Critical Policy Studies

(The TQCC of Critical Policy Studies is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Introduction: Embedding participatory governance35
Contours of historical-materialist policy analysis27
Institutions, Networks and Activism Inside the State: Women’s Health and Environmental Policy in Brazil15
Promoting the digital future: the construction of digital automation in Swedish policy discourse on social assistance14
Pandemic consulting. How private consultants leverage public crisis management14
Mechanisms of metapower & procedural injustices in the Colorado Oil and Gas Task Force decision-making process12
Making gender along the way: women, men and harm in Australian alcohol policy12
Policy narratives: the perlocutionary agents of political discourse11
Can critical policy studies outsmart AI? Research agenda on artificial intelligence technologies and public policy11
Emotions, affect and social policy: austerity and Children’s Centers in the UK11
A tale of the digital future: analyzing the digitalization of the norwegian education system11
Between radical aspirations and pragmatic challenges: Institutionalizing participatory governance in Scotland11
Can Mindfulness really change the world? The political character of meditative practices11
Assembling research integrity: negotiating a policy object in scientific governance9
Fear of the other: vulnerabilization, social empathy, and the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada9
Understanding institutional dynamics in participatory governance: how rules, practices and narratives combine to produce stability or diverge to create conditions for change8
Workfare and food in remote Australia: ‘I haven’t eaten… I’m really at the end…’7
The ghostwriting of a global policy script: international organizations and the discursive construction of conditional cash transfers7
Brazil and China going global: emerging issues and questions to explore knowledge and policy transfers7
‘Close but not too close’ – experiences of science-policy bridging in three international advisory organizations7
Protected how? Problem representations of risk in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)6
Between autonomy and embeddedness: project interfaces and institutional change in environmental governance6
Competitive knowledge-economies driving new logics in higher education – reflections from a Finnish university merger6
Making sense ofpot: conceptual tools for analyzing legal cannabis policy discourse6
Flows of power: an analytical framework for the study of collaboration6
The technocratic rationality of governance - the case of the Danish employment services6
How empty is Trustworthy AI? A discourse analysis of the Ethics Guidelines of Trustworthy AI5
Institutionalizing deliberative mini-publics? Issues of legitimacy and power for randomly selected assemblies in political systems5
From time to time: a systems-theoretical perspective on the twofold temporality of governing5
Feeling critical: navigating the emotional worlds of COVID-195
The politics of making Finland an experimenting nation5
Why do political parties promote participatory governance? The Brazilian Workers’ Party case4
Department heads enacting gender balance policies: navigating voices of ambiguity and concern4
The evolution of climate justice claims in global climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC3
Chinese perspectives on the US-China rivalry: navigating geo-economic and technological tensions in a new era of global statism3
Framing children’s lives through policy and public sphere debates on COVID-19: unequal power and unintended consequences3
Problematizing policy: a semantic history of the word ‘policy’ in the Indonesian language3
Decolonizing Policy Research as Restorative Research Justice: Applying an Indigenous Policy Research Framework (IPRF)3
Democratizing science is an urgent, collective, and continuous project: expanding the boundaries of critical policy studies3
Translating behavioral public policy into practice: Interpretations and traditions3
Varieties of food democracy: a systematic literature review3
Interpreting crises through narratives: the construction of a COVID-19 policy narrative by Canada’s political parties3
Towards a post-neoliberal social policy: capabilities, human rights and social empowerment3
The surrogacy question, unresolved: surrogacy policy debate as a hegemonic struggle over rights3
Assembling good citizenship under Korean COVID-19 surveillance3
Social security conditionality as a corrective to ‘flawed consumption’: the use of the cashless debit card to reframe Australian norms of social protection3
The fabrication of a necessary policy fiction: the interoperability ‘solution’ for biometric borders3
Gendered vulnerabilities and the blind spots of the 2030 Agenda’s ‘leave no one behind’ pledge3
Politics and fantasy in UK alcohol policy: a critical logics approach3
Global governance through peer review: the Dutch experience of OECD reviews of National Policies for Education3