Ecosystem Health and Sustainability

(The TQCC of Ecosystem Health and Sustainability is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Uneven Progress Toward Sustainable Development Goals Reveals Urgency and Potential for Green Belt and Road Initiative27
Responses of grazing households to different levels of payments for ecosystem services24
Food waste and associated carbon footprint: evidence from Chinese universities23
Soil characteristics and ecological thresholds of Suaeda salsa wetlands20
Research strategy for constructing a green infrastructure network based on spatial prioritization17
Regional ecosystem health assessment using the GA-BPANN model: a case study of Yunnan Province, China15
Impacts of regional land-use patterns on ecosystem services in the typical agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China15
Sustainability evaluation for a circular maize-pig system driven by indigenous microbes: a case study in Northeast China14
Blue carbon sequestration following mangrove restoration: evidence from a carbon neutral case in China11
The Link between CO 2 Flux and the Upwelling–Downwelling System of a Tropical Coastal Sea11
Formation and functions of arbuscular mycorrhizae in coastal wetland ecosystems: A review11
How urbanization affect the ecosystem health of Tibet based on terrain gradients: a case study of Shannan, China11
Unraveling the Sensitivity and Response of Ecosystems to Rising Moisture Stress in India10
Managing Human–Wildlife Conflict on the Tibetan Plateau9
Urban Land Expansion and Decreased Urban Sprawl at Global, National, and City Scales during 2000 to 20208
River Ecosystem Health Assessment Based on Fuzzy Logic and Harmony Degree Evaluation in a Human-Dominated River Basin8
Carbon and Nitrogen Deposits of Macroalgal Origin on a Tropical Seagrass Meadow8
Exploring Natural–Social Impacts on the Complex Interactions of Ecosystem Services in Ecosystem Service Bundles8
Dual Asymmetric Response of Leaf-Level CO2Fixation to Changes in Seasonal Precipitation Distribution in a Coastal Marsh8
Dynamic Analysis of Risk to Water Quality in the Baimei Reservoir Conservation Area, Fujian Province, China7
Simulation of the Key Ecosystem Services Changes in China’s Loess Plateau under Various Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Scenarios7
Elevated Ozone Negatively Affects the Community Characteristics and Productivity of Subtropical Grassland in India7
Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Litterfall Mercury Concentration and Flux in Typical Vegetation in China6
Enhancing Governance Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa Can Bolster Climate Mitigation and Food Security6
Predicted Climate Change Impacts on Distribution and Habitat Structure of Forest Ungulates in Southwest China6
Stepping Stone Strategy: A Cost-Effective Way to Address Habitat Fragmentation of Endangered Wildlife in Montane Forest6
Transport Mission Mitigation of Personalized Daily Commuting in China6
Multiobjective Optimization for Eco-Compensation Space Selection based on Gross Ecosystem Product6
Aohan Dryland Agricultural Landscape with an 8,000-Year History of Foxtail Millet Cultivation in China6
Vigor–Organization–Resilience Framework for Assessing Ecosystem Health in the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau5
A new perspective on ecological vulnerability and its transformation mechanisms5
Air pollution and climate change impact on forest ecosystems in Asian region – a review5
Constructing Urban Agglomeration Ecological Networks to Reflect Biodiversity and Conservation Objectives5
Gastrochilus wolongensis (Orchidaceae): a new species from Sichuan, China, based on molecular and morphological data5
Spatiotemporal Impacts of Urban Structure and Socioeconomic Factors on Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration5
Spatiotemporal dynamic of environmental indices of watershed sustainability in connection with land-use change5
The Role of Protected Areas in Mitigating Vegetation Disturbances on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau4
Spatial patterns and influencing factors of intraurban particulate matter in the heating season based on taxi monitoring4
Can Knowledge-Based Practices Achieve High Yields with Lower Input and GHG Emissions in the Chinese Orchard System?4
Integrated assessment of the supply–demand relationship of ecosystem services in the Loess Plateau during 1992–20154
Bulbophyllum wolongense , a New Orchidaceae Species from Sichuan Province in China, and Its Plastome Comparative Analysis4
Driving mechanisms for decoupling CO 2 emissions from economic development in the ten largest emission countries4
Climate Variability Impacts on the Fishery Ecosystem Structure in the Humboldt Current System3
Evaluating Forest Ecosystem Services in the Greater Khingan Mountains Area Using Remote Sensing3
Terrestrial Net Ecosystem Productivity in China during 1900–21003
Productive and Consumptive Emission Characteristics of Energy-related Nitrogen Oxides in Eastern Chinese Cities3
Premature Deaths and Economic Losses Attributable to Long- and Short-Term PM 2.5 Exposure in China3
Protection Gains and Potential Risks: Insights from a Decade of Change of Chiru in the Arjinshan3
Finite Element-Based Simulation Analysis of Wetland Plant Mechanics3
Elevational Patterns of Soil Nitrogen Forms and Transformations in the Southeastern Qinghai–Xizang Plateau3
Precipitation Variability Has a Weak but Significant Stabilizing Effect on Community Structure3
Scenario Simulation of Urban Land Use and Ecosystem Service Coupling Major Function-Oriented Zoning3
Associations of Deforestation and Predator Species Richness with the Spillover Risk of Hendra Virus in Australia3
A High-Resolution Simulation of Forest Ecosystem Carbon Budget Change with Complex Terrain3