
(The TQCC of Flora is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The anatomical structure character of raspberry stems is a key factor affecting its cold resistance37
What is the role of stamen appendages in the buzz-pollinated Huberia insignis (Melastomataceae)?27
Leaf anatomy of Eriocaulon (Eriocaulaceae, Poales) species reveals a correlation between life form, anatomical features and life cycle16
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Anatomy and histochemistry of Triarrhena lutarioriparia var. humilior from the Jianghan Floodplain, China14
3D characterization of the complex vascular bundle system of Hakea fruits based on X-ray microtomography (µCT) for a better understanding of the opening mechanism14
Floral gland diversity in Pleurothallidinae (Epidendroideae–Orchidaceae)14
Inter-provenance variation in seed germination response of a cash crop halophyte Suaeda fruticosa to different abiotic factors14
Morpho-anatomy of Bambusa multiplex, B. tuldoides and B. vulgaris cv. vittata culm leaves (Poaceae – Bambusoideae- Bambuseae)14
Anther and ovule development in Pittosporopsis and its implications for the systematics of Metteniusaceae (Metteniusales)14
Scented at day and night: diel variation in the floral scent chemistry of the threatened tree Amburana cearensis (Leguminosae) and effects of this variation on its pollinators13
Are floral traits and their phenotypic variability related to plants with generalized or specialized pollination systems? A community perspective12
Embryo and endosperm development in Billbergia nutans H. Wendl. ex Regel (Bromelioideae - Bromeliaceae) and its implications for the embryonomy of Bromeliaceae11
Local conditions effects on seed germination of Hypericum balearicum L. in response to temperature11
Assessment of facultative apomixis in Commiphora wightii (Burseraceae): A detailed study by controlled pollination followed by histology and flow cytometry11
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Is a restricted niche the explanation for species vulnerability? Insights from a large field survey of Astragalus tragacantha L. (Fabaceae)10
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Seed persistence of three species, Carex stricta, Carex hystericina and Phalaris arundinacea, in a restored wetland9
Short-term functional response to post-fire vegetation dynamic: A case study in a Mediterranean Pinus halepensis forest9
Soil texture and functional traits of trees structure communities of epiphytic mosses in a tropical dry forest9
The ontogenesis of four Lopesia Rübsaamen (Cecidomyiidae) galls on the super-host Mimosa gemmulata Barneby (Fabaceae) reveals peculiar anatomical traits9
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Different cadmium levels alter growth and antioxidant defense response in Cedrela fissilis and Colubrina glandulosa9
Sporangial arrangement patterns in Selaginella strobili of Arunachal Pradesh, a state in North East India: An insightful analysis9
Adaptive response of reproductive characteristics of Trifolium repens on time scale9
Floral oil production in a family dominated by pollen flowers: The case of Macairea radula (Melastomataceae)9
Functional specialization for pollination by scoliid wasps and solitary bees of Ampelopsis glandulosa (Vitaceae)9
Floral synorganization in acmantheroid clade suggests hypotheses to explain elaiophore suppression in Malpighiaceae9
Reproductive biology of two Spathiphyllum (Araceae) species in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico9
Geographic variation in reproductive traits and germination-niche dynamics in conservation-dependent Banksia arborea populations restricted to banded ironstone formations8
Functional traits patterns along an altitudinal gradient in a large tropical forest region8
Cytological observations in abortion formation and morphological character of pollen in seedless chestnut rose (Rosa sterilis)8
Comparative morpho-anatomy of the sporophyte of the most austral American species of Didymoglossum (Polypodiopsida: Hymenophyllaceae)8
Pollen and floral morphology of Androsace brevis (Hegetschw.) Ces. (Primulaceae), a vulnerable narrow endemic plant of the Southern European Alps8
Cypselae in Dahlia and Hidalgoa (Asteraceae: Coreopsideae): anatomical and morphological differences8
The diversification of spathe mechanism, staminodes, and floral scent in the Schismatoglottideae (Araceae)8
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Coordination of leaf photosynthetic traits and chloroplast relocation of the C4 plant Setaria palmifolia8
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Orchids of Russia and Crimea: herbarium collections provide sufficient data to recover the distributional changes with time8
Topsoil phytolith assemblages are related to precipitation via different vegetation types in Northeast China8
Plant-plant parasitism: Trends in the last 50 years and a call for papers for a special issue in Flora8
Molecular and physiological responses of Egeria densa under salt stress8
Rarity patterns and the conservation status of tree species in South American savannas8
Mathematical modeling the influence of bracteoles on sepal arrangement7
Assessing woody plant encroachment by comparing adult and juvenile tree components in a Brazilian savanna7
Foliar micromorphology with emphasis on the trichomes diversity and its taxonomic relevance in selected tribes of Asteraceae from Hainan Island7
The roles of functional traits in canopy maintenance along a savanna/seasonally dry tropical forest gradient in northeastern Brazil7
Is staggered flowering phenology favoured by phenotypic selection? The case of two co-occurring Cnidoscolus species7
