
(The TQCC of Mobilities is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Pandemic (Im)mobilities98
Valuing mobility in a post COVID-19 world74
What is the urban without physical mobilities? COVID-19-induced immobility in the mobile risk society50
Existential vs. essential mobilities: insights from before, during and after a crisis47
The rise of the e-bike: Towards an extension of the practice of cycling?47
Pandemic disruption, extended bodies, and elastic situations - Reflections on COVID-19 and Mobilities35
Pathological (Im)mobilities: managing risk in a time of pandemics35
Anxious immobilities: an ethnography of coping with contagion (Covid-19) in Macau29
De-confining borders: towards a politics of freedom of movement in the time of the pandemic28
Homing: a category for research on space appropriation and ‘home-oriented’ mobilities27
Cracks in the gearbox of car hegemony: struggles over the German Verkehrswende between stability and change24
An immobility turn? The Covid-19 pandemic, mobility capital and international students in Portugal23
Mobile Colonial Architecture: Facilitating Settler Colonialism’s Expansions, Expulsions, Resistance, and Decolonisation22
Turbulences in the encampment archipelago: conflicting mobilities between migration, labour and logistics in Italian agri-food enclaves22
Introduction to the special issue: mobilizing Indigeneity and race within and against settler colonialism22
Blurred boundaries: E-scooter riders’ and pedestrians’ experiences of sharing space20
Queer mobilities: critical LGBTQ perspectives of public transport spaces18
Pandemic cartographies: a conversation on mappings, imaginings and emotions18
Mobile labour: an introduction17
Affective mobilities: migration, emotion and (im)possibility17
Living without commuting: experiences of a less mobile life under COVID-1917
Ageing bodies, precarious futures: the (im)mobilities of ‘temporary’ migrant domestic workers over time16
Precarious entitlement to public space & utility cycling in Dublin16
Turbulences of speeding up data circulation. Frontex and its crooked temporalities of ‘real-time’ border control13
Practical aeromobilities: making sense of environmentalist air-travel13
‘We move the world’: the mobile labor of Filipino seafarers13
Introduction to Special Section ‘Infrastructures of Injustice: Migration and Border Mobilities’13
Viapolitics and the emancipatory possibilities of abortion mobilities12
The vermin of the street: the politics of violence and thenomosof automobility11
Immoral and irrational cyclists? Exploring the practice of cycling on the pavement11
Rogue drivers, typical cyclists, and tragic pedestrians: a Critical Discourse Analysis of media reporting of fatal road traffic collisions11
Frictions of everyday mobility: traffic, transport and gendered confrontations on the roads of Accra10
An agenda for creative practice in the new mobilities paradigm10
Gamifying the city: E-scooters and the critical tensions of playful urban mobility9
Sub-Saharan migrants ‘in transit’: intersections between mobility and immobility and the production of (in)securities9
Managing passenger etiquette in Tokyo: between social control and customer service9
Channelling mobilities: migrant-owned businesses as mobility infrastructures9
Guide dog versus robot dog: assembling visually impaired people with non-human agents and achieving assisted mobility through distributed co-constructed perception9
The migrancies of maps: complicating the critical cartography and migration nexus in ‘migro-mobility’ thinking9
Using non-representational theory to explore older people’s travel to and from the supermarket8
Governing mobilities on the UK canal network8
The myth of migrant transience: racializing new Chinese migrants in mobile Singapore8
Planning for plurality of streets: a spheric approach to micromobilities8
Walk this way: the rhythmic mobilities of university students in Greater Manchester, UK7
Sacrificing entitlement for self-preservation: ‘privatising vulnerability’ as a cyclist in Dublin7
‘Ecological concerns weren’t the main reason why I took the bus, that association only came afterwards’: on shifts in meanings of everyday mobility7
Drive-through cities: cars, labor, and exaggerated automobilities in Abu Dhabi7
Climate disasters, altered migration and pandemic shocks: (im)mobilities and interrelated struggles in a border region7
Doing digital discipline: how Airbnb hosts engage with the digital platform7
Deconstructing accessibility – discursive barriers for increased cycling in Sweden7
Moving to keep still: dynamic stillness in the digital and physical geographies of Beijing7
Uneasy belonging in the mobility capsule: Erasmus Mundus students in the European Higher Education Area7
Becoming a passenger: exploring the situational passenger experience and airport design in the Copenhagen Airport7
Dwelling in campervans: homemaking and mobile neighbouring on the move6
On time: temporal and normative orderings of mobilities6
What is shared in shared bicycles? Mobility, space, and capital6
Making and breaking links: the transformative potential of shared mobility from a practice theories perspective6
Extending the theoretical grounding of mobilities research: transport psychology perspectives6
Time and mobility/immobility: the chronopolitics of mobility and the temporalities of suffering and hope in situations of encampment6
Trajectories in platform capitalism6
Free mobility, locked rights: the posting of construction workers from Portugal6
A movement in motion: collective mobility and embodied practice in the central American migrant caravan6
Disentangling Following: Implications and Practicalities of Mobile Methods6
A political theory of interspecies mobility justice6
Public transport or E-bike taxis: the implication of everyday mobilities in contemporary China6
‘Traveling habitus’ and the new anthropology of class: proposing a transitive tool for analyzing social mobility in global migration6
The nexus of (im)mobilities: hyper, compelled, and forced mobile subjects6
Colonial afterlives of infrastructure: from phosphate to refugee processing in the Republic of Nauru6
Entering, enduring and exiting: the durability of shared mobility arrangements and habits6