Public Relations Review

(The TQCC of Public Relations Review is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Employee coping with organizational change in the face of a pandemic: The role of transparent internal communication104
Status of internal communication research in public relations: An analysis of published articles in nine scholarly journals from 1970 to 201961
Effects of Issue Ownership, Perceived Fit, and Authenticity in Corporate Social Advocacy on Corporate Reputation57
The impact of employee engagement, organisational support and employer branding on internal communication satisfaction56
“Vision, passion, and care:” The impact of charismatic executive leadership communication on employee trust and support for organizational change52
Does the medium matter? A meta-analysis on using social media vs. traditional media in crisis communication51
Cultivating employee creativity through strategic internal communication: The role of leadership, symmetry, and feedback seeking behaviors50
Engaging for a social licence to operate (SLO)50
Corporate social advocacy as engagement: Nike's social justice communication47
Managing internal communication: How the choice of channels affects internal communication satisfaction46
Developing a multi-level organization-public dialogic communication framework to assess social media-mediated disaster communication and engagement outcomes44
Internal communicators’ understanding of the definition and importance of employee advocacy42
The Effects of Corrective Communication and Employee Backup on the Effectiveness of Fighting Crisis Misinformation41
Enhancing Employee Engagement via Leaders’ Motivational Language in times of crisis: Perspectives from the COVID-19 outbreak40
When public relations meets social media: A systematic review of social media related public relations research from 2006 to 202036
Responding to a Health Crisis on Facebook: The Effects of Response Timing and Message Appeal35
Managing strategic influencer communication: A systematic overview on emerging planning, organization, and controlling routines35
The paradoxical effects of communicating CSR activities: Why CSR communication has both positive and negative effects on the perception of a company’s social responsibility34
Mapping corporate social responsibility research in communication: A network and bibliometric analysis33
Irresistible possibilities: Examining the uses and consequences of social media influencers for contemporary public relations32
Examining consumer attitudes toward CSR and CSA messages31
De-motivating employees’ negative communication behaviors on anonymous social media: The role of public relations31
Science public relations: The parallel, interwoven, and contrasting trajectories of public relations and science communication theory and practice30
Politicization of corporations and their environment: Corporations’ social license to operate in a polarized and mediatized society30
Two-way communication, symmetry, negative spaces, and dialogue28
Social media ethics in the data economy: Issues of social responsibility for using Facebook for public relations27
Relationship matters: How government organization-public relationship impacts disaster recovery outcomes among multiethnic communities27
Crisis collective memory making on social media: A case study of three Chinese crises on Weibo25
Culture and internal communication in Chile: Linking ethical organizational culture, transparent communication, and employee advocacy24
The ethical dimension of public relations in Europe: Digital channels, moral challenges, resources, and training24
Dealing with the COVID-19 crisis: Theoretical application of social media analytics in government crisis management23
Communicating corporate LGBTQ advocacy: A computational comparison of the global CSR discourse23
How dialogic internal communication fosters employees’ safety behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic23
Visual communication and public relations: Visual frame building strategies in war and conflict stories23
“I've never seen a client say: ‘Tell the influencer not to label this as sponsored’”: An exploration into influencer industry ethics23
Managing multi-stakeholder relationships in nonprofit organizations through multiple channels: A systematic review and research agenda for enhancing stakeholder relationship marketing23
How publics react to situational and renewing organizational responses across crises: Examining SCCT and DOR in social-mediated crises22
Practicing transparency in a crisis: Examining the combined effects of crisis type, response, and message transparency on organizational perceptions22
Unpack the relational and behavioral outcomes of internal CSR: Highlighting dialogic communication and managerial facilitation21
The skills required for entry-level public relations: An analysis of skills required in 1,000 PR job ads21
Appeals to ‘the public interest’: How public relations and lobbying create a social license to operate21
University Engagement for Enlightening CSR: Serving Hegemony or Seeking Constructive Change21
Online firestorms in social media: Comparative research between China Weibo and USA Twitter21
The social imperative in public relations: Utilities of social impact, social license and engagement20
Social media engagement with organization-generated content: Role of visuals in enhancing public engagement with organizations on Facebook and Instagram20
The right side of history, inc.: Social issues management, social license to operate, and the Obergefell v. Hodges decision20
Crisis narrative and the paradox of erasure: Making room for dialectic tension in a cancel culture19
Measuring success: Explications and measurement scales of instructing information and adjusting information19
When an organization violates public expectations: A comparative analysis of sustainability communication for corporate and nonprofit organizations19
Empowerment or disempowerment: Exploring stakeholder engagement in nation branding through a mixed method approach to social network analysis19
Fake news: How emotions, involvement, need for cognition and rebuttal evidence (story vs. informational) influence consumer reactions toward a targeted organization19
A decade of social media in public relations research: A systematic review of published articles in 2010–202019
“Rogue machines” and crisis communication: When AI fails, how do companies publicly respond?19
