Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology

(The TQCC of Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Socialization of racial ideology by White parents.52
Internalized model minority myth among Asian Americans: Links to anti-Black attitudes and opposition to affirmative action.48
The influence of internalized racism on the relationship between discrimination and anxiety.45
Greater than the sum of racism and heterosexism: Intersectional microaggressions toward racial/ethnic and sexual minority group members.44
Day-to-day fluctuations in experiences of discrimination: Associations with sleep and the moderating role of internalized racism among African American college students.34
Racial/ethnic and gender differences in the antecedents of youth suicide.33
Discrimination comes in layers: Dimensions of discrimination and mental health for multiracial people.31
Master narrative methodology: A primer for conducting structural-psychological research.30
Chinese American adolescents’ experiences of COVID-19 racial discrimination: Risk and protective factors for internalizing difficulties.30
Racial discrimination, ethnic-racial socialization, and cultural identities among Asian American youths.29
Intersectional minority stress and identity conflict among sexual and gender minority people of color assigned female at birth.29
School ethnic–racial socialization and adolescent ethnic–racial identity.28
The effects of COVID-19 victimization distress and racial bias on mental health among AIAN, Asian, Black, and Latinx young adults.28
The double burden of racial discrimination in daily-life moments: Increases in negative emotions and depletion of psychosocial resources among emerging adult African Americans.27
Racial discrimination, depressive symptoms, and sleep problems among Blacks in the rural South.27
The initial development and validation of the Racial Socialization Competency Scale: Quality and quantity.26
Ethnic enclaves, discrimination, and stress among Asian American women: Differences by nativity and time in the United States.25
Participatory science as a decolonizing methodology: Leveraging collective knowledge from partnerships with refugee and immigrant communities.24
Measurement of a Latino cultural value: The Simpatía scale.23
Daily racial discrimination experiences, ethnic–racial identity, and diurnal cortisol patterns among Black adults.23
Vicarious racism, ethnic/racial identity, and sleep among Asian Americans.22
Victimized in many ways: Online and offline bullying/harassment and perceived racial discrimination in diverse racial–ethnic minority adolescents.22
Toward a socially just diversity science: Using intersectional mixed methods research to center multiply marginalized Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).21
Racial identity and changes in psychological distress using the multidimensional model of racial identity.20
Context, intersectionality, and resilience: Moving toward a more holistic study of bilingualism in cognitive science.20
Postpartum depressive symptoms in low-income Latinas: Cultural and contextual contributors.20
Association between superwoman schema, depression, and resilience: The mediating role of social isolation and gendered racial centrality.20
Gendered racism and depression among Black women: Examining the roles of social support and identity.19
Disentangling longitudinal trajectories of racial discrimination and critical action among Black and Latinx college students: What role do peers play?18
Partnering with refugee communities to improve mental health access: Going from “why are they not coming” to “what can I (we) do differently?”.17
A person-centered analysis of ethnic–racial socialization patterns and their identity correlates in multiracial college students.17
Racial disparities in adolescent sleep duration: Physical activity as a protective factor.17
Development of a family-based preventive intervention for Latinx sexual minority youth and their parents.17
Ethnic discrimination and weight outcomes among Latinx emerging adults: Examinations of an individual-level mediator and cultural moderators.15
COVID discrimination experience: Chinese Canadians’ social identities moderate the effect of personal and group discrimination on well-being.15
Recent immigration actions and news and the adjustment of U.S. Latino/a adolescents.15
The impact of microaggressions on Black college students’ worry about their future employment: The moderating role of social support and academic achievement.15
Diversity fatigue: A survey for measuring attitudes towards diversity enhancing efforts in academia.14
Let’s talk: The impact of gendered racial socialization on Black adolescent girls’ mental health.14
“Everyone collaborated and came together”: The civic promise (and pitfalls) of yPAR for immigrant-origin students in an era of deportation.14
Resistance and restoration: Healing research methodologies for the global majority.14
When the personal is political: Ethnic identity, ally identity, and political engagement among Indigenous people and people of color.13
