African Journal of Ecology

(The TQCC of African Journal of Ecology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
DNA metabarcoding reveals that African leopard diet varies between habitats17
Causes of admission to a raptor rehabilitation centre and factors that can be used to predict the likelihood of release15
Wild meat hunting levels and trade in a West African protected area in Togo12
Assessment of land use and land cover changes in Kenya’s Mt. Elgon forest ecosystem12
Use of maximum entropy (Maxent) niche modelling to predict the occurrence of threatened freshwater species in a biodiversity hotspot of Zimbabwe11
Assessing local knowledge on the diversity and abundance of bushmeat species and hunting pressure in the fragmented forest islands of southern Benin (Dahomey Gap)10
Continued availability and sale of pangolins in a major urban bushmeat market in Cameroon despite national bans and the COVID‐19 outbreak9
Anthropogenic impact on wildlife resource use: Spatial and temporal shifts in elephants’ access to water9
The Chief Goliath and the future of African ecology9
Spatiotemporal sharing and partitioning of scent‐marking sites by cheetahs and leopards in north‐central Namibia9
Assessing the status of leopard in the Cape Fold Mountains using a Bayesian spatial capture–recapture model in Just Another Gibbs Sampler9
Hyaenas play unique ecosystem role by recycling key nutrients in bones8
Community forests as beacons of conservation: Enabling local populations monitor their biodiversity8
The influence of physical–chemical variables on phytoplankton and lesser flamingo (Phoeniconaiasminor) abundances in Lake Natron, Tanzania8
Metal strip fences for preventing African elephant (Loxodonta africana) crop foraging in the Kasigau Wildlife Corridor, Kenya8
Diversity, distribution and regional conservation status of the Egyptian tree flora8
Re‐assessment of the endemic taxa in the Egyptian Flora8
Impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on livelihoods and wild meat use in communities surrounding the Dja Faunal Reserve, South‐East Cameroon8
Coexistence in an African pastoral landscape: Evidence that livestock and wildlife temporally partition water resources8
Rhino birth recovery and resilience to drought impact8
Human–hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) conflict in the Wonchit Valley, South Wollo, Ethiopia7
Effectiveness of wildlife underpasses and culverts in connecting elephant habitats: a case study of new railway through Kenya’s Tsavo National Parks7
The effects of the invasive species, Lantana camara, on regeneration of an African rainforest7
An assessment of avian species sold in the South African pet trade7
Vertical stratification and seasonal changes of the avian community in Mount Cameroon lowland rainforest7
Illegal wildlife trade in Algeria, insight via online selling platforms7
A new method to determine the diet of pygmy hippopotamus in Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire7
Distribution of the critically endangered Coquerel's sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) across a fragmented landscape in NW Madagascar7
Empty laws and empty forests: Reconsidering rights and governance for sustainable wildlife management in the Republic of the Congo7
Ecological networks as planning tools for African fragmented landscapes: Overcoming weaknesses for an effective connectivity conservation7
Time budgets and activity patterns of the southern gelada (Theropithecus gelada obscurus) in a human‐modified landscape, Wollo, Ethiopia7
Combining offtake and participatory data to assess the sustainability of a hunting system in northern Congo7
The future representativeness of Madagascar's protected area network in the face of climate change7
Pattern of seedling emergence and early growth in Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora racemosa along an experimental salinity gradient7
Resource managers' and users' perspectives on factors contributing to unauthorised hunting in western Tanzania6
Effects of age and sex on site fidelity, movement ranges and home ranges of white and black rhinoceros translocated to the Okavango Delta, Botswana6
Effect of high population density of eastern black rhinoceros, a mega‐browser, on the quality of its diet6
Of meat and ritual: Consumptive and religious uses of pangolins in Mali6
Profiling the types of restaurants that sell wild meat in Central African cities6
WILDMEAT interventions database: A new database of interventions addressing unsustainable wild meat hunting, consumption and trade6
Using by‐catch camera trapping data for estimating the population size of spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta)6
Deriving observation distances for camera trap distance sampling6
Potential impact of climate change on the distribution of some selected legumes in Cameroon and adjoining Nigeria border6
Local community attitudes and perceptions towards benefits and challenges associated with biodiversity conservation in Blouberg Nature Reserve, South Africa6
Human depredation risk and flight initiation distance of birds in rural areas, Zimbabwe6
High abundance and large proportion of medium and large duikers in an intact and unhunted afrotropical protected area: Insights into monitoring methods6
