Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review

(The TQCC of Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A multi-view attention-based spatial–temporal network for airport arrival flow prediction596
Optimizing the response for Arctic mass rescue events281
Resilience assessment of intercity transport in a two-city system158
Scheduling on-site service deliveries to minimise the risk of missing appointment times158
Outsourcing strategy of an original equipment manufacturer in a sustainable supply chain: Whether and how should a contract manufacturer encroach?148
Reinforcement learning for logistics and supply chain management: Methodologies, state of the art, and future opportunities123
Supply chain operations with online platforms under the cap-and-trade regulation: Impacts of using blockchain technology121
High-speed rail pricing: Implications for social welfare118
Prediction of aircraft trajectory and the associated fuel consumption using covariance bidirectional extreme learning machines117
A multimodal multicommodity network equilibrium model with service capacity and bottleneck congestion for China-Europe containerized freight flows112
A novel scenario-based robust bi-objective optimization model for humanitarian logistics network under risk of disruptions112
Raising funds through crowdfunding for a capital-constrained servicing manufacturer106
Agricultural insurance and power structure in a capital-constrained supply chain103
Credit risk prediction of SMEs in supply chain finance by fusing demographic and behavioral data103
A cluster-based algorithm for home health care planning: A case study in Australia101
Technology-driven logistics and supply chain management for societal impacts98
Integrated ground vehicle and drone routing with simultaneous surveillance coverage for evading intentional disruption96
A multi-period multi-modal stochastic supply chain model under COVID pandemic: A poultry industry case study in Mississippi95
A hybrid deep reinforcement learning approach for a proactive transshipment of fresh food in the online–offline channel system93
Reselling, consignment or In-Marketplace selling Mode? Competitive strategy for E-tailers to counteract online third-party marketplaces87
Buy now or later? New or remanufactured? How to attract strategic customers87
Coordinating supply and demand in ride-sourcing markets with pre-assigned pooling service and traffic congestion externality86
Risk of delay evaluation in real-time train scheduling with uncertain dwell times84
Airline mitigation of propagated delays via schedule buffers: Theory and empirics81
Analysis of road capacity and franchise price decision delegation in toll road BOT project80
The berth assignment and allocation problem considering cooperative liner carriers80
Optimal decisions of modularity, prices and return policy in a dual-channel supply chain under mass customization78
Prohibiting cherry-picking: Regulating vehicle sharing services who determine fleet and service structure78
Capacity sharing for ride-sourcing platforms under competition78
A fuel savings and benefit analysis of reducing separation standards in the oceanic airspace managed by the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center75
Service trip attraction in commercial establishments72
Online relocating and matching of ride-hailing services: A model-based modular approach70
Synchronizing order picking and delivery in e-commerce warehouses under community logistics69
Tackling the crowdsourced shared-trip delivery problem at scale with a novel decomposition heuristic69
Location and inventory pre-positioning problem under uncertainty69
Editorial Board69
Measuring landing independence and interactions using statistical physics66
Pricing and carbon reduction strategies for vertically differentiated firms under Cap-and-Trade regulation65
Scenario-based stochastic programming for an airline-driven flight rescheduling problem under ground delay programs63
Analysis of cold-chain service outsourcing modes in a fresh agri-product supply chain62
Fundamental challenge and solution methods in prescriptive analytics for freight transportation62
Post-earthquake building damage assessment: A multi-period inspection routing approach for Gaussian process regression59
Institutional ownership and firm performance in the global shipping industry59
Flight delay propagation modeling: Data, Methods, and Future opportunities58
Information strategy in a supply chain under asymmetric customer returns information58
Store brand introduction under platform financing and competition57
A robust integrated logistics model for age-based multi-group platelets in disaster relief operations56
The digital freight forwarder and the incumbent: A framework to examine disruptive potentials of digital platforms56
Mobility heterogeneity of urban freight areas: Geospatial evidence from shared logistics dynamics56
