Transportmetrica A-Transport Science

(The TQCC of Transportmetrica A-Transport Science is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A multi-stage stochastic optimization approach to the stop-skipping and bus lane reservation schemes44
Optimal frequency setting of metro services in the age of COVID-19 distancing measures28
Customized bus service design for uncertain commuting travel demand28
Traffic flow prediction on urban road network based on License Plate Recognition data: combining attention-LSTM with Genetic Algorithm25
A Lagrangian relaxation approach for the electric bus charging scheduling optimisation problem20
Social groups in pedestrian crowds: review of their influence on the dynamics and their modelling20
Joint optimisation of regular and demand-responsive transit services18
Microscopic modeling of cyclists interactions with pedestrians in shared spaces: a Gaussian process inverse reinforcement learning approach18
Modelling personalised car-following behaviour: a memory-based deep reinforcement learning approach16
Collaborative passenger flow control for oversaturated metro lines: a stochastic optimization method14
Multi-period two-echelon location routing problem for disaster waste clean-up14
Urban network-wide traffic volume estimation under sparse deployment of detectors12
Revisiting spatial correlation in crash injury severity: a Bayesian generalized ordered probit model with Leroux conditional autoregressive prior12
Modeling lateral interactions between motorized vehicles and non-motorized vehicles in mixed traffic using accelerated failure duration model12
Two-lane two-way overtaking decision model with driving style awareness based on a game-theoretic framework12
Multiagent modeling of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts using Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning12
Vertical integration and capacity investment in a two-port system11
A pedestrian-based model for simulating COVID-19 transmission on college campus9
Framework for development of the Scheduler for Activities, Locations, and Travel (SALT) model9
A simulation analysis to study the temporal and spatial aggregations of safety datasets with excess zero observations9
Understanding patterns of moped and seated motor scooter (50 cc or less) involved fatal crashes using cluster correspondence analysis9
Pedestrian-injury severity analysis in pedestrian-vehicle crashes with familiar and unfamiliar drivers9
Vehicle trajectory reconstruction for intersections: an integrated wavelet transform and Savitzky-Golay filter approach8
Social group detection based on multi-level consistent behaviour characteristics8
Effect of luggage-carrying on pedestrian flow through bottleneck: an experimental study8
Reliability-based equitable transit frequency design8
Cooperative vehicle platoon control considering longitudinal and lane-changing dynamics*7
Interrupted and uninterrupted lane changes: a microscopic outlook of lane-changing dynamics7
European railway deregulation: an overview of market organization and capacity allocation7
Microsimulation analysis for network traffic assignment (MANTA) at metropolitan-scale for agile transportation planning7
A systematic approach for evaluating spatiotemporal characteristics of traffic violations and crashes at road intersections: an empirical study7
Leveraging vehicle connectivity and autonomy for highway bottleneck congestion mitigation using reinforcement learning7
Evaluating the impact of waiting time reliability on route choice using smart card data7
Improving car-following model to capture unobserved driver heterogeneity and following distance features in fog condition7
Evaluating alternative variations of Negative Binomial–Lindley distribution for modelling crash data7
A novel hybrid deep learning model with ARIMA Conv-LSTM networks and shuffle attention layer for short-term traffic flow prediction7
Short-term forecasting of origin-destination matrix in transit system via a deep learning approach7
A deep neural network approach for pedestrian trajectory prediction considering flow heterogeneity7
Planning delivery-by-drone micro-fulfilment centres7
A maximum entropy optimization model for origin-destination trip matrix estimation with fuzzy entropic parameters7
Optimisation of a new hybrid transit service with modular autonomous vehicles7
Travel time reliability-based optimization problem for CAVs dedicated lanes7
Incremental unscented Kalman filter for real-time traffic estimation on motorways using multi-source data7
What can we learn from 9 years of ticketing data at a major transport hub? A structural time series decomposition7
A bounded path size route choice model excluding unrealistic routes: formulation and estimation from a large-scale GPS study6
Calm or panic? A game-based method of emotion contagion for crowd evacuation6
Trip chaining of bicycle and car commuters: an empirical analysis of detours to secondary activities6
Velocity-repulsion model for pedestrian dynamics based on a multi-state modelling framework6
A novel model to jointly estimate delay and arrival patterns by using high-resolution signal and detection data6
A dynamic continuum route choice model for pedestrian flow with mixed crowds6
Convergence behavior for traffic assignment characterization metrics6
Optimizing sensitivity parameters of automated driving vehicles in an open heterogeneous traffic flow system6
Combining Benders decomposition and column generation for scheduled service network design problem in rail freight transportation6
Train rescheduling in a major disruption on a high-speed railway network with seat reservation6
Demand-driven integrated train timetabling and rolling stock scheduling on urban rail transit line5
Analysis of cascading failure induced by load fluctuation and robust station capacity assignment for metros5
How building layout properties influence pedestrian route choice and route recall5
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effect social groups have on the egress times of pedestrian crowds5
Distributionally robust optimisation model for multi-objective hub location problem via considering ambiguousness5
Modeling activity-based tour shared travel choices, tour-level activity participation and time allocation5
Relaxation–discretization algorithm for spatially constrained secondary location assignment5
An improved parallel block coordinate descent method for the distributed computing of traffic assignment problem5
Microsimulation of mobility assignment within an activity-based travel demand forecasting model5
Deploying dedicated lanes for connected and autonomous buses in urban transportation networks5
Driving behaviour modelling in the context of heterogeneous traffic and poor lane discipline conditions: the state of the art and beyond5
Mode choice in strategic freight transportation models: a constrained Box–Cox meta-heuristic for multivariate utility functions5
Perception of overlap in multi-modal urban transit route choice5
A bimodal transit system for large cities: cost efficiency and environment friendliness5
Signal timing optimisation with the contraflow left-turn lane design using the cell transmission model5
Attitudes, personality traits and private parking space owners’ willingness to engage in shared parking schemes: a hybrid prospect theoretic model5
Joint learning of video images and physiological signals for lane-changing behavior prediction5
Measuring and enhancing the connectivity reliability of a rail transit network5
Forecasting with strategic transport models corrected for endogeneity4
Modelling the lateral dimension of vehicles movement: a stochastic differential approach with applications4
How can connected and automated vehicles improve merging efficiency at freeway on-ramps?4
A multi-objective stochastic programming model for post-disaster management4
Link dynamic vehicle count estimation based on travel time distribution using license plate recognition data4
Are we willing to relocate with the future introduction of flying cars? An exploratory empirical analysis of public perceptions in the United States4
Vehicle travel path recognition in urban dense road network environments by using mobile phone data4
Assessing changes in job accessibility and commuting time under bike-sharing scenarios4
A multi-path arterial progression model with variable signal structures4
Driving angle prediction of lane changes based on extremely randomized decision trees considering the harmonic potential field method4
Computational graph-based framework for integrating econometric models and machine learning algorithms in emerging data-driven analytical environments4
Effects of land use on time-of-day transit ridership patterns4
A matched case-control method to model car-following safety4
Pedestrian mode identification, classification and characterization by tracking mobile data4
Optimal design of pure battery electric bus system on the grid network4
Modelling the impact of context in real-world highway pull-out dynamics to inform acceptable path planning of automated vehicles4
Optimisation of variable speed limits at the freeway lane drop bottleneck4
Modeling and simulating the non-emergency evacuation behavior in a hospital registration hall4