Impact of end‐of‐century climate change on priority non‐timber forest product species across tropical Africa6
Coupling paraecology and hunter GPS self‐follows to quantify village bushmeat hunting dynamics across the landscape scale6
Awareness of traditional knowledge and attitudes towards wildlife conservation among Maasai communities: The case of Enkusero Sampu Conservancy, Kajiado County in Kenya6
Diet of nestling African woolly‐necked storks in suburban areas of KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa6
Seed dispersal phenology of encroaching woody species in the Free State National Botanical Garden, South Africa6
Trends in use of remotely sensed data in wetlands assessment and monitoring in Zimbabwe6
New observations of four waterbird species in Algerian Sahara5
Mapping rangeland ecosystems vulnerability to Lantana camara invasion in semi‐arid savannahs in South Africa5
Community knowledge on factors behind extirpation of lion Panthera leo in Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa)5
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) select less fragmented landscapes to connect core habitats in human‐dominated landscapes5
A range’s core should not only be important in research5
Distribution of Temminck's pangolin (Smutsia temminckii) in South Africa, with evaluation of questionable historical and contemporary occurrence records5
A camera trap appraisal of species richness and community composition of medium and large mammals in a Miombo woodland reserve5
Insights into the status and distribution of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) in an understudied potential stronghold in southern Tanzania5
Species Diversity and Relative Abundance of Medium and Large‐Sized Wild Mammals: a study from Adaba Community Forest, West Arsi Zone, Southeast Ethiopia5
Codon‐based analysis of selection pressure and genetic structure in the Psammobates tentorius (Bell, 1828) species complex, and phylogeny inferred from both codons and amino acid sequences5
Marula (Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra, Anacardiaceae) thrives under climate change in sub‐Saharan Africa5
Remote sensing of aboveground grass biomass between protected and non‐protected areas in savannah rangelands5
Monitoring human disturbance: Factors affecting escape behaviour of waterbirds in North African wetlands5
Optimal foraging of lions at the human wildlands interface4
Environmental, structural, and taxonomic diversity factors drive aboveground carbon stocks in semi‐deciduous tropical rainforest strata in Cameroon4
Distribution and threats to coconut crabs on Unguja, Zanzibar4
Local people’s knowledge of topi (Damaliscus lunatus) and their illegal hunting for bushmeat consumption in the Serengeti Ecosystem4
Long‐distance African wild dog dispersal within the Kavango‐Zambezi transfrontier conservation area4
Progress in the remote sensing of veld fire occurrence and detection: A review4
Early insights into the movements of Malawi’s transboundary elephants4
An AI‐based platform to investigate African large carnivore dispersal and demography across broad landscapes: A case study and future directions using African wild dogs4
Masai giraffe population change over 40 years in Arusha National Park4
Are elephants attracted by deforested areas in miombo woodlands?4
African golden cat and serval in forest–savannah transitions in Cameroon4
Perception of Somali pastoralists in Adadle woreda, Eastern Ethiopia, towards wildlife at the human‐animal interface, conservation and wildlife population change4
Coprophagy of African wild dog faeces by spotted hyaenas and hooded vultures in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe4
Human‐wildlife conflicts in communities bordering a Savannah‐Fenced wildlife conservancy4
Mitigating crop raiding by forest elephants and baboons at Kibale National Park4
Fine‐scale variation in soil and topography influences herbaceous vegetation and the distribution of large mammalian herbivores4
Low diversity of fishes in high elevation Afrotromontane streams renders them unsuitable for biomonitoring4
The effects of fire frequency on vegetation structure and mammal assemblages in a savannah‐woodland system4
Morph frequencies, sex ratios and infections in Danaus chrysippus populations in Rwanda4
Effect of disturbance on bird feeding guilds in a West African dry forest4
Passive acoustic monitoring reveals behavioural response of African forest elephants to gunfire events4
Spatial distribution of an assemblage of an endemic genus of birds: an example from Madagascar4
Predicting potential habitat suitability of Quercus suber L. in Algeria under climate change scenarios3
Human impacts on mammal communities in Rio Campo Nature Reserve, Equatorial Guinea3
Five small antelope species diets indicate different levels of anthrodependence in the Overberg Renosterveld, South Africa3
Long‐term camera trapping needed to identify sunbird species that pollinate the endangered South African orchid Satyrium rhodanthum3
Searching priorities for a species at the brink of extinction: Threats analysis on the critically endangered Nubian Flapshell Turtle (Cyclanorbis elegans)3
Corruption and poaching in Algeria3
Not all black and white: Records of several melanistic honey badgers in Niokolo‐Koba National Park, Senegal3
Finding a safe space: Denning range dynamics of African wild dogs in Zimbabwe3
Trends in elephant poaching in the Mid‐Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe: Lessons learnt and future outlook3
First appearance of the American blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) in fresh water of Western Mediterranean—Algeria3
Using piospheres to identify, assess and monitor gradients of elephant impact on thicket3
Wildlife‐vehicle collisions in Moroccan Atlantic Sahara: Impact on resident species and Afro‐Palearctic birds for conservation purposes3
Vouchers control for illegal bushmeat transport and reveal dynamics of authorised wild meat trade in central Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)3
Exploring spatio‐temporal trends and environmental drivers of wildfire occurrence and impacts in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa3
A camera trap survey in the community zone of Lobéké National Park (Cameroon) reveals a nearly intact mammalian community3
Abundance and effects of climate change on geographical distribution of Mondia whitei (Hook.f.) Skeels (Apocynaceae) in the Dahomey Gap (West Africa)3
Does tenure influence sustainable use? The ecological impacts of harvesting baobab (Adansonia digitata)3
Adaptive co‐management, co‐existence or just wildlife conservation? Case study of the human and Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) conflicts in Ngezi Dam, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe3
Estimating the distribution and habitat suitability for aardvarks (Orycteropus afer) in Kruger National Park, South Africa3
Diversity and distribution of Fruit‐feeding butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda3
Ecology in a troubled continent3
Varied plant species' responses to climate and environmental change on Mount Kenya after 40 years3
Impacts of African savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) on tall trees and their recovery within a small, fenced reserve in South Africa3
Survey of non‐native small mammals traded in South Africa3
Rainfall, fire and large‐mammal‐induced drivers of Vachellia drepanolobium establishment: Implications for woody plant encroachment in Maswa, Tanzania3
Home range and space use by African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe3
Perceptions of farmers towards carnivores in an Ethiopian protected area3
Effects of wildfire on vegetation and understory avian communities in montane rainforests, north‐eastern Tanzania3
Influence of ant–grass association on soil microbial activity through organic matter decomposition dynamics in Lamto savannah (Côte d’Ivoire)3
Gastrointestinal parasites of blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) and grey‐cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) at the Ngogo Research Site in Kibale National Park, Uganda3
Interviews in ecology and conservation biology: A hidden treasure for the African ecologist3
Small‐ and medium‐sized mammals of the Kafa Biosphere Reserve, Ethiopia3
Male impala (Aepyceros melampus) vocal activity throughout the rutting period in Namibia: daily and hourly patterns3
Land use induced land cover changes and future scenarios in extent of Miombo woodland and Dambo ecosystems in the Copperbelt province of Zambia3
Ant and termite prey of the giant pangolin Smutsia gigantea Illiger, 1815 in forest–savannah mosaics of Cameroon3
The behaviour and fate of translocated bull African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana) into a novel environment3
Promoting harmony between local people and wild animals around the Humbo Community Managed Forest area, southern Ethiopia3
Transcending borders: Remarkable genetic homogeneity among Barred mudskipper (Periophthalmus argentilineatus) populations in the southwestern Indian Ocean3
Economic value of tropical inland freshwater shallow lakes: Lesson from Lake Malombe, Malawi3
Timing of migration dates and detection of first wintering sites for the Turtle Dove in Northwest Africa3
Lack of mitochondrial introgression and limited genetic connectivity among Manyara tilapia (Oreochromis amphimelas) populations in Tanzanian Saline Rift Valley Lakes2
Longitudinal patterns of abundance, diversity and functional feeding guilds of benthic communities in East African tropical high‐altitude streams2
Local knowledge of the impact of uncontrolled fires on ecosystem services: A case study in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin (West Africa)2
Diet composition and diurnal activity pattern of defassa waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa, Ruppell, 1835) in Maze National Park, Southern Ethiopia2
The diurnal activity budgets of extralimital giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa) in the Western Cape Province, South Africa2
Environmental sustainability in Africa: Insight into paper consumption by an African university2
Results of a small terrestrial mammal survey in the remote Boé region of Guinea‐Bissau, with discovery of two new shrew records for the country2
Future climate change projections in the agroecological, bioclimatic, biogeographical and altitudinal vegetation zones of Morocco2
Potential impact of climate change on spatial distribution of two savannah amphibian species in West Africa2
Space use and social interactions of Central African slender‐snouted crocodiles Mecistops leptorhynchus (Bennett, 1835) in Loango National Park, Gabon2
Activity and predation of the threatened pancake tortoise, Malacochersus tornieri2
Dynamics and determinants of human–hyaena conflicts in the surroundings of a protected area2
Herbaceous vegetation changes along a bush encroachment intensity gradient in a montane area2
The threat of an indigenous medicinal plant encroacher: Artemisia afra in Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve, Johannesburg, South Africa2
Seasonal variation in prey preference, diet partitioning and niche breadth in a rich large carnivore guild2
Distribution, habitat use and human disturbance of gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) in the Ebo forest, Littoral Region, Cameroon2
Longitudinal vegetation turnover in an eastern Rift Valley riparian corridor2
Unmanned aerial vehicle outputs and associated field measurements of the herbaceous and tree layers of the Senegalese savannah2
Count me in: Leopard population density in an area of mixed land‐use, Eastern Cape, South Africa2
Long‐distance African lion dispersal between two protected areas2
Nest provisioning and diet of nestling yellow‐rumped tinkerbird Pogoniulus bilineatus2
Sonotype‐level responses of Afrotropical hipposiderid bats to local‐scale effects of rainforest structure2
Like a bat out of hell: Bats roosting in pit‐latrine cesspits2
Nesting habits of grey crowned craneBalearica regulorumin Lake Ol’ Bolossat basin, Kenya2
Decline in whistling rat (Parotomys brantsii) density: Possible response to climate change in the Karoo, South Africa2
Direct comparative assessment of radial and transect surveys to document wild mammal activity across diverse habitat types2
Anthropogenic risk increases night‐time activities and associations in African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Ruaha‐Rungwa ecosystem, Tanzania2
Camera trap inventory of wild mammals in the Hinda District, Republic of Congo2
Note on the small mammals of small, isolated forest patches in the Eastern Cape, South Africa2
Salt tolerance of the African haplotype of Phragmitesaustralis (Poaceae)2
Effects of climatic change on the potential geographic distribution of the threatened West‐Central African endemic genus, Talbotiella2
Climatic factors affecting seasonal movements of giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) in a semi‐arid region of South Africa2
In praise of commensalism2
Allo‐ and autocoprophagy events in wild western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)2
Camera traps reveal a large population of brown hyaena on a fenced reserve in southern Zimbabwe2
An assessment of rodent‐flea diversity and association in a semi‐arid tropical ecosystem of south‐western Zimbabwe2
The zebra as a grazer: Selectivity for grass consumption differs as grass availability varies2
Epauletted fruit bats prefer native plants and contribute to seed dispersal in a South African agricultural landscape2
Feeding ecology of the vulnerable aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) in north‐western Sahara2
Lion reintroduction demonstrates that resident cheetah have a spatially reactive response to lion2
Trace metal pollution and its impacts on the macroinvertebrate community assemblage in a tropical reservoir2
Population density and distribution of common warthog (Phacochoerus africanusGmelin, 1788) in Dabena Valley Forest, Western Ethiopia2
Effectiveness of using drones and convolutional neural networks to monitor aquatic megafauna2
Interspecific nest reuse between two species of waders in northern Sahara and an overview of records of mixed clutches in Algerian waterbirds2
Effects of land cover changes and forest fragmentation on three species of east African mini‐antelopes2
Non‐fatal removal of ground pangolin (Smutsia temminckii Smuts, 1832) tracking devices by predators2
Wetlands in drylands: Use and conflict dynamics at the human–wildlife interface in Mbire District, Zimbabwe2
Range extension of the agile mangabey (Cercocebus agilis) and of the mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) in eastern Gabon evidenced by camera traps2
Teeth, tusks, and spikes: Repeated den sharing between predator and prey in an African Savannah2
Movement and space use in three sympatric lacertid lizards (Acanthodactylus): Inter‐ and intraspecific comparisons2
Viability analysis of Kordofan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis antiquorum) in a protected area in Cameroon2
Decline of the marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumenifer) in West Africa and the need for immediate conservation action2
Effect of season, habitat type and anthropogenic pressure on the bird diversity in the vineyards agroecosystems in the region of Fes‐Meknes2
Predicting the distributions of Pouteria adolfi‐friederici and Prunus africana tree species under current and future climate change scenarios in Ethiopia2
Foraging range of an African stingless bee, Hypotrigona gribodoi (Apidae: Meliponini)2
Threatening the endangered: Uncovering endangered elasmobranchs and factors perpetuating the Tanzanian shark‐fin trade2
The significance of the Sikunga Fish Protected Area towards fisheries conservation in the Zambezi River, Namibia2