Informs Journal on Computing

(The TQCC of Informs Journal on Computing is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Learning to Solve Large-Scale Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Problems51
SDDP.jl: A Julia Package for Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming45
A Scalable Algorithm for Sparse Portfolio Selection30
Picker Routing in AGV-Assisted Order Picking Systems29
Computing Feasible Points of Bilevel Problems with a Penalty Alternating Direction Method28
Online Mixed-Integer Optimization in Milliseconds26
Integrated Backup Rolling Stock Allocation and Timetable Rescheduling with Uncertain Time-Variant Passenger Demand Under Disruptive Events25
Learning for Constrained Optimization: Identifying Optimal Active Constraint Sets25
MathOptInterface: A Data Structure for Mathematical Optimization Problems23
Scalable Vertiport Hub Location Selection for Air Taxi Operations in a Metropolitan Region23
Approximate Dynamic Programming for Military Medical Evacuation Dispatching Policies23
Novel Formulations and Logic-Based Benders Decomposition for the Integrated Parallel Machine Scheduling and Location Problem23
Distributionally Robust Optimization Under a Decision-Dependent Ambiguity Set with Applications to Machine Scheduling and Humanitarian Logistics19
Mixed-Integer Convex Nonlinear Optimization with Gradient-Boosted Trees Embedded19
Enumeration of the Nondominated Set of Multiobjective Discrete Optimization Problems19
Data-Driven Optimization of Reward-Risk Ratio Measures18
Combinatorial Benders Decomposition for the Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem18
Ranking and Selection with Covariates for Personalized Decision Making18
Learning-Based Branch-and-Price Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Two-Dimensional Loading Constraints18
Predicting Tactical Solutions to Operational Planning Problems Under Imperfect Information16
Robust Stochastic Facility Location: Sensitivity Analysis and Exact Solution15
JANOS: An Integrated Predictive and Prescriptive Modeling Framework15
Improving Sales Forecasting Accuracy: A Tensor Factorization Approach with Demand Awareness15
Multistage Stochastic Power Generation Scheduling Co-Optimizing Energy and Ancillary Services14
Optimized Scenario Reduction: Solving Large-Scale Stochastic Programs with Quality Guarantees14
Approximation Methods for Multiobjective Optimization Problems: A Survey13
A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Facility Location with General Facility Cost Functions13
Solving the Type-2 Assembly Line Balancing with Setups Using Logic-Based Benders Decomposition13
SOS-SDP: An Exact Solver for Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering13
A General Model and Efficient Algorithms for Reliable Facility Location Problem Under Uncertain Disruptions13
A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Building Optimal Data Gathering Tree in Wireless Sensor Networks12
Solving Natural Conic Formulations with Hypatia.jl12
Alfonso: Matlab Package for Nonsymmetric Conic Optimization12
Inductive Representation Learning on Dynamic Stock Co-Movement Graphs for Stock Predictions12
Sparse Convex Regression12
Rapid Discrete Optimization via Simulation with Gaussian Markov Random Fields12
Robust Optimization for Electricity Generation12
Team Orienteering with Time-Varying Profit12
Data-Driven Preference Learning Methods for Value-Driven Multiple Criteria Sorting with Interacting Criteria11
Multicomponent Maintenance Optimization: A Stochastic Programming Approach11
Detecting Product Adoption Intentions via Multiview Deep Learning11
Computationally Efficient Approximations for Distributionally Robust Optimization Under Moment and Wasserstein Ambiguity11
Speeding Up Paulson’s Procedure for Large-Scale Problems Using Parallel Computing11
A Comparison of Two Mixed-Integer Linear Programs for Piecewise Linear Function Fitting11
Robust Models for the Kidney Exchange Problem11
A Review Selection Method for Finding an Informative Subset from Online Reviews11
Efficient Sampling Allocation Procedures for Optimal Quantile Selection10
Monte Carlo and Quasi–Monte Carlo Density Estimation via Conditioning10
Finite Difference Gradient Approximation: To Randomize or Not?10
Complexity Results and Effective Algorithms for Worst-Case Linear Optimization Under Uncertainties10
MAD Dispersion Measure Makes Extremal Queue Analysis Simple10
Linearized Robust Counterparts of Two-Stage Robust Optimization Problems with Applications in Operations Management10
Mixed-Integer Programming vs. Constraint Programming for Shop Scheduling Problems: New Results and Outlook10
Dynamic Sampling Allocation Under Finite Simulation Budget for Feasibility Determination10
Calibration of Voting-Based Helpfulness Measurement for Online Reviews: An Iterative Bayesian Probability Approach10
Branch-and-Bound for Biobjective Mixed-Integer Linear Programming10
The Value of Randomized Solutions in Mixed-Integer Distributionally Robust Optimization Problems10
Solving the Distance-Based Critical Node Problem9
Exact Algorithms for the Minimum Load Spanning Tree Problem9
A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Team Formation on Social Networks9
Stochastic Planning and Scheduling with Logic-Based Benders Decomposition9
A Machine Learning–Enabled Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Framework for Early Sepsis Prediction9
Optimising Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement Using Advanced Discrete Choice Models9
Inverse Mixed Integer Optimization: Polyhedral Insights and Trust Region Methods9
Iterative Prediction-and-Optimization for E-Logistics Distribution Network Design9
Exploiting the Structure of Two-Stage Robust Optimization Models with Exponential Scenarios8
Analyzing Firm Reports for Volatility Prediction: A Knowledge-Driven Text-Embedding Approach8
Disjoint Bilinear Optimization: A Two-Stage Robust Optimization Perspective8
Decomposition-Based Approaches for a Class of Two-Stage Robust Binary Optimization Problems8
Statistical Tests for Cross-Validation of Kriging Models8
3-D Dynamic UAV Base Station Location Problem7
An Improved Integer L-Shaped Method for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands7
frvcpy: An Open-Source Solver for the Fixed Route Vehicle Charging Problem7
Multiproduct Newsvendor Problem with Customer-Driven Demand Substitution: A Stochastic Integer Program Perspective7
Decomposition and Adaptive Sampling for Data-Driven Inverse Linear Optimization7
The Star Degree Centrality Problem: A Decomposition Approach7
Scalable Parallel Nonlinear Optimization with PyNumero and Parapint7
Globalized Distributionally Robust Counterpart7
Dynamic Programming for the Time-Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows7
A Stochastic Approximation Method for Simulation-Based Quantile Optimization7
On Cluster-Aware Supervised Learning: Frameworks, Convergent Algorithms, and Applications7
An Efficient Label-Correcting Algorithm for the Multiobjective Shortest Path Problem7
Estimating the Size of Branch-and-Bound Trees7
Recourse in Kidney Exchange Programs7
An Interior-Point Differentiable Path-Following Method to Compute Stationary Equilibria in Stochastic Games7
Supervised t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding for Data Visualization and Classification7
A Multilevel Simulation Optimization Approach for Quantile Functions7
Diagnostic Tools for Evaluating and Comparing Simulation-Optimization Algorithms6
Knowledge Learning of Insurance Risks Using Dependence Models6
Integrated Multiresource Capacity Planning and Multitype Patient Scheduling6
VeRoViz: A Vehicle Routing Visualization Toolkit6
Solving Large-Scale Fixed-Budget Ranking and Selection Problems6
The Zero Regrets Algorithm: Optimizing over Pure Nash Equilibria via Integer Programming6
Decomposition Strategies for Vehicle Routing Heuristics6
Improving Variable Orderings of Approximate Decision Diagrams Using Reinforcement Learning6
Posterior-Based Stopping Rules for Bayesian Ranking-and-Selection Procedures6
Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming for Multiechelon Lot Sizing with Component Substitution6
Parallel Machine Scheduling Under Uncertainty: Models and Exact Algorithms6
Surgery Sequencing Coordination with Recovery Resource Constraints6
Benders Subproblem Decomposition for Bilevel Problems with Convex Follower6
Integrating Individual and Aggregate Diversity in Top-N Recommendation6
A Splicing Approach to Best Subset of Groups Selection6
Robust Direct Aperture Optimization for Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning6
Dynamic Discretization Discovery Algorithms for Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problems6
Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problems with Penalties and Limits on Waiting6
Cost-Effective Social Media Influencer Marketing6
Stochastic Decomposition for Two-Stage Stochastic Linear Programs with Random Cost Coefficients6
RSOME in Python: An Open-Source Package for Robust Stochastic Optimization Made Easy6
Decision Diagrams for Discrete Optimization: A Survey of Recent Advances6
Branch-Cut-and-Price for the Time-Dependent Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows6
An Alternating Method for Cardinality-Constrained Optimization: A Computational Study for the Best Subset Selection and Sparse Portfolio Problems5
An Augmented Lagrangian Decomposition Method for Chance-Constrained Optimization Problems5
Piecewise Constant Decision Rules via Branch-and-Bound Based Scenario Detection for Integer Adjustable Robust Optimization5
An Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method to Determine Complete Positivity of a Matrix5
Improving Column Generation for Vehicle Routing Problems via Random Coloring and Parallelization5
Solving AC Optimal Power Flow with Discrete Decisions to Global Optimality5
Convexification of Queueing Formulas by Mixed-Integer Second-Order Cone Programming: An Application to a Discrete Location Problem with Congestion5
Radius of Robust Feasibility for Mixed-Integer Problems5
SimOpt: A Testbed for Simulation-Optimization Experiments5
Worst-Case Expected Shortfall with Univariate and Bivariate Marginals5
Efficient Solution Methods for a General r-Interdiction Median Problem with Fortification5
Modeling Single-Picker Routing Problems in Classical and Modern Warehouses5
Uncovering Characteristic Response Paths of a Population5
Optimization Strategies for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems in Underground Mining5
An Ensemble Learning Approach with Gradient Resampling for Class-Imbalance Problems5
Improved Computational Approaches and Heuristics for Zero Forcing5
Combining Polyhedral Approaches and Stochastic Dual Dynamic Integer Programming for Solving the Uncapacitated Lot-Sizing Problem Under Uncertainty5
Detecting Critical Nodes in Sparse Graphs via “Reduce-Solve-Combine” Memetic Search5
Robust Minimum-Cost Flow Problems Under Multiple Ripple Effect Disruptions5
Exactly Solving Hard Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problems on Peta-Scale GPU-Accelerated Supercomputers5
Causal Rule Sets for Identifying Subgroups with Enhanced Treatment Effects5
ExpertRNA: A New Framework for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction5
Optimal Screening of Populations with Heterogeneous Risk Profiles Under the Availability of Multiple Tests5
A Multistage Stochastic Programming Approach to the Optimal Surveillance and Control of the Emerald Ash Borer in Cities5
On Generating Lagrangian Cuts for Two-Stage Stochastic Integer Programs5
Efficient Stochastic Programming in Julia5
Exact Branch-Price-and-Cut for a Hospital Therapist Scheduling Problem with Flexible Service Locations and Time-Dependent Location Capacity5
Risk-Averse Stochastic Programming vs. Adaptive Robust Optimization: A Virtual Power Plant Application5