Journal of Managerial Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Managerial Psychology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Servant leadership and employee voice: a moderated mediation51
Health-oriented leadership as a job resource: can staff care buffer the effects of job demands on employee health and job satisfaction?34
Linking leader humor to employee creativity: the roles of relational energy and traditionality30
How and when responsible leadership facilitates work engagement: a moderated mediation model21
Work-related use of information and communication technologies after hours and employee fatigue: the exacerbating effect of affective commitment21
Mentoring and newcomer well-being: a socialization resources perspective20
Experiencing workplace ostracism with loss of engagement19
Conceptualizing social well-being in activity-based offices18
Editorial: Addressing the nurse workforce crisis: a call for greater integration of the organizational behavior, human resource management and nursing literatures18
Humble leader behavior and team creativity: the team learning perspective16
Perceived age discrimination in the workplace: the mediating roles of job resources and demands16
Losing compassion for patients? The implications of COVID-19 on compassion fatigue and event-related post-traumatic stress disorder in nurses15
Strengths use and work-related flow: an experience sampling study on implications for risk taking and attentional behaviors15
LMX, organizational justice and performance: curvilinear relationships14
Understanding business owners' challenge and hindrance appraisals12
Can you manage shocks? An investigation of career shocks on proactive career behavior: a COR theory perspective12
Passion in the pit: the effects of harmonious and obsessive passion on nurse burnout12
Office types and workers' cognitive vs affective evaluations from a noise perspective11
Workplace ostracism, paranoid employees and service performance: a multilevel investigation11
Gender, formal organizational status and humor use: perceptions of social acceptance11
Job experience as a buffer against incivility: a daily diary study11
How leaders benefit from engaging in high-quality leader-member exchanges: a daily diary study10
Forgiveness and attribution: when abusive supervision enhances performance10
Decent work and employee performance: a conservation of resources perspective9
The impact of authoritarian leadership on employee creativity: the joint moderating roles of benevolent leadership and power distance9
Challenge-hindrance stressors and career initiative: a moderated mediation model8
The self-initiated work adjustment for learning scale: development and validation8
The influence of dispositions and shared leadership on team–member exchange8
How and when team reflexivity influences employee innovative behavior8
Gig worker organizing: toward an adapted Attraction-Selection-Attrition framework8
Person–job fit and job involvement: the curvilinear effect and the moderating role of goal orientation8
The intersectional effect of age and gender on the work–life balance of managers7
How shared