Review of European Comparative & International Environmental Law

(The TQCC of Review of European Comparative & International Environmental Law is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Assessing the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework: Incremental change toward radical transformation?77
Pharmaceutical pollution: A weakly regulated global environmental risk32
Business and human rights implications of climate change litigation: Milieudefensie et al. v Royal Dutch Shell24
Is carbon dioxide removal ‘mitigation of climate change’?24
The continued effort sharing approach in EU climate law: Binding targets, challenging enforcement?16
Planetary boundaries at the intersection of Earth system law, science and governance: A state‐of‐the‐art review16
Achieving agricultural greenhouse gas emission reductions in the EU post‐2030: What options do we have?13
Palm oil, the RED II and WTO law: EU sustainable biofuel policy tangled up in green?11
The State of the Netherlands v Urgenda Foundation: Distilling best practice and lessons learnt for future rights‐based climate litigation11
The right to a healthy environment: Reconceptualizing human rights in the face of climate change11
Health impact assessment legislation in developing countries: A path to sustainable development?11
Adaptability versus certainty in a carbon emissions reduction regime: An assessment of the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework10
REDD+ and forest protection on indigenous lands in the Amazon9
Public participation at the International Seabed Authority: An international human rights law analysis7
To ban or not to ban carbon‐intensive materials: A legal and administrative assessment of product carbon requirements6
Zero deforestation in the Amazon: The Soy Moratorium and global forest governance6
A water property right inventory of 60 countries6
A human rights approach to energy: Realizing the rights of billions within ecological limits6
Protecting forests or saving trees? The EU's regulatory approach to global deforestation5
Coming to terms with public participation in decision making: Balancing clarity and impact in the Aarhus Convention5
The power of the Paris Agreement in international climate litigation5
China and the global water conventions in light of recent developments: Time to take a second look?5
Water property rights in investor‐state contracts on extractive activities, affects water governance: An empirical assessment of 80 contracts in Africa and Asia5
Due diligence in global value chains: Conceptualizing ‘adverse environmental impact’4
Reframing the transboundary water discourse: Contextualized international law in practice4
Adaptation regulatory regimes to address climate change challenges in transboundary water basins: Can multilateral regionalism help?4
Public participation, indigenous peoples’ land rights and major infrastructure projects in the Amazon: The case for a human rights assessment framework4
COVID‐19 and Amazonia: Rights‐based approaches for the pandemic response4
Human rights of minors and future generations: Global trends and EU environmental law particularities4
A democratic nuclear energy transition? Public participation in nuclear activities4
Megafauna restoration as a legal obligation: International biodiversity law and the rehabilitation of large mammals in Europe4
Environmental norm diffusion and domestic legal innovation: The case of specialized environmental courts and tribunals4
Bringing animal welfare under the umbrella of sustainable development: A legal analysis3
International legal requirements for environmental and socio‐cultural assessments for large‐scale industrial fisheries3
Are we ready for the ship transport of CO2 for CCS? Crude solutions from international and European law3
Towards a legal definition of ecological restoration: Reviewing international, European and Member States' case law3
Enforcing transboundary water obligations through investment treaty arbitration: China, Laos and the Mekong River3
Beyond Urgenda: The role of the ECHR and judgments of the ECtHR in Dutch environmental and climate litigation3
Climate litigation to protect the Brazilian Amazon: Establishing a constitutional right to a stable climate3
Payments for ecosystem services in transboundary water allocation cases: An approach for China and its neighbours3
Intercontinental shipping in the European Union emissions trading system: A ‘fifty–fifty’ alignment with the law of the sea and international climate law?3
Climate neutrality in the EU and China: An analysis of the stringency of targets and the adaptiveness of the relevant legal frameworks3
Confronting inequality beyond sustainable development: The case for eco‐human rights and differentiation3
The role of an advisory opinion of ITLOS in addressing climate change: Some preliminary considerations on jurisdiction and admissibility3
The mirage of universalism in international nuclear liability law: A critical assessment 10 years after Fukushima3
Editorial: Governing the EU's climate and energy transition through the 2030 Framework3
Are climate activists protected by the Aarhus Convention? A note on Article 3(8) Aarhus Convention and the new Rapid Response Mechanism for environmental defenders3
Could a trade agreement strengthen the enforcement of domestic environmental laws? Envisioning the impacts of the US–Peru environmental submissions mechanism2
Policy coherence for the protection of water resources against agricultural pollution in the EU and Norway2
The unvirtuous cycle of loss and damage: Addressing systemic impacts of climate change in small islands from a vulnerability perspective2
Beyond the North–South divide: Litigation's role in resolving climate change loss and damage claims2
Justifying a presumed standing for environmental NGOs: A legal assessment of Article 9(3) of the Aarhus Convention2
Governance and metagovernance systems for the Amazon2
The role of proportionality in the law of transboundary waters2
The rise of international climate litigation2
Advisory opinions on climate change: Some preliminary questions2
Inter‐State climate technology transfer under the UNFCCC: A benefit‐sharing approach2
The public–private governance regime on sustainable ship recycling: An in‐depth analysis2
International human rights bodies and climate litigation: Don't look up?2
Atmospheric CO2 as a resource for renewable energy production: A European energy law appraisal of direct air capture fuels2
A principled approach for BBNJ: An idea whose time has come2
State responsibility in international law for transboundary water‐related harm: The emergence of a new ecosystems‐based paradigm?2
Putting the constructive ambiguity of climate change loss and damage into practice: The early work of the UNFCCC WIM ExCom2
Individual rights and the environmental public interest: A comparison of German and Chinese approaches to environmental litigation2