Modern China

(The TQCC of Modern China is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Urbanizing MinorityMinzuin the PRC: Insights from the Literature on Settler Colonialism12
The “Bilingual Education” Policy in Xinjiang Revisited: New Evidence of Open Resistance and Active Support among the Uyghur Elite6
Performance-Based Authoritarianism Revisited: GDP Growth and the Political Fortunes of China’s Provincial Leaders6
Neither Withdrawal nor Resistance: Adapting to Increased Repression in China6
“In Other News”: China’s International Media Strategy on Xinjiang—CGTN and New China TV on YouTube5
Alliance Building among Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations in China: The Emergence and Evolution of the Zero Waste Alliance5
Personality Rights in China’s New Civil Code: A Response to Increasing Awareness of Rights in an Era of Evolving Technology5
Building City Walls: Reordering the Population through Beijing’s Upside-Down Villages5
Praying for Blue Skies: Artistic Representations of Air Pollution in China5
Does Governmental Policy Shape Migration Decisions? The Case of China’s Hukou System4
Historically Remaining Issues: The Shanghai–Xinjiang Zhiqing Migration Program and the Tangled Legacies of the Mao Era in China, 1980–20174
Shaming the Untrustworthy and Paths to Relief in China’s Social Credit System4
China’s “Economic Miracle” and the Universal Modernization Model4
Regimes of Resonance: Cosmos, Empire, and Changing Technologies of CCP Rule4
Resource Endowment, Rural Governance, and the “New Agriculture” in China4
Indenturing Celebrity: Governing China’s Entertainment Industries3
Hierarchy, Resentment, and Pride: Politics of Identity and Belonging among Mosuo, Yi, and Han in Southwest China3
Hearths, Mythologies, and Livelihood Choices: Exploring Cultural Change under Poverty Alleviation with the Nuosu-Yi of Liangshan3
Going Beyond the Western Pass: Chinese Folk Models of Danger and Abandonment in Songs of Separation2
The State Owes Us: Social Exclusion and Collective Actions of China’s Bereaved Parents2
Xi Jinping Confronts the Network Society2
The Collectivist Legacy and Agrarian Development in China since 19782
Labor Disputes in China’s Local Government-Led Enterprise Restructuring: A Litigation Case Study,2
Behind Veterans’ Protests: Passive and Piecemeal Policy-Making in China2
A Critique of Marketism: Varieties of Exchanges in China’s Past and Present2
A Reflection on Postwar Neoclassical Economics: The Shift from General Equilibrium Theory to the New Microeconomic Theories2
Reinterpreting the Chinese Revolution: The Balance between Radical and Moderate Approaches, 1937–19452