Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice

(The TQCC of Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Cyber risk and cybersecurity: a systematic review of data availability93
The impact of artificial intelligence along the insurance value chain and on the insurability of risks42
Examining insurance companies’ use of technology for innovation25
Managing customer satisfaction: digital applications for insurance companies21
The impact of digital finance on household insurance purchases: evidence from micro data in China17
The costs and benefits of reinsurance15
The relationship between net promoter score and insurers’ profitability: an empirical analysis at the customer level13
Insurance against natural catastrophes: balancing actuarial fairness and social solidarity13
Does insurance demand react to economic policy uncertainty and geopolitical risk? Evidence from Saudi Arabia12
Insurance and enterprise: cyber insurance for ransomware11
Awareness of climate risks and opportunities: empirical evidence on determinants and value from the U.S. and European insurance industry11
Modelling and predicting enterprise-level cyber risks in the context of sparse data availability11
Implications of bundled offerings for business development and competitive strategy in digital insurance10
Risk transfer beyond reinsurance: the added value of CAT bonds10
Framework for open insurance strategy: insights from a European study9
On the (future) role of on-demand insurance: market landscape, business model and customer perception9
Vulnerabilities and resilience in insurance investing: studying the COVID-19 pandemic8
How cyber insurance influences the ransomware payment decision: theory and evidence8
Financial development, life insurance and growth: Evidence from 17 European countries8
On the macrofinancial determinants of life and non-life insurance premiums8
Extreme events, climate risks and insurance8
Does agricultural insurance promote primary industry production? Evidence from a quasi-experiment in China7
The magic triangle: growth, profitability and safety in the insurance industry7
Competition reduces profitability: the case of the Indian life microinsurance industry7
Business environment, political risk, governance, Shariah compliance and efficiency in insurance companies in the MENA region7
Suspension of insurers’ dividends as a response to the COVID-19 crisis: evidence from the European insurance equity market6
Insurance and wearables as tools in managing risk in sports: Determinants of technology take-up and propensity to insure and share data6
Transparency and insurance professionals: a study of Swedish insurance practice attitudes and future development6
Setting descriptive norm nudges to promote demand for insurance against increasing climate change risk6
Technology investments and firm performance under the wave of InsurTech6
Sustainable investing in the US and European insurance industry: a text mining analysis5
Government interventions in microinsurance: evidence from China5
Model assessment of public–private partnership flood insurance systems: an empirical study of Japan5
Trust and insurance5
Local religious beliefs and insurance companies’ risk-taking behaviour5
Solvency determinants: evidence from the Takaful insurance industry5
Insurance and foreign direct investment: a review (or lack) of evidence5