds28
Intermediaries and Asset Prices: International Evidence since 187028
Monitoring in Originate-to-Distribute Lending: Reputation versus Skin in the Game28
Rating Agency Fees: Pay to Play in Public Finance?27
Persistent Crises and Levered Asset Prices27
Tuition, Debt, and Human Capital27
Fiscal Cyclicality and Currency Risk Premia27
Human Capital Portability and Careers in Finance26
Private Information, Securities Lending, and Asset Prices26
The Good, the Bad, and the Missed Boom26
Estimating General Equilibrium Spillovers of Large-Scale Shocks25
Using Social Media to Identify the Effects of Congressional Viewpoints on Asset Prices25
When Do Low-Frequency Measures Really Measure Effective Spreads? Evidence from Equity and Foreign Exchange Markets25
Financial Crises and the Transmission of Monetary Policy to Consumer Credit Markets25
Short-Termism Spillovers from the Financial Industry24
Asset Price Dynamics with Limited Attention24
Decentralizing Money: Bitcoin Prices and Blockchain Security24
Inflating Away the Public Debt? An Empirical Assessment24
Factor Momentum24
Moving the Goalposts? Mutual Fund Benchmark Changes and Relative Performance Manipulation24
Extrapolative Bubbles and Trading Volume24