Comparison of dynamic and static pricing strategies in a dual-channel supply chain with inventory control56
Information acquisition with advertising threshold effect under manufacturer encroachment in a supply chain56
A hedging policy for seaborne forward freight markets based on probabilistic forecasts54
Retrieval-oriented storage relocation optimization of an automated storage and retrieval system54
A double time-scale passenger assignment model for high-speed railway networks with continuum capacity approximation53
Optimizing automotive inbound logistics: A mixed-integer linear programming approach53
Editorial Board52
To acquire or compete? Government intervention in transportation under different route structures51
Winner determination problem with purchase budget for transportation procurement under uncertain shipment volume51
Route planning for last-mile deliveries using mobile parcel lockers: A hybrid q-learning network approach50
Editorial Board50
Where there is a will there is a way: A strategy analysis for electric vehicles sales in India49
Editorial Board49
Editorial Board49
Optimality-guaranteed algorithms on the dynamic shared-taxi problem48
Editorial Board48
Data-driven Wasserstein distributionally robust mitigation and recovery against random supply chain disruption48
Editorial Board47
Manufacturer’s contract choice and retailer’s returns management strategy47
On-demand ride-sourcing markets with cryptocurrency-based fare-reward scheme46
Managing regretful newsvendors and supply chain performance through target-setting46
A survey of finished vehicle distribution and related problems from an optimization perspective46
Editorial Board46
Flexibility in strategic flight planning46
Related party transactions and principal-principal conflicts in public companies: Evidence from the maritime shipping industry46
Service trip generation modeling in urban areas46
The strategic analysis of collection delivery points network sharing in last-mile logistics market45
A novel two-stage approach for energy-efficient timetabling for an urban rail transit network44
A user-based bike rebalancing strategy for free-floating bike sharing systems: A bidding model44
Choose clean energy or green technology? Empirical evidence from global ships44
Modelling the pedestrian’s willingness to walk on the subway platform: A novel approach to analyze in-vehicle crowd congestion43
Multiproduct newsvendor with cross-selling and narrow-bracketing behavior using data mining methods43
Modeling link capacity constraints with physical queuing and toll in the bi-modal mixed road network including bus and car modes43
Real-time optimization of train regulation and passenger flow control for urban rail transit network under frequent disturbances43
A novel ranking method based on semi-SPO for battery swapping allocation optimization in a hybrid electric transit system42
Digital supply chain announcements and firm’s stock market value: An empirical study from China42
The supply chain of blood products in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic: Appointment scheduling and other restrictions41
Fulfillment and pricing optimization for omni-channel retailers considering shipment of in-store demand41
Bus fleet decarbonization under macroeconomic and technological uncertainties: A real options approach to support decision-making40
A reinforcement learning-based hyper-heuristic for AGV task assignment and route planning in parts-to-picker warehouses40
Travel choice behaviour under uncertainty in real-market settings: A source-dependent utility approach40
Multi-mode hybrid electric vehicle routing problem40
Predictive analysis of sell-and-purchase shipping market: A PIMSE approach40
Optimizing flexible one-to-two matching in ride-hailing systems with boundedly rational users40
Pricing and quality strategies for an on-demand housekeeping platform with customer-intensive services39
Towards sustainable port management: Data-driven global container ports turnover rate assessment39
Making better order fulfillment in multi-tote storage and retrieval autonomous mobile robot systems39
Multi-Platform dynamic game and operation of hybrid Bike-Sharing systems based on reinforcement learning39
Optimizing multi-attribute pricing plans with time- and location-dependent rates for different carsharing user profiles39
Innovative development strategy of a risk-averse firm considering product unreliability under competition39
Economical-traveling-distance-based fleet composition with fuel costs: An application in petrol distribution39
A math-heuristic and exact algorithm for first-mile ridesharing problem with passenger service quality preferences38
A simulation-based optimization approach for the recharging scheduling problem of electric buses38
Bi-directional information fusion-driven deep network for ship trajectory prediction in intelligent transportation systems38
