Journal of Financial Economics

(The TQCC of Journal of Financial Economics is 36. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Quantifying the impact of red tape on investment: A survey data approach1493
Validity, tightness, and forecasting power of risk premium bounds1323
Unlocking clients: The importance of relationships in the financial advisory industry1037
The colour of finance words952
The cost of steering in financial markets: Evidence from the mortgage market918
Disclosing and cooling-off: An analysis of insider trading rules774
Editorial Board492
Delayed crises and slow recoveries464
Motivating collusion416
The governance of director compensation330
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Volatility and the cross-section of returns on FX options299
Failing to forecast rare events280
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The hidden costs of being public: Evidence from multinational firms operating in an emerging market234
Brexit and the contraction of syndicated lending219
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The diversification and welfare effects of robo-advising194
Intermediary-based equity term structure188
Crowdsourcing peer information to change spending behavior181
Modeling volatility in dynamic term structure models152
The short-termism trap: Catering to informed investors with limited horizons145
Funding liquidity shocks in a quasi-experiment: Evidence from the CDS Big Bang127
Contracting without contracting institutions: The trusted assistant loan in 19th century China125
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Capital forbearance in the bank recovery and resolution game117
A dynamic theory of multiple borrowing114
Shattered housing112
Momentum turning points111
Do low search costs facilitate like-buys-like mergers? Evidence from common bank networks110
Dominant currency debt110
Index option returns and generalized entropy bounds107
Set it and forget it? Financing retirement in an age of defaults102
Paying for beta: Leverage demand and asset management fees101
Fire-sale risk in the leveraged loan market100
Self-imposed liquidity constraints via voluntary debt repayment96
Market power in wholesale funding: A structural perspective from the triparty repo market96
The Wall Street stampede: Exit as governance with interacting blockholders92
Dynamic resource allocation with hidden volatility91
Borrow now, pay even later: A quantitative analysis of student debt payment plans89
Fire sale risk and expected stock returns87
Signals and stigmas from banking interventions: Lessons from the Bank Holiday of 193385
What do you think about climate finance?85
From employee to entrepreneur: The role of unemployment risk84
Arbitrage-based recovery84
Real effects of climate policy: Financial constraints and spillovers80
Risk management, firm reputation, and the impact of successful cyberattacks on target firms79
Central bank communication and the yield curve79
What matters in a characteristic?77
The global factor structure of exchange rates75
Time-varying state variable risk premia in the ICAPM75
In-sample and out-of-sample Sharpe ratios of multi-factor asset pricing models74
Monetary policy expectation errors74
The “7% solution” and IPO (under)pricing73
CEO compensation: Evidence from the field73
Angel investment and first impressions72
The effect of female leadership on contracting from Capitol Hill to Main Street71
Finance and the supply of housing quality69
What is CEO overconfidence? Evidence from executive assessments68
Bank heterogeneity and financial stability67
Competition, Product differentiation and Crises: Evidence from 18 million securitized loans67
Monetary tightening and U.S. bank fragility in 2023: Mark-to-market losses and uninsured depositor runs?66
The use of asset growth in empirical asset pricing models66
Broken promises, competition, and capital allocation in the mutual fund industry66
Does regulatory cooperation help integrate equity markets?65
The jump leverage risk premium65
From patriarchy to partnership: Gender equality and household finance64
Uncertainty, access to debt, and firm precautionary behavior63
Do activist hedge funds target female CEOs? The role of CEO gender in hedge fund activism63
The SOFR discount63
The impact of impact investing61
Four facts about ESG beliefs and investor portfolios61
Asset holders’ consumption risk and tests of conditional CCAPM60
The impact of arbitrage on market liquidity60
Editorial Board60
Negative peer disclosure59
Financial constraints, cash flow timing patterns, and asset prices59
Banks as patient lenders: Evidence from a tax reform59
More informative disclosures, less informative prices? Portfolio and price formation around quarter-ends58
Financial transaction taxes and the informational efficiency of financial markets: A structural estimation58
Risk-free interest rates57
The social signal57
Optimal financing with tokens56
The cross-section of intraday and overnight returns56
Venture capital contracts55
The rate of communication55
Understanding momentum and reversal55
Long-term reversals in the corporate bond market54
Revealing corruption: Firm and worker level evidence from Brazil54
Corporate flexibility in a time of crisis53
A frog in every pan: Information discreteness and the lead-lag returns puzzle53
Financing constraints, home equity and selection into entrepreneurship53
Financial factors and the propagation of the Great Depression53
Measuring the welfare cost of asymmetric information in consumer credit markets53
Expansionary yet different: Credit supply and real effects of negative interest rate policy53
The democratization of investment research and the informativeness of retail investor trading52
A theory of financial media52
Young firms, old capital52
Corporate actions and the manipulation of retail investors in China: An analysis of stock splits52
Political ideology and international capital allocation52
Ambiguity about volatility and investor behavior52
The role of financial conditions in portfolio choices: The case of insurers50
Sitting bucks: Stale pricing in fixed income funds50
The effect of media-linked directors on financing and external governance50
Expected return, volume, and mispricing50
Consumer-lending discrimination in the FinTech Era49
Creditor rights, collateral reuse, and credit supply49
Common ownership and innovation efficiency49
Salience theory and the cross-section of stock returns: International and further evidence49
Flexibility costs of debt: Danish exporters during the cartoon crisis49
Dissecting green returns49
Persistent government debt and aggregate risk distribution48
Do limits to arbitrage explain the benefits of volatility-managed portfolios?48
Reciprocal lending relationships in shadow banking47
Air pollution, behavioral bias, and the disposition effect in China47
Can investors time their exposure to private equity?47
What’s wrong with Pittsburgh? Delegated investors and liquidity concentration47
International trade and the risk in bilateral exchange rates46
Intermediation frictions in debt relief: Evidence from CARES Act forbearance46
Pervasive underreaction: Evidence from high-frequency data46
The high volume return premium and economic fundamentals46
Financial inclusion, economic development, and inequality: Evidence from Brazil46
Extrapolative beliefs in the cross-section: What can we learn from the crowds?46
Benchmark interest rates when the government is risky45
Voluntary disclosure with evolving news45
The effects of disclosure and enforcement on payday lending in Texas44
Financial development and labor market outcomes: Evidence from Brazil44
Intraday arbitrage between ETFs and their underlying portfolios43
Editorial Board43
Stock return ignorance43
Partisan residential sorting on climate change risk43
The international propagation of economic downturns through multinational companies: The real economy channel43
Closing auctions: Nasdaq versus NYSE43
Limited attention to detail in financial markets: Evidence from reduced-form and structural estimation43
Institutional investors, heterogeneous benchmarks and the comovement of asset prices43
Let the rich be flooded: The distribution of financial aid and distress after hurricane harvey43
What do outside CEOs really do? Evidence from plant-level data42
Editorial Board42
Small and vulnerable: SME productivity in the great productivity slowdown42
Cleansing by tight credit: Rational cycles and endogenous lending standards42
Editorial Board41
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Banks funding, leverage, and investment40
Inflation and Disintermediation40
Why are commercial loan rates so sticky? The effect of private information on loan spreads40
Does paycheck frequency matter? Evidence from micro data40
Aggregate lapsation risk40
Why does the Fed move markets so much? A model of monetary policy and time-varying risk aversion39
Editorial Board39
Missing values handling for machine learning portfolios39
Why are corporate payouts so high in the 2000s?39
Editorial Board38
Product market strategy and corporate policies38
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Asset pricing with heterogeneous agents and long-run risk37
Labor leverage, coordination failures, and aggregate risk37
Editorial Board37
Corporate responses to stock price fragility37
Active trading and (poor) performance: The social transmission channel37
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Efficient estimation of bid–ask spreads from open, high, low, and close prices37
Feedback loops in industry trade networks and the term structure of momentum profits36
Asset pricing with index investing36
Entrepreneurship and information on past failures: A natural experiment36