Reintroduction of Armeria maritima ssp. elongata by sowing and planting in a 20-year restoration project: Is there an impact on genetic variation?7
Decoupling between plant growth and functional traits of the free-floating fern Salvinia natans under shifted water nutrient stoichiometric regimes7
Inaccuracy of sexual organ position and spatial variation of styles in monomorphic enantiostylous flowers of Senna rugosa (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae)7
What's that smell? The putrid scent of Rafflesia consueloae, its origin and developmental regulation7
Leaf morpho-anatomy and taxonomic significance in five Dendrobium sect. Stachyobium species from China7
Pachycereus pringlei seedling emergence and establishment under different lighting conditions7
The potential of hay for graminoid introduction in the restoration of subtropical grasslands: Results from a greenhouse experiment7
Comparative fruit morphology of nine Psittacanthus Mart. (Santalales: Loranthaceae) mistletoe species occurring in Mexico7
Pericarp development in Campomanesia Ruiz & Pav. (Myrtaceae) species and systematic implications for the genus7
Variability in leaf traits reveals contrasting strategies between forest and grassland woody communities across southern Brazil7
Native root hemiparasites form haustorial attachments with multiple invasive and expansive species7
A case of accidental epiphytes that supports the notion of the evolution of epiphytes from ancestors living in open environments.7
Conservation opportunities for rare and endemic tropical mistletoes7
Use of woody species in the Caatinga dry forest may lead to higher vulnerability to extirpation: An assessment based on ethnobiological, reproductive and conservation criteria7
Impact of climate change on the Andean distribution of Poa scaberula (Poaceae)6
Pollen diversity in Neotropical representatives of Dialioideae (Fabaceae)6
Confirmation of distyly in Perovskia and floral dimorphism of P. abrotanoides (Salviinae: Lamiaceae)6
Leaf and stem anatomical traits of Muntingia calabura L. (Muntingiaceae) emphasizing the production sites of bioactive compounds6
From herbarium specimens to contemporary surveys: Tracing the extinction dynamics and performance of endangered plant species in central Germany6
Morphoanatomical and histochemical investigation of Monteverdia evonymoides (Reissek) Biral6
Water depth rather than substrate heterogeneity affects the clonal performance of the stoloniferous submerged plant, Vallisneria spiralis L6
New contributions of comparative leaf anatomy to the phylogeny of Stigmaphylloids (Malpighiaceae Juss.)6
Morpho-anatomical traits and leaf nutrient concentrations vary between plant communities in the Cerrado–Amazonia transition?6
Anatomical adaptations of plants within the Southern Brazil coastal sand dunes6
Latitudinal origins of Fragaria vesca show adaptive variation in phenological, morphological and ecophysiological leaf traits associated with winter climate6
Insights into mistletoe seed germination: A study of hemiparasitic Psittacanthus Mart. (Santalales: Loranthaceae) mistletoes6
Population genetics and ecological niche modelling shed light on species boundaries and evolutionary history of Aconitum pendulum and A. flavum6
Hard and tough: the coordination between leaf mechanical resistance and drought tolerance6
Seasonal chlorophyll fluorescence before and after rapid light curves in the endangered species Lophophora diffusa (Cactaceae) across two microenvironments5
Fire has little to no effect on the enhancement of germination, but buried seeds may survive in a Neotropical wetland5
Particularities of the highest elevation treeline in the world: Polylepis tarapacana Phil. as a model to study ecophysiological adaptations to extreme environments5
Predictions of the community assemblage in a temperate forest through indicators that evaluate the anthropogenic disturbance effect on natural regeneration5
Intra- and interspecific variations on plant functional traits along a successional gradient in a Brazilian tropical dry forest5
Do fire and flood interact to determine forest islet structure and diversity in a Neotropical wetland?5
Saxicolous vascular flora of karst outcrops: An overlooked component of Brazilian biodiversity5
Interactions between fruiting perianth and various abiotic factors differentially affect seed germination of Salsola brachiata5
Genome size and DNA endoreplication pattern of non-generative cells in the antheridia of Chara connivens Salzmann ex A. Braun from Northern Morocco5
Morphological variation in bulliform phytoliths at different rice growth stages5
Photosynthetic performance and growth responses of Liriope muscari (Decne.) L.H. Bailey (Asparagaceae) to different levels of irradiance in three seasons5
High fruit setting rate without male participation: A case study of obligate apomixis in Rhomboda tokioi (Orchidaceae)5
Physiological and biochemical responses of Agave to temperature and climate of their native environment5
Impact of white mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. abietis) infection severity on morphology, anatomy and photosynthetic pigment content of the needles of cilicican fir (Abies cilicica)5
Petiole micromorphology in Brassicaceous taxa and its potential for accurate taxonomic identification5
Ground layer Cerrado plants sustain higher maximum photosynthetic rates after medium-term fire events5
Formation of inter-and intraxylary phloem in some species of Argyreia Lour. (Convolvulaceae)5
Seasonal flooding regime effects on the survival, growth, and reproduction of Bolboschoenus planiculmis under East Asian monsoon5
Ontogeny has a greater effect on defense and leaf nutritional status than fertilization in Stryphnodendron adstringens (Fabaceae)5
