
(The TQCC of Biotropica is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Human perturbations reduce dung beetle diversity and dung removal ecosystem function53
Bird diversity and endemism along a land‐use gradient in Madagascar: The conservation value of vanilla agroforests29
Bats and hawkmoths form mixed modules with flowering plants in a nocturnal interaction network28
Primate life history, social dynamics, ecology, and conservation: Contributions from long‐term research in Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica25
Detecting aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity in a tropical estuary using environmental DNA25
Shade tree traits and microclimate modifications: Implications for pathogen management in biodiverse coffee agroforests24
The mechanical stability of the world’s tallest broadleaf trees24
On the floristic identity of Amazonian vegetation types23
It is not just about time: Agricultural practices and surrounding forest cover affect secondary forest recovery in agricultural landscapes22
Net benefits of a mutualism: Influence of the quality of extrafloral nectar on the colony fitness of a mutualistic ant20
Testing the environmental prediction hypothesis for community‐wide mass flowering in South‐East Asia19
Climate and plant structure determine the spatiotemporal butterfly distribution on a tropical mountain19
The effect of flight efficiency on gap‐crossing ability in Amazonian forest birds18
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the ant community in a dry forest differ by vertical strata but not by successional stage18
Variation in leaf temperatures of tropical and subtropical trees are related to leaf thermoregulatory traits and not geographic distributions17
Bat–flower interaction networks in Caatinga reveal generalized associations and temporal stability17
Plant species specificity of ant–plant mutualistic interactions: Differential predation of termites by Camponotus crassus on five species of extrafloral nectaries plants16
Changing the main course: strong bat visitation to the ornithophilous mistletoe Psittacanthus robustus (Loranthaceae) in a Neotropical savanna15
Impoverished woody seedling assemblages and the regeneration of Caatinga dry forest in a human‐modified landscape15
Fostering local involvement for biodiversity conservation in tropical regions: Lessons from Madagascar during the COVID‐19 pandemic15
Evolutionary heritage shapes tree distributions along an Amazon‐to‐Andes elevation gradient15
Genetic diversity and functional connectivity of a critically endangered salamander15
Exponential rise in the discovery of endemic plants underscores the need to conserve the Indian savannas15
Geography of roadkills within the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot: Poorly known vertebrates are part of the toll15
A meta‐analysis of tropical land‐use change effects on the soil microbiome: Emerging patterns and knowledge gaps14
Habitat structure mediates vulnerability to climate change through its effects on thermoregulatory behavior14
Improved household living standards can restore dry tropical forests14
Long‐term monitoring of seed dispersal by Asian elephants in a Sundaland rainforest14
Seasonal isotopic niche of a rodent: High between‐individual variation but no changes in individual niche width during the rich‐resource period13
Flammability in tropical savannas: Variation among growth forms and seasons in Cerrado13
When waterholes get busy, rare interactions thrive: Photographic evidence of a jaguar (Panthera onca) killing an ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)13
Insights into the functional ecology of páramo plants in Colombia13
Permeability of Neotropical agricultural lands to a key native ungulate—Are well‐connected forests important?12
Landscape heterogeneity shapes bird phylogenetic responses at forest–matrix interfaces in Atlantic Forest, Brazil12
Temporal interactions and moon illumination effect on mammals in a tropical semievergreen forest of Manas National Park, Assam, India12
Climate change induced elevational range shifts of Himalayan tree species12
Functional redundancy of Amazonian dung beetles confers community‐level resistance to primary forest disturbance11
Arboreal monkeys facilitate foraging of terrestrial frugivores11
Midges not only sucks, but may carry lethal pathogens to wild amphibians11
Lost mutualisms: Seed dispersal by Sumatran rhinos, the world’s most threatened megafauna11
Gamma, alpha, and beta diversity of ant assemblages response to a gradient of forest cover in human‐modified landscape in Brazilian Amazon11
Detecting ecological thresholds for biodiversity in tropical forests: Knowledge gaps and future directions11
Anticipating the potential impacts of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans on Neotropical salamander diversity10
Native mammals disperse the highly invasive Senna spectabilis in the Western Ghats, India10
Long‐term fire and vegetation change in northwestern Amazonia10
Importance of interaction rewiring in determining spatial and temporal turnover of tritrophic (Piper‐caterpillar‐parasitoid) metanetworks in the Yucatán Península, México10
Assessing the importance of reproductive modes for the evaluation of altitudinal distribution patterns in tropical frogs10
Drought and soil nutrients effects on symbiotic nitrogen fixation in seedlings from eight Neotropical legume species10
Landscape structure and local variables affect plant community diversity and structure in a Brazilian agricultural landscape10
Different elevational environments dictate contrasting patterns of niche evolution in NeotropicalPithecopustreefrog species10
Low‐intensity cattle grazing is better than cattle exclusion to drive secondary savannas toward the features of native Cerrado vegetation10
Hydraulic architecture explains species moisture dependency but not mortality rates across a tropical rainfall gradient10
The functional ecology of bat pollination in the African sausage tree Kigelia africana (Bignoniaceae)10
Trick or treat? Pollinator attraction in Vanilla pompona (Orchidaceae)10
Sharing sound: Avian acoustic niches in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest10
Spider diversity across an elevation gradient in Área de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG), Costa Rica10
Community science data provide evidence for upward elevational range shifts by Eastern Himalayan birds9
Role of the Andean uplift as an asymmetrical barrier to gene flow in the neotropical leaf‐cutting ant Atta cephalotes9
Elevation and leaf litter interact in determining the structure of ant communities on a tropical mountain9
Seasonality and interspecific competition shape individual niche variation in co‐occurring tetra fish in Neotropical streams9
Forest biomass stocks and dynamics across the subtropical Andes9
Drought and fire determine juvenile and adult woody diversity and dominance in a semi‐arid African savanna9
Biotropica announces a new paper category: Natural History Field Notes9
Conservation implications of living in forest remnants: Inbreeding and genetic structure of the northernmost mantled howler monkeys9
Elevational distribution of birds in an Eastern African montane environment as governed by temperature, precipitation, and habitat availability9
Thermal adaptations to extreme freeze–thaw cycles in the high tropical Andes8
High spatial resolution mapping identifies habitat characteristics of the invasive vine Antigonon leptopus on St. Eustatius (Lesser Antilles)8
Distinct leaf water potential regulation of tree species and vegetation types across the Cerrado–Amazonia transition8
Abundance and composition of forest‐dwelling anurans in cashew plantations in a tropical semi‐evergreen forest landscape8
Tropical wood stores substantial amounts of nutrients, but we have limited understanding why8
Litter decomposition rates across tropical montane and lowland forests are controlled foremost by climate8
Ant diversity decreases during the dry season: A meta‐analysis of the effects of seasonality on ant richness and abundance8
Variation in trunk taper of buttressed trees within and among five lowland tropical forests8
Shade alters the growth and architecture of tropical grasses by reducing root biomass8
Sustainable harvesting and conservation of Laelia furfuracea, a rare epiphytic orchid from Oaxaca, Mexico7
Uncovering the vertebrate scavenger guild composition and functioning in the Cerrado biodiversity hotspot7
Mutualistic relationships in marine angiosperms: Enhanced germination of seeds by mega‐herbivores7
Upward shifts in elevational limits of forest and grassland for Mexican volcanoes over three decades7
Simulated chorus attracts conspecific and heterospecific Amazonian explosive breeding frogs7
Structure of small tropical island freshwater fish and crustacean communities: A niche‐or dispersal‐based process?7
Camera trapping reveals multispecies use of water‐filled tree holes by birds and mammals in a neotropical forest7
Effects of habitat transitions on rainforest bird communities across an anthropogenic landscape mosaic7
Wood species identity alters dominant factors driving fine wood decomposition along a tree diversity gradient in subtropical plantation forests7
Impacts of rodent eradication on seed predation and plant community biomass on a tropical atoll7
Leaf trait co‐variation and trade‐offs in gallery forest C3 and CAM epiphytes7
Species distribution models predict the geographic expansion of an enzootic amphibian pathogen7
30 years brings changes to the arthropod community of Kibale National Park, Uganda7
Conspecific negative density dependence of trees varies with plant functional traits and environmental conditions across scales in a 60‐ha tropical rainforest dynamics plot7
Chronic browsing by an introduced mammalian herbivore in a tropical island alters species composition and functional traits of forest understory plant communities7
Wildlife rehabilitation centers as a potential source of transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 into native wildlife of Latin America7
Seed dispersal effectiveness by oilbirds (Steatornis caripensis) in the Southern Andes of Colombia7
Impact of human disturbance on the abundance of non‐breeding shorebirds in a subtropical wetland7
Human impacts alter the distribution of fish functional diversity in Neotropical stream system7
Coarse woody debris density and carbon concentration by decay classes in mixed montane wet tropical forests7
Ecological drivers of intraspecific variation in seed dispersal services of a common neotropical palm7
Leaf damage by herbivore feeding guilds along gradients of elevation and plant species richness7
Environmental filtering and deforestation shape frog assemblages in Amazonia: An empirical approach assessing species abundances and functional traits6
Nonchalant neighbors: Space use and overlap of the critically endangered Elongated Tortoise6
Spatial pattern of tree diversity and impacts of ecological disturbances on forest structure in tropical deciduous forests of Central India6
Trophic cascades in tropical rainforests: Effects of vertebrate predator exclusion on arthropods and plants in Papua New Guinea6
Interplay of environmental cues and wood density in the vegetative and reproductive phenology of seasonally dry tropical forest trees6
Lizard and frog removal increases spider abundance but does not cascade to increase herbivory6
Seed size and pubescence facilitate secondary dispersal by dung beetles6
Drought‐induced reductions in plant defenses: Insights from extrafloral nectaries in the Caatinga dry forest6
Litter‐trapping tank bromeliads in five different forests: Carbon and nutrient pools and fluxes6
Leaf litter decomposition in tropical freshwater swamp forests is slower in swamp than non‐swamp conditions6
Out of steady state: Tracking canopy gap dynamics across Brazilian Amazon6
Aboveground carbon stocks, woody and litter productivity along an elevational gradient in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda6
Safe space in the woods: Mechanistic spatial models for predicting risks of human–bear conflicts in India6
Even small forest patches increase bee visits to flowers in an oil palm plantation landscape6
Insights into human‐wildlife coexistence through temporal activity pattern overlaps in a neglected tropical forest in India6
Patterns and controls on island‐wide aboveground biomass accumulation in second‐growth forests of Puerto Rico6
Influence of avocado orchard landscapes on amphibians and reptiles in the trans‐Mexican volcanic belt6
Functional and genetic diversity changes through time in a cloud forest ant assemblage6
Fruit trees drive small‐scale movement of elephants in Kibale National Park, Uganda6
Interactions of the influences of habitat protection, habitat heterogeneity, and periodic flooding on waterbirds of the lower Paraná River, Argentina6
Active modification of cavity nest‐entrances is a common strategy in arboreal ants6
Crickets as indicators of ecological succession in tropical systems, New Caledonia6
Small mammals reduce distance dependence and increase seed predation risk in tropical rainforest fragments6
Logging leaves a fingerprint on the number, size, spatial configuration and geometry of tropical forest canopy gaps6
Butterfly and moth communities differ in their response to habitat structure in rainforests of Mount Cameroon6
The legacy of forest logging on organic matter inputs and storage in tropical streams6
Clearcutting and selective logging have inconsistent effects on liana diversity and abundance but not on liana–tree interaction networks6
Forest fires facilitate growth of herbaceous bamboos in central Amazonia6
Weak edge effects on trees in Bornean rainforest remnants bordering oil palm5
Species richness and assemblages of bats along a forest elevational transect in Papua New Guinea5
Fish communities critically depend on forest subsidies in small neotropical streams with high biodiversity value5
The role of non‐natural foods in the nutritional strategies of monkeys in a human‐modified mosaic landscape5
Tayra (Eira barbara) landscape use as a function of cover types, forest protection, and the presence of puma and free‐ranging dogs5
Rainforest conversion to smallholder cash crops leads to varying declines of beetles (Coleoptera) on Sumatra5
Non‐continuous reproductive phenology of animal‐dispersed species in young forest restoration plantings5
Functional robustness of seed dispersal by a remnant frugivore population on a defaunated tropical island5
Short flowers for long tongues: Functional specialization in a nocturnal pollination network of an asclepiad in long‐tongued hawkmoths5
The eco‐evolutionary history of Madagascar presents unique challenges to tropical forest restoration5
Vertical stratification of dung beetles in young secondary forests of Singapore5
Reduced predation by arthropods and higher herbivory in burned Amazonian forests5
Diversity patterns of epiphytic bryophytes across spatial scales: Species‐rich crowns and beta‐diverse trunks5
Radial and vertical variation of wood nutrients in Bornean tropical forest trees5
Leaf‐cutting ant nests support less dense and impoverished seed assemblages in a human‐modified Caatinga dry forest5
Can variation in seed removal patterns of Neotropical pioneer tree species be explained by local ant community composition?5
Variation of seasonal litterfall in subtropical montane cloud forests to typhoon severity and environmental factors5
The empty forest three decades later: Lessons and prospects5
The role of deterministic succession during forest development within a southern African savanna5
Roost site use by Great (Buceros bicornis) and Wreathed (Rhyticeros undulatus) Hornbill and its implications for seed dispersal5
Morphology of four common and phylogenetically distant ant species varies along disturbance and aridity gradients in the Caatinga dry forest5
Forest structure predicts species richness and functional diversity in Amazonian mixed‐species bird flocks5
Effects of temperature and precipitation on litterfall phenology in four evergreen broad‐leaved forests of southern China5