Mammal Review

(The TQCC of Mammal Review is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Zoonotic disease classification in wildlife: a theoretical framework for researchers64
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Using ELISA to detect pathogen antibodies in wild mammal carcasses: a systematic literature review28
Dietary affinities, resource overlap and core structure in Atlantic Forest phyllostomid bat communities26
The impact of urbanisation on chipmunks, arboreal and flying squirrels: a global systematic review26
Limitations of acoustic monitoring at wind turbines to evaluate fatality risk of bats25
Bear diets and human–bear conflicts: insights from isotopic ecology24
Heterothermy, body size, and locomotion as ecological predictors of migration in mammals24
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Understanding mesopredator responses to changes in apex predator populations in Europe: implications for the mesopredator release hypothesis22
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Climatic niche comparison of raccoons Procyon lotor and raccoon dogs Nyctereutes procyonoides in their native and non‐native ranges19
Sea lion and fur seal interactions with fisheries and aquaculture in South American waters: threats and management perspectives19
A review of philopatry and dispersal in felids living in an anthropised world19
Growth and opportunities for drone surveillance in pinniped research18
Coyote diet in North America: geographic and ecological patterns during range expansion18
A review of field techniques to estimate lion presence and abundance18
Generalists yet different: distributional responses to climate change may vary in opportunistic bat species sharing similar ecological traits17
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Effects of climate change on life‐history traits in hibernating mammals16
Review of small cat ecology and status within India16
Holocene biogeography of the southwestern European white‐toothed shrew (Crocidura iculisma, Eulipotyphla) through its fossil record15
Factors affecting spatiotemporal behaviour in the European brown hareLepus europaeus: a meta‐analysis14
Feral American mink Neogale vison continues to expand its European range: time to harmonise population monitoring and coordinate control13
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A systematic review into the suitability of urban refugia for the Eurasian red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris12
Forest and Isolation Determine Bat Species Richness on Mediterranean Islands: Conservation Implications11
Testing the niche variation hypothesis in pinnipeds11
Diet of the introduced red fox Vulpes vulpes in Australia: analysis of temporal and spatial patterns11
The challenging coexistence of forest elephants Loxodonta cyclotis and timber concessions in central Africa11
Unravelling the historical biogeography of the European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula10
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Reducing conflict between the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus and cattle ranching in Neotropical landscapes8
Correction to ‘Critical variables and their thresholds for the precise density estimation of wild felids with camera traps and spatial capture‐recapture (SCR) methods’7
Extinction and replacement events shaped the historical biogeography of Arctic mammals in Europe: new models of species response7
Origin matters? Comparing impacts of native and introduced ungulates in European protected areas6
We eat meat: a review of carnivory in bats6
Assessing the threats facing wetland mammals in India using an evidence‐based conservation approach6
Flight and echolocation evolved once in Chiroptera: comments on ‘The evolution of flight in bats: a novel hypothesis’6
Understanding causes of morbidity and mortality in Southern Hemisphere small Odontoceti: a scoping review6