Lex Localis-Journal of Local Self-Government

(The TQCC of Lex Localis-Journal of Local Self-Government is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Relevance of Political Engagement and Transparency in Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Environments: Analyzing Border Cities in Europe13
Local Public Services Delivery Mechanisms: A Literature Review12
The Local Government’s Position in the Polish Cybersecurity System11
The The Role of Public Order Regulations as Acts of Local Law in the Performance of Tasks in the Field of Public Security by Local Self-government in Poland10
Participatory Budgeting in Serbia: Lessons Learnt from Pilot Projects9
Implementation of the Tender by the Municipal Service Administration from the Aspect of Management in the Municipalities of the Republic of Serbia8
The Effect of Public Finance Control on the Improvement of Work of Internal Auditors in Enterprises Founded by the Local Self-government Units on the Example of the Republic of Serbia6
Cybersecurity in the Local Government Sector in Poland: More Work Needs to be Done5
The Role of Green Finance in Community Renewable Energy Projects of main Region and Taiwan5
The Importance of Applying Lean Innovation for Enhancing Harmonization of Customs Procedures in context of Digitalization of Customs Administration – A Case Study of Serbia4
Fragmented Property Rights and Residents’ Participation in Renovation of Old Communities: Comparative Case Studies in Haikou, China4
Incumbency Advantage in the Context of Electoral Manipulation. Experiences of Local Elections in Poland4
Governance and Steering of MOCs in Finland – Legal Perspective4
The Access to the ICT Network as a Public Task of Local Government4
The Role of Slovenian Local Government in the Wine Tourism Promotion3
Slovak Self-governments` Legislative Aspects of the Possibilities in Dealing with Nuclear and Other Extraordinary Events3
Local Taxation of Tourism in the Context of the Collaborative Economy – Case Study from the Czech Republic3
Do Local Budgets Influence Regional Development? Empirical evidence from Romania3
What Contributes to the Formation of Stable Collaborative Water Governance? A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Chinese Cases3
Taxi Cooperatives as an Alternative to Uber3
EU Recovery Plans, Inclusive Knowledge Economy and Overcoming Regional Disparities3
Decision-making of Top Management and Internal Audit on the Issue of Archiving Documentation in Companies Founded by Local Government Units in the Republic of Serbia3
A Scoping Review of Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector2
From Advice and Consultation to Local Co-governance. The Case of Advisory Councils in Polish Cities2
Functioning of Cooperatives within the Context of the Tasks of Communes (Especially Rural) – Selected Economic and Law Issues2
New Tourist Tax as a Tool for Municipalities in the Czech Republic2
Entrepreneurial Activities Performed by Local Governments in Poland – The Context of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Concept2
Political Business Cycle in Local Governments in Transition and Developing Economies. Literature Review and Empirical Study for Poland2
The Disclosure of Sustainability Information in the Local Governments of the Pacific Alliance2
The Legal Aspects of Activities Taken by Local Authorities to Promote Sustainable Development Goals: Between Global and Regional Regulations in Poland2
Public Services: Forced Digitalization in a Pandemic - The Nuances of Management2
Why do Local Governments Externalise Public Service Delivery? An Empirical Analysis of the Drivers of Corporatisation, Public-public Collaboration and PPP in the Flemish Elderly Care Sector2
Non-competitive Elections at the Local Level and the Incumbency Advantage of Mayors – Research Experiences from Poland2
Citizen Participation and Budget Variance: How Does Local Government Make Better Fiscal Accountability?2
The Transformation of the Municipal Social Care System in Hungary – In the Light of the Provision of Home Care Services2
Functional Regions as Bases for Provinces in Slovenia1
Analysis of the Presence of Criminal Offenses in the Field of the Shadow Economy in Serbia1
Why does Organizational Performance Fluctuate in Agricultural Industrialization Consortia: A Study Based on Dual Paradox in Development and Institution1
Flaws and Advantages of the Polish Local Self-Government in the 21st Century: Social Consultations at the Local Level1
Public Expenditures on Sport, Recreation and Leisure Activities: Analytical Approach in Self-governing Regions in the Czech Republic1
