European Journal of Communication

(The TQCC of European Journal of Communication is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Book notes: How We Use Stories and Why That Matters44
Media ownership transparency in Europe: Closing the gap between European aspiration and domestic reality40
Public service media and public funding: A three-country study of willingness to pay versus perceived dispensability38
Artificial Intelligence and Freedom of Speech28
Critically understanding the platformization of the public sphere22
Book notes: Why Argument Matters by Lee Siegel17
Arjun Appadurai and Neta Alexander, Failure17
Book notes: Trafficking: Narcoculture in Mexico and the United States17
Book review: Humanitarian Journalists: Covering Crises from a Boundary Zone by Martin Scott, Kate Wright and Mel Bunce16
Book notes: The Chattering Mind: A Conceptual History of Everyday Talk16
Social representations, media, and iconography: A semiodiscursive analysis of Facebook posts related to the COVID-19 pandemic14
The German media as amplifier of the political agenda: The economic policy framing of European conflicts in times of COVID-1914
Young People in Digital Society – Control Shift12
Conspiracy thinking and the role of media use: Exploring the antecedents of conspiratorial predispositions12
California dreaming: Tech media giants and the re-conception of property, commodities and tax12
Book notes: Comics, Culture, and Religion: Faith Imagined by Kees de Groot (Editor)11
Book review: Outside the Bubble: Social Media and Political Participation in Western Democracies by Cristian Vaccari and Augusto Valeriani11
Book notes: Introducing Vigilant Audiences9
Article of the Year 2020 and 2021 Award9
Book notes: Digital Platforms and Algorithmic Subjectivities8
Are public service media distinctive from the market? Interpreting the political information environments of BBC and commercial news in the United Kingdom8
Public service media as pivotal in combating misinformation and disinformation: prerequisites and approaches8
Digital disintermediation, technical and national sovereignty: The Internet shutdown of Catalonia’s ‘independence referendum’8
Eszter Hargittai (Ed.), Research Exposed: How Empirical Social Science Gets Done in the Digital Age8
Johanna Braun (Editor), Performing Hysteria: Images and Imaginations of Hysteria: Contemporary Images and Imaginations of Hysteria8
Book review: Challenging Online Propaganda and Disinformation in the 21st Century by Miloš Gregor and Petra Mlejnková7
Convergence of linear television and digital platforms: An analysis of YouTube offer and consumption7
Book notes: Nordic Media Histories of Propaganda and Persuasion7
Book notes: Digital Feeling by Adrienne Evans and Sarah Riley6
What matters for keeping or losing support in televised debates6
Book review: The Media World of ISIS by Michel Krona and Rosemary Pennington (Editors)6
Bilyana Petkova and Tuomas Ojanen (Eds), Fundamental Rights Protection Online: The Future Regulation of Intermediaries6
Lauren Walsh (Foreword by Sebastian Junger), Conversations on Conflict Photography6
Book review: The Discursive Construction of Economic Inequality: CADS Approaches to the British Media by Eva M. Gómez-Jiménez and Michael Toolan6
What are the predictors of political incivility perceptions?6
Strikingly similar: Comparing visual political communication of populist and non-populist parties across 28 countries5
The kiss of death. Public service media under right-wing populist attack5
Digital citizenship and artificial intelligence: Information and disinformation5
Russian identity in the last hundred years: From D-503 to Homunculus Loxodontus5
Book notes: Global Media Perceptions of the United States: The Trump Effect5
Actively seeking the public5
Whom to trust? Media exposure patterns of citizens with perceptions of misinformation and disinformation related to the news media5
International News Agencies: A History5
Fixing ‘the wicked web’: ‘dark participation’ practices and solutions4
Book notes: Hybrid Investigative Journalism by Maria Konow-Lund, Michelle Park and Saba Bebawi (Editors)4
Book Review: What is Digital Journalism Studies? by Steen Steensen and Oscar Westlund4
Transnational issue agendas of the radical right? Parties’ Facebook campaign communication in six countries during the 2019 European Parliament election4
Book notes: Podcasting As an Intimate Medium by Alyn Euritt4
Book review: Hyperconnectivity and Its Discontents by Rogers Brubaker4
Trump's theoretical legacy4
Book notes: Watching Game of Thrones: How Audiences Engage with Dark Television4
Did COVID-19 change the political communication of polarizing leaders? The case of Salvini's campaigning before and after the pandemic3
Book notes: The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Race and Gender by Shirley Anne Tate and Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez (Eds)3
Populist alone, but harmless together? Analysing inter- and transnational populism of EP parties ID and ECR on Facebook3
Book notes: The Fight Against Platform Capitalism: An Inquiry into the Global Struggles of the Gig Economy by Jamie Woodcock3
Sharing the burden of ethical responsibility: Developing a moral repertoire for news users3
Book notes: Setting the Agenda, 3rd edition3
Book note: Streamlining Political Communication Concepts: Updates, Changes, Normalcies by Susana Salgado and Stylianos Papathanasopoulos3
Simon Gwyn Roberts, From the Welsh Border to the World: Travels in Minority Languages2
Book review: Pragmatics, (Im)Politeness, and Intergroup Communication: A Multilayered, Discursive Analysis of Cancel Culture by Pilar G. Blitvich2
Through the looking glass: Making sense of a disrupted world2
Communication and Capitalism: A Critical Theory2
The public sphere in the twilight zone of publicness2
Book notes: Letterpress Revolution: The Politics of Anarchist Print Culture2
Book notes: Paradoxes of Digital Disengagement: In Search of the Opt-Out Button by Adi Kuntsman and Esperanza Miyake2
From party to private property: Early battles over press ownership in post-wall Germany2
Book notes: Everyday Dirty Work: Invisibility, Communication, and Immigrant Labor by Wilfredo Alvarez2
Why so quiet? Exploring inhibition in digital public spaces2
Ireland, intellectual property and the political economy of information monopolies2
Book review: Media Engagement by Peter Dahlgren and Annette Hill2
Book notes: The Periodical Press Revolution: E. S. Dallas and the Nineteenth-Century British Media System by Graham Law1
Robert E Gutsche, Jr (Ed.), The Trump Presidency, Journalism, and Democracy1
Book notes: Arab Media Systems by Carola Richter and Claudia Kozman (Editors)1
Media policymaking and multistakeholder involvement: Matching audience, stakeholder and government expectations for public service media in Flanders1
Book review: Digital Life by Tim Markham1
Is the alarm on deception ringing too loudly? The effects of different forms of misinformation warnings on risk perceptions of misinformation exposure1
What factors explain the broadcasting of televised election debates? Empirical evidence from Germany1
Book review: A Crisis of Civility? Political Discourse and Its Discontents by Robert G. Boatright, Timothy J. Shaffer, Sarah Sobieraj, and Dannagal Goldthwaite Young1
Book notes: Passionate Work: Endurance after the Good Life1
Book notes: The Child in Videogames: From the Meek, to the Mighty, to the Monstrous by Emma Reay1
Book notes: Blurring Boundaries of Journalism in Digital Media: New Actors, Models and Practices by María-Cruz Negreia-Rey, Jorge Vázquez-Herrero, José Sixto-García and Xosé López-García (Eds)1
Amardo Rodriguez, Introducing Communication: Perspectives, Assumptions and Implications1
Book notes: Habermas and the Media1
Governing trust in European platform societies: Introduction to the special issue1
Book notes: Evolving as a Digital Scholar: Teaching and Researching in a Digital World by Wim Van Petegem, JP Bosman, Miné de Klerk, Sonja Strydom1
Book notes: Regulating Online Behavioural Advertising Through Data Protection Law1
Book notes: Spaces of Communication: Elements of Semio-Pragmatics by Roger Odin, With an Introduction by Vinzenz Hediger1
Book notes: Ageing with Smartphones in Ireland: When Life Becomes Craft1
Book review: Gandhian Thought and Communication: Rethinking the Mahatma in the Media Age by Biswajit Das1
Populist disruption and the fourth age of political communication1
Book notes: Communication Against Domination: Ideas of Justice from the Printing Press to Algorithmic Media1
Social mobility or social change? How different groups react to identity-related news1
Book notes: Historical Dictionary of Journalism by Ross Eaman1
Book review: Aesthetic Ecology of Communication Ethics: Existential Rootedness by Özüm Üçok-Sayrak1
Book review: A Media Framing Approach to Securitization: Storytelling in Conflict, Crisis and Threat by Fred Vultee1