Race and Social Problems

(The TQCC of Race and Social Problems is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Lived Experiences of Racism Among Child Welfare-Involved Parents38
Historical Redlining and Resident Exposure to COVID-19: A Study of New York City31
That Which is Essential has been Made Invisible: The Need to Bring a Structural Risk Perspective to Reduce Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare31
The Criminalization of Young Children and Overrepresentation of Black Youth in the Juvenile Justice System27
Racial Disparities and COVID-19: Exploring the Relationship Between Race/Ethnicity, Personal Factors, Health Access/Affordability, and Conditions Associated with an Increased Severity of COVID-1924
Racial Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms among Latina/o College Students: The Role of Racism-Related Vigilance and Sleep20
What Did You Call Me? An Analysis of Online Harassment Towards Black and Latinx Women19
The Efficacy of Cash Supports for Children by Race and Family Size: Understanding Disparities and Opportunities for Equity13
What the COVID-19 Pandemic Reveals about Racial Differences in Child Welfare and Child Well-Being: An Introduction to the Special Issue12
School Segregation at the Classroom Level in a Southern ‘New Destination’ State10
Perpetuating Health Disparities of Minority Groups: The Role of U.S. Newspapers in the COVID-19 Pandemic9
Racial Stratification Among Latinos in the Mortgage Market9
Experiences of Hispanic Families with Social Services in the Racially Segregated Southeast: Views from Administrators and Workers in North Carolina9
Emotional Response and Behavioral Coping Associated with Experienced and Media Discrimination Among Asians and Asian Americans in the United States8
Local TV News Coverage of Racial Disparities in COVID-19 During the First Wave of the Pandemic, March–June 20207
Xenophobia, Partisanship, and Support for Donald Trump and the Republican Party7
Racialized Gender Differences in Mental Health Service Use, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Recidivism Among Justice-Involved African American Youth7
Religiosity and Attitudes Toward Treatment for Mental Health in the Black Church7
Debt Stress, College Stress: Implications for Black and Latinx Students’ Mental Health7
The Episodic Kneel: Racial Neoliberalism, Civility, and the Media Circulation of Colin Kaepernick, 2017–20207
Measuring Anti-Indigenous Attitudes: The Indigenous Resentment Scale6
Family Racial/Ethnic Socialization Through the Lens of Multiracial Black Identity: A M(ai)cro Analysis of Meaning-Making6
New Technology, Old Patterns: Fintech Lending, Metropolitan Segregation, and Subprime Credit6
Collective Racial Bias and the Black-White Test Score Gap6
Examining Multiracial Pride, Identity-Based Challenges, and Discrimination: An Exploratory Investigation Among Biracial Emerging Adults6
The Interaction of Race and Place: Predictors of Fatal Police Shootings of Black Victims at the Incident, Census Tract, City, and State Levels, 2013–20186
Setting the Tone: An Investigation of Skin Color Bias in Asia6
White Americans’ Attitudes Toward Reparations for Slavery: Definitions and Determinants4
Prevalence and Correlates of Suicidal Ideation and Attempt According to Prisoners’ Race/Ethnicity: An Exploratory Analysis4
What’s in a Name? Symbolic Racism, Public Opinion, and the Controversy over the NFL’s Washington Football Team Name4
Educational Attainment Past the Traditional Age of Completion for Two Cohorts of US Adults: Inequalities by Gender and Race/Ethnicity4
Raising “Antiracist Disruptors”: Illuminating Socialization Practices that Support Antiracism in Multiracial Households4
Health Inequities in Historical Context: A Critical Race Theory Analysis of Diabetes among African Americans and American Indians4
Social Class also Matters: The Effects of Social Class, Ethnicity, and their Interaction on Prejudice and Discrimination Toward Roma4
Media Framing of Color-Blind Racism: A Content Analysis of the Charlottesville Rally*4
Malleable Identity and Parental Identity Accommodation in Multiethnic-Racial Families in the United States: Implications for Psychosocial Well-Being4