Middle East Critique

(The TQCC of Middle East Critique is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Re-Thinking Islam and Islamism: Hamas Women between Religion, Secularism and Neo-Liberalism15
A Rhetorical Analysis of the Iranian Critical Theorists: Yousof Abazari and the ‘Phenomenology of a Death’7
Missing Gender: Conceptual Limitations in the Debate on “Sectarianism” in the Middle East6
Editor’s Note4
Editor’s Note4
Sanctions and Stigma: Regional and Global Ordering in the Gulf Crisis4
From Exit to Voice: Reflections on Exile through the Accounts of Turkey’s Intelligentsia4
Remembering Nubia’s Past: Space, Generations and Memorial Practices4
The Principled Fine Line in Egypt’s Sociology: Farewell Mona Abaza14
Leaders and the Breakdown of Democracy in Turkey, 1973-19803
Editor’s Note3
Gezi Insurgency as ‘Counter-Conduct’3
Home-State Politics Vis-à-Vis Turkish Emigrants: Instrumentalizing Emigrants3
China and the Third World: Arab Region in Perspective3
The Hegemony of Resistance: Hezbollah and the Forging of a National-Popular Will in Lebanon3
Diasporic Democratic Futures3
The Other Khatibi: Envisaging Arab Intellectuals after the End of Grand Narratives3
From ‘Practical Application of Knowledge’ to ‘Academic Self-Awareness’: A Historical Examination of Knowledge Production in Chinese Middle East Studies3
The Neoliberal Cage: Alternative Analysis of the Rise of Populist Tunisia3
The Iranian-American Intelligentsia in U.S. Foreign Affairs: Ahistoricism, Anti-Structuralism, and the Production of Idealism3
Multiple Consciousness and Transnationalism in Iranian Armenian Cultural Productions2
The Violence of Extractive Urbanization: Dying to Live in Lebanon2
Spaces of Colonial Oppressions: Palestinians’ Bodily Experiences of Checkpoints2
One Thousand and One Cities: Socio-Spatial Patterns and Challenges over a Half-Century of Urbanization in Iran2
The Political Economy of Nationality-Based Labor Inclusion Strategies: A Case Study of the Jordan Compact2
Anthropology of Water in Varzaneh, Iran2
American Colony in Jerusalem: Rebuilding the Eight Palestinian Villages Buried by USA Independence Park2
Trading Wheat for Books in the Cold War: Public Law 480 (Food for Peace) and Its Connection to Middle East Studies2
Where is Palestine in the Anzacs’ Palestine Campaign? Israel and the Struggle for Indigeneity in Commemorative State Practice2
Palestine and the Ends of Theory2
‘Axis of Evil’ and the Academic Repression of Palestine Solidarity2
The Theory of Uneven and Combined Development and the Sociopolitical Transformations in Syria and Libya1
Guest Editors’ Introduction: Turkey’s Diaspora Governance Policies from the Past to the Present1
Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Perspective on Promotion and Tenure Regulations in Palestine and beyond1
Afghanistan’s Political Settlement Puzzle: The Impact of the Breakdown of Afghan Political Parties to an Elite Polity System (2001–2021)1
Gunning for Damascus: The US War on the Syrian Arab Republic1
Poverty and Deprivation Problems in Post-Revolutionary Iran1
The Academic Question of Palestine1
Urbanized Rural Women: A Study in Rural Areas of Gilan, Isfahan, and Semnan Provinces1
Re-Narrating the Past, Producing the Present and Unlocking the Future: Haris al-Quds, a TV-Dramatization of ‘Post-war’ Syria1
Reception of Rorty’s Thought in Iran: How His Anti-Foundationalism Has Contributed to Iran’s Tradition-Modernity Debate1
The Mythological Machine in the Great Civil War (2001–2021):OikosandPolisin Nation-Making1
Weaponizing Democratization: Street Battles and Transformation in Post-Revolutionary Egypt1
Foreign Policy and the Performance of Collective State Recognition Amidst Genocide1
The Slippery Pearl: A World-Systems Assessment of China’s Economic Hegemony in the United Arab Emirates1
Imperialism and Neoliberal Redeployment in Post-uprising Tunisia1
Palestine is the Vanguard for Our Liberation: Insights from the Students’ Intifada at Columbia University1
Collective Identity Change under Exogenous Shocks: The Gülen Movement and Its Diasporization1
Practicing wujud : A Constellation of sumud in the Fragmented Palestinian Present1
Resistance to Repression and Back Again: The Movement for Palestinian Liberation in US Academia1
Self-Identification of Indigeneity within Turkey’s Kurdish Political Movement1
The Threat of (the Lack of) Social Cohesion: Preventing Violent Extremism in Lebanon1
Mediating Poverty on Arab Television1
Dark Humor and ‘Humor Talk’ in Algeria’s Hirak1
Discourse Analysis of Social Justice Policies in Post-Revolutionary Iran1
Land Reform and Kurdish Nationalism in Postcolonial Iraq1
Right-Wing Populism and Turkey’s Post-Hegemonic Populist Moment1
M. Hakan Yavuz (2020) Review:Nostalgia for Empire: The Politics of Neo-Ottomanism1