Housing Studies

(The TQCC of Housing Studies is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Understanding responses to homelessness during COVID-19: an examination of Australia51
Housing price bubbles in Greater Sydney: evidence from a submarket analysis39
Generation Rent and housing precarity in ‘post crisis’ Ireland31
Secure occupancy, power and the landlord-tenant relation: a qualitative exploration of the Irish private rental sector28
Digital informalisation: rental housing, platforms, and the management of risk28
The determinants of homeownership affordability in Greater Sydney: evidence from a submarket analysis26
Drivers of housing (un)affordability in the advanced economies: a review and new evidence23
When homes earn more than jobs: the rentierization of the Australian housing market20
The experience of precarity: low-paid economic migrants’ housing in Manchester20
Thinking relationally about housing and home19
Grassroots struggles challenging housing financialization in Spain18
The “Souths” of the “Wests”. Southern critique and comparative housing studies in Southern Europe and USA18
The resilience of social rental housing in the United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark. How institutions matter18
Performing the ‘good tenant’18
Owning vs. Renting: the benefits of residential stability?17
Towards a relational and comparative rather than a contrastive global housing studies17
Experiencing housing precarity in the private rental sector during the covid-19 pandemic: the case of Ireland17
(Im)mobility at the margins: low-income households’ experiences of peripheral resettlement in India and South Africa17
Housing differentiation and subjective social status of Chinese urban homeowners: evidence from CLDS16
Tiny houses: movement or moment?16
Beyond proper political squatting: exploring individualistic need-based occupations in a public housing neighbourhood in Naples16
Measuring residential satisfaction over time: results from a unique long-term study of a large housing estate16
Displacement and estate demolition: multi-scalar place attachment among relocated social housing residents in London15
Is LGBT homelessness different? Reviewing the relationship between LGBT identity and homelessness15
Ending gated communities: the rationales for resistance in China15
Housing shortages and the new downturn of residential mobility in the US14
A zone of exception? Interrogating the hybrid housing regime and nested enclaves in China-Singapore Suzhou-Industrial-Park14
Rapid rehousing for persons experiencing homelessness: a systematic review of the evidence14
Tenure type mixing and segregation14
Making home? Permitted and prohibited place-making in youth homeless accommodation14
The new housing precariat: experiences of precarious housing in Malmö, Sweden14
The inbetweeners of the housing markets – young adults facing housing inequality in Malmö, Sweden14
Responding to housing precarity: the coping strategies of generation rent14
From the streets to the statehouse: how tenant movements affect housing policy in Los Angeles and Berlin14
The roles of the state in the financialisation of housing in Turkey14
Young people and housing transitions during COVID-19: navigating co-residence with parents and housing autonomy13
What's wrong with investment apartments? On the construction of a ‘financialized’ rental investment product in Vienna13
Housing regimes and residualization of the subsidized rental sector in Europe 2005-201613
The remarkable stability of social housing in Vienna and Helsinki: a multi-dimensional analysis13
The invisible hand of the shareholding state: the financialization of Italian real-estate investment funds for social housing13
Housing and health for people with refugee- and asylum-seeking backgrounds: a photovoice study in Australia 13
Responsiveness of sub-divided unit tenants’ housing consumption to income: a study of Hong Kong informal housing13
Land and the housing affordability crisis: landowner and developer strategies in Luxembourg’s facilitative planning context12
Social policy or crowding-out? Tenant protection in comparative long-run perspective12
Housing affordability and mental health: an analysis of generational change12
Housing inequality: a systematic scoping review12
‘Home’ as an essentially contested concept and why this matters12
Public housing and territorial stigma: towards a symbolic and political economy11
Need for shelter, demand for housing, desire for home: a psychoanalytic reading of home-making in Vancouver11
The housing pathways of lesbian and gay youth and intergenerational family relations: a Southern European perspective11
The impact of housing on refugees: an evidence synthesis11
Understanding the effects of school catchment areas and households with children in ethnic residential segregation11
Planning for social sustainability: mechanisms of social exclusion in densification through large-scale redevelopment projects in Swiss cities10
Neoliberalization and inequality: disparities in access to affordable housing in urban Canada 1981–201610
Everyday activism: Private tenants demand right to home10
International students struggling in the private rental sector in Australia prior to and during the pandemic10
Housing transformation, rent gap and gentrification in Ghana’s traditional houses: Insight from compound houses in Bantama, Kumasi10
