European Accounting Review

(The TQCC of European Accounting Review is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Environmental Accounting in the European Accounting Review : A Reflection52
Experience of a Job Loss and Analysts’ Subsequent Performance48
Political Corruption and Accounting Conservatism41
Accounting Bias and Debt Contracting35
Understanding Multiple Accountability Logics Within Corporate Governance Policy Discourse: Resistance, Compromise, or Selective Coupling?32
Investor Base Size and Underreaction-Consistent Stock Return Anomalies29
CFO Characteristics and Real Earnings Management28
Does Longer Duration of Executive Compensation Foster Investment Efficiency?26
Involvement in Offshore Financial Centers and Audit Fees: Evidence from U.S. Multinational Firms24
Disclosure Tone and Short-Selling Pressure: Evidence from Regulation-SHO24
Economists’ Political Donations and GDP Forecast Accuracy23
Does Client Acquisition Impair the Objectivity of Engagement Partners and Engagement Quality Review Partners?22
Auditors' Incentives and Audit Quality: Non-Audit Services versus Contingent Audit Fees20
Preparers’ Construction of Users’ Information Needs in Corporate Reporting: A Case Study18
Does Greater Transparency Discipline the Loan Loss Provisioning of Privately Held Banks?15
Passive Investors and Audit Quality: Evidence from the U.S.14
Green Finance Policy, Financial Risk, and Audit Quality: Evidence from China13
Reputable Inside Directors and Internal Control Effectiveness13
Takeover Vulnerability and Pre-Emptive Earnings Management13
Do women mind the non-GAAP? Board gender diversity and non-GAAP disclosure quality13
Advice Utilization From Predictive Analytics Tools: The Trend is Your Friend13
Assembling Homo Qualitus: Accounting for Quality in the UK National Health Service12
Economic Policy Uncertainty and Firms’ Non-GAAP Reporting11
Budgeting in Public Organizations: The Influence of Managerial and Political Aspects11
Employee Cash Profit-Sharing and Earnings Management10
Can Sell-side Analysts Compete Using Public Information? Analysts as Frame-makers Revisited9
Delegated Bank Monitoring by Bond Investors: Evidence from Japanese Main Banks9
Analyst Revenue Forecasts and Firm Revenue Misstatements9
The Impact of an IFRS for SMEs-Based Standard on Financial Reporting Properties and Cost of Debt Financing: Evidence from Swedish Private Firms9
Non-accountants and Accounting: On the Emancipatory Mobilization of Accounting by Sustainability Managers9
Higher-Order Beliefs, Market-Based Incentives, and Information Quality8
The Power of Words: An Empirical Analysis of the Communicative Value of Extended Auditor Reports8
The Information-Leveling Role of Management Forecast Consistency in Facilitating Investment Efficiency8
Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? The Joint Effects of Manager and Subordinate Narcissism on Performance Evaluation8
Information Sharing in Procurement Contracting with Multiple Suppliers and Input Interdependencies7
Cost Stickiness and Stock Price Delay7
Firm Strategy and CEO−VP Pay Differentials in Equity Compensation7
Linking Performance Measures and Feedback: Self-Regulation for Creativity7
The Effect of Fair Value Accounting on Firm Public Debt – Evidence from Business Combinations Under Common Control7
Machine Learning in Management Accounting Research: Literature Review and Pathways for the Future7
Managing Expectations Through Budgetary Slack: Evidence from Project Financing7
Language Similarity and M&A Transactions7
‘Looking for Something that Isn’t There’: A Case Study of an Early Attempt at ESG Integration in Investment Decision Making7
Institutional Blockholders and Voluntary Disclosure6
Target Difficulty, Psychological Capital, and Work Engagement6
Real Effects of Corporate Taxation: A Review6
Qualitative Disclosure and Credit Analysts’ Soft Rating Adjustments6
Regional Social Capital and Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure6
Does Board Independence Influence Annual Report Readability?6
Can Soft Information Survive Organizational Distance? Evidence from SMB Lending6
Can Technology-Enabled Advanced Monitoring Systems Influence Individual Performance and Team Dynamics?5
A Theory of ‘Why and How’ Audit Firms Choose to Specialize5
The Role of Management Controls in New Product Development: Codifying a Collective Source of Creativity5
Does Voluntary ESG Reporting Resolve Disagreement among ESG Rating Agencies?5
Accounting in Identity Regulation: Producing the Appropriate Worker5
Growth Opportunities, Information Asymmetry, and Dividend Payout: Evidence from Mandatory IFRS Adoption5
Peer Effects in Investment: Evidence from Early-tenure CEOs5
The Tax Complexity Index – A Survey-Based Country Measure of Tax Code and Framework Complexity5
Information Sharing between Tax and Statutory Auditors: Implications for Tax Audit Efficiency5
The Effects of Relative Performance Information and Transparency on Knowledge Sharing and Productive Effort5
Financial Constraints, Auditing, and External Financing5
The Effect of Geographic Diversity on Managerial Earnings Forecasts5