Text & Talk

(The TQCC of Text & Talk is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Swearing in informal spoken English: 1990s–2010s15
Young children’s affective stance through embodied displays of emotion during tellings12
Identifying and describing functional discourse units in the BNC Spoken 201410
The face of noncompliance in family interaction9
The passive voice in scientific writing through the ages: A diachronic study8
Proximal versus distant suffering in TV news discourses on COVID-19 pandemic8
Entextualizing high energy texts: an exploration of modal shift on a Chinese online video-sharing website Bilibili8
‘Please make your verdict speak the truth’: Insights from an Appraisal analysis of the closing arguments from a rape trial7
The Written British National Corpus 2014 – design and comparability7
I’m thinking and you’re saying: Speaker stance and the progressive of mental verbs in courtroom interaction7
Compliment responses in Hong Kong: an application of Leech’s pragmatics of politeness6
‘You said, we did’: a corpus-based analysis of marketising discourse in healthcare websites6
Managing Latin: support and intratextual translation as mediation strategies in the history of English5
The moral character of emotion work in adult-child interactions5
Communicating climate change: how (not) to touch a cord with people and promote action5
Moments and mechanisms of intervention along textual trajectories: norm negotiations in English-medium research writing5
Environmental issues in the Victorian era: an ecostylistic examination of metaphor and framing in Ruskin’s The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century5
Subversive compliance and embodiment in remedial interchanges5
Stance in press releases versus business news: a lexical bundle approach4
Working with gender in psychotherapy: A discursive analysis of psychotherapy sessions with women suffering from bulimia4
A contrastive study of engagement resources between English spoken and written texts4
Representations of “leftover” women and men in the Chinese English-language news media: a keyword analysis of similarities and difference4
Developing an annotation protocol for evaluative stance and metaphor in discourse: theoretical and methodological considerations4
The Anthropocene: genesis of a term and popularization in the press4
“Yo I am Superman, You Kiddo Go Home”: ritual impoliteness in Chinese freestyle rap battles4
Do Spanish causal connectives vary in subjectivity? What crowdsourcing data reveal about native speakers’ preferences4
Hedging in interpreted and spontaneous speeches: a comparative study of Chinese and American political press briefings4
Note-taking/making as a resource for substantiating advice at a second language speaking center4
Oops! I can’t express this in English!”: managing epistemic challenges by Chinese EFL peer tutors in writing tutorials4
Lifting the pen and the gaze: embodied recruitment in collaborative writing4
From image to text to speech: the effects of speech prosody on information sequencing in audio description4
Stancetaking in motion: stance triangle and double dialogicality4
Legal reasoning: a textual perspective on common law judicial opinions and Chinese judgments4
Metadiscourse: the evolution of an approach to texts4
Counsellors’ interactional practices for facilitating group members’ affiliative talk about personal experiences in group counselling3
Morality-in-interaction: Toddlers’ recyclings of institutional discourses of feeling during peer disputes in daycare3
The rhetorical structure of analytical writing: a developmental approach3
Changing discourses of climate change: building social-ecological resilience cross-culturally3
Using written task answer sheets as notes while speaking: changing task-report practices in a second language book club3
Risk and resilience in a changing climate: a diachronic analysis in the press across the globe3
“Together we can all make little steps towards a better world”: interdiscursive construction of ecologically engaged voices in YouTube vlogs3
Markers of identification in Indigenous academic writing: A case study of genre innovation3
Environmental issues in the Anthropocene: ecolinguistic perspectives across media and genres3
Deployment of I don’t know and wakannai in second language classroom peer discussions3
Gestures of closure: A small stories approach to museumgoers' texts3
The use of material resources in vocabulary explanations: a conversation analytic inquiry2
Practices of discursive urban place-making in Brooklyn, New York: (hidden) digital and embodied discourse2
Co-constructing a child as disorderly: Moral character work in narrative accounts of upsetting experiences2
The readability of online health information for L1 and L2 Australians: text-based and user-focused research2
Appraisal as co-selection and media performativity: 5G technology imaged in German news discourse2
Enabling students’ knowledge building in English classrooms in China: The role of teacher monologue2
Text formulations as practices of demonstrating understanding in dialogic reading2
Dialogical functions of metaphors in medical interactions2
On the participatory agency of texts: Using institutional forms in performance appraisal interviews2
On the face-threat attenuating functions of Korean com: implications for internal and external dialogic processing in interaction2
The intertextual nature of embedded email communication for contract negotiation activities2
Interpreting real and fictional worlds in interaction: A socio-cognitive approach to reading group talk2
Japanese hypothetical enactment as a response to third-party complaint2
“Nature needs you”: discursive constructions of legitimacy and identification in environmental charity appeals2
Narratives of industrial damage and natural recovery: an ecolinguistic perspective2
Proximization: a critical cognitive analysis of health security discourse2
“We are here to help you”: understanding the role of careers and employability services in UK universities2