Elevational patterns and drivers of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of pteridophytes: A case study from the Himalaya5
Predicting potential suitable habitat for Ensete glaucum (Roxb.) Cheesman using MaxEnt modelling5
Ovule abortion accompanied by programmed cell death in Castanea mollissima5
Stamen and pollen heteromorphism linked to the division of labour in Melastomataceae species5
Absence of consistent pattern between seasons or among species in effect of leaf size on insect herbivory5
Host-driven phenotypic and phenological differentiation in sympatric races of a parasitic plant5
The phenology of flowering in Spiranthes sinensis s.s.5
Editorial Board4
Annual fires reduce local species richness but do not homogenize the composition of savanna woody species4
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The dynamics of cambial activity related to photoperiod, temperature, and precipitation in two Cordia species of the Brazilian semiarid4
Floral dimorphism of Elsholtzia angustifolia (Loes.) Kitag. (Lamiaceae)4
Origin, structure and genetic diversity of synanthropic populations of Fragaria moschata in Germany4
Functional traits as indicators of ecological strategies of savanna woody species under contrasting substrate conditions4
Increasing density enhances pollination and fecundity in the rewarding orchid Gymnadenia conopsea4
Editorial Board4
A multitude of bee pollinators in a phenotypic specialist - pollinator diversity from the plant's perspective4
Seed morphology, anatomy and histochemistry in two Mexican species of Mimosa (Leguminosae, mimosoid clade)4
Plant-pollinator meta-network of the Kashmir Himalaya: Structure, modularity, integration of alien species and extinction simulation4
Potential spatiotemporal distribution changes and conservation recommendations of two connected endangered tree peony species (Paeonia decomposita & P. rotundiloba)4
Leaf structural adaptations in vascular epiphytes from the Atlantic rainforest along phorophyte vertical stratification4
Comparative anatomy of five species of Campyloneurum (Polypodiaceae) from South America4
Growth, root respiration and photosynthesis of a root-sprouting short-lived herb after severe biomass removal4
What matters for vegetation regeneration in Brazilian subtropical grasslands: seeders or resprouters?4
Leaf anatomy of varieties of Vitis vinifera from DO León (Spain) and its relationship to the susceptibility to Plasmopara viticola4
The duration of the life cycle is associated with C-value and affects reproductive features in the Fabeae, the tribe with largest genomes in Fabaceae4
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Bioclimatic variables affect seed mass and seedling traits of four Gymnocalycium (Cactaceae) species along elevational gradients4
The reproductive biology of Fagaceae acorns in the current and future climate4
The systematic significance of pod morphological and anatomical variations in Indian Crotalaria L. (Leguminosae)4
Periploca sepium leaf dry weight, area, and thickness scale differently under different light environments in Taohe riparian forests4
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Seed traits and climate resilience in three Mesua species from Sri Lanka4
Structural and ultrastructural injuries in leaves of Baccharis conferta and Buddleja cordata broad-leaved species of a forest impacted with ozone4
A handful of beauty and services: Flower-visiting birds at two small urbanised sites in south-eastern Brazil and Australia4
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Seed anatomy and development in cycads and Ginkgo, keys for understanding the evolution of seeds4
Inflorescence development, thermogenesis and flower-visiting insect activity in Alocasia odora4
Low foliar construction cost and strong investment in root biomass in Calotropis procera, an invasive species under drought and recovery4
Oak decline alters leaves and fruit of Persian oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.)4
Teratologies in Nageia fleuryi (Podocarpaceae) suggest a pseudanthial origin of podocarpaceous pollen cones4
Possible functions of the petal hairs of Jodina Hook. & Arn. ex Meisn. (Cervantesiaceae) during pollination4
Heat shock effects on germination and seed survival of five woody species from the Chaco region4
Habitat permeability drives community metrics, functional traits, and herbivory in neotropical spontaneous urban flora4
Anatomical, histochemical and micrographic analysis of aerial parts of Aristolochia elegans Mast. (Aristolochiaceae), a potentially toxic plant used in folk medicine4
Algorithms predict morbidity and mortality of Saguaro Cacti (Carnegiea gigantea) from sunlight exposures4
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Responses of floral traits to water limitation across soil types and along climatic gradients4
Responsiveness of Dichrostachys cinerea to seasonal variations in temperature and rainfall in central Namibia4
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Untangling leaf expansion triggers: A new experimental study with Epipremnum aureum (Araceae)4
Unveiling a longstanding misinterpretation: Revisiting the pattern formation of testa surface in Astragalus (Fabaceae, Astragaleae)4
Anatomical and histochemical characterization of glands associated with the leaf teeth in Rhaphiolepis loquata B.B.Liu & J.Wen (Rosaceae Juss.)4
Geographic variation of fruit color dimorphism in Viscum coloratum (Kom.) Nakai in Northeast China4
Climate change impact assessments on the Andean genus Menonvillea (Brassicaceae) reveal uneven vulnerability among major phylogenetic and biogeographic groups4