Transportation Research Part B-Methodological

(The TQCC of Transportation Research Part B-Methodological is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A General Framework to Forecast the Adoption of Novel Products: A Case of Autonomous Vehicles105
Modeling landside container terminal queues: Exact analysis and approximations83
Mathematical formulations for the bimodal bus-pedestrian social welfare network design problem81
Operations on an on-demand ride service system with express and limousine77
Estimation of discrete choice models with error in variables: An application to revealed preference data with aggregate service level variables75
Editorial Board68
Scalable reinforcement learning approaches for dynamic pricing in ride-hailing systems65
A multiple discrete continuous extreme value choice (MDCEV) model with a linear utility profile for the outside good recognizing positive consumption constraints65
A game theoretic macroscopic model of lane choices at traffic diverges with applications to mixed–autonomy networks65
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On the well-posedness of deterministic queuing networks with feedback control61
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A latent choice model to analyze the role of preliminary preferences in shaping observed choices60
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A closed-form multiple discrete-count extreme value (MDCNTEV) model59
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A branch-and-cut algorithm for scheduling train platoons in urban rail networks58
Deep hybrid model with satellite imagery: How to combine demand modeling and computer vision for travel behavior analysis?57
The consistent vehicle routing problem with stochastic customers and demands55
Exploring the role of Mobility-as-a-Service in morning commuting trips54
How mandatory are ‘Mandatory’ lane changes? An analytical and experimental study on the costs of missing freeway exits54
Front-tracking transition system model for traffic state reconstruction, model learning, and control with application to stop-and-go wave dissipation53
Network-based representations and dynamic discrete choice models for multiple discrete choice analysis52
Make or break: Coordinated assignment of parking space for breaks and rest periods in long-haul trucking50
Vehicle and reliable driver scheduling for public bus transportation systems50
Bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review of the traffic paradoxes (1968–2022)49
A mean-CVaR approach to the risk-averse single allocation hub location problem with flow-dependent economies of scale47
Analytical approximation and calibration of roundabout capacity: A merging state transition-based modeling approach45
A new transit assignment model based on line and node strategies44
Optimal build-operate-transfer road contracts under information asymmetry and uncertainty44
Column generation for the multi-port berth allocation problem with port cooperation stability44
Optimal investments of port authorities facing ambiguity on uncertain market demands43
Carsharing equitable relocation problem: A two-stage stochastic programming approach with learning-embedded endogenous uncertainty in demand41
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Dynamic container slot allocation for a liner shipping service39
A general equilibrium model for multi-passenger ridesharing systems with stable matching38
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Exact solution approaches for the minimum total cost traveling salesman problem with multiple drones37
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Passenger-oriented traffic control for rail networks: An optimization model considering crowding effects on passenger choices and train operations36
Timetabling for strategic passenger railway planning35
Formulations and branch-and-cut algorithms for the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem with soft time deadlines35
Integrated line planning and train timetabling through price-based cross-resolution feedback mechanism34
Editorial Board33
On the design of optimal auctions for road concessions: Firm selection, government payments, toll and capacity schedules with imperfect information33
A generalized rationally inattentive route choice model with non-uniform marginal information costs32
Integrated planning of berth allocation and vessel sequencing in a seaport with one-way navigation channel32
Robust collaborative passenger flow control on a congested metro line: A joint optimization with train timetabling32
A novel mobility consumption theory for road user charging32
Sustainable hub location under uncertainty32
Allocation problem in cross-platform ride-hail integration31
Measuring gendered values of time for married couples by life stage based on an intertemporal household utility-maximization model31
Credit charge-cum-reward scheme for green multi-modal mobility31
Connecting urban transportation systems with the spread of infectious diseases: A Trans-SEIR modeling approach31
A generalized fluid model of ride-hailing systems31
Strategic coopetition among transportation service providers considering supply–demand congestion effects and asymmetric bargaining power31
