Traffic Injury Prevention

(The TQCC of Traffic Injury Prevention is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Looking back in the rearview: Insights into Queensland’s rear-end crashes34
Prevalence of alcohol and drugs among drivers killed in road traffic crashes in Norway during 2011–202030
Identifying modifiable factors related to novice adolescent driver fault in motor vehicle collisions30
A price-performance analysis of the protective capabilities of wholesale bicycle helmets23
Change in the collision avoidance performance of autonomous emergency braking systems20
Profiling fatal and serious injury crashes in South Australia according to the Swedish transport administration model17
An XGBoost approach to detect driver visual distraction based on vehicle dynamics17
Risk to workers or vehicle damage: What makes drivers slow down in work zones?17
Modeling the influence of 0.03%, 0.05% and 0.08% blood alcohol concentrations on lane positioning and steering control of Indian drivers16
Effect of various restraint configurations on submarining occurrence across varied seat configurations in autonomous driving system environment16
A qualitative assessment of individual and social–environmental factors informing decisions to ride with an impaired driver and drive while impaired15
Alcohol and drug use among road users involved in fatal crashes in Norway15
Modeling faults among mountainous highway fatal crash-involved drivers with different route familiarity levels15
An overview of tram tracks related cycling injuries in Ghent, Belgium15
Postural analysis of side impact WorldSID 50th ATD in highly reclined seats15
The effect of guardrail color on driver behavior based on driving style along mountain curves14
Injury crashes and the relationship with disease causing excessive daytime sleepiness14
Speed-securing measures on rural roads in Sweden: An observational study14
Effect of axial compression on stiffness and deformation of human lumbar spine in flexion-extension14
Traffic safety comprehensive evaluation of urban tunnel visual guiding system based on extension matter-element model: a case study in tunnel curves14
Mitigating fuel tank syndrome pelvic injuries – is there potential for rider worn protectors?14
Comparison of corridor-level fatal and injury crash models with site-level models for network screening purposes on Florida urban and suburban divided arterials13
Injury patterns in motor vehicle collision–youth pedestrian deaths13
Two cases of driver death caused by airbag rupture13
Recommendations for effective collaboration and capacity building in epidemiological studies on the effect of alcohol and drug use on traffic safety in low- and middle-income countries13
The incidence burden of unreported pedestrian crashes in Illinois12
Drunk driving policies and breath test refusal in Taiwan12
Assessing injury risks of reclined occupants in a frontal crash preceded by braking with varied seatbelt designs using the SAFER Human Body Model12
Can emergency avoidance behavior reduce injuries to electric two-wheeler riders in vehicle collisions?12
The drink and drug driving behaviours of young Queensland drivers and attitudes toward apprehension11
Reversing accidents involving pedestrians: an epidemiological investigation and cluster analysis using a novel database derived from Swedish National Register data11
A method for evaluating the safety of freeway tunnel sections based on driving comfort - a naturalistic driving study11
Semi-supervised lane detection for continuous traffic scenes10
Predicting pedestrian-vehicle interaction severity at unsignalized intersections10
Cannabis use and reported effects on driving among adults in Iowa10
Research on traffic accident prediction of expressway tunnel based on B-NB model10
Evaluation of an education intervention for Australian health practitioners to support people with dementia with driving decisions: A pretest-posttest survey10
A comparison between bridge-related and non-bridge crashes: severity, vehicle involvement, and motorists’ characteristics10
Study on the influence of seating orientation during frontal impacts by child occupant human body model response analysis10
Evaluating the effects of the route guidance variable message signs on driving behaviors—a driving simulation study10
An exploratory study of pedestrian crossing speeds at midblock crossing in India using LiDAR9
Assessment of senior drivers’ internal state in the event of simulated unexpected vehicle motion based on near-infrared spectroscopy9
An omni-directional model of injury risk in planar crashes with application for autonomous vehicles9
Consumer usability of flexible vs. rigid lower anchor hardware in infant child restraint system (CRS) installations9
The influence of seated postures and anthropometry on lap belt fit in vehicle occupants: A 3D computed tomography study9
Improving identification of crash injuries: Statewide integration of hospital discharge and crash report data8
Binge drinking and alcohol-related symptoms may underlie patterns of dynamic brain oscillations of resource allocation during high-fidelity driving simulation8