A variable neighborhood search algorithm for locker-based drone delivery makespan minimization problem38
Demand cannibalization during product rollovers in the presence of strategic customers37
Effects of high-speed rail on intercity travels, utility and social welfare in urban agglomerations: A game-theoretic perspective37
Editorial Board36
The reflection of competition and coordination on organic agribusiness supply chains36
Impact of entry restriction policies on international air transport connectivity during COVID-19 pandemic36
Urban rail service design for collaborative passenger and freight transport36
Potentialities of drones and ground autonomous delivery devices for last-mile logistics36
Should multinational firms implement blockchain to provide quality verification?35
Stochasticity and environmental cost inclusion for electric vehicles fast-charging facility deployment35
Electric bus charging scheduling problem considering charging infrastructure integrated with solar photovoltaic and energy storage systems35
Platform vs. 3PL financing: Strategic choice of lending model for an e-tailer under operational risk35
Airline price responses in the face of demand shocks: European lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic35
An autonomous vehicle exclusive lane design problem under the mixed autonomy traffic environment: Model formulation and large-scale algorithm design34
The impact of quantity-based cost decline on supplier encroachment34
Optimal BOT contracts in a two-road transportation network34
Vessel routing optimization for floating macro-marine debris collection in the ocean considering dynamic velocity and direction34
Two-stage distributionally robust optimization for disaster relief logistics under option contract and demand ambiguity34
Travel time models for compact automated parking systems using two I/O points and the point of service completion dwell point policy33
Pre-positioning and real-time disaster response operations: Optimization with mobile phone location data33
Approximate dynamic programming for network recovery problems with stochastic demand33
Is dual sourcing a better choice? The impact of reliability improvement and contract manufacturer encroachment33
The intersection of supply chain operations and finance: Logistics uncertainty and International IPO underpricing33
Agency, reselling, or hybrid mode? Competing with store brand33
A gradient-descent-based framework for solving a stochastic two-echelon delivery problem with cargo-bikes32
Sentiment as a shipping market predictor: Testing market-specific language models32
Modeling the evacuation behavior of subway pedestrians with the consideration of luggage abandonment under emergency scenarios32
Maritime Fuel Price Prediction of European Ports using Least Square Boosting and Facebook Prophet: Additional Insights from Explainable Artificial Intelligence32
Control of dynamic ride-hailing networks with a mixed fleet of autonomous vehicles and for-hire human drivers32
Green premium and the role of financial investors in sustainable investment in container shipping32
Coordinative dispatching of shared and public transportation under passenger flow outburst32
An exact optimization method for coordinating the arrival times of urban rail lines at a common corridor31
The role of government regulatory policies in financing capital-constrained retailers under competition31
This is what’s in store for you: How online social learning affects product positioning31
A station location design problem in a bike-sharing system with both conventional and electric shared bikes considering bike users’ roaming delay costs31
Ascertaining the impact of e-service quality on e-loyalty for the e-commerce platform of liner shipping companies30
How to enhance the effects of the green supply chain management strategy in the organization: A diffusion process perspective30
A route network planning method for urban air delivery30
Load factors of less-than-truckload delivery tours: An analysis with operation data30
Blockchains for SMEs: A Fit-Viability perspective moderated by organizational innovation diffusion for supply chain performance30
Charging facility planning and scheduling problems for battery electric bus systems: A comprehensive review30
An efficient heuristic for the fixed-route vehicle-refueling problem30
A hierarchical optimization approach for dynamic pickup and delivery problem with LIFO constraints29
ChatGPT-enabled two-stage auctions for electric vehicle battery recycling29
Will self-gifting of streamers hurt unions? Analyzing the union’s compensation mechanism for a live streaming supply chain29
The role of communication quality, relational commitment, and reciprocity in building supply chain resilience: A social exchange theory perspective29
Evasion strategy for a coastal cargo ship with unpunctual arrival penalty under sulfur emission regulation29