Community providers’ experiences with evidence-based practices: The role of therapist race/ethnicity.13
Validation of the Brief Perceived Ethnic Discrimination Questionnaire–Community Version in American Indians.13
Latinx adolescents facing multiple stressors and the protective role of familismo.13
Racism and preparation for bias within African American families.13
Exploration of bidirectionality in African American and Latinx adolescents’ offline and online ethnic-racial discrimination.13
Racial/ethnic differences in general physical symptoms and medically unexplained physical symptoms: Investigating the role of education.13
Sanitizing history: National identification, negative stereotypes, and support for eliminating Columbus Day and adopting Indigenous Peoples Day.13
Internalized racism and self-esteem: Do depressive symptoms matter?13
How normative multiculturalism relates to immigrant well-being.12
Cultural adaptation profiles among Mexican-descent Latinxs: Acculturation, acculturative stress, and depression.12
Examining the role of ethnic microaggressions and ethnicity on cortisol responses to an acute stressor among young adults.12
Social identity threat across group status: Links to psychological well-being and intergroup bias through collective narcissism and ingroup satisfaction.12
The mediation process between Latino youths’ family ethnic socialization, ethnic–racial identity, and academic engagement: Moderation by ethnic–racial discrimination?11
Ethnic-racial identity, gender identity, and well-being in Cherokee early adolescents.11
Racial discrimination and trauma symptoms: Further support for the Race-Based Traumatic Stress Symptom Scale.11
Psychological toll of hate speech: The role of acculturation stress in the effects of exposure to ethnic slurs on mental health among Ukrainian immigrants in Poland.11
The role of ethnic identification, allyship, and conflict narratives in supporting pro-minority policies among majority and minority groups.11
Making hidden resources visible in a minority serving college context.11
Does purpose in life or ethnic identity moderate the association for racial discrimination and suicide ideation in racial/ethnic minority emerging adults?10
Shining a light on cultural neuroscience: Recommendations on the use of fNIRS to study how sociocultural contexts shape the brain.10
“White people stress me out all the time”: Black students define racial trauma.10
The associations between African American emerging adults’ racial discrimination and civic engagement via emotion regulation.10
Exploring mechanisms of racial disparities in intimate partner violence among sexual and gender minorities assigned female at birth.10
Factors affecting the psychological well-being of immigrants: The role of group self-appraisal, social contacts, and perceived ethnic density.10
Multiple dimensions of acculturation and the victimization of Latino adolescents.10
Racial and gender discrimination by teachers: Risks for Black girls’ depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation.10
Development of the Resistance and Empowerment Against Racism (REAR) Scale.10
Perceived racial discrimination, internalized racism, social support, and self-esteem among Black individuals in Canada: A moderated mediation model.9
Family relationships and familism among Mexican Americans on the U.S.–Mexico border during the COVID-19 pandemic.9
“Easier said than done”: A qualitative investigation of Black emerging adults coping with multilevel racism.9
Parenting in 2 worlds: Effects of a culturally grounded parenting intervention for urban American Indians on participant cultural engagement.9
Creating collective solidarity: Insights from the development and process evaluation of civic action for refugee empowerment in Cincinnati.9
Racism’s (un)worthiness trap: The mediating roles of self-compassion and self-coldness in the link between racism and distress in African Americans.9
Culturally informed shift-&-persist: A higher-order factor model and prospective associations with discrimination and depressive symptoms.8
A validation of the Perceived Negative Context of Reception Scale with recently-arrived Venezuelan immigrants in Colombia and the United States.8
Learning goals mitigate identity threat for Black individuals in threatening interracial interactions.8
Facets of family achievement guilt for low-income, Latinx and Asian first-generation students.8
The moderating effect of dispositional forgiveness on perceived racial discrimination and depression for African American adults.8
The roles of ethnic identity and metastereotype awareness in the racial discrimination-psychological adjustment link for Asian Americans at predominantly White universities.8
Associations of historical trauma and racism with health care system distrust and mental health help-seeking propensity among American Indian and Alaska Native college students.8
A contextualized perspective on research participation in collaborative refugee research: A multi-site exploration of relational dynamics in collaborative research.8