Discretion as a Government Policy Innovation in Indonesia1
The Effectivity of Local Fee Collection: Case Study in Selected Municipalities of the South Bohemian District, Czech Republic1
Essence of Self-governance Illustrated with an Example of the Professional Self-government Body of Legal Counsels (in Poland)1
Prospects and Challenges of Public-private Partnership Model for the Development of China's Infrastructure1
Political Determination of Intergovernmental Grants: Evidence from the General Shared Tax in South Korea1
Product, Packaging and Waste Management Database (BDO): A New Public Service and its Application at the Local Level in Poland1
Local Self-government in European Countries: General Characteristics, Comparison and Ukrainian Realities1
Bases of International Cooperation of Local Governments1
Analysis of the Financing of Local Communities in Slovenia in Times of Economic Downturn and Crises1
The Value of Truth and Citizens’ Panels - from Philosophical Roots to Practical Consequences of the Governance Concept1
Emerging Topics on Inter-municipal Cooperation in the Czech Republic: Policy Networking, Regionalization and Financial Indicators1
Rawls' Theory of Justice as Fairness as Foundation and Challenge for Local Self-Government1
Multi-level Governance in Centralized State? Evidence from China after the Territorial Reforms1
Non-tax Burden Management as a Manner of Increasing Fiscal Competitiveness – The Experience of Bosnia and Herzegovina1
Intimate Partner Homicide in the Times of Covid-19 in Slovenia1
Organisational Design – Learning from Engagement During High-impact Low-frequency Events1
Differentiation of Fiscal Effects of Local Tax Policy in Countries Using Area-Based Property Taxation: the Case of Poland1
Social Entrepreneurship and Development of Local Self-Governments – Evidence from Montenegro1
Environmental Tax Revenue and Expenditures in EU and Serbia - Lessons to be Learnt from Statistics1
How does Decentralization Affect the Performance of Municipalities in Urban Environmental Management in the Philippines?1
Explaining Strategies in Setting Own Local Taxes in Slovenia1
Key Debt Drivers of Local Governments: Empirical Evidence on Municipalities in Poland1
E-administration in Polish and Hungarian Municipalities – a Comparative Analysis of the Regulatory Issues1
A Assessment of Management Efficiency in Local Administrative Offices: Case Study Poland1
Constitutional and Legal Dilemmas for Establishing the Association of Kosovo Serb Majority Municipalities1
Assessment of the True Origins of Fiscal Decentralisation in the Selected EU Member States1
Cooperation of the Central Government, Local Government and Self-Government of Legal Professionals in Organising the System of Legal Aid in Poland1
Forms of Commercial Companies and Partnerships Designed for Municipal Services Management by the Commune in Polish law: The Legislation as it Stands (de lege lata) and as it should Stand (de lege fere1
Reflections on the Closure of Rural Schools in the Local Socio-economic Context - The Example of Poland1
Colonial Governance System in Pakistan: A Case Study of South Waziristan, Newly Merged District1
Competitive Jurisdictions of Local Administration Authorities and Notaries for the Certification Purposes in Montenegro1
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Local Finance and Development Strategies. Case of Urban and Rural Areas in the Mazovia Region1
Position of the Local Development Fee in the System of Local Taxes and Fees in the Slovak Republic1
Cultural and Creative Industries of Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading1
Exploratory Analysis of the E-government E-skills of Serbian Citizens and Their Ability to Use E-government Services with Special Emphasis on the Regional Differences1
Local-level Nudging for Renewables in Slovenia: Organisational Aspects and Legal Limitations1
Transparency and Risk Allocation in PPP: Addressing Complex Contracts' Mathematical Formulas in the Portuguese Case1
Local Government Transfer into the Process of Ukraine's European Integration: Achievements of Communities and Losses of the Executive Branch of Power1
The Determinants of Fiscal Transparency in Vietnamese Local Governments1
On the Legal Basis of the Lawmaking by Local Self-Governments – an International Overview1
Organizational Archetypes in Public Procurement1
The Assessment of Public Health Capacities at Local Self-governments in Serbia1
The Application of the Downsizing Method Based on Employee Attendance Data in Oversized Public Utility Companies Founded by the Republic of Serbia Local Self-Government Units1