Health Care Analysis

(The TQCC of Health Care Analysis is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Ethical Guidance for Hard Decisions: A Critical Review of Early International COVID-19 ICU Triage Guidelines16
Balancing Intellectual Property Protection and Legal Risk Assessment in Registration of Covid-19 Vaccines in Malaysia15
Three Harm-Based Arguments for a Moral Obligation to Vaccinate13
Shared Decision Making in Psychiatry: Dissolving the Responsibility Problem10
A Qualitative Research Survey on Cardiologist’s Ethical Stance in Cases of Moral Dilemmas in Cardiology Clinics9
Gender Transition: Is There a Right to Be Forgotten?8
Epistemic Injustice in Incident Investigations: A Qualitative Study7
Taming Wickedness: Towards an Implementation Framework for Medical Ethics7
The Effects of Introducing a Harm Threshold for Medical Treatment Decisions for Children in the Courts of England & Wales: An (Inter)National Case Law Analysis6
The Doctor-Patient Relationship, Partnership Theory, and the Patient as Partner: Finding a Balance Between Domination and Partnership6
Should Digital Contact Tracing Technologies be used to Control COVID-19? Perspectives from an Australian Public Deliberation5
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Subjective Well-Being and Quality of Life: A Comprehensive Bibliometric and Thematic Analysis5
Immigration Policy as a Social Determinant of Health among Brazilian Immigrants in the United States: A Narrative Review5
Doctors as Resource Stewards? Translating High-Value, Cost-Conscious Care to the Consulting Room4
From ‘Consent or Anonymise’ to ‘Share and Protect’: Facilitating Access to Surplus Tissue for Research Whilst Safeguarding Donor Interests4
Correction to: Regulating the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Climate Agreements and Beyond4
Do Doctors Have a Responsibility to Challenge the Distorting Influence of Commerce on Healthcare Delivery? The Case of Assisted Reproductive Technology4
Perceptions and Expectations of Midwives and Women Regarding Prenatal Care within the Scope of Primary Health Care Services in Türkiye3
Why Health-enhancing Nudges Fail3
The Ethics of Decentralized Clinical Trials and Informed Consent: Taking Technologies’ Soft Impacts into Account2
Witnessing Quality of Life of Persons with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities. A practical-Philosophical Approach2
Health-Oriented Environmental Categories, Individual Health Environments, and the Concept of Environment in Public Health2
Trust and The Acquisition and Use of Public Health Information2
Justice, Transparency and the Guiding Principles of the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence2
The Role of Transparency in Digital Contact Tracing During COVID-19: Insights from an Expert Survey2