Tenure insecurity, precarious housing and hidden homelessness among older renters in New Zealand10
A systems perspective for residential preferences and dwellings: housing functions and their role in Swiss residential mobility10
Renovations as an investment strategy: circumscribing the right to housing in Sweden10
Struggles for the decommodification of housing: the politics of housing cooperatives in Uruguay and Switzerland10
Affordability through design: the role of building costs in collaborative housing9
Spillover effects in neighborhood housing value change: a spatial analysis9
Racial disparity in exposure to housing cost burden in the United States: 1980–20179
Solving puzzles in the Canadian housing market: foreign ownership and de-coupling in Toronto and Vancouver9
Flammable cladding and the effects on homeowner well-being9
Neighbourhood satisfaction in rural resettlement residential communities: the case of Suqian, China9
Neighbourhood selection by natives and immigrants: Homophily or limited spatial search?9
The institutionalization of shared rental housing and commercial co-living9
Does housing tenure matter? Owner-occupation and wellbeing in Britain and Austria9
Infrastructural citizenship: conceiving, producing and disciplining people and place via public housing, from Cape Town to Stoke-on-Trent8
Severe and persistent housing instability: examining low-income households’ residential mobility trajectories in the United States8
Housing financialisation and the creation of homelessness in Ireland8
Collaborative housing communities through the COVID-19 pandemic: rethinking governance and mutuality8
Reified scarcity & the problem space of ‘need’: unpacking Australian social housing policy8
Price and rental differentials in gated versus non-gated communities: the case of Accra, Ghana8
The mechanics of housing collectivism: how forms and functions affect affordability8
Policy failure or f***up: homelessness and welfare reform in England8
Home in the big city: does place of origin affect homeownership among the post-80s generation in Shanghai8
Housing tenure and educational opportunity in the Paris metropolitan area8
Understanding after-housing disposable income effects on rising inequality8
School choice and school segregation in the context of gentrifying Amsterdam8
Contesting the financialization of student accommodation: campaigns for the right to housing in Dublin, Ireland7
Neighbourhood at the crossroads: differentiation in residential change and gentrification in a post-socialist inner-city neighbourhood7
Overlap of migrants' housing and neighbourhood mobility7
A homeownership paradox: why do Chinese homeowners rent the housing they live in?7
Embracing market and civic actor participation in public rental housing governance: new insights about power distribution7
The effect of virtual reality on the marketing of residential property7
Prefab micro-units as a strategy for affordable housing7
Housing trajectories of EU migrants: between quick emigration and shared housing as temporary and long-term solutions7
The design of subsidized housing: towards an interdisciplinary and cross-national research agenda7
Governing homeless mothers: the unmaking of home and family7
Understanding the principle of consumer choice in delivering housing first7
Approach to housing justice from a capability perspective: bridging the gap between ideals and policy practices7
“Walls within walls: examining the variegated purposes for walling in Ghanaian gated communities”7
Homeownership and fertility intentions among migrant population in urban China7
Becoming landlords: the changing interests of non-profit and co-operative housing providers in Manitoba, Canada7
‘Homelessness is a queer experience.’: utopianism and mutual aid as survival strategies for homeless trans people7
Influence of educational and cultural facilities on apartment prices by size in Seoul: do residents’ preferred facilities influence the housing market?7
Housing and fertility: a macro-level, multi-country investigation, 1993-20177
‘Making a home’: an occupational perspective on sustaining tenancies following homelessness7
Housing as asset-based welfare. The case of France6
Energy poverty, housing conditions, and self-assessed health: evidence from Poland6
Policy movement in housing research: a critical interpretative synthesis6
Urban villagers as real estate developers: embracing property mind through ‘planting’ housing in North-east China6
‘My home is my people’ homemaking among rough sleepers in Leipzig, Germany6
Small and medium multifamily housing: affordability and availability6
Political economy perspectives and their relevance for contemporary housing studies6
Inclusionary housing in the United States: dynamics of local policy and outcomes in diverse markets6
“The right to stay put” or “the right to decide”? The question of displacement in the revitalization of Łódź (Poland)6
Conceptualizing the connections of formal and informal housing markets in low- and middle-income countries6
Ethical action in the age of austerity: cases of care in two community land trusts6
Insecure tenure in Amsterdam: who rents with a temporary lease, and why? A baseline from 20156
Learning through housing activism in Barcelona: knowledge production and sharing in neighbourhood-based housing groups6
Housing quality determinants of depression and suicide ideation by age and gender6