A Cross-disciplinary review of product recall research: A stakeholder-stage framework29
Pareto routing and scheduling of dynamic urban rail transit services with multi-objective cross entropy method29
A dynamic routing protocol with payments for the Physical Internet: A simulation with learning agents29
Integrating ride-sourcing with electric vehicle charging under mixed fleets and differentiated services28
Manufacturer- versus retailer-initiated bundling: Implications for the supply chain28
Efficiency and equity analysis on parking reservation28
Creating all-win by blockchain in a remanufacturing supply chain with consumer risk-aversion and quality untrust28
How should a capital-constrained servicizing manufacturer search for financing? The impact of supply chain leadership28
Estimating the potential for optimized curb management to reduce delivery vehicle double parking, traffic congestion and energy consumption28
Profit or prestige? Strategies for luxury brands to navigate the second-hand market using blockchain technology28
A railcar re-blocking strategy via Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming28
A machine learning-driven two-phase metaheuristic for autonomous ridesharing operations27
The determinants of hidden-city ticketing: Competition, hub-and-spoke networks, and advance-purchase requirements27
En-route charge scheduling for an electric bus network: Stochasticity and real-world practice27
Upward scalable vehicle routing problem of automobile inbound logistics with pickup flexibility27
Influencing factors of trucking companies willingness to shift to alternative fuel vehicles27
Investment competition on dedicated terminals under demand ambiguity27
The static bike rebalancing problem with optimal user incentives27
Integrated optimization for high-speed railway express system with multiple modes27
Dynamic resilience analysis of the liner shipping network: From structure to cooperative mechanism27
AdaBoost-Bagging deep inverse reinforcement learning for autonomous taxi cruising route and speed planning27
Competition or cooperation? Ports’ strategies and welfare analysis facing shipping alliances26
The economic ship speed under time charter contract—A cash flow approach26
Air passengers’ willingness to pay for ancillary services on long-haul flights26
Shipping sentiment and the dry bulk shipping freight market: New evidence from newspaper coverage26
Inter-platform competition in a regulated ride-hail market with pooling26
Vehicle dispatching in modular transit networks: A mixed-integer nonlinear programming model26
Assessing last-mile distribution resilience under demand disruptions26
An exact algorithm for the multi-trip container drayage problem with truck platooning25
Platform vs. Manufacturer: Who should implement innovation in e-commerce supply chains?25
Supply Chain 4.0 performance measurement: A systematic literature review, framework development, and empirical evidence25
Optimization of a rural bus service integrated with e-commerce deliveries guided by a new sustainable policy in China25
An exact solution approach for an electric bus dispatch problem25
Hiding or disclosing? Information discrimination in member-only discounts25
The impacts of carbon insurance on supply chain and environment considering technology risk under cap-and-trade mechanism25
Sustainable procurement drivers for extended multi-tier context: A multi-theoretical perspective in the Danish supply chain25
An effective kernel search and dynamic programming hybrid heuristic for a multimodal transportation planning problem with order consolidation25
Prediction of the severity of marine accidents using improved machine learning24
An optimization-based methodology equipped with lean tools to strengthen medical supply chain resilience during a pandemic: A case study from Turkey24
Conflict-free scheduling of large-scale multi-load AGVs in material transportation network24
Applications of smart technologies in logistics and transport: A review24
Using system dynamics to analyze the societal impacts of blockchain technology in milk supply chainsrefer24
To share or not to share: Strategic information sharing with store brand encroachment in platform markets24
How small-and-medium transportation companies handle asymmetric customer relationships under COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-method study24
The role of consumer behavior and power structures in coping with shoddy goods24
A reliable emergency logistics network for COVID-19 considering the uncertain time-varying demands24
Would your company’s resilience be internally viable after COVID-19 pandemic disruption?: A new PADRIC-based diagnostic methodology24
Data-driven approach for port resilience evaluation24
A framework to managing disruption risk in rail-truck intermodal transportation networks24
Generating bunkering statistics from AIS data: A machine learning approach24
