European Journal of Marketing

(The TQCC of European Journal of Marketing is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Unreal influence: leveraging AI in influencer marketing127
Predictive model assessment and selection in composite-based modeling using PLS-SEM: extensions and guidelines for using CVPAT98
A meta-analysis of the factors affecting eWOM providing behaviour87
Antecedents and consequences of chatbot initial trust76
Assessing the overall fit of composite models estimated by partial least squares path modeling67
The role of perceived firm social media interactivity in facilitating customer engagement behaviors61
Green information quality and green brand evaluation: the moderating effects of eco-label credibility and consumer knowledge61
Consumer engagement within retail communication channels: an examination of online brand communities and digital content marketing initiatives56
Service encounters with virtual agents: an examination of perceived humanness as a source of customer satisfaction46
The architecture of the phygital customer journey: a dynamic interplay between systems of insights and systems of engagement41
Predicting collaborative consumption behaviour: a meta-analytic path analysis on the theory of planned behaviour37
Understanding customer brand engagement in brand communities: an application of psychological ownership theory and congruity theory37
Digital technology-enabled transformative consumer responsibilisation: a case study36
Social media influencers and transgressive celebrity endorsement in consumption community contexts36
The impact of business-to-business salespeople’s social media use on value co-creation and cross/up-selling: the role of social capital35
Brand hate: a literature review and future research agenda34
“I’m hatin’ it”! Negative consumer–brand relationships in online anti-brand communities34
Understanding the role of influencers on live streaming platforms: when tipping makes the difference33
Gender stereotypes in advertising have negative cross-gender effects30
“It’s selling like hotcakes”: deconstructing social media influencer marketing in long-form video content on youtube via social influence heuristics29
Greenfluencers as agents of social change: the effectiveness of sponsored messages in driving sustainable consumption29
Digital communication, value co-creation and customer engagement in business networks: a conceptual matrix and propositions27
Virtual influencer marketing: the good, the bad and the unreal26
Marketing comes to its senses: a bibliometric review and integrated framework of sensory experience in marketing26
The impact of gratitude (vs pride) on the effectiveness of cause-related marketing23
“Us” to co-create value and hate “them”: examining the interplay of consumer-brand identification, peer identification, value co-creation among consumers, competitor brand hate and individualism23
Designing food experiences for well-being: a framework advancing design thinking research from a customer experience perspective23
How mindfulness reduces BNPL usage and how that relates to overall well-being23
Long term effects of service adaptations made under pandemic conditions: the new “post COVID-19” normal23
Developing a service quality scale for artificial intelligence service agents22
Brand repulsion: consumers’ boundary work with rejected brands22
Towards co-created food well-being: culinary consumption, braggart word-of-mouth and the role of participative co-design, service provider support and C2C interactions22
“Game on!” Pushing consumer buttons to change sustainable behavior: a gamification field study22
Revisiting the effects of anthropomorphism on brand relationship outcomes: the moderating role of psychological disposition22
How and when frontline employees’ resilience drives service-sales ambidexterity: the role of cognitive flexibility and leadership humility21
A comparative study of the predictive power of component-based approaches to structural equation modeling21
Consumers’ self-reported and brain responses to advertising post on Instagram: the effect of number of followers and argument quality21
Co-branding research: where we are and where we could go from here19
A nudge toward healthier food choices: the influence of health star ratings on consumers’ choices of packaged foods19
Using AI predicted personality to enhance advertising effectiveness19
“Hey Alexa–order groceries for me” – the effect of consumer–VAI emotional attachment on satisfaction and repurchase intention19
Recovering the corporate brand: lessons from an industry crisis19
Influencer marketing effectiveness: the mechanisms that matter19
Exploring engagement with health apps: the emerging importance of situational involvement and individual characteristics17
Towards better interaction between salespeople and consumers: the role of virtual recommendation agent17
Past, present, and future research on self-service merchandising: a co-word and text mining approach17
Ultra-high-net-worth individuals: self-presentation and luxury consumption on Instagram17
Encouraging healthier choices in supermarkets: a co-design approach17
The match-up hypotheses revisited: matching social judgments and advertising messaging in celebrity endorsements17
50 years of social marketing: seeding solutions for the future17
What’s in it for you? Examining the roles of consumption values and Thaler’s acquisition–transaction utility theory in Chinese consumers’ green purchase intentions17
Innocent until proven guilty: suspicion of deception in online reviews17
Assessing stakeholder network engagement16
Digital technology usage as a driver of servitization paths in manufacturing industries16
Dashed expectations in service experiences. Effects of robots human-likeness on customers’ responses16
Message assertiveness and price discount in prosocial advertising: differences between Americans and Koreans16
Netnography and design thinking: development and illustration in the vegan food industry16
A reflection on motivating community action to protect an endangered species using marketing15
International competitive strategies, organizational learning and export performance: a match and mis-match conceptualization15
Promoting authenticity through celebrity brands14
How empowerment and materialism contribute to anti-consumers’ well-being13
Negative online reviews, brand equity and emotional contagion13
Omnichannel promotions and their effect on customer satisfaction13
The relationship between digital solution selling and value-based selling: a motivation-opportunity-ability (MOA) perspective13
Guest editorial: Favoring fieldwork makes marketing more meaningful13
