Journal of Management

(The TQCC of Journal of Management is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
MTurk Research: Review and Recommendations419
Endogeneity: A Review and Agenda for the Methodology-Practice Divide Affecting Micro and Macro Research247
Platform Competition: A Systematic and Interdisciplinary Review of the Literature174
Stakeholder Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm166
Research at the Intersection of Entrepreneurship, Supply Chain Management, and Strategic Management: Opportunities Highlighted by COVID-19158
Omitted Variable Bias: Examining Management Research With the Impact Threshold of a Confounding Variable (ITCV)135
The Corporate Governance of Environmental Sustainability: A Review and Proposal for More Integrated Research120
The Resource-Based View, Resourcefulness, and Resource Management in Startup Firms: A Proposed Research Agenda95
Resource-Based Theory and the Value Creation Framework84
Governance and Design of Digital Platforms: A Review and Future Research Directions on a Meta-Organization83
Integrating Insights From the Resource-Based View of the Firm Into the New Stakeholder Theory81
Ecosystem Legitimacy Emergence: A Collective Action View77
The Resource-Based View of the Firm, Human Resources, and Human Capital: Progress and Prospects69
Leader Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior and Employee Unethical Conduct: Social Learning of Moral Disengagement as a Behavioral Principle67
Behavioral Strategy and the COVID-19 Disruption62
Purpose in the For-Profit Firm: A Review and Framework for Management Research59
The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Incumbent Employees: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Mediating and Moderating Mechanisms58
The Evolution of Resource-Based Inquiry: A Review and Meta-Analytic Integration of the Strategic Resources–Actions–Performance Pathway55
Organization Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm: The Great Divide55
The Emergence of Emergent Leadership: A Comprehensive Framework and Directions for Future Research55
Role Theory Perspectives: Past, Present, and Future Applications of Role Theories in Management Research55
The Postpandemic Future of Work51
The Consequences of Participating in the Sharing Economy: A Transparency-Based Sharing Framework49
A Knowledge Recombination Perspective of Innovation: Review and New Research Directions48
Perceived Overqualification and Collectivism Orientation: Implications for Work and Nonwork Outcomes47
The Organizational Improvisation Landscape: Taking Stock and Looking Forward46
Strategy and Uncertainty: Resource-Based View, Strategy-Creation View, and the Hybrid Between Them45
Platform Governance Design in Platform Ecosystems: Implications for Complementors’ Multihoming Decision44
Resources for What? Understanding Performance in the Resource-Based View and Strategic Human Capital Resource Literatures42
Worlds Apart? Connecting Competitive Dynamics and the Resource-Based View of the Firm40
The People Still Make the (Remote Work-) Place: Lessons from a Pandemic40
Network Dynamics and Organizations: A Review and Research Agenda37
Expanding Our Resources: Including Community in the Resource-Based View of the Firm37
Whether, How, and Why Networks Influence Men’s and Women’s Career Success: Review and Research Agenda35
The Embodiment of Insult: A Theory of Biobehavioral Response to Workplace Incivility33
Bold Voices and New Opportunities: An Expanded Research Agenda for the Resource-Based View33
CEOs’ Regulatory Focus and Risk-Taking When Firms Perform Below and Above the Bar32
Interorganizational Spillover: A Review and a Proposal for Future Research32
Ethical Leadership and Ethical Voice: The Mediating Mechanisms of Value Internalization and Integrity Identity31
Unit-Level Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB): A Conceptual Review and Quantitative Summary31
Addressing Endogeneity Without Instrumental Variables: An Evaluation of the Gaussian Copula Approach for Management Research30
Social Performance Feedback and Firm Communication Strategy30
Serving to Help and Helping to Serve: Using Servant Leadership to Influence Beyond Supervisory Relationships29
What Happens to Bad Actors in Organizations? A Review of Actor-Centric Outcomes of Negative Behavior28
Experiments in Strategy Research: A Critical Review and Future Research Opportunities28
When Is Less More? Boundary Conditions of Effective Entrepreneurial Bricolage27
Network Capabilities: Brokerage as a Bridge Between Network Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm26
Using the Resource-Based View in Multinational Enterprise Research26
Strategic Diversity Leadership: The Role of Senior Leaders in Delivering the Diversity Dividend26
Employee Physical Activity: A Multidisciplinary Integrative Review24
When Disaster Strikes! An Interdisciplinary Review of Disasters and Their Organizational Consequences24
What’s It Like Inside the Hive? Managerial Discretion Drives TMT Gender Diversity of Women-Led Firms24
Social Class and Work: A Review and Organizing Framework24
Doing More With Less: Interactive Effects of Cognitive Resources and Mindfulness Training in Coping With Mental Fatigue From Multitasking23
Bias in Context: Small Biases in Hiring Evaluations Have Big Consequences22
CEO's Hometown Identity and Corporate Social Responsibility22
Different Horizons: The Effects of Hedge Fund Activism Versus Corporate Shareholder Activism on Strategic Actions21
Beyond the Bottom Line: Don’t Forget to Consider the Role of the Family21
From #MeToo to #TimesUp: Identifying Next Steps in Sexual Harassment Research in the Organizational Sciences21
Bringing the Manager Back Into Management Scholarship21
What Constitutes a Methodological Contribution?21
How Shareholders Impact Stakeholder Interests: A Review and Map for Future Research20
Trust Consensus Within Culturally Diverse Teams: A Multistudy Investigation20
The Top Management Team: Conceptualization, Operationalization, and a Roadmap for Scholarship20
Corporate Political Activity, Reimagined: Revisiting the Political Marketplace20
More Bang for Their Buck: Why (and When) Family Firms Better Leverage Corporate Social Responsibility20
So What Exactly Is a “Coalition” Within an Organization? A Review and Organizing Framework19
Using Sports Data to Advance Management Research: A Review and a Guide for Future Studies19
The Authenticity Paradox: Why the Returns to Authenticity on Audience Appeal Decrease in Popularity and Iconicity19
Does Performance Breed Slack? Ownership as a Contingency to the Performance Feedback and Slack Relationship19
When Is a Governmental Mandate not a Mandate? Predicting Organizational Compliance Under Semicoercive Conditions19
Reporting Interaction Effects: Visualization, Effect Size, and Interpretation19
Working Hard or Hardly Working? An Examination of Job Preservation Responses to Job Insecurity19
The Resource-Based View and Learning Theory: Overlaps, Differences, and a Shared Future19
Pay Information Disclosure: Review and Recommendations for Research Spanning the Pay Secrecy–Pay Transparency Continuum19
To Buy Green or Not to Buy Green: Do Structural Dependencies Block Ecological Responsiveness?18
Authenticity or Self-Enhancement? Effects of Self-Presentation and Authentic Leadership on Trust and Performance18
Putting the Pieces Together: A Review of HR Differentiation Literature and a Multilevel Model18
Employee Constructive Voice: An Integrative Review and a Dyadic Approach18
Jump-Starting the Socialization Experience: The Longitudinal Role of Day 1 Newcomer Resources on Adjustment17
The Resource-Based View and Its Use in Strategic Human Resource Management Research: The Elegant and Inglorious17
Faults and Faultlines: The Effects of Board Faultlines on CEO Dismissal17
Racial Biases in the Publication Process: Exploring Expressions and Solutions17
Manager or Politician? Effects of CEO Pay on the Performance of State-Controlled Chinese Listed Firms16
Executive Confidence: A Multidisciplinary Review, Synthesis, and Agenda for Future Research16
The Construct of Bottom-Line Mentality: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going16
Orchestrating Knowledge Networks: Alter-Oriented Brokering16
Employees’ Emotional and Behavioral Reactions to Corporate Social Irresponsibility16
From Strategic Leaders to Societal Leaders: On the Expanding Social Role of Executives and Boards16
Partnering for Grand Challenges: A Review of Organizational Design Considerations in Public–Private Collaborations15
Walking the Tightrope: Coopetition Capability Construct and Its Role in Value Creation15
Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: A Conceptual Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of Leader Impostorism15
Breaking the Chains: The Inverted-U-Shaped Relationship Between Action-State Orientation and Creativity Under Low Job Autonomy15
My Cup Runneth Over: A Daily Study of the Energy Benefits for Supervisors Who Feel Appreciated by Their Subordinates15