
(The TQCC of Ecology is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Mutualisms impact species' range expansion speeds and spatial distributions242
Feral hogs control brackish marsh plant communities over time103
Synergistic effects of long‐term herbivory and previous fire on fine‐scale heterogeneity of prescribed grassland burns102
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Characterizing tree trait variance over spatiotemporal scales62
Ad hoc editors of manuscripts62
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Climate warming increases insect‐driven seed removal of two elaiosome‐bearing invasive thistle species52
Plant phenological dataset collated by the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters50
Short‐term plant–soil feedback experiment fails to predict outcome of competition observed in long‐term field experiment46
Risk effects cascade up to an obligate scavenger46
Getting to the root of it: Root colonization by fungal symbionts in the invasive grass Ventenata dubia45
Temperature predicts maximum tree‐species richness and water availability and frost shape the residual variation41
Predation risk regulates prey assortative mating by reducing the expected reproductive value of mates41
Host infection and disease‐induced mortality modify species contributions to the environmental reservoir40
Navigating the landscape of fear: Fruit flies exhibit distinct antipredator and antiparasite defensive behaviors37
An assessment of statistical methods for nonindependent data in ecological meta‐analyses: Comment36
Fitness and niche differences are both important in explaining responses of plant diversity to nutrient addition35
An integrated path for spatial capture–recapture and animal movement modeling35
Lessons from the invasion of Spartina alterniflora in coastal China34
Demographic consequences of changes in environmental periodicity34
Special Feature: Linking capture–recapture and movement33
How and why plant ionomes vary across North American grasslands and its implications for herbivore abundance33
Just a cat fight or something more sinister? Infanticide is rare among female leopards32
Andean non‐volant small mammals: A dataset of community assemblages of non‐volant small mammals from the high Andes32
Spatial habitat heterogeneity influences host–pathogen dynamics in a patchy population of Ranchman's tiger moth32
Optimal prey switching: Predator foraging costs provide a mechanism for functional responses in multi‐prey systems32
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A sit‐and‐wait predator, but not an active‐pursuit predator, alters pollinator‐mediated selection on floral traits28
The rupicolous bromeliad (Encholirium spectabile) as a keystone species for Brazilian semiarid biodiversity28
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Does a history of population co‐occurrence predict plant performance, community productivity, or invasion resistance?26
Ecosystem engineering alters density‐dependent feedbacks in an aquatic insect population26
A data set of the crackdown on cross‐border wildlife crimes in China, 2014–202026
Decay of similarity across tropical forest communities: integrating spatial distance with soil nutrients25
The return of Scarface: Philopatry in an ocean wandering shark?25
Variation in disturbance to a foundation species structures the dynamics of a benthic reef community25
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Octopuses punch fishes during collaborative interspecific hunting events24
Evolution of leapfrog migration: A test of competition‐based hypotheses24
Small mammals from the Caatinga: A dataset for the Brazilian semiarid biome24
Atlantic bluefin tuna spawn early to avoid metabolic meltdown in larvae24
Emergent properties of microbial communities drive accelerated biogeochemical cycling in disturbed temperate forests24
The role of competition and herbivory in biotic resistance against invaders: a synergistic effect24
Battle for the mounds: Niche competition between upside‐down jellyfish and invasive seagrass23
Host density shapes the relative contribution of vector‐based and aerial transmission of a pathogenic fungus23
Invasive shrubs differentially alter autumnal activity for three common small‐mammal species23
Increasing and fluctuating resource availability enhances invasional meltdown23
Insectivorous birds reduce herbivory but do not increase mangrove growth across productivity zones23
HeadwaterstreamSNevada: Data on riparian vegetation and water parameters of headwater streams in Sierra Nevada, Spain23
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Galls on galls: A hypergall‐inducing midge and its parasitoid community22
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Cover and density of southwestern ponderosa pine understory plants in permanent chart quadrats (2002–2020)21
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Food webs coupled in space: Consumer foraging movement affects both stocks and fluxes20
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Who is smashing the reef at night? A nocturnal mystery20
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Brown meets green: light and nutrients alter detritivore assimilation of microbial nutrients from leaf litter20
Long‐term, active suspension of larvae by adult Leptomyrmex ants20
Analyzing ecosystem services as part of ecological networks in three salt marsh ecosystems20
Large‐scale, multidecade monitoring data from kelp forest ecosystems in California and Oregon (USA)19
