European Journal of Forest Research

(The TQCC of European Journal of Forest Research is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Short-term effects of pre-commercial thinning on carbon cycling in fertile birch (Betula sp.) stands in hemiboreal Estonia57
Intraspecific variability in cold hardiness of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) in Türkiye33
Importance of abiotic factors in shaping canopy arthropod assemblages: the case of Quercus castanea Née (Fagales:Fagaceae) a Mexican endemic oak32
Dust captured by a canopy and individual leaves of trees in the tropical mixed deciduous forest: Magnitude and influencing factors24
Influence of crown and canopy structure on light absorption, light use efficiency, and growth in mixed and pure Pseudotsuga menziesii and Fagus sylvatica forests23
Compatible taper and volume systems for Larix olgensis and Larix kaempferi in northeast China22
Assessing genetic diversity of European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pallas) in Bavaria as an indicator for in-situ conservation and sustainable use of the species genetic resources21
Analysis of structure from motion and airborne laser scanning features for the evaluation of forest structure19
Prognosis of aboveground woody biomass in a central Brazilian Cerrado monitored for 27 years after the implementation of management systems18
Evaluating gap characteristics and their effects on regeneration in Sitapahar forest reserve, Bangladesh17
Coppice reintroduction in the Czech Republic: extent, motivation and obstacles16
Morphological plasticity of six tree species with different light demands growing in multi-layered deciduous forests in Central Europe16
Effects of tree mixture on forest productivity: tree species addition versus substitution16
Pollution and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in forest soils with changes in the leaf traits and membrane integrity of Vaccinium myrtillus L.15
Nonlinear parsimonious forest modeling assuming normal distribution of residuals15
The role of pit-mound microrelief in the redistribution of rainwater in forest soils: a natural legacy facilitating groundwater recharge?15
Weak relationships of continuous forest management intensity and remotely sensed stand structural complexity in temperate mountain forests14
VARI as an indicator of site productivity of Pinus taeda L.: soil, litter, and plant nutrition14
Analysis of genotype-by-environment interaction in a multisite progeny test with Scots pine for supporting selection decisions14
Balancing stand productivity and wood quality in chestnut coppices using chronosequence approach and productivity model14
Effect of copper mining pollution-induced heavy metal toxicities on B. longifolia Benth wood cell characteristics14
Sexual reproduction in two mixed stands of coastal and interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in Germany14
Tree mortality in mature temperate forests of central Mexico: a spatial approach13
Could timber winching operations be cleaner? An evaluation of two options in terms of residual stand damage, soil disturbance and operational efficiency12
Limited seed dispersal, allelopathy and unfavorable microclimatic conditions prevent the recovery of oak forests within Eucalyptus plantations12
Regeneration in European beech forests after drought: the effects of microclimate, deadwood and browsing12
Riparian buffer zones in production forests create unequal costs among forest owners12
Mechanisms shaping the functional diversity of birds’ composition in the primeval forest ecosystem of the Białowieża National Park11
Early-succession secondary forests following agropastoral abandonment are key winter habitats for the conservation of a priority bird in the European Alps11
Optimal forest management in the presence of endogenous fire risk and fuel control11
Improving dynamic treatment unit forest planning with cellular automata heuristics11
Effects of tree species diversity on leaf litter decomposition process in semi-arid Mediterranean oak forests11
An estimation method to reduce complete and partial nonresponse bias in forest inventory11
Genetic resilience of Atlantic forest trees to impacts of biome loss and fragmentation10
Uncertainty of biomass stocks in Spanish forests: a comprehensive comparison of allometric equations10
The effects of wildfire frequency on post-fire soil surface water dynamics10
Resin tapping of Atlantic pine forests: towards an optimized use of stimulant pastes over the season10
Clear-cutting without additional regeneration treatments can trigger successional setbacks prolonging the expected time to compositional recovery in boreal forests10
Vertical variation in swelling properties of Norway spruce bark depending on tree age and bark moisture content10
Trade-offs and management strategies for ecosystem services in mixed Scots pine and Maritime pine forests9
Genetic differentiation of indigenous (Quercus robur L.) and late flushing oak stands (Q. robur L. subsp. slavonica (Gáyer) Mátyás) in western Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia)9
Predicting the distribution of European Hop Hornbeam: application of MaxEnt algorithm and climatic suitability models9
Impacts of wood extraction on soil: assessing rutting and soil compaction caused by skidding and forwarding by means of traditional and innovative methods9
A new afforestation method can accelerate nutrient return from litterfall- a 17-year observation on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau9
Effects of plant leaf traits, abundance and phylogeny on differentiation of herbivorous insect assemblages in Mediterranean mixed forest9
Genetic diversity and the origin of Taiwania cryptomerioides plantations in South China: implications for conservation and restoration9
Temporal changes in soil chemical compositions in acidified mountain forest soils of Czech Republic9
Impact of native tree species introduction on soil nutrient and bacterial community in Eucalyptus plantations9
Long-term nitrogen addition regulates root nutrient capture and leaf nutrient resorption in Larix gmelinii in a boreal forest9
Harmonization and variation of deadwood density and carbon concentration in different stages of decay of the most important Central European tree species9
Age-independent diameter increment models for mixed mountain forests8
Overyielding in mixed pine forests with belowground complementarity: impacts on understory8
Effect of litter cover on acorn survival, seedling emergence, and early growth of introduced Quercus rubra8
The influence of fencing on seedling establishment during reforestation of oak stands: a comparison of artificial and natural regeneration techniques including costs8
The feasibility of adding wood quality traits as selection criteria in the Galician Pinus pinaster Aiton breeding program: case study8
Which trees form the best soil? Reclaimed mine soil properties under 22 tree species: 50 years later—assessment of physical and chemical properties8
Genetic diversity, genetic differentiation and demographic history of Cryptomeria (Cupressaceae), a tertiary relict plant in East Asia based on RAD sequencing8
Structure and dynamics of old-growth Pinus nigra stands in Southeast Europe8
Effects of long-term nitrogen addition and seasonal variation on soil faunal community structure in a temperate natural secondary forest8
Predicting aboveground biomass yield for moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) plantations based on the diameter distribution model7
Silvicultural prescriptions for mixed-species forest stands. A European review and perspective7
Diversification of coniferous monocultures in the last 30 years and implications for forest restoration: a case study from temperate lower montane forests in Central Europe7
Correction to: Neighbourhood effects modify deer herbivory on tree seedlings7
Managerial ability and productivity growth in the European forest sector7
Correction to: Similar genetic diversity but increased differentiation revealed among a 58-year-old Pinus massoniana seed-tree stand and its progenies generated at different ages7
Boreal forest multifunctionality under varying harvesting intensity and forest management priorities7
Correction: Understanding beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) photosynthetic responses to microhabitat water deficit: a site-specific investigation7
Tree growth rate under urban limiting conditions7
Correction: Genetic diversity and fine-scale spatial genetic structure of unmanaged old-growth versus managed second-growth populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Lithuania7
Mediterranean co-living: succession of soil mycorrhizal communities associated with Halimium lasianthum shrubs7
Carbon storage potentiality in successional and secondary old growth forests7
Distribution, hybridisation and morphological variation in Alnus rohlenae (Betulaceae) an endemic species of the Balkan Peninsula6
Rainfall interception and redistribution of varying leaf litter types and rainfall intensities on slopes6
Possible links between soil variables, bacterial abundance and kinetic constants in isoprene degradation by dry deciduous tropical forest soils6
Radial increment dynamics of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) in pure and mixed stands with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) under changing environmental conditions6
Xylem adjustment and growth response of early- and late-successional tree species to rapid warming6
Genetic diversity and fine-scale spatial genetic structure of unmanaged old-growth versus managed second-growth populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Lithuania6
Exploring the effects of different fertilizer application durations on the functional microbial profiles of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling by using metagenomics in Paulownia plantations in a subtrop6
Changes in soil phosphorus fractions following the conversion of Chinese fir plantations to evergreen broad-leaved forests in subtropical China6
Genetic diversity, genetic structure, and germplasm source of Chinese pine in North China6
Diameter growth of European beech on carbonate: a regional versus forest type perspective6
Effects of climate and competition on crown width: a case of Korean pine plantations6
Changes in soil carbon and nitrogen stocks after conversion of subtropical natural forest to loblolly pine plantations6
Genetic variation of Picea abies in response to the artificial inoculation of Heterobasidion parviporum6
European forest sinks and climate targets: past trends, main drivers, and future forecasts6
Effects of fertilisation and understory removal on aboveground and belowground carbon stocks in wet and dry moorlands in south-western France6
The distribution of carbon stocks between tree woody biomass and soil differs between Scots pine and broadleaved species (beech, oak) in European forests5
Quantifying the influence of tree species richness on community drought resistance using drone-derived NDVI and ground-based measures of Plant Area Index and leaf chlorophyll in a young tree diversity5
Dissecting the continuum and unravelling the phylogeographic knot of plastid DNA in European white oaks (Quercus sect. Quercus): ancient signatures and multiple diversity reservoirs5
Climatic water availability modifies tree functional diversity effects on soil organic carbon storage in European forests5
Quantile regression: prediction of growth and yield for a eucalyptus plantation in northeast Brazil5
Anthropogenic deforestation and climate dryness as drivers of demographic decline and genetic erosion in the southernmost European fir forests5
Perception of climate change-related forest dieback in mountain forests among the local population5
Role of environmental filtering and seed source availability in natural regeneration processes following large-scale disturbances in mountain forests5
Allometric scaling of leaf mass based on the pipe model theory for woody plant species5
A remote sensing assessment of oak forest recovery after postfire restoration5
A new taper index based on form-factor: application to three bamboo species (Phyllostachys spp.)5
Genetic variability of indigenous (Quercus robur L.) and late flushing oak (Quercus robur L. subsp. slavonica (Gáyer) Mátyás) in adult stands compared with their natural regeneration5
Long-term nitrogen addition further increased carbon sequestration in a boreal forest5
Functional traits explain growth–mortality trade-offs in a mixed broadleaf-conifer forest in northeastern China5
Drivers of oak establishment in Mediterranean old fields from 25-year-old woodland islets planted to assist natural regeneration5
Environmental controls on seedling establishment in a boreal forest: implications for Scots pine regeneration in continuous cover forestry5
Organic soil greenhouse gas flux rates in hemiboreal old-growth Scots pine forests at different groundwater levels5
Effects of light transmittance on growth and biomass of understory seedlings in mixed pine-beech forests5
Combined retention of large living and dead trees can improve provision of tree-related microhabitats in Central European montane forests5
Restoring mixed forests through conversion of Norway spruce stands: effects of fencing and mechanical site preparation on performance of planted beech and natural tree regeneration5
Dynamic treatment units in forest planning improves economic performance over stand-based planning5
First trial of a prototype chainflail delimber for the European short rotation poplar plantations5
The cost of risk management and multifunctionality in forestry: a simulation approach for a case study area in Southeast Germany5
Nutrients (N, P, K, Na) and warming affect heterotrophic respiration in temperate forest litter5
Drivers of intraspecific variation in fecundity in rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)5