Pilot characterization of head kinematics in grassroots dirt track racing8
Distraction impairs drivers of all ages: A cross-sectional analysis of fatal crashes in the United States8
Factors influencing injury severity to belted drivers in car crashes in India8
Dynamic is optimal: Effect of three alternative auto-complete on the usability of in-vehicle dialing displays and driver distraction8
So much nuance: A qualitative analysis of parental perspectives on child passenger safety8
Mixed logit approach to analyzing pedestrian injury severity in pedestrian-vehicle crashes in North Carolina: Considering time-of-day and day-of-week8
Driver behaviors assisted by different human machine interfaces to avoid rear-end collisions during level 2 automated driving8
Using training to improve drivers’ knowledge and understanding of advanced driver assistance systems—an experimental study8
Bus passenger injury prevention: Learning from onboard incidents8
Driver eye glance behavior and performance with camera-based visibility systems versus mirrors8
Modeling drivers’ dilemma at unsignalized T-intersections under mixed traffic conditions: A case study from India7
Evaluating risks, monitoring cannabis use, and planning to get home safely: Exploring self-regulation processes associated with cannabis use and driving7
Taxi drivers’ traffic violations detection using random forest algorithm: A case study in China7
Potential risk of driving performance under combined conditions of taking second-generation antihistamines and attending calls using a hands-free function7
Identifying community-level disparities in access to driver education and training: Toward a definition of driver training deserts7
The effect of hazard awareness training on teen drivers of varying socioeconomic status7
Evaluation of lap belt-pelvis load transfer in frontal impact simulations using finite element occupant models7
Young novice drivers’ road crash injuries and contributing factors: A crash data investigation7
An ALNS-based approach for the traffic-police-routine-patrol-vehicle assignment problem in resource allocation analysis of traffic crashes7
Delays in blood collection and drug toxicology results among crash-involved drivers arrested for impaired driving7
Importance of passive muscle, skin, and adipose tissue mechanical properties on head and neck response in rear impacts assessed with a finite element model7
Comparing alcohol involvement among injured pedalcycle and motorcycle riders across three national public-use datasets7
Understanding nonuse of mandatory e-scooter helmets7
Comprehensive analysis of traumatic rupture of the aorta in road traffic crashes: incorporating epidemiological insights and K-prototype clustering7
Orthopedic injuries associated with use of electric scooters in the UK: A dangerous trend? Case series and review of the literature6
Body mass index influence on lap belt position and abdominal injury in frontal motor vehicle crashes6
Forecasting time trends of fatal motor vehicle crashes in Iran using an ensemble learning algorithm6
Assessing the effect of automated speed enforcement and comprehensive measures on road safety in Rwanda6
Texting, talking, trawling and tunes: Risk perceptions, phone dependence and different types of phone use while driving behaviors6
Efficient injury risk predictions for a diverse population using parametric human modeling and inducing points in Gaussian processes6
IIHS small overlap frontal crash test ratings and real-world driver death risk6
Using anthropometry-based scaling to predict responses across sex in reclined frontal impact sled tests6
Increasing seat belt use in the United States by promoting and requiring more effective seat belt reminder systems6
Quantifying rider posture variability in powered two- and three-wheelers for safety assessment6
Analysis of factors influencing aggressive driver behavior and crash involvement6
State alcohol ignition interlock laws and fatal crashes6
Risk factors associated with the increase of injury severity of powered two wheelers road accidents victims in Portugal6
Driving after marijuana use among U.S. adolescents: Prevalence profiles and related behaviors6
Effect of data censoring on thoracic injury risk curves6
Pediatric electric scooter injuries in the UK: Case series and review of literature6
A positive psychology framework for understanding teenage driving behaviors: Examining the role of life purpose and mindfulness6
Car accidents and risky driving behaviors among young drivers from the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia6
Speeding behavior and associated factors in Buenos Aires, Argentina6
The effect of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on driving behavior and risk perception6
Gradient illumination scheme design at the highway intersection entrance considering driver’s light adaption6
Generation of nighttime pedestrian fatal precrash scenarios at junctions in Tamil Nadu, India, using cluster correspondence analysis6