In-house production and outsourcing under different emissions reduction regulations: An equilibrium decision model for global supply chains24
Distributionally robust optimization for minimizing price fluctuations in quota system23
Distributionally robust optimization for pre-disaster facility location problem with 3D printing23
Inhibitors in ridesharing firms from developing Nations: A novel Integrated MCDM – Text Mining approach using Large-Scale data23
Optimal operation strategies for freight transport with electric vehicles considering wireless charging lanes23
Optimal E-tailing channel structure and service contracting in the platform era23
Exploring spatiotemporal heterogeneity of urban green freight delivery parking based on new energy vehicle GPS data23
Meal pickup and delivery problem with appointment time and uncertainty in order cancellation23
Dynamic matching radius decision model for on-demand ride services: A deep multi-task learning approach23
Towards green logistics: An innovative decision support model for zero-emission transportation modes development23
Planning of electric vehicle charging stations: An integrated deep learning and queueing theory approach23
3PL firm’s equity financing for technology innovation in a platform supply chain23
Synchromodal transport planning considering heterogeneous and vague preferences of shippers23
Enhancing the evacuation efficiency through the two-step optimization of train timetable and response vehicles during metro disruptions23
The rich get richer: Derivative revenue as a catalyst for bike-sharing subscription services23
Traffic Flow Outlier Detection for Smart Mobility Using Gaussian Process Regression Assisted Stochastic Differential Equations23
The full truckload pickup and delivery problem with truck platooning23
AIS data-driven ship trajectory prediction modelling and analysis based on machine learning and deep learning methods23
Operational benefits of autonomous vessels in logistics—A case of autonomous water-taxis in Bergen23
Optimal product and after-sales service decisions considering risk attitudes under price-dependent uncertain demand22
An exact algorithm for scheduling tandem quay crane operations in container terminals22
On the “prisoner’s dilemma” of order timing in a cross-border and co-opetitive supply chain22
Distribution channel and licensing strategy choice considering consumer online reviews in a closed-loop supply chain22
Resilient NdFeB magnet recycling under the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic: Stochastic programming and Benders decomposition22
Coordination of a supply chain with Nash bargaining fairness concerns22
Optimization of the drone-assisted pickup and delivery problem22
An analysis on the role of blockchain-based platforms in agricultural supply chains22
Optimal reserve policies for emergency medical supplies: Joint consideration of reserving safety stocks, production capacity, and capital22
Editorial Board22
Effects of asymmetric cost information on collection outsourcing of used products for remanufacturing22
Fuel distribution planning for disasters: Models and case study for Puerto Rico22
Application of blockchain and smart contracts in autonomous vehicle supply chains: An experimental design22
A patrol routing problem for maritime Crime-Fighting22
Designing corridor systems with modular autonomous vehicles enabling station-wise docking: Discrete modeling method22
Equilibrium analysis of morning commuting and parking under spatial capacity allocation in the autonomous vehicle environment21
Editorial Board21
Competitive implications of personalized pricing with a dominant retailer21
Explainable train delay propagation: A graph attention network approach21
Optimal configuration of dynamic wireless charging facilities considering electric vehicle battery capacity21
Preface – Selection of papers from ISTTT2421
The financial impacts of environmental violations on supply chains: Evidence from an emerging market21
The multi-commodity network flow problem with soft transit time constraints: Application to liner shipping21
Implications of warm-glow effect and risk aversion in reward-based crowdfunding21
Negative effect of price-matching policy on traditional retailers in a dual-channel supply chain with different content formats21
Multi-period distributionally robust emergency medical service location model with customized ambiguity sets20
Pricing strategy and platform competition with partial multi-homing agents: When the aggregation platform exists in ride-sharing market20
A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for the dial-a-ride problem with incompatible customer types20
Pricing strategies in reward-based crowdfunding: Whether to introduce price guarantee?20
Pickup capacitated vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints: Model and algorithms20
Methodology for generating synthetic labeled datasets for visual container inspection20