Journal of European Public Policy

(The TQCC of Journal of European Public Policy is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
How trust, mistrust and distrust shape the governance of the COVID-19 crisis86
Failing forward? Crises and patterns of European integration76
Government capacity, societal trust or party preferences: what accounts for the variety of national policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe?75
Lockdown policies and the dynamics of the first wave of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic in Europe74
Postfunctionalism reversed: solidarity and rebordering during the COVID-19 pandemic65
Rebordering Europe: external boundaries and integration in the European Union62
The European Union’s international climate leadership: towards a grand climate strategy?58
Crisis pressures and European integration55
Is populism a challenge to European energy and climate policy? Empirical evidence across varieties of populism52
Work, family, Fatherland: the political economy of populism in central and Eastern Europe50
EU climate and energy governance in times of crisis: towards a new agenda47
Is Europe really forged through crisis? Pandemic EU and the Russia – Ukraine war41
‘Failing forward’: a critique in light of covid-1941
Failing forward in Economic and Monetary Union: explaining weak Eurozone financial support mechanisms40
Decentralization, policy capacities, and varieties of first health response to the COVID-19 outbreak: evidence from three regions in Italy40
Responding to the COVID-19 crisis: a principled or pragmatist approach?39
Next generation EU and the future of economic governance: towards a paradigm change or just a big one-off?36
Bellicist integration? The war in Ukraine, the European Union and core state powers35
Transforming Europe? The EU's industrial policy and geopolitical turn34
The European Commission and the COVID-19 pandemic: a pluri-institutional approach34
Stakeholder engagement as a conduit for regulatory legitimacy?32
Role of the state and responsibility in governing artificial intelligence: a comparative analysis of AI strategies31
Fractionalized but ambitious? Voting on energy and climate policy in the European Parliament31
From emissions trading to the European Green Deal: the evolution of the climate policy mix and climate policy integration in the EU30
Europe and the transnational politics of emergency30
European emergency politics and the question of legitimacy30
Gendering political leadership: hypermasculine leadership and Covid-1928
The essence of democratic backsliding in the European Union: deliberation and rule of law27
‘I did it my way’: customisation and practical compliance with EU policies27
Explaining the response of the ECB to the COVID-19 related economic crisis: inter-crisis and intra-crisis learning27
Theorizing policy diffusion: from a patchy set of mechanisms to a paradigmatic typology26
EU health policy in the aftermath of COVID-19: neofunctionalism and crisis-driven integration25
Governing AI – attempting to herd cats? Introduction to the special issue on the Governance of Artificial Intelligence25
Failing forward in the EU's common security and defense policy: the integration of EU crisis management25
The COVID-19 pandemic and the European Union: politics, policies and institutions25
British economic regulators in an age of politicisation: from the responsible to the responsive regulatory state?25
Protest in unlikely times: dynamics of collective mobilization in Europe during the COVID-19 crisis24
Reacting, fast and slow: how world leaders shaped government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic24
The rhetoric of inaction: failing to fail forward in the EU’s rule of law crisis23
Crisis management performance and the European Union: the case of COVID-1923
Regulatory cybersecurity governance in the making: the formation of ENISA and its struggle for epistemic authority22
The use of pseudo-causal narratives in EU policies: the case of the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa22
Pandemic narratives and policy responses: west European governments and COVID-1922
Political trust in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: a meta-analysis of 67 studies21
Moving on to not fall behind? Technological sovereignty and the ‘geo-dirigiste’ turn in EU industrial policy21
How does income inequality affect the support for populist parties?20
Debordering and re-bordering in the refugee crisis: a case of ‘defensive integration’20
Europe first? The rise of EU industrial policy promoting and protecting the single market20
Public support for differentiated integration: individual liberal values and concerns about member state discrimination20
Fence-sitters no more: Southern and Central Eastern European Member States’ role in the deadlock of the CEAS reform20
An unexpected climate activist: central banks and the politics of the climate-neutral economy20
Climate policy: from complexity to consensus?20
A new dataset on legislative decision-making in the European Union: the DEU III dataset19
Understanding policy responses to COVID-19: the stars haven’t fallen from the sky for scholars of public policy19
Quick and dirty: how populist parties in government affect greenhouse gas emissions in EU member states19
Changes in interest group access in times of crisis: no pain, no (lobby) gain19
From a liberal to a strategic actor: the evolution of the EU’s approach to international energy governance19
Policy narratives, localisation, and public justification: responses to COVID-1918
Policy complexity in the European Union, 1993-today: introducing the EUPLEX dataset18
Economic ideas, party politics, or material interests? Explaining Germany’s support for the EU corona recovery plan18
Behavioural governance in the policy process: introduction to the special issue18
Algorithms, data, and platforms: the diverse challenges of governing AI18
The populist challenge to European defense18
‘It takes three to tango’: new inter-institutional dynamics in managing major crisis reform17
The regulatory security state in Europe17
Rapid or long-term employment? A Scandinavian comparative study of refugee integration policies and employment outcomes17
Strategic silence or regulatory talk? Regulatory agency responses to public allegations amidst the glyphosate controversy17
Monotonous or pluralistic public discourse? Reason-giving and dissent in Denmark’s and Sweden’s early 2020 COVID-19 responses16