Family cultural socialization in childhood: Navigating ethnic/racial diversity and numeric marginalization in school and neighborhood settings.8
The correlates of sexual experience and reasons for abstinence among Asian Americans.8
Parenting despite discrimination: Does racial identity matter?8
Ethnic–racial socialization as a moderator of associations between discrimination and psychosocial well-being among African American and Caribbean Black adolescents.8
Ethnic identity protects against feelings of defeat and entrapment on suicide ideation in African American young adults.7
Immigrant students’ mental health and intent to persist in college: The role of undocufriendly campus climate.7
Effects of sexual and gender minority stress on depressive symptoms among adolescents of color in the United States.7
The markings of linked fate among Asian Americans and Latinxs.7
Reciprocal associations of perceived discrimination, internalizing symptoms, and academic achievement in Latino students across the college transition.7
Examining the unique and additive effect of trauma and racial microaggressions on substance use risk among Black young adults.7
The Ethnic Identity Scale: Affirmation, really?7
Race differences in Black and white adolescents’ academic gender stereotypes across middle and late adolescence.7
A person-centered examination of acculturation and psychological functioning among Chinese and Korean immigrant mothers in the United States.7
Cardiac vagal control among migrants: Associations with mainstream acculturation and perceived ethnic discrimination.7
Toward the democratization of knowledge: Using photovoice, social biography, and the “five whys” in YPAR with children.7
Gendered racism, family and external shame, depressive symptoms, and alcohol use severity among Asian American men.7
The positive relationship between Indigenous language use and community-based well-being in four Nahua ethnic groups in Mexico.7
Diversity or representation? Sufficient factors for Black Americans’ identity safety during interracial interactions.6
The roles of racial discrimination and English in civic outcomes for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.6
Building community: Connecting refugee and Canadian families.6
Family dynamics moderate the impact of discrimination on wellbeing for Latino young adults.6
A family stress model investigation of bicultural competence among U.S. Mexican-origin youth.6
Bicultural stress and internalizing symptoms among U.S. Latinx youth: The moderating role of peer and parent support.6
Filial responsibility, bicultural competence, and socioemotional well-being among Latina college students.6
Depressive symptoms in Chinese immigrant mothers: Relations with perceptions of social status and interpersonal support.6
Development of “CULTURE FORWARD: A strengths and culture-based tool to protect our native youth from suicide”.6
Unpacking the “backpack of shame”: Exploring intersections of stigma among Latinx people living with HIV in San Francisco, CA.6
Latinx identity and intersectional responses to stigma.5
The pandemic and social experience: For whom did discrimination and social isolation increase?5
“Talk to me”: Parent–teacher background similarity, communication quality, and barriers to school-based engagement among ethnoculturally diverse Head Start families.5
Discrimination and social isolation among African Americans: The moderating role of skin tone.5
Open science and multicultural research: Some data, considerations, and recommendations.5
Participation in multicultural awareness-raising community actions: Positive effects on well-being and group efficacy.5
Late life anxiety and depression symptoms, and suicidal behaviors in racial/ethnic minority older adults in community-based organizations and community clinics in the U.S.5
Quad-dimensional acculturation, cultural integration, and life satisfaction of South Sudanese refugee young adults in the United States: A quasilongitudinal qualitative study.5
Testing for measurement invariance across gender in the 12-item CES-D: An investigation among a nationally representative sample of African Americans.5
System-justifying beliefs and trajectories of global self-worth among Black and Latinx college students.5
Measure of Socialization of American Indian Children (MOSAIC): Understanding the roots of ethnic–racial identity.5
“I just check ‘other’”: Evidence to support expanding the measurement inclusivity and equity of ethnicity/race and cultural identifications of U.S. adolescents.5
Spiritual connectedness through prayer as a mediator of the relationship between Indigenous language use and positive mental health.5
Mental health help-seeking among Latina/o/x undocumented college students.5
Acculturation and alcohol use outcomes: Incremental roles of bicultural orientations among Asian American undergraduate and graduate students.5
Emotion expressivity, suicidal ideation, and explanatory factors: Differences by Asian American subgroups compared with White emerging adults.5