Race and Social Problems

(The TQCC of Race and Social Problems is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Early Emergence of SES Achievement Gaps: Disparities Across Race, Ethnicity, and Immigrant Status38
Trait Mindfulness Decouples the Association Between System Justification and Racial Outgroup Attitudes33
Do Ethnic-Racial Identity Dimensions Moderate the Relations of Outgroup Discrimination and Ingroup Marginalization to Self-esteem in Black and Latinx Undergraduates?32
Racially Charged: The Impact of Ambivalent Sexism on Black and White Women Arrested for Prostitution31
What Are We Fighting For? Lay Theories About the Goals and Motivations of Anti-Racism Activism24
Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Multiracial Families: Emerging Findings and Future Directions19
The Influence of Indigenous Identity and Gender in Perceptions of Behavior in Response to Racialized Police Communication12
Countering Ethnic Minority-Targeted Hate Speech in a Multicultural Society10
Whose Pain Matters? Racial Differences in Perceptions of Emotional Pain After Fatal Police Shootings9
Residential Segregation and Framingham 30-Year Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among Black and White Young Adults in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health9
An Investigation of the Impact of Students’ Prior Disciplinary Record on School Discipline Outcomes9
Symbolic Exclusion and Historical Negation Regarding the Indigenous Mapuche People: A Study of Their Moral and Ideological Causes in Chile9
Racially Humble Parenting: Exploring the Link Between Parental Racial Humility and Parent–Child Closeness in Multiracial Black-White Families8
Patterns of Earnings and Employment by Worker Sex, Race, and Ethnicity Using State Administrative Data: Results from a Sample of Workers Connected to Public Assistance Programs8
The Divided House: Does Racial Segregation Predict Far-Right Protest in United States Metropolitan Areas?7
Credit Scoring as a Carceral Practice: An Abolitionist Framework7
Xenophobia, Partisanship, and Support for Donald Trump and the Republican Party6
That Which is Essential has been Made Invisible: The Need to Bring a Structural Risk Perspective to Reduce Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare6
Do Resilience and Social Support Moderate the Association between Race-Related Stress on Black Women’s Reports of Trauma Symptoms?6
Perpetuating Health Disparities of Minority Groups: The Role of U.S. Newspapers in the COVID-19 Pandemic6
Compounded Correlations Between Anxiety and Depression Symptomologies and Sexual Health Disparities Among Black Young Adult Females in the United States6
How Parents in Multiethnic-Racial Families Share Cultural Assets with Their Children6
Emotional Response and Behavioral Coping Associated with Experienced and Media Discrimination Among Asians and Asian Americans in the United States4
Setting the Tone: An Investigation of Skin Color Bias in Asia4
Racial Differences in Resilience: U.S. College Student’s Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic4
Social Cognitive Predictors of Bystander Intervention in Racial Microaggressions Among College Students4
The Impact of Community Belongingness on Mental Health and Well-Being Among Black LGBTQ Adults4
Racial Essentialism and Stress: A Deadly Combination for Prospective Police Officers’ Encounters with Black Suspects4
Racial Stacking Among Special Teams Units in American College Football4
New Technology, Old Patterns: Fintech Lending, Metropolitan Segregation, and Subprime Credit4
Racial Invariance or Asian Advantage: Comparing the Macro-Level Predictors of Violence Across Asian, White, and Black Populations4