Psychology Public Policy and Law

(The TQCC of Psychology Public Policy and Law is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
COVID-19 and prison policies related to communication with family members.38
The stigma of incarceration experience: A systematic review.29
Reliability and validity of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in the assessment of risk for institutional violence: A cautionary note on DeMatteo et al. (2020).28
Investigating the effect of emotional stress on adult memory for single and repeated events.20
Identity, legitimacy and cooperation with police: Comparing general-population and street-population samples from London.20
Static-99R: Strengths, limitations, predictive accuracy meta-analysis, and legal admissibility review.17
Allegations of family violence in court: How parental alienation affects judicial outcomes.16
Releasing individuals from incarceration during COVID-19: Pandemic-related challenges and recommendations for promoting successful reentry.16
Adherence to the Revised NICHD Protocol recommendations for conducting repeated supportive interviews is associated with the likelihood that children will allege abuse.15
Measuring youths’ perceptions of police: Evidence from the crossroads study.14
Do structured risk assessments predict violent, any, and sexual offending better than unstructured judgment? An umbrella review.14
Making the case for videoconferencing and remote child custody evaluations (RCCEs): The empirical, ethical, and evidentiary arguments for accepting new technology.13
Forensic e-mental health: Review, research priorities, and policy directions.13
Psychosis and mass shootings: A systematic examination using publicly available data.12
Intimate partner violence (IPV) and family dispute resolution: A randomized controlled trial comparing shuttle mediation, videoconferencing mediation, and litigation.12
Teaching child investigative interviewing skills: Long-term retention requires cumulative training.12
Tele-forensic interviewing to elicit children’s evidence—Benefits, risks, and practical considerations.11
Assessment of bias in police lineups.11
Trauma-informed forensic mental health assessment: Practical implications, ethical tensions, and alignment with therapeutic jurisprudence principles.10
A test of three refresher modalities on child forensic interviewers’ posttraining performance.10
Remote forensic evaluations and treatment in the time of COVID-19: An international survey of psychologists and psychiatrists.9
Identification and incidence of child maltreatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.9
Defining coercion: An application in interrogation and plea negotiation contexts.9
Police interviewing behaviors and commercially sexually exploited adolescents’ reluctance.9
Assessing the effect of eyewitness identification confidence assessment method on the confidence-accuracy relationship.8
Politics or prejudice? Separating the influence of political affiliation and prejudicial attitudes in determining support for hate crime law.8
Court accommodations for persons with severe communication disabilities: A legal scoping review.8
Empirical evidence from state legislators: How, when, and who uses research.8
Children who offend: Why are prevention and intervention efforts to reduce persistent criminality so seldom applied?8
The rule out procedure: A signal-detection-informed approach to the collection of eyewitness identification evidence.7
Using disclosure, common ground, and verification to build rapport and elicit information.7
A meta-analysis of lineup size effects on eyewitness identification.7
Do exonerees face housing discrimination? An email-based field experiment and content analysis.6
Evaluating the claim that high confidence implies high accuracy in eyewitness identification.6
Current investigator practices and beliefs on interviewing trafficked minors.6
The point of diminishing returns in juvenile probation: Probation requirements and risk of technical probation violations among first-time probation-involved youth.6
The influence of transition prompt wording on response informativeness and rapidity of disclosure in child forensic interviews.5
The developmental reform in juvenile justice: Its progress and vulnerability.5
Diversion as a pathway to improving service utilization among at-risk youth.5
The association between hate crime laws that enumerate sexual orientation and adolescent suicide attempts.5
Forensic evaluators’ opinions on the use of videoconferencing technology for competency to stand trial evaluations after the onset of COVID-19.5
The PCL–R and capital sentencing: A commentary on “Death is different” DeMatteo et al. (2020a).5
Flattening the curve in jails and prisons: Factors underlying support for COVID-19 mitigation policies.5
Testing two retrieval strategies to enhance eyewitness memory: Category and location clustering recall.4
Could precise and replicable manipulations of suspect-filler similarity optimize eyewitness identification performance?4
Eyewitness identification: The complex issue of suspect-filler similarity.4
Judicial work and traumatic stress: Vilification, threats, and secondary trauma on the bench.4
A first look at the reentry experiences of juvenile lifers released in Philadelphia.4
The Exoneree Health and Life Experiences (ExHaLE) study: Trauma exposure and mental health among wrongly convicted individuals.4
Evaluating selection for sexually violent predator (SVP) commitment: A comparison of those committed, not committed, and nearly committed.4
The continuing unfairness of death qualification: Changing death penalty attitudes and capital jury selection.4
What’s reasonable? An experimental test of the reasonable officer standard.4
The impact of misdemeanor arrests on forensic mental health services: A state-wide review of Virginia competence to stand trial evaluations.4