Cultural Geographies

(The TQCC of Cultural Geographies is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
What is relationality? Indigenous knowledges, practices and responsibilities with kin118
Negativity: space, politics and affects18
Forging alternatively sacred spaces in Singapore’s integrated religious marketplace14
The asymmetrical anthropocene: resilience and the limits of posthumanism14
Care goes underground: thinking through relations of care in the maintenance and repair of urban water infrastructures13
Three recent scenes in the affective life of gentrification in San Francisco’s Polk Gulch12
The bad environmentalism of ‘nature is healing’ memes10
Un-homing with words: economic discourse and displacement as alienation9
Where crises converge: the affective register of displacement in Mexico City’s post-earthquake gentrification9
Spaces of exposure: Re-thinking ‘publicness’ through public transport8
Remembering and forgetting floods and droughts: lessons from the Welsh colony in Patagonia8
Pests, keystone species, and hungry ghosts: the Gesar epic and human-pika relations on the Tibetan Plateau8
Memory, Don’t Speak! Monumental neglect and memorial sacrifice in contemporary Estonia7
The taking place of older age7
Experiments in becoming: corporeality, attunement and doing research7
“My dog and I, we need the park”: more-than-human agency and the emergence of dog parks in Poland, 2015–20206
‘Imagine you are a Dog’: embodied learning in multi-species research6
Haunting, ruination and encounter in the ordinary Anthropocene: storying the return Florida’s wild flamingos6
“We gon be alright:” containment, creativity, and the birth of hip-hop6
The problem of critique in art-geography: five propositions for immanent evaluation after Deleuze6
Cruising landscape-objects: inland waterway guidebooks and wayfinding with them6
Walking, knowing, and the limits of the map: performing participatory cartographies in Indigenous landscapes5
Gentrification and neighborhood melancholy. Collective sadness and ambivalence in Dortmund’s Hörde district5
Absence as an affordance: thinking with(out) water on the inland waterways5
Toward a critical posthuman geography5
Essential workers and the cultural politics of appreciation: sonic, visual and mediated geographies of public gratitude in the time of COVID-195
Animal work, memory, and interspecies care: police horses in multispecies urban imaginaries5
Geographies of the event? Rethinking time and power through digital interfaces5
Melancholia is (geo)political! Postcolonial geography in the Wednesday Demonstration in Seoul4
Endurance, exhaustion and the lure of redemption4
Hunting ghosts: on spectacles of spectrality and the trophy animal4
Curating #AanaJaana [#ComingGoing]: gendered authorship in the ‘contact zone’ of Delhi’s digital and urban margins4
Between field and home: notes from the balcony4
Finding comfort and conviviality with urban trees4
Religion in times of crisis: Innovative lay responses and temporal-spatial reconfigurations of temple rituals in COVID-19 China4
The post-industrial English canalscape: from enclosure to enlacement4
Can one artist name an unnamed road after himself?4
After precarity: A geography of dark news and digital hope on the island of Lolland3
Lurking in the bushes: informality, illicit activity and transitional green space in Berlin and Detroit3
Theorising the deaf body: using Lefebvre and Bourdieu to understand deaf spatial experience3
Picturing these days of love and rage: Extinction Rebellion’s ‘Impossible Rebellion’3
Micro-atmospheres of place: light and dark on a modernist housing scheme3
Becoming-elemental – a thermal imaginary in the Anthropocene3
Tracks to gay elsewheres: cultural attachment and spatial imaginaries3
Care-full research ethics in multispecies relations on dairy farms3
Everyday anthropo-scenes: a visual inventory of human traces3
Space out of joint: absurdist geographies of the Anthropocene3
Filmmaking practice and animals’ geographies: attunement, perspective, narration3
Walking Rome without leaving home: practicing cultural geography during the COVID-19 pandemic3
More-than-human geographies: an encounter with Serres’ universality3
The psychic life of gentrification: mapping desire and resentment in the gentrifying city3
Stories, crisis, and meaning-making: storying possibility and community in the terrain of cultural struggle2
Kochi: provincialising postcolonial metro-cosmopolitan spatialities2
Creative geographies of Islam: the case of Islamic and traditional visual arts scene in Istanbul2
Conjunctions of Islam: rethinking the geographies of art and piety through the notebooks of Ahmet Süheyl Ünver2
On burning ground: Theatre of the Oppressed and ecological crisis in Bolivia2
Geography of placemories: deciphering spatialised memories2
Taking back taste in food bank Britain: on privilege, failure and (un)learning with auto-corporeal methods2
The ruin(s) of Chiloé?: An ethnography of buildings de/reterritorializing2
Moving sonic geographies: realising the Eerie countryside in music and sound2
Posthuman landscapes2
Disturbing geographies and in/stability in and around a supermarket with a middle-aged man with learning impairments2
Geographies of imagination: why decolonizing Polish children’s classics matters2
‘A Walk 21/1/35’: a psychiatric-psychoanalytic fragment meets the new walking studies2