Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning

(The TQCC of Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Environmental justice implications of siting criteria in urban green infrastructure planning54
‘Harder’ soft governance in the European Energy Union41
Environmental regulation, governance, and policy instruments, 20 years after the stick, carrot, and sermon typology36
Visualization in environmental policy and planning: a systematic review and research agenda35
Green infrastructure, stormwater, and the financialization of municipal environmental governance28
Greening the color line: historicizing water infrastructure redevelopment and environmental justice in the St. Louis metropolitan region26
Paradigm shift in Danish wind power: the (un)sustainable transformation of a sector26
Harder soft governance in European climate and energy policy: exploring a new trend in public policy25
Environmental policy mixes and target group heterogeneity: analysing Danish farmers’ responses to the pesticide taxes25
Environmental policy, innovation and transformation: affirmative or disruptive?21
Trading radical for incremental change: the politics of a circular economy transition in the German packaging sector21
The effect of supply chain position on zero-deforestation commitments: evidence from the cocoa industry19
Exploring city climate leadership in theory and practice: responding to the polycentric challenge19
Is bioeconomy policy a policy field? A conceptual framework and findings on the European Union and Germany19
Perspectives on the bioeconomy as an emerging policy field18
‘But who’s going to pay for it?’ Contemporary approaches to green infrastructure financing, development and governance in London, UK17
How actors are (dis)integrating policy agendas for multi-functional blue and green infrastructure projects on the ground16
Engineering gentrification: urban redevelopment, sustainability policy, and green stormwater infrastructure in Minneapolis16
Participating in food waste transitions: exploring surplus food redistribution in Singapore through the ecologies of participation framework15
Paying for the future: deliberation and support for climate action policies15
The role of discourses in understanding institutional stability and change – an analysis of Dutch flood risk governance14
Energy poverty and the role of institutions: exploring procedural energy justice – Ombudsman in focus14
The role of niche and regime intermediaries in building partnerships for urban transitions towards sustainability13
Energy transition with biomass residues and waste: regional-scale potential and conflicts. A case study from North Hesse, Germany12
Launching a Blue Economy: crucial first steps in designing a contextually sensitive and coherent approach12
Solving cross-sectoral policy problems: adding a cross-sectoral dimension to assess policy performance12
Towards harder soft governance? Monitoring climate policy in the EU12
Radical energy justice: a Green Deal for Romanian coal miners?12
Contested renewable energy projects in Latin America: bridging frameworks of justice to understand ‘triple inequalities of decarbonisation policies’11
Agency and governance in green infrastructure policy adoption and change11
Governing dual objectives within single policy mixes: an empirical analysis of large carnivore policies in six European countries11
Which works better? Comparing the environmental outcomes of different forms of intergovernmental collaboration in China's air pollution control11
Designing policy mixes for emerging wicked problems. The case of pharmaceutical residues in freshwaters11
A multidimensional approach to evaluating the vulnerability of drinking water systems10
Domesticating circular economy? An enquiry into Norwegian subnational authorities’ process of implementing circularity10
Varieties of framing the circular economy and the bioeconomy: unpacking business interests in European policymaking10
A comparative analysis of bioeconomy visions and pathways based on stakeholder dialogues in Colombia, Rwanda, Sweden, and Thailand10
Can the Sustainable Development Goals Green International Organisations? Sustainability Integration in the International Labour Organisation10
Policy mixes for biodiversity: a diffusion analysis of state-level citizens’ initiatives in Germany10
Direct potable water recycling in Texas: case studies and policy implications10
The multifaceted geographies of green infrastructure policy and planning: socio-environmental dreams, nightmares, and amnesia9
How national bioeconomy strategies address governance challenges arising from forest-related trade-offs9
Parallel routes from Copenhagen to Paris: climate discourse in climate sceptic and climate activist blogs9
Harder governance built on soft foundations: experience from OECD peer reviews9
Moral rifts in the coal phase-out—how mayors shape distributive and recognition-based dimensions of a just transition in Lusatia9
Preferences for community benefits for offshore wind development projects: A case study of the Outer Banks of North Carolina, U.S.9
The flexibility gamble: challenges for mainstreaming flexible approaches to climate change adaptation9
Speak softly and carry a big stick: hardening soft governance in EU energy and health policies8
Urban governance and policy mixes for nature-based solutions and integrated water policy8
Contesting the framing of bioeconomy policy in Germany: the NGO perspective8
Inside the black box of collaboration: a process-tracing study of collaborative flood risk governance in the Netherlands8
The good process or the great illusion? A spatial perspective on public participation in Danish municipal wind turbine planning8
Governing complex environmental policy mixes through institutional bricolage: lessons from the water-forestry-energy-climate nexus8
The key role of the agribusiness and biotechnology sectors in constructing the economic imaginary of the bioeconomy in Argentina8
Those who support wind development in view of their home take responsibility for their energy use and that of others: evidence from a multi-scale analysis8