Shining bright in the dusk: How do bat‐pollinated flowers reflect light?19
Camera trap surveys of Atlantic Forest mammals: A data set for analyses considering imperfect detection (2004–2020)19
Long‐term seedling and small sapling census data from the Barro Colorado Island 50 ha Forest Dynamics Plot, Panama19
Genetically diverse populations spread faster in benign but not in challenging environments19
A fiddler crab reduces plant growth in its expanded range19
Estimating phenology and phenological shifts with hierarchical modeling19
A phenology of fear: Investigating scale and seasonality in predator–prey games between wolves and white‐tailed deer19
ArcticBirdSounds: An open‐access, multiyear, and detailed annotated dataset of bird songs and calls19
A lift in snail's gut provides an efficient colonization route for tardigrades19
Invisible grazers of seaweed propagules19
Density data for Lake Ontario benthic invertebrate assemblages from 1964 to 201819
ATLANTIC ANTS: a data set of ants in Atlantic Forests of South America19
Defaunation changes leaf trait composition of recruit communities in tropical forests in French Guiana18
Symbiotic ant traits produce differential host‐plant carbon and water dynamics in a multi‐species mutualism18
Asynchrony, density dependence, and persistence in an amphibian18
Mutualism within a parasitism within a mutualism: the bees and coccids that inhabit Cecropia ant‐plants18
Movement drives population dynamics of one of the most mobile ungulates on Earth: Insights from a mechanistic model18
Data on vegetation across forest edges from the FERN (Forest Edge Research Network)18
Reconciling contrasting effects of nitrogen on host immunity and pathogen transmission using stoichiometric models18
Tree demographic strategies largely overlap across succession in Neotropical wet and dry forest communities18
Dynamic sensitivity to resource availability influences population responses to mismatches in a shorebird18
Nest microclimate and limits to egg viability explain avian life‐history variation across latitudinal gradients17
The unimodal intransitivity–fertility relationship is not mediated by demographic trade‐offs in a subtropical forest17
An exploration of the hidden endosymbionts of Corbicula in the native range17
A century of statistical Ecology17
Disturbance‐induced emigration: an overlooked mechanism that reduces metapopulation extinction risk17
Commercial krill fishing within a foraging supergroup of fin whales in the Southern Ocean17
The role of seasonal migration in spatial population synchrony17
Feather mites at night: an exploration of their feeding, reproduction, and spatial ecology17
Functional consequences of animal community changes in managed grasslands: An application of the CAFE approach16
Negative impacts of dominance on bee communities: Does the influence of invasive honey bees differ from native bees?16
Diurnal temperature variation impacts energetics but not reproductive effort across seasons in a temperate dung beetle16
An unusually high shrubline on the Tibetan Plateau16
Extreme rainfall flushes out tadpoles of the yellow‐bellied toad Bombinavariegata from its breeding ponds16
Reviewers of manuscripts16
Dual species interaction and ecological community stability16
Capture–mark–recapture data on the strictly protected Speleomantes italicus16
Regeneration strategies and forest resilience to changing fire regimes: Insights from a Goldilocks model16
Bet‐hedgers commit to the hedge: Zooplankton in ephemeral semiarid wetlands of tropical Brazil that widely spread risk16
An occurrence data set for invasive and naturalized alien plants in India16
BatFly: A database of Neotropical bat–fly interactions16
Benthic micro‐ and macro‐community succession and coral recruitment under overfishing and nutrient enrichment15
Nonadditive effects of two contrasting introduced herbivores on the reproduction of a pollination‐specialized palm15
Host plant‐mediation of viral transmission and its consequences for a native butterfly15
Biological invasions alter the structure of a tropical freshwater food web15
Non‐additive biotic interactions improve predictions of tropical tree growth and impact community size structure15
Integrated evidence‐based extent of occurrence for North American bison (Bison bison) since 1500 CE and before15
Can we use a functional trait to construct a generalized model for ungulate populations?15
A graphical causal model for resolving species identity effects and biodiversity–ecosystem function correlations: comment15
Exotic tree species have consistently lower herbivore load in a cross‐Atlantic tree biodiversity experiment15
Ecology of fear alters behavior of grizzly bears exposed to bear‐viewing ecotourism15
Seasonal upwelling reduces herbivore control of tropical rocky intertidal algal communities15
Hidden biodiversity: Spatial mosaics of eelgrass genotypic diversity at the centimeter to meadow scale15
Fire, grazers, and browsers interact with grass competition to determine tree establishment in an African savanna15
Does invasion by armored catfish shift trophic ecology of native fishes? Evidence from stable isotope analysis15
Directional movement of consumer fronts associated with creek heads in salt marshes15
Suboptimal foraging theory: How inaccurate predictions and approximations can make better models of adaptive behavior14
Functional trait database for Nova Scotian coastal barren, green roof, and ruderal flora14
Metabolic depression in sea urchin barrens associated with food deprivation14