Interactions between rearward-facing child restraint systems and the center console in frontal impact sled tests6
Analysis of rear-end crash potential and driver contributing factors based on car-following driving simulation6
The safety potential of enhanced lateral vehicle positioning5
Behind the wheel: Probing into personality, skills, and driving behavior’s role in bus rapid transit crashes5
Predicting and factor analysis of rider injury severity in two-wheeled motorcycle and vehicle crash accidents based on an interpretable machine learning framework5
An analysis of the novice motorcyclist crashes in Taiwan5
Comparative analysis of injury identification using KABCO and ISS in linked North Carolina trauma registry and crash data5
Risk factors associated with driving after marijuana use among West Virginia college students during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Emergency services response to eCall System alerts: Observations from 2016–2022 in the National Fire and Rescue System5
Crash rates of convertible cars5
Influence of retractor and anchor pretensioning on dummy responses in 40 km/h rear sled tests5
Sex differences and driving impairment related to psychoactive substances5
Coronavirus lockdown: Excessive alcohol consumption and illicit substance use in DUI subjects5
The response of Military Lower Extremity and Hybrid III leg using the Hybrid III and EuroSID-2 ATD in vertical loading impacts5
Confronting mobile phone signal coverage and helicopter emergency medical service travel time: A geospatial analysis in the northwest macro-region of Paraná State, Brazil5
Driving after substance use in Rhode Island adolescents: A cross-sectional analysis of surveillance data5
Assessing the prevailing driver seatbelt compliance at Madina Zongo junction in Accra, Ghana: An observational study5
U.S. vehicle occupancy trends relevant to future automated vehicles and mobility services5
The evaluation of eye-catching effect in freeway tunnel entrance zone based on fixation behavior characteristics5
Empirical examination of interdependent relationship between usage of seatbelt restraint system and driver-injury severity of single-vehicle crashes in Thailand using a joint econometric analysis5
Methodology for determining maximum injury potential for automated driving system evaluation5
The effects of vehicle color and travel direction on perceived speed error varies by judgment type among older pedestrians5
The effect of perceived global stress and altruism on prosocial driving behavior, yielding behavior, and yielding attitude5
Rib and sternum fracture risks for restrained occupants in frontal car crashes5
Investigating and modeling motorcycle crash rates at urban unsignalized intersections in India5
Performance of a novel head neck support system in nearside and farside impacts4
Interdependence of driver and pedestrian behavior in naturalistic roadway negotiations4
Reliability analysis of motorcycle crash severity outcomes: Consideration of model selection uncertainty4
Effect of ABTS and conventional seats on occupant injury in rear impacts: Analysis of field and test data4
The effect of a braking maneuver on the occupant’s kinematics of a highly reclined seating position in a frontal crash4
User perceptions of automated Truck-Mounted attenuators: Implications on work zone safety4
Driver yield and safe child pedestrian crossing behavior promotion by a school traffic warden program at primary school crossings: A cluster-randomized trial4
Application of complex neck loads to human spine at the occipital condyle joint: Implications for nonstandard postures for automated vehicles4
A new lane change index for lane change conflicts at weaving segments4
Investigating the influence of eye-catching effect on mental workload in highway tunnel entrances: a comprehensive analysis of eye blink behavior4
On the evaluation of visual nudges to promote safe cycling: Can we encourage lower speeds at intersections?4
Acceptability of virtual restraint fitting to extend the reach of child restraint fitting services: A pilot randomized controlled trial4
Characterizing neck and spinal response in booster seated reclined children in frontal impacts4
Restraint use and severe injury patterns among pediatric passengers in motor vehicle crashes: Exploring the utility of linked health data and implications of database selection4
Road safety situation of electric bike riders: A cross-sectional study in courier and take-out food delivery population4
Salesperson knowledge of teen-specific vehicle safety features4
Pedestrians’ unsafe road-crossing behaviors in Iran: An observational-based study in West Azerbaijan4
Distracted pedestrian behavior: An observational study of risk by situational environments4
Address inputting while driving: a comparison of four alternative text input methods on in-vehicle navigation displays usability and driver distraction4
Silent failure detection in partial automation as a function of visual attentiveness4
Effects of risky bus driving behaviors on motorcyclists’ and car drivers’ traffic safety perceptions in mixed traffic flow4
Impact of rule-violating behaviors on the risk of bus drivers being at-fault in crashes4
Left-turn crashes and motorcycle safety4
Do factors associated with older pedestrian crash severity differ? A causal factor analysis based on exposure level of pedestrians4
Belt-induced abdominal injuries in recent frontal impact CIREN cases4
Time and temperature sensitivity of the hybrid III lumbar spine4
Adult golf cart injuries: A rising hazard off the course3
Evaluating the effectiveness of safety countermeasures at highway–railway grade crossing based on a machine learning framework3
Study on driver’s active emergency response in dangerous traffic scenes based on driving simulator3
On-the-road driving performance of patients with central disorders of hypersomnolence3
Investigating self-regulation in young adults who drug-drive3
Factors contributing to the severity of motorcycle rear-end crashes in Thailand3
Thoracic responses and injuries to male postmortem human subjects (PMHS) in rear-facing seat configurations in high-speed frontal impacts3
Influence of certification in the impact response of motorcycle helmets: A multicountry study3
Comparison of the mental representation of traffic signs in Ecuador: Regulatory signs and warning signs3
A survey on knowledge and perceptions of advanced driver assistance systems in Massachusetts drivers3
Evaluating disparities in child occupant protection using a proportion-eliminated approach to mediation3
Developing an aluminum honeycomb barrier to represent a striking SUV in a side impact crash test3
Effect of Class I–III obesity on driver seat belt fit3
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of curbs on crash outcomes3
Quantitative characterization of AEB pulses across the modern fleet3
Mechanisms of cervical spine injury and coupling response with initial head rotated posture – implications for AIS coding3
Head injuries related to bicycle collisions and helmet use – an observational study3
Evaluation of eye-catching effect in highway tunnel entrance area based on saccade behavior3
An evaluation of front seat distance from rear facing child restraint systems in prevention of injury in frontal crash tests3
A safety score for the assessment of driving style3
A study into the nature and extent of polydrug use in driving recidivism behavior3
Associations of mental health with driving while impaired and risky driving in emerging adults3
Are state minimum jail laws associated with less frequent drunk-driving?3
Investigation of factors influencing submarining mitigation with child booster seats3
Comparisons of head injury risk prediction methods to field data in far-side impacts3
A pilot analysis of crash severity of electric passenger cars in Spain (2016–2020)3
Driver behavior and mental workload for takeover safety in automated driving: ACT-R prediction modeling approach3
Seasonal variation in North American level crossing crash rates is due to weather, not day length3
The urban structure and pedestrian injuries: A typological analysis of pedestrian crashes in the city of Hermosillo, Mexico3
Field testing the applicability of motorcycle autonomous emergency braking (MAEB) during pre-crash avoidance maneuver3
Effects of restraint parameters using PIPER 6y in reclined seating during frontal impact3
Adaptive autonomous emergency braking model based on weather conditions3
A naturalistic study of passenger seating position, posture, and restraint use in second-row seats3
Do ridesharing transportation services alleviate traffic crashes? A time series analysis3
Prediction of rear-seat belt use: Application of extended theory of planned behavior3
Is it safe to control the car pedal with the lower limb of the unaffected side in patients with stroke?3
Road traffic crash data in Southwestern Nigeria: a qualitative analysis of sources, contents and management methods3
Motorcycle curve assist: A novel approach based on active speed control for crash injury reduction3
Prediction of lower extremity injuries in car-pedestrian crashes – real-world accident study3
Breadth of use of The Abbreviated Injury Scale in The National Trauma Data Bank bank3
Comparison of injuries among motorcycle, moped and bicycle traffic accident victims3
Non-fatal traffic crashes among food delivery riders in Vietnam: What is the problem?3
Understanding clinician strategies for discussing driving fitness with patients: An initiative to improve provider-patient discussions about safe driving3
Investigation of tissue level tolerance for cerebral contusion in a controlled cortical impact porcine model3
When driving becomes risky: Micro-scale variants of the lane-changing maneuver in highway traffic3
Design, development, and evaluation of a multi-lingual web-based database for informing people regarding driving-impairing medicines3
Subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness around the ASIS area for human body models in reclined positions3
Analysis of dynamic determinants of vehicles involved in crash affecting severity based on in-depth crash data3
The characteristics of e-scooter accidents reported by police in Türkiye3