Business Process Management Journal

(The TQCC of Business Process Management Journal is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Reinforcing resilience on the supply side: the role of supplier capabilities103
The social innovation process: exploring the specificities in a developing context69
The influence of BPM-supportive culture and individual process orientation on process conformance64
Responsible innovation and sustainable competitive advantage: is big data the missing link?63
Business process redesign towards IoT-enabled context-awareness: the case of a Chinese bulk port55
Exploring the relationships between digital transformation, organizational slack and business performance: a configurational approach53
Exploring the nonlinear relationship between strategic alliances and entrepreneurial performance in Chinese new ventures: the moderating role of transactive memory systems in entrepreneurial teams52
The moderating effect of knowledge-sharing on learning organisation and quality improvement practices47
The spectrum of blockchain adoption for developing business model innovation43
Strengthening green competitive advantage through organizational learning and green marketing capabilities in a big data environment: a moderated-mediation model40
Leveraging technological readiness and knowledge sources for green innovation: a resource orchestration perspective40
Implementing total quality management in a virtual organisation: thoughts and lessons from an interventionist approach40
Leading from a distance: nurturing trust in virtual and crisis environments40
The role of organizational performance in sustaining competitive advantage through reverse logistics activities39
A holistic analysis of maritime logistics process in fuzzy environment in terms of business process management38
A value-driven touchpoints strategy for managing the customer experience process38
PYP4Training: designing digital games for business process training37
Exploring the role of potential knowledge sources for the fuzzy-front end of the new product development (NPD) – bridging the knowledge gaps36
Organizational culture, knowledge sharing and organizational performance: a multi-country study36
An experimental investigation of BPMN-based corporate communications modeling29
Business model design and mass customization capability: is supply chain integration a missing link?28
Supply chain agility and firm performance: testing serial mediations in pharmaceutical industry27
Digitalization strategies and evaluation of maritime container supply chains26
Is cloud computing a game-changer for SME financial performance? Unveiling the mediating role of organizational agility through PLS-SEM24
Understanding knowledge leadership in improving team outcomes in the health sector: a Covid-19 study24
Impact of social and technical lean management on operational performance in manufacturing SMEs: the roles of process and management innovations24
BPM application in clinical process improvement: a women 'hospital case study23
Better understanding of technology effects in adoption of predictive supply chain business analytics among SMEs: fresh insights from developing countries23
A process mining impacts framework23
Improving care pathways through BPM and telemedicine: an Italian study23
Can high-speed railway promote enterprise ambidextrous innovation: a quasi-natural experiment in China21
Managing supply chain disruptions in pharmaceutical distribution: the roles of disruption orientation and mitigation strategies20
Does TMT internationalization promote corporate digital transformation? A study based on the cognitive process mechanism20
Learning before, during and after entrepreneurial failure19
Implementing halal logistics in a non-Muslim-dominant environment: a proposal for reengineering the business processes in two stages19
Improving the time-based performance of the preparatory stage in textile manufacturing process with value stream mapping19
Trust-aware process design: the case of GoFood18
Proposal of BPMN extension with a view to effective modeling of clinical pathways18
Understanding the effectiveness of gamification in an industrial work process: an experimental approach18
Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior towards the environment in manufacturing organizations: using a structural equation modeling approach18
A DEA-based comprehensive benchmarking approach for implementing continuous improvement18
A multi-objective optimization model for outpatient care delivery with service fairness18
Framework for cloud product lifecycle management system: a case study of an automotive industry18
The critical human behavior factors and their impact on knowledge management system–cycles18
Knowledge-oriented leadership towards organizational performance: symmetrical and asymmetrical approach17
Pathways toward entrepreneurial intention among Malaysian universities’ students17
The collaborative agglomeration of industries and the realization of the digital economy on the green high-quality development of cities16
Bridging governance gaps: politically connected boards, gender diversity and the ESG performance puzzle in Iberian companies16
Revisiting the ability of research and development activities to improve value relevance16
Mapping the risks in technology integration for sustainable outcomes15
Examination of the effects of value creation, intellectual property and organizational creativity on artificial intelligence focused enterprises15
Retraction notice: Spatial spillover effects of technological innovation on total factor energy efficiency: taking government environment regulations into account for three continents14
Big data analytics capabilities and green supply chain performance: investigating the moderated mediation model for green innovation and technological intensity14
Adopting Industry 4.0 through absorptive capacity and innovation ambidexterity with the moderation of learning capability14
Hybrid RFID-IoT simulation modeling approach for analyzing scrubs’ distribution solutions in operating rooms14
Enablers to implement sustainable practices in the service only supply chain: a case of an Indian hospital14
Transformational leadership, ESG performance, corporate reputation and competitive advantage: a serial mediation model13
Societal impact: leveraging operational excellence in the Iowa prison industries13
The role of knowledge management to improve organizational performance through organizational ambidexterity within the uncertainties13
Functional heterogeneity in digital entrepreneurial teams and pivoting: the role of digital agility13
Creating AI business value through BPM capabilities12
Investigating the factors influencing ease of doing business in Gilan province12
How sustainability committees moderate the link between ESG performance and environmental innovation in European firms?12