Niche dynamics suggest ecological factors influencing migration in an insectivorous owl14
Coral hosts provide more than shelter to boring bivalves14
Finding love in a hopeless place: A global database of misdirected amplexus in anurans14
Phenotypic dissimilarity index: Correcting for intra‐ and interindividual variability when quantifying phenotypic variation14
Asymmetric root distributions reveal press–pulse responses in retreating coastal forests14
Distributive stress: individually variable responses to hypoxia expand trophic niches in fish14
Understanding the state‐dependent impact of species correlated responses on community sensitivity to perturbations14
Secondary pollinators contribute to reproductive success of a pink‐flowered sand verbena population14
Niche expansion via acquired metabolism facilitates competitive dominance in planktonic communities14
Coral assemblages at higher latitudes favor short‐term potential over long‐term performance14
VTMaxHerp: A data set of voluntary thermal maximum temperatures of amphibians and reptiles from two Brazilian hotspots14
Plant–pollinator interactions between generalists persist over time and space14
Environmental variation drives continental‐scale synchrony of European beech reproduction14
Location probing by males complicates sexual dynamics and successful mate‐guarding in squid groups14
Phylogenetic conservatism explains why plants are more likely to produce fleshy fruits in the tropics13
Gains in soil carbon storage under anthropogenic nitrogen deposition are rapidly lost following its cessation13
Topographic heterogeneity triggers complementary cascades that enhance ecosystem multifunctionality13
Analysis of resting status reveals distinct elevational variation in metabolisms of lizards13
A spatial capture–recapture model for group‐living species13
Mass disappearance of intertidal mussels after an unusual winter cold snap in eastern Canada13
Dual mechanisms of autonomous selfing in Roscoea nepalensis (Zingiberaceae)13
Phytotelmata‐dwelling frog larvae might exhibit no defecation: A unique adaptation to a closed aquatic environment13
Mate‐guarding male desert locusts act as parasol for ovipositing females in an extremely hot desert environment13
Birds and bats reduce herbivory damage in Papua New Guinean highland forests13
Testing the context dependence of ant nutrient preference across habitat strata and trophic levels in Neotropical biomes13
Linking genetic diversity and species diversity through plant–soil feedback13
Predator–prey space use and landscape features influence movement behaviors in a large‐mammal community13
Geographic variation in leaf traits and palatability of a native plant invader during domestic expansion13
Multi‐tissue and multi‐isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δ18O and 87/86Sr) data for early medieval human and animal palaeoecology13
Sound production in wild Mediterranean blonde ray Raja brachyura13
Trait–density relationships explain performance in cladoceran zooplankton13
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The contribution of nearshore oceanography to temporal variation in larval dispersal12
Habitat functionality: Integrating environmental and geographic space in niche modeling for conservation planning12
Large herbivores in a partially migratory population search for the ideal free home12
Broad aggressive interactions among African carnivores suggest intraguild killing is driven by more than competition12
Effects of density, species interactions, and environmental stochasticity on the dynamics of British bird communities12
Integrated ecosystems: linking food webs through reciprocal resource reliance12
Cryptogam plant community stability: Warming weakens influences of species richness but enhances effects of evenness12
Biotic homogenization destabilizes ecosystem functioning by decreasing spatial asynchrony12
Boring into rock and hard substrates by the midge, Axarus (Diptera; Chironomidae)12
Fruit secondary metabolites alter the quantity and quality of a seed dispersal mutualism12
Canopy height, rather than neighborhood effects, shapes leaf herbivory in a tropical rainforest12
Plant–animal interactions mediate climatic effects on selection on flowering time12
Response diversity in corals: hidden differences in bleaching mortality among cryptic Pocillopora species12
An assessment of statistical methods for non‐independent data in ecological meta‐analyses: Reply12
Geographic variation in offspring size: Long‐ and short‐term climate affect mean seed mass ofStreptanthuspopulations12
FishShapes v1: Functionally relevant measurements of teleost shape and size on three dimensions12
Nitrogen availability determines ecosystem productivity in response to climate warming12
Escaping via the predator's gill: A defensive tactic of juvenile eels after capture by predatory fish12
Risk versus reward: Burmese python mothers select precarious oviposition sites12
Long‐term, low incidence of web‐decorating by spiders in the Mariana Islands, Micronesia12
Do plant–soil feedbacks promote coexistence in a sagebrush steppe?12
The functional structure of plant communities drives soil functioning via changes in soil abiotic properties12
Pollinator type strongly impacts gene flow within and among plant populations for six Neotropical species12
Comparing edge and fragmentation effects within seagrass communities: A meta‐analysis12
Historical Plant Sales (HPS) database: Documenting the spatiotemporal history of plant sales in the conterminous U.S.12