Can the marketing department benefit from socially responsible marketing activities? The role of legitimacy and customers’ interest in social responsibility13
When and how brands affect importance of product attributes in consumer decision process13
Opposing brand activism: triggers and strategies of consumers’ antibrand actions13
The long-term erosion of repeat-purchase loyalty13
Cool brands and hot attachments: their effect on consumers’ willingness to pay more13
Brand love and brand addiction and their effects on consumers' negative behaviors12
Customer involvement, business capabilities and new product performance12
Perfect social media image posts: symmetry and contrast influence consumer response12
Sticky market webs of connection – human and nonhuman market co-codification dynamics across social media12
Exploration, exploitation, ambidexterity and the performance of international SMEs12
Development of long-term B2B customer relationships: the role of self-disclosure and relational cost/benefit evaluation12
Customer engagement with service providers: an empirical investigation of customer engagement dispositions12
Partial least squares as a tool for scientific inquiry: comments on Cadogan and Lee11
A miracle of measurement or accidental constructivism? How PLS subverts the realist search for truth11
Shortsighted sales or long-lasting loyalty? The impact of salesperson-customer proximity on consumer responses and the beauty of bodily boundaries11
Encouraging product reuse and upcycling via creativity priming, imagination and inspiration11
A “crescendo” model: designing food experiences for psychological well-being11
The financial vulnerability trap: using latent transition analysis to explore the dynamics of consumers’ financial vulnerability over time11
How implicit self-theories and dual-brand personalities enhance word-of-mouth11
A new perspective on sales outcome controls: an inside sales perspective11
Engaging the sales force in digital solution selling: how sales control systems resolve agency problems to create and capture superior value11
Customer brand engagement and co-production: an examination of key boundary conditions in the sharing economy11
The role of trust and algorithms in consumers’ front-of-pack labels acceptance: a cross-country investigation11
Organizational unlearning, knowledge generation strategies and radical innovation performance: evidence from a transitional economy10
Should spokes-characters be dynamic? The interaction effects of spokes-character dynamism and brand personality on consumers’ evaluation10
Internal communication and the development of customer-oriented behavior among frontline employees10
Obese customers’ fitness goal disclosure on social media: exploring weight-loss image sharing on emotions and healthy lifestyle aspirations10
Marketing or methodology? Exposing the fallacies of PLS with simple demonstrations10
Review platforms as prosumer communities: theory, practices and implications10
When feeling good counts! Impact of consumer gratitude and life satisfaction in access-based services10
Consumer-dominant social marketing: a definition and explication10
Spending the most on those who need it the least: gift givers buy more expensive gifts for affluent recipients9
Colorful candy, teen vibes and cool memes: prevalence and content of Instagram posts featuring ultra-processed products targeted at adolescents9
Interplay of consumer expectation and processing fluency in perception of product innovativeness and product evaluation9
Influence of dynamic content on visual attention during video advertisements9
Brand approaches to diversity: a typology and research agenda9
Manager directives for salesperson ambidextrous selling and resulting job satisfaction: a regulatory focus perspective9
Consumer suggestion sharing: helpful, pragmatic and conditional9
Value cocreation in new service development: a process-based view of resource dependency9
(Dis)satisfied with your choices? How to align online consumer’s self-awareness, time pressure and self-consciousness9
Shake it off and eat less: anxiety-inducing product packaging design influences food product interaction and eating9
From customer readiness to customer retention: the mediating role of customer psychological and behavioral engagement9
Thank you but no thank you: the impact of negative moral emotions on customer responses to preferential treatment9
Assessing the drivers and outcomes of behavioral self-leadership9
The product life cycle revisited: an integrative review and research agenda8
Predicting crowdfunding success with visuals and speech in video ads and text ads8
The risk of embarrassment in buying luxury counterfeits: do face-conscious consumers care?8
Disentangling effects of subjective and objective characteristics of advertising music8
Effect of core and peripheral product line extensions on overall product line revenue8
What makes a product vintage? Investigating relationships between “consumer pastness,” scarcity and purchase intentions toward vintage products8
Governance mechanism alignment at the top and operating levels of alliance hierarchy: reconciling two competing schools of thought8
Measuring the intention-behavior gap in service failure and recovery: the moderating roles of failure severity and service recovery satisfaction8
Processes of consumer socialization: study of single-father households8
Mapping the effect of healthy and unhealthy food and beverages marketing: two decades of bibliometric analysis8
You have got items to show off your pride: the effects of pride on preference for attention-grabbing products8
Guest editorial: Artificial intelligence as a market-facing technology: getting closer to the consumer through innovation and insight8
Exploring the dark side of integrity: impact of CEO integrity on firms’ innovativeness, risk-taking and proactiveness8
Consumer susceptibility to social influence in new product diffusion networks: how does network location matter?8
The shortcomings of equal weights estimation and the composite equivalence index in PLS-SEM8
How cyber political brands emerge: a socio-material analysis of the Italian Five Star movement and the Czech pirate party8
The impact of the threat of COVID-19 on visiting intentions as influenced by different destination logos8
Exploring consumer constructions of local food: meanings and influences8
Past, present and future of augmented reality marketing research: a bibliometric and thematic analysis approach8
Brand magnification: when brands help people reconstruct their lives8
Salesperson moral identity and value co-creation8
When and how information and communication technology orientation affects salespeople’s role stress: the interplay of salesperson characteristics and environmental complexity8