Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

(The TQCC of Sociology of Race and Ethnicity is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Where Platform Capitalism and Racial Capitalism Meet: The Sociology of Race and Racism in the Digital Society108
Color-Blind Racism in Pandemic Times67
Whose Lives Matter? Race, Space, and the Devaluation of Homicide Victims in Minority Communities20
The Blood Line: Racialized Boundary Making and Citizenship among Native Nations17
Discrimination and Black Social Media Use: Sites of Oppression and Expression16
Racial States and Re-making Race: Exploring Coloured Racial Re- and De-formation in State Laws and Forms in Post-Apartheid South Africa14
Racialized Organizations and Color-Blind Racial Ideology in Brazil13
“I Just Couldn’t Relate to That Asian American Narrative”: How Southeast Asian Americans Reconsider Panethnicity12
Color in Context: Three Angles on Contemporary Colorism11
Debtors’ Blocks: How Monetary Sanctions Make Between-neighborhood Racial and Economic Inequalities Worse11
Diversity Displays and Organizational Messaging: The Case of Historically Black Colleges and Universities11
Making Space: Racialized Organizations and Student of Color Groups at U.S. Colleges and Universities10
Understanding the Empty Backpack: The Role of Timing in Disproportionate Special Education Identification10
Appearance, Parentage, and Paradox: The White Privilege of Bi/Multiracial Americans with White Ancestry9
The Race That Space Makes: The Power of Place in the Colonial Formation of Social Categorizations9
Settler Simultaneity and Anti-Indigenous Racism at Land-Grant Universities9
Hypervisibility and Invisibility: Black Women’s Experiences with Gendered Racial Microaggressions on a White Campus9
The U.S. Racial Structure and Ethno-Racial Inequality in Urban Neighborhood Crime, 2010–20138
The Legacy of Slavery and Contemporary Racial Disparities in Arrest Rates8
When the “Blank Slate” Is a White One: White Institutional Isomorphism in the Birth of National Public Radio8
A Metaregression Analysis of the Effects of School Racial and Ethnic Composition on K–12 Reading, Language Arts, and English Outcomes7
Creating Intersectional Subjects: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Health Science Breastfeeding Research7
Do You Know Where You Are? Bringing Indigenous Teaching Methods into the Classroom7
When Affirmative Action Disappears: Unexpected Patterns in Student Enrollments at Selective U.S. Institutions, 1990–20167
Revisiting the Marginal Man: Bridging Immigration Scholarship and Mixed-Race Studies7
Context of Reception and School Violence: Exploring the Nexus of Immigration, Race/Ethnicity, Place, and School Crime6
Visualizing Injustice or Reifying Racism? Images in the Digital Media Coverage of the Killing of Michael Brown6
Field Experiments and Job Posting Sources: The Consequences of Job Database Selection for Estimates of Racial Discrimination6
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Onward!5
What’s Race Got to Do With It? Disrupting Whiteness in Cultural Capital Research5
Latino/a Sociology: Toward a New Paradigm5
Media Framing of COVID-19 Racial Disparities: Lessons from Memphis, Tennessee5
Race-shifting in the United States: Latinxs, Skin Tone, and Ethnoracial Alignments5
A Black Feminist Analysis of Patient Provider Concordance in Sexual Health Care4
Signifying Aggrieved White Selves: Trump Supporters’ Racial Identity Work4
Tolerable Suboptimization: Racial Consequences of Defunding Public Universities4
Black and Indigenous Inequality in Mexico: Implications for Multiracialism and Intersectionality Research4
Augustus Granville Dill: A Case Study in the Conceptualization of a Black Public Sociology4
Racism and Confederate Monument Construction: Temporal Regimes Distinguishing the 1900s, 1960s, and Contemporary Decades4
Twenty-Five Years of Charles Mills’s Racial Contract in Sociology4
“In My Heart, I Am Cambodian”: Symbolic Ethnicity among Parents Who Adopt Transracially4
Differential Racialization and Police Interactions among Young Adults of Asian Descent4
Economic Competition and Police-caused Killings4
Latina Educators in Sociology: Combating Trumpism with Critical Pedagogy4
The Paradox of Integration: Racial Composition of NFL Positions from 1960 to 20204
Race over Religion: Christian Nationalism and Perceived Threats to National Unity4
The Spirit of Critical Race Theory3
Diversity Discourse as Racialized and Double-edged: Findings from a National Survey3
Systemic Anti-Black Racism Must Be Dismantled: Statement by the American Sociological Association Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities3
Examining the Experiences of Racialized and Indigenous Graduate Students as Emerging Researchers3
The Rise of Asian Ethnoburbs: A Case of Self-Segregation?3
Who Should Be Provided with Pathways toward Citizenship? White and Black Attitudes toward Undocumented Immigrants3
Unspoiling Identity: An Intersectional Expansion of Stigma Response Strategies3
“Over-zealous Parents, Over-programmed Families”: Asian Americans, Academic Achievement, and White Supremacy3
The New Principle-practice Gap: The Disconnect between Diversity Beliefs and Actions in the Workplace3
Is There a Bamboo Ceiling? The Asian-White Gap in Managerial Attainment for College-Educated Workers3
“Imagine an Ignorance That Fights Back”: Honoring Charles Mills, Our Inheritance and Charge3
“Merciless Indian Savages”: Deconstructing Anti-Indigenous Framing2
Colorblind Spots in Qualitative Methods Training2
Resisting Racist Discourses with Research Methods, Active Learning, and Storytelling2
Paying for the Prestige: Differences in College Investment between Asian American and White Families2
Transgressing the Academy2
Formal Social Control and Mental Health: Ethnic Variation among Black Women2
Critical Race Structuralism and Charles Mills’ Racial Contract: Pedagogical Practices for Twenty-first-century Educators2
Race Lessons: The Role of Place in Shaping Black Parents’ Racial Learning and Educational Engagement in a Predominantly White Suburb2
Paradoxical Politics? Partisan Politics, Ethnoracial Ideologies, and the Assimilated Consciousnesses of Latinx Republicans2
The Role of Skin Color in Latino Social Networks: Color Homophily in Sending and Receiving Societies2
The Racial Elevator Speech: How Multiracial Individuals Respond to Racial Identity Inquiries2
(Un) Just Deserts: Examining Resource Deserts and the Continued Significance of Racism on Health in the Urban South2
“Asians Are the Least Troublemaker”: Navigating Racial In-betweenness in Korean American Community-based Spaces2