Social media users’ crisis response: A lexical exploration of social media content in an international sport crisis19
Convergence or divergence? A comparative analysis of CSR communication by leading firms in Asia, Europe, and North America18
The impact of startup CEO communication on employee relational and behavioral outcomes: Responsiveness, assertiveness, and authenticity18
Setting socially mediated engagement parameters: A topic modeling and text analytic approach to examining polarized discourses on Gillette’s campaign17
Designing effective corporate social advocacy campaigns using valence, arousal, and issue salience17
Employee perceptions of ethical listening in U.S. organizations17
How controversial businesses communicate CSR on Facebook: Insights from the Canadian cannabis industry17
Navigating change in the era of COVID-19: The role of top leaders’ charismatic rhetoric and employees’ organizational identification17
Empathy as a main ingredient of impactful crisis communication: The perspectives of crisis communication practitioners17
Relationship cultivation and public engagement via social media during the covid-19 pandemic in China17
Finding an antidote: Testing the use of proactive crisis strategies to protect organizations from astroturf attacks16
Positive ripple effects of corporate leaders’ CSR donations amid COVID-19 on corporate and country reputations: Multi-level reputational benefits of CSR focusing on Bill Gates and Jack Ma16
Testing perceptions of organizational apologies after a data breach crisis16
Clean diesel and dirty scandal: The echo of Volkswagen’s dieselgate in an intra-industry setting15
Does one size fit all? The applicability of situational crisis communication theory in the Japanese context15
The knowledge construction network of engagement research: Examining scholars’ star collaborators, embeddedness, and influence15
Operationalizing genuineness in CSR communication for public engagement on social media14
Socially stigmatized company’s CSR efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic: The effects of CSR fit and perceived motives14
Exploring the mediating role of government–public relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic: A model comparison approach14
Stakeholder engagement in a multicultural context: The contribution of (personal) relationship cultivation to social capital14
Pragmatic optimism, crisis leadership, and contingency theory: A view from the C-suite14
Understanding INGO relationship management: A case study approach to multinational organization–public relationships14
Public responses to nonprofit social media messages: The roles of message features and cause involvement14
Getting called out: Effects of feedback to social media corporate social responsibility statements14
What does learning by listening bring to citizen engagement? Lessons from a government program13
Narrative persuasion by corporate CSR messages: The impact of narrative richness on attitudes and behavioral intentions via character identification, transportation, and message credibility13
A process view of crisis misinformation: How public relations professionals detect, manage, and evaluate crisis misinformation13
Ethics of care in action: Overview of holistic framework with application to employee engagement13
The state of social-mediated crisis communication research through the lens of global scholars: An updated assessment13
Exploratory Study of Public Relations Roles in Zimbabwe13
Examining characteristics of prebunking strategies to overcome PR disinformation attacks13
In whose interests? When relational engagement to obtain a social license leads to paradoxical outcomes13
The structure and evolution of global public relations: A citation and Co-citation analysis 1983–201912
From “an open field” to established “waves”: Public relations scholarship through the lens of Public Relations Review12
Increasing employee advocacy through supervisor motivating language: The mediating role of psychological conditions12
Do instructing and adjusting information make a difference in crisis responsibility attribution? Merging fear appeal studies with the defensive attribution hypothesis12
Inoculation theory and public relations12
Using STOPS to predict prosocial behavioral intentions: Disentangling the effects of passive and active communicative action12
Mapping networks in corporate social responsibility communication on social media: A new approach to exploring the influence of communication tactics on public responses11
Elaborating the concept of threat in contingency theory: An integration with moral outrage and situational crisis communication theory11
Business-centered versus socially responsible corporate diversity communication. An assessment of stakeholder (dis)agreement on Twitter11
Examining the rage donation trend: Applying the anger activism model to explore communication and donation behaviors11
What drives a tough call: Determining the importance of contingency factors and individual characteristics in communication executives’ stance decision-making through a conjoint analysis11
Communication with intent: A typology of communicative interaction in engagement11
Measuring consumer digital engagement and political consumerism as outcomes of corporate political advocacy11
Internal public relations’ role with workplace, spirituality, and religion11
The status of public relations research addressing Latin America: A content analysis of published articles from 1980 to 202010
When transparent leadership communication motivates employee advocacy: Testing the mediator roles of employee attributions in CEO activism10
Exploring online opinion leadership in the network paradigm: An analysis of influential users on Twitter shaping conversations around anthem protests by prominent athletes10
Improving government communication and empowering rural communities: Combining public relations and development communication approaches10
Crisis communication: The mediating role of cognitive and affective empathy in the relationship between crisis type and crisis response strategy on post-crisis reputation and forgiveness10
Public relations as “dirty work”: Disconfirmation, cognitive dissonance, and emotional labor among public relations professors10
Public relations and customer service: Employer perspectives of social media proficiency10
Megaphoning effects of skepticism, cynicism, and situational motivation on an environmental CSR activity10
Managing relationships on Facebook: A long-term analysis of leading companies in Germany10