Oeconomia Copernicana

(The TQCC of Oeconomia Copernicana is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Does the life cycle affect earnings management and bankruptcy?94
Neuromanagement decision-making and cognitive algorithmic processes in the technological adoption of mobile commerce apps68
Random walks and market efficiency tests: evidence on US, Chinese and European capital markets within the context of the global Covid-19 pandemic65
Quo Vadis, earnings management? Analysis of manipulation determinants in Central European environment49
Artificial intelligence-based decision-making algorithms, Internet of Things sensing networks, and sustainable cyber-physical management systems in big data-driven cognitive manufacturing45
The effects of emotional intelligence and ethics of SME employees on knowledge sharing in Central-European countries41
Enterprise digital transformation and debt financing cost in China?s A-share listed companies40
The research on COVID-19 and economy from 2019 to 2020: analysis from the perspective of bibliometrics40
Macroeconomic stability and the level of competitiveness in EU member states: a comparative dynamic approach39
Circular economy as assistance for sustainable development in OECD countries38
Exhaustion while teleworking during COVID-19: a moderated-mediation model of role clarity, self-efficacy, and task interdependence34
Artificial intelligence algorithms and cloud computing technologies in blockchain-based fintech management32
The level of implementing sustainable development goal "Industry, innovation and infrastructure" of Agenda 2030 in the European Union countries: Application of MCDM methods32
The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on employees’ skills and well-being in global labor markets: A systematic review31
Disentangling the impact of ICT adoption on SMEs performance: the mediating roles of corporate social responsibility and innovation31
Is green finance capable of promoting renewable energy technology? Empirical investigation for 64 economies worldwide30
A new database on Green GDP; 1970-2019: a framework for assessing the green economy29
Enterprise innovation in technology incubators and university business incubators in the context of Polish industry27
Artificial intelligence-based predictive maintenance, time-sensitive networking, and big data-driven algorithmic decision-making in the economics of Industrial Internet of Things27
Current trends in sustainable organization management: A bibliometric analysis25
New paradigms of quantification of economic efficiency in the transport sector24
Big data management algorithms in artificial Internet of Things-based fintech22
The nonlinear relationship between financial flexibility and enterprise risk-taking during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan?s semiconductor industry22
Generating loyalty towards fast fashion stores: a cross-generational approach based on store attributes and socio-environmental responsibility21
How generative artificial intelligence technologies shape partial job displacement and labor productivity growth21
Stability of profits and earnings management in the transport sector of Visegrad countries21
Effect of service quality assessment on perception of TOP hotels in terms of sentiment polarity in the Visegrad group countries21
Economic competitiveness vs. green competitiveness of agriculture in the European Union countries20
Economic growth and labour market in the European Union: lessons from COVID-1920
Neuromanagement decision making in facial recognition biometric authentication as a mobile payment technology in retail, restaurant, and hotel business models20
Going green with artificial intelligence: The path of technological change towards the renewable energy transition20
Study of legislative and administrative obstacles to SMEs business in the Czech Republic and Slovakia19
Antecedents of green purchase intention: a cross-cultural empirical evidence from Vietnam and Poland19
Income inequality in China 1952-2017: persistence and main determinants19
The volatility of bank stock prices and macroeconomic fundamentals in the Pakistani context: an application of GARCH and EGARCH models18
Digital transformation and corporate cash holdings in China's A-share listed companies18
Selected factors of internationalisation and their impact on the SME perception of the market risk18
The integration of corporate social responsibility and marketing concepts as a business strategy: evidence from SEM-based multivariate and Toda-Yamamoto causality models18
Does ESG performance bring to enterprises’ green innovation? Yes, evidence from 118 countries18