Navigating the moral maze: a literature review of ethical values in business process management12
Business continuity management: trends, structures and future issues12
How perceived information transparency and psychological attitude impact on the financial well-being: mediating role of financial self-efficacy12
Impact of digital platform capability on innovation performance: the serial mediation effects of external knowledge search and resource bricolage12
Investigating customers’ purchase intentions for electric vehicles with linkage of theory of reasoned action and self-image congruence11
BPMN pra GERAL: a framework to translate BPMN to a citizen language11
Dependence and resource commitment as antecedents of supply chain integration11
Find the “best evidence” of the relationship between network embeddedness and enterprise disruptive innovation performance11
Optimizing agricultural downstream supply chain: addressing information asymmetry and losses11
Market development strategy and process performance of knowledge-intensive SMEs in the epidemic era: a process-oriented perspective11
Achieving transparency in business processes by developing and implementing ethical climate: an integrated model of ethical leadership and engagement11
Lean Six Sigma financial performance in China and the United States: an international comparative empirical study10
Linking extra-industry network and organization–stakeholder relationships to SMEs performance through absorptive capacity: interaction effect of outsourcing big data analytics10
Traditional marketing analytics, big data analytics and big data system quality and the success of new product development10
A value chain development model for the public sector10
Individuals' attitudes about organizational change: relationship between BPM and resistance to change10
The trade-off between innovation value and risk: the roles of external venture capital and internal innovation assets10
Wheeling towards sustainability: the nexus of external pressures, green innovation and circular supply chain excellence10
Retraction notice: Effect of environmental management accounting practices on organizational performance: role of process innovation as a mediating variable10
A strategic approach to sustainable agricultural tourism “case study of Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia”10
Impact of digital Industry 4.0 innovations on interorganizational value chains: a systematic literature review10
ESG performance and firms' innovation efficiency: the moderating role of state-owned firms and regional market development10
Impact of high-performance work practices in human resource management of health dispensaries in Qassim Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, towards organizational resilience and productivity10
Combating green innovation in Italian luxury hotels: combination of social cognitive theory and natural resource-based view10
The competing value framework model of organizational culture, innovation and performance10
Evaluation of critical success determinants to the implementation of additive manufacturing technology in the spare parts supply chain: a grey causal modelling approach9
Big data analytics capabilities and supply chain performance: testing a moderated mediation model using partial least squares approach9
Integrated thinking, earnings manipulation and value creation: Malaysian empirical evidence9
Making knowledge management transparent: a new perspective on KM processes integration in the organizational framework9
Designing a hybrid organization structure based on competences: the importance of the organizational structure9
Assessing business process models: a literature review on techniques for BPMN testing and formal verification9
Comparative analysis of selected process maturity assessment models applied in the public sector9
Leveraging digital transformation on the path to sustainable development: the role of excellence models9
Supplier concentration and debt maturity structure9
Does knowledge collecting and donating enhance a bank's salesperson performance?9
Interplay in management practices, innovation, business environment, degree of competition and environmental policies: a comparative study8
Retraction notice: Impacts of monetary instruments on overnight spread under the interest rate corridor framework: evidence from China8
The impact of leadership competences, organizational learning and organizational innovation on business performance8
The impact of CEO overconfidence on digital transformation in specialized, refined, distinctive and innovative enterprises: evidence from China8
A measurement instrument for the “ten principles of good BPM”8
Enhancing sales and operations planning maturity: an integrative model for food supply chains in global networks8
Linking absorptive capacity to project success via mediating role of customer knowledge management capability: the role of environmental complexity8
Modeling organizational resilience in maritime business: an ISM and MICMAC approach8
Impact of digital capability on firm resilience: the moderating role of coopetition behavior8
Robotic process automation deployments: a step-by-step method to investment appraisal8
Managerial ability, overseas investment performance of emerging market countries – based on the perspective of intangible knowledge resources8
A novel approach for a pre-assessment of textile innovation process: innovation gap finder model (IGFM)8
Blockchain-enabled supply chain management: integrated impact on firm performance and robustness capabilities8
Exploring the benefits of service productisation: support for business processes8
Increasing customer service competencies of airports: virtual integration competence, warmth and intimacy of artificial intelligence services8
The influence of CSR on enterprise value: the case of China’s real estate industry7
Strategic justification of integrated resource planning tools in organizations7
An exploration of green business process maturity based on ecolabels7
Obtaining secure business process models from an enterprise architecture considering security requirements7
Should I voice to improve workplace practices?7
Research on ecological evaluation of an enterprise open innovation community website7
A visual approach to support process analysts in working with process improvement opportunities7
Navigating the innovation frontier: ambidextrous strategies, knowledge creation, and organizational agility in the pursuit of competitive excellence7
One step further: application of metabolomics techniques on the geographical indication (GI) registration process7
Developing the framework of blockchain-enabled agri-food supply chain7
Strategy on development of innovative ecosystem in customer values7