Darwin's naturalization conundrum reconciled by changes of species interactions12
Female treefrog preference for breeding sites matches offspring performance in the presence of two anuran competitors11
Niche breadth of Amazonian trees increases with niche optimum across broad edaphic gradients11
Unified understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic controls of dissolved organic carbon reactivity in aquatic ecosystems11
Unusually large upward shifts in cold‐adapted, montane mammals as temperature warms11
Nutrient limitation may induce microbial mining for resources from persistent soil organic matter11
Temporal variability and predictability predict alpine plant community composition and distribution patterns11
Rhizobial variation, more than plant variation, mediates plant symbiotic and fitness responses to herbicide stress11
Understanding temporal variability across trophic levels and spatial scales in freshwater ecosystems11
Vulnerability of grassland seed banks to resource‐enhancing global changes11
Might field experiments also be inadvertent metacommunities?11
Decomposing decomposition: isolating direct effects of temperature from other drivers of detrital processing11
Growth portfolios buffer climate‐linked environmental change in marine systems11
Extensive regional variation in the phenology of insects and their response to temperature across North America11
Experimental species removal reveals species contributions to positive pollinator‐mediated reproductive interactions11
Mesopredator release moderates trophic control of plant biomass in a Georgia salt marsh11
Gastrointestinal morphology is an effective functional dietary proxy that predicts small mammal community structure11
Juvenile survival increases with dispersal distance and varies across years: 15 years of evidence in a prairie perennial11
Grassland sensitivity to drought is related to functional composition across East Asia and North America11
Inconsistent response of taxonomic groups to space and environment in mediterranean and tropical pond metacommunities11
Seasonality of reproduction in an ever‐wet lowland tropical forest in Amazonian Ecuador11
Plasticity in response to plant–plant interactions and water availability11
Light and thermal niches of ground‐foraging Amazonian insectivorous birds11
Improved inferences about landscape connectivity from spatial capture–recapture by integration of a movement model11
Estimating predator functional responses using the times between prey captures11
Attenuated asymmetry of above‐ versus belowground stoichiometry to a decadal nitrogen addition during stand development11
Resting in plain sight: Dormancy ecology of the intermediate snail host of Schistosoma haematobium11
Quantifying interspecific and intraspecific diversity effects on ecosystem functioning11
Long‐term drought promotes invasive species by reducing wildfire severity11
Warming reduced flowering synchrony and extended community flowering season in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau11
Seagrass wasting disease prevalence and lesion area increase with invertebrate grazing across the northeastern Pacific10
Erratum to “Poor relationships between NEON airborne observation platform data and field‐based vegetation traits at a mesic grassland”10
Condo or cuisine? The function of fine woody debris in driving decomposition, detritivores, and their predators10
Spatial heterogeneity facilitates carnivore coexistence10
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Viral association with cyanobacterial mat community mortality10
Substrate size modifies stream grazer–biofilm interactions in the presence of invertivorous fish10
Common juniper, the oldest nonclonal woody species across the tundra biome and the European continent10
Dominant species stabilize pollination services through response diversity, but not cross‐scale redundancy10
Fish and invertebrate communities show greater day–night partitioning on tropical than temperate reefs10
Does deterministic coexistence theory matter in a finite world?10
Joint estimation of growth and survival from mark–recapture data to improve estimates of senescence in wild populations: Reply10
Long‐term monitoring of Mount St. Helens micrometeorology10
Stabilizing effects of spatially heterogeneous disturbance via reduced spatial synchrony on a rocky shore community10
Leaf N:P ratio does not predict productivity trends across natural terrestrial ecosystems10
A wolf in sheep's clothing: Planktivorous Atlantic herring preys on demersal fishes in coastal waters10
Niche partitioning in a periphyton metacommunity peaks at intermediate species richness in midsized rivers10
Ants, camel crickets, and cockroaches as pollinators: The unsung heroes of a non‐photosynthetic plant10
Tree demographic drivers across temperate rain forests, after accounting for site‐, species‐, and stem‐level attributes10
Nutrient stoichiometry of fishes and invertebrates in coastal marine Caribbean ecosystems10
Extreme precipitation promotes invasion in managed grasslands10
GABI‐I: The global ant biodiversity informatics‐island database10
Ambush hunter attacks land snails in its burrow: Unique larval stage of the click beetle Anthracalaus sakaguchii10
Undersampling correction methods to control γ‐dependence for comparing β‐diversity between regions10
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What killed the rarest snake in North America?9
Multimodal pathogen transmission as a limiting factor in host distribution9