Tropical Ecology

(The TQCC of Tropical Ecology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Identifying the potential global distribution and conservation areas for Terminalia chebula, an important medicinal tree species under changing climate scenario52
Soil organic carbon and its labile pools as modulated by soil microbes under different land use practices in Typic Ustochrepts23
Economical and ecological realization of Joint Forest Management (JFM) for sustainable rural livelihood: a case study15
Remote sensing-derived bioclimatic variables for modeling invasive Prosopis juliflora distribution in a region of limited meteorological stations14
Application of the Worldwide Bioclimatic Classification System to determine bioclimatic features and potential natural vegetation distribution in Van Chan district, Vietnam13
Population dynamics and nutritional ecology of Spilosoma obliqua Walker on sesame cultivars13
Soil biota community composition as affected by Cryptostegia madagascariensis invasion in a tropical Cambisol from North-eastern Brazil12
Population structure and regeneration strategy of some common legumes in grassland communities of Gorakhpur, India11
Occurrence and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in trap cultures from limestone mining sites and un-mined forest soil of Mawsmai, Meghalaya11
Riparian plant species of Sherichhu River in Eastern Bhutan: their diversity, distribution, and ethnobotanical uses11
Climate change impact assessment on worldwide rain fed soybean based on species distribution models10
Impact of crop residue burning and tillage practices on soil biological parameters of rice–wheat agro-ecosystems10
The temperature increase due to climate warming can affect the photosynthetic responses of aquatic macrophytes from tropical lotic ecosystems10
Vertical distribution analysis of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in different land use patterns of an agro-organic farm10
What’s in a name? The curious case of Banj oak (Quercus leucotrichophora)9
Factors affecting survival of seedling of Afzelia africana, a threatened tropical timber species in West Africa9
Habitat fragmentation effects on vascular epiphytes diversity in Kafa biosphere reserve and nearby coffee agroecosystem, southwestern Ethiopia9
Liana regeneration in the treefall gaps, at the gap edges and in the forest interior of a subtropical montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Ailao Mountains, Southwestern China9
Do the food availability conditions influence the stage-specific prey choice and predation attributes of agroecosystem-inhabiting spiders?9
Diversity, ecology and molecular phylogeny of genus Litsea (Lauraceae) in Central Western Ghat areas of India9
Distribution and structural characterization of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile and Ricinodendron heudelotii (Bail.) Pierre among phytodistricts and land use types in Benin (West Africa)8
Surface water distribution challenges and elephant impacts on woody species in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe8
Differential response of graminoid and forb species to precipitation variability in a constructed dry tropical grassland8
Ecological niche modelling to identify suitable sites for cultivation of two important medicinal lianas of the Western Ghats, India7
Population, behavior and conservation status of the northern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonina) in the Inner-line reserve forest, Assam, India7
Dendrochronological studies in the western Himalaya: opportunities, challenges and prospects7
Species and functional diversity of macrofungi from protected areas in mountain forest ecosystems of Southern Luzon, Philippines7
Study on composition and spatio-temporal variation of zooplankton community in coal mine generated pit lakes, West Bengal, India6
Effect of habitat specific wood specific gravity on biomass and carbon stock of trees in tropical dry deciduous forest of central India6
Fine root decomposition and nutrient release in two tropical forests of Central Himalaya: a comparative and factor controlling approach6
Estimation of above and belowground biomass for grass, herb, and fern species in Peninsula Malaysia6
Satellite-based estimates of photosynthetically active radiation for tropical ecosystems in Ghana—West Africa6
Responses of plants to temporally heterogeneous water conditions in species from different ranges of habitats5
Climate warming will affect the range dynamics of East Asian Meehania species: a maximum entropy approach5
Tree diversity and biomass carbon stock along an altitudinal gradient in old-growth secondary semi-evergreen forests in North East India5
Vegetation–soil–microbial diversity influences ecosystem multifunctionality across different tropical coastal ecosystem types5
Seasonal dynamics in soil microbial biomass C, N and P in a temperate forest ecosystem of Uttarakhand, India5
Monitoring tea plantations during 1990–2022 using multi-temporal satellite data in Assam (India)5
Publisher Correction: Geospatial technology based morphometric analysis and watershed prioritization of lower Satluj basin in India for groundwater recharge potential5
A checklist of invasive plants of Gorakhpur district: terai region of eastern Uttar Pradesh5
Tree root imaging by electrical resistivity tomography: geophysical tools to improve understanding of deep root structure and rhizospheric processes5
Characterizing fuel flammability in a tropical dry community forest in Eastern India using laboratory and remote sensing based approaches4
Application of aquatic plants in ecological restoration of sponge city construction4
Dormant ciliate community from the dry sediment of a temporary lake in a Neotropical floodplain4
Soil-litter arthropod communities under pasture land use in southern Rwanda4
Rainfall partitioning in important multipurpose tree species of Himalayan foothills4
Correction to: Species richness patterns, hotspots and phytogeographic affinities of thalloid liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) of Sri Lanka4
Debarking as a control method for invasive tree species management in tropical forests4
Species richness, stand structure and carbon storage under an age chronosequence in Tectona grandis plantation at agricultural landscape of Indian Eastern Himalayan Foothill4
Geospatial technology based morphometric analysis and watershed prioritization of lower Satluj basin in India for groundwater recharge potential4
Evaluating agricultural activity dynamics over the Uttar Pradesh state of India using satellite-based datasets4
Soil conservation measures improve vegetation development and ecological processes in the Himalayan slopes4
A novel monitoring protocol to evaluate large-scale forest restoration projects in the tropics4
Stand structure, community composition and tree species diversity of sub-tropical forest of Nagaland, Northeast India3
Is there any impact of non-native vegetation on bird communities in Delhi, India?3
Structure and composition of woody vegetation along the Zambezi river floodplain and seasonal water pans in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe3
Bacterial diversity and bio-chemical properties in the rhizosphere soils of Cumin and Coriander3
Predation of a neonate caiman, Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802) by red fire ants Solenopsis sp. in Atlantic Forest, North-eastern Brazil3
Understory floristic diversity and soil seed bank status of planted and unplanted portions of South Busoga Forest Reserve, Eastern Uganda3
Plant conservation in the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot: a case study on the Piper genus in Veracruz (Mexico)3
Distribution patterns of meiofauna and free-living nematodes in beaches of a remote tropical South Atlantic Island (Trindade, Brazil)3
Variation among individuals of Citrullus colocynthis from a desert population in morphological, genetic, and germination attributes3
Host identity and neighborhood trees affect belowground microbial communities in a tropical rainforest3
Reforestation could bring native mammal species back in the tropical highlands3
Earthworm population dynamics in three different land use systems along an altitudinal gradient (208–2609 m asl) in Kumaun Himalayas, India3
Changes in plant diversity and community attributes of coal mine affected forest in relation to a community reserve forest of Nagaland, Northeast India3
Effects of elevated ultraviolet-B on the floral and leaf characteristics of a medicinal plant Wedelia chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. along with essential oil contents3
Circa situm conservation of coffee agroforests: farmer’s perception in Kodagu landscape of Karnataka, India3