Non-unimodal and non-concave relationships in the network Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram caused by hierarchical streets30
Temporal-spatial allocation of bottleneck capacity for managing morning commute with carpool30
Train timetabling in rail transit network under uncertain and dynamic demand using Advanced and Adaptive NSGA-II29
The multi-depot electric vehicle scheduling problem with power grid characteristics29
Computationally efficient train timetable generation of metro networks with uncertain transfer walking time to reduce passenger waiting time: A generalized Benders decomposition-based method29
A smart predict-then-optimize method for targeted and cost-effective maritime transportation29
Modeling bounded rationality in discretionary lane change with the quantal response equilibrium of game theory29
An electric-vehicle corridor model in a dense city with applications to charging location and traffic management29
Adaptive large neighborhood search for integrated planning in railroad classification yards29
Train timetabling with the general learning environment and multi-agent deep reinforcement learning28
A data-driven discrete simulation-based optimization algorithm for car-sharing service design28
Spatial pricing in ride-sourcing markets under a congestion charge28
Business analytics meets artificial intelligence: Assessing the demand effects of discounts on Swiss train tickets28
Joint optimization of parcel allocation and crowd routing for crowdsourced last-mile delivery27
A heuristic approach to integrate train timetabling, platforming, and railway network maintenance scheduling decisions27
Effects of Airline Entry on High-Speed Rail27
A game theoretic approach to sustainable freight transportation: Competition between road and intermodal road–rail systems with government intervention26
An integer L-shaped algorithm for the integrated location and network restoration problem in disaster relief26
Cooperative train control during the power supply shortage in metro system: A multi-agent reinforcement learning approach26
Extending the Multiple Discrete Continuous (MDC) modelling framework to consider complementarity, substitution, and an unobserved budget26
Integrated flight scheduling and fleet assignment with improved supply-demand interactions26
A mean-field Markov decision process model for spatial-temporal subsidies in ride-sourcing markets26
Approximate dynamic programming for pickup and delivery problem with crowd-shipping25
An aggregate matching and pick-up model for mobility-on-demand services24
Urban rail train timetabling for the end-of-service period with passenger accessibility and operation cost: An advanced benders decomposition algorithm24
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Dynamic spatial price equilibrium, dynamic user equilibrium, and freight transportation in continuous time: A differential variational inequality perspective24
Safety, liability, and insurance markets in the age of automated driving24
Robust convoy movement problem under travel time uncertainty24
Mixed bus fleet location-routing-scheduling under range uncertainty23
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of 1D and 2D traffic flows: Nonlocal models with generalized look-ahead rules23
Coalition formation and cost sharing for truck platooning23
Fare inspection patrols scheduling in transit systems using a Stackelberg game approach23
A convex programming approach for ridesharing user equilibrium under fixed driver/rider demand23
A flexible train composition strategy with extra-long trains for high-speed railway corridors with time-varying demand22
Trajectory Planning for an Autonomous Vehicle with Conflicting Moving Objects Along a Fixed Path – An Exact Solution Method22
Discrete choice models with multiplicative stochasticity in choice environment variables: Application to accommodating perception errors in driver behaviour models22
Target-oriented robust location–transportation problem with service-level measure22
Risk-aware urban air mobility network design with overflow redundancy22
Stochastic OD demand estimation using stochastic programming21
Are autonomous vehicles better off without signals at intersections? A comparative computational study21
Two-stage recoverable robust optimization for an integrated location–allocation and evacuation planning problem21
The nature of the on-street parking search21
Online predictive connected and automated eco-driving on signalized arterials considering traffic control devices and road geometry constraints under uncertain traffic conditions21
Optimal capacity allocation for heavy-traffic fixed-cycle traffic-light queues and intersections21
A new spatial count data model with time-varying parameters21
Hybrid MPC System for Platoon based Cooperative Lane change Control Using Machine Learning Aided Distributed Optimization20
A branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with load-dependent drones20
Trading airport time slots: Market design with complex constraints20
Minimizing the total travel distance for the locker-based drone delivery: A branch-and-cut-based method20
The impact of autonomous ships in regional waterways20
Editorial Board20
Causal analysis of flight en route inefficiency20
On string stability of a mixed and heterogeneous traffic flow: A unifying modelling framework20
Who has access to e-commerce and when? Time-varying service regions in same-day delivery20
Schedule negotiation with ADA paratransit riders under value of time uncertainty20
The value of flexible flight-to-route assignments in pre-tactical air traffic management20
Macroscopic traffic flow modeling with physics regularized Gaussian process: A new insight into machine learning applications in transportation19
Income distribution, implementation sequence, and equity in auto ownership rationing19
Optimizing coordinated vehicle platooning: An analytical approach based on stochastic dynamic programming19
A multi-stage spatial queueing model with logistic arrivals and departures consistent with the microscopic fundamental diagram and hysteresis19
Vehicle repositioning for a ride-sourcing network system providing differentiated services19
Uncapacitated single-allocation hub median location with edge upgrading: Models and exact solution algorithms19
Rich arc routing problem in city logistics: Models and solution algorithms using a fluid queue-based time-dependent travel time representation19
The integer programing extreme value (IPEV) model: An application for estimation of the leisure trip demand19
Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem with Driver Consistency and service time optimization19
Automated lane changing control in mixed traffic: An adaptive dynamic programming approach19
Gasoline and electric vehicle ownership rationing over time: Lottery vs. First-come-first-served schemes19
Costs and benefits of parking charges in residential areas18
Optimal network-wide adjustments of initial airport slot allocations with connectivity and fairness objectives18
Boundedly rational departure time choice in a dynamic continuum user equilibrium model for an urban city18
Cost allocation of cooperative autonomous truck platooning: Efficiency and stability analysis18
Vulnerability analysis of cut-capacity structure and OD demand using Gomory-Hu tree method18
On endogenously distinguishing inactive paths in stochastic user equilibrium: A convex programming approach with a truncated path choice model18
Influence of dynamic congestion with scheduling preferences on carpooling matching with heterogeneous users18
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Constructing a cell transmission model solution adhering fully to first-in-first-out conditions17
Integrated inbound train split and load planning in an intermodal railway terminal17
Calculating conditional passenger travel time distributions in mixed schedule- and frequency-based public transport networks using Markov chains17
Measurement and mitigation of the “wild goose chase” phenomenon in taxi services17
The Robust Bulk Ship Routing Problem with Batched Cargo Selection17
Editorial Board17
Time and toll trade-off with heterogeneous users: A continuous time surplus maximization bi-objective user equilibrium model16
Intermodal hub network design with generalized capacity constraints and non-synchronized train–truck operations16
Macroscopic parking dynamics and equitable pricing: Integrating trip-based modeling with simulation-based robust optimization16
Jam density and stopbar location estimation with trajectory data at signalized intersections16
Keep on moving: Optimized placement of moving walkways in airport terminals16
Autonomous vehicles policy and safety investment: An equilibrium analysis with endogenous demand16
On the effects of airport capacity expansion under responsive airlines and elastic passenger demand16
Reliable closed-loop supply chain design problem under facility-type-dependent probabilistic disruptions16
New formulations for the Scheduled Service Network Design Problem16
A general maximum-stability dispatch policy for shared autonomous vehicle dispatch with an analytical characterization of the maximum throughput15
Heterogeneous multi-depot collaborative vehicle routing problem15
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Crowdsourced Urban Delivery15
A new flexible and partially monotonic discrete choice model15
Downsizing the jet: A forecast of economic effects of increased automation in aviation15
A Continuum model for pedestrian flow with explicit consideration of crowd force and panic effects15
Carrot or stick? Environmental and welfare implications of sustainable aviation fuel policies15
An accumulation of preference: Two alternative dynamic models for understanding transport choices15
Theory-based residual neural networks: A synergy of discrete choice models and deep neural networks15
Deep neural networks for choice analysis: A statistical learning theory perspective15
Convergence analysis on control for traffic signals in urban road network15
A game theoretical analysis of metro-integrated city logistics systems15
Integrated train dwell time regulation and train speed profile generation for automatic train operations on high-density metro lines: A distributed optimal control method15