Maintaining the EU’s compound polity during the long crisis decade16
Politicization and rebordering in EU enlargement: membership discourses in European parliaments16
Supranational emergency politics? What executives’ public crisis communication may tell us16
Financing the welfare state in times of extreme crisis: public support for health care spending during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany16
The securitization of the EU’s digital tech regulation16
The (False) promise of solutionism: ideational business power and the construction of epistemic authority in digital security governance16
Re-examining policy stability in climate adaptation through a lock-in perspective16
The EU’s reaction in the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic between centralisation and decentralisation, formality and informality16
Transboundary crises and political development: why war is not necessary for European state-building16
The institutional position of national parliaments in the European Union: developments, explanations, effects16
The EU’s initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic: disintegration or ‘failing forward’?15
The evolution of behaviourally informed policy-making in the EU15
EU agencies’ stakeholder bodies: vehicles of enhanced control, legitimacy or bias?15
Re-bordering Europe? Collective action barriers to ‘Fortress Europe’15
Seeing Europe like a state14
Globalization and the societal consensus of wealth tax cuts14
The historical origins of wealth taxation14
Weathering growing polarization? The European Parliament and EU foreign climate policy ambitions14
A Robin Hood for all: a conjoint experiment on support for basic income13
Honesty pledges for the behaviorally-based regulation of dishonesty13
EU health solidarity in times of crisis: explaining public preferences towards EU risk pooling for medicines13
Beyond the regulatory state? The European Defence Fund and national military capacities13
Policy positions, power and interest group-party lobby routines12
The durability–flexibility dialectic: the evolution of decarbonisation policies in the European Union12
Fueling opposition? Yellow vests, urban elites, and fuel taxation12
Failing forward in Eastern Enlargement: problem solving through problem making12
The multidimensionality of public support for basic income: a vignette experiment in Belgium12
Political work in the stability and growth pact12
The comparative ‘court politics’ of Covid-19: explaining government responses to the pandemic12
Why the European Parliament lost the Spitzenkandidaten-process12
Why is it so difficult to tax the rich? Evidence from German policy-makers12
How policy growth affects policy implementation: bureaucratic overload and policy triage12
Leadership in European crisis politics: France, Germany, and the difficult quest for regional stabilization and integration11
Failing outward: power politics, regime complexity, and failing forward under deadlock11
The power of ‘weak’ institutions: assessing the EU’s emerging institutional architecture for improving the implementation and enforcement of joint policies11
Engaging the disengaged? Explaining the participation of Eurosceptic MEPs in trilogue negotiations11
Democratic backsliding as a catalyst for polity-based contestation? Populist radical right cooperation in the European Parliament11
Taking back control? Brexit and the territorial constitution of the United Kingdom11
When are governmental blaming strategies effective? How blame, source and trust effects shape citizens’ acceptance of EU sanctions against democratic backsliding11
Preserving the old or building the new? Reputation-building through strategic talk and engagement with stakeholder inputs by the European Commission11
Regulating with the masses? Mapping the spread of participatory regulation11
Accelerating low carbon transitions via budgetary processes? EU climate governance in times of crisis11
Does consultation count for corruption? The causal relations in the EU-2811
External borders and internal freedoms: how the refugee crisis shaped the bordering preferences of European citizens10
A missing link? Maintaining support for the European polity after the Russian invasion of Ukraine10
Implementing market mechanisms in the Paris era: the importance of bureaucratic capacity building for international climate policy10
The anachronism of bellicist state-building10
Constructing expertise: the front- and back-door regulation of AI’s military applications in the European Union10
Governing AI through ethical standards: learning from the experiences of other private governance initiatives10
Exploring the EU’s status quo tendency in the migration policy field: a network-centred perspective10
Taxing the rich: public preferences and public understanding10
The politics of taxing multinational firms in a digital age10
Frustrating Brexit? Ireland and the UK’s conflicting approaches to Brexit negotiations10
Will the European Union escape its autocracy trap?10
Beyond neo-corporatism: state employers and the special-interest politics of public sector wage-setting*10
How does politicisation affect the ratification of mixed EU trade agreements? The case of CETA10
Weaponising Europe? Rule-makers and rule-takers in the EU regulatory security state10
The European Commission in Covid-19 vaccine cooperation: leadership vs coronationalism?9
How policy entrepreneurship training affects policy entrepreneurship behavior among street-level bureaucrats – a randomized field experiment9
‘All hands on deck’ or separate lifeboats? Public support for European economic solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic9
EU Boundaries in the making: functionalist versus federalist9
Stakeholder consultations as reputation-building: a comparison of ACER and the German Federal Network Agency9
Support for progressive taxation: self-interest (rightly understood), ideology, and political sophistication9
Respecting the subject in wellbeing public policy: beyond the social planner perspective9
Failing forward in the Common Commercial Policy? Deep trade and the perennial question of EU competence9
Sanctioning democratic backsliding in the European Union: transnational salience, negative intergovernmental spillover, and policy change9
Euroscepticism and bargaining success in the European Union9
Trade shocks and the nationalist backlash in political attitudes: panel data evidence from Great Britain9
The politics of policy analysis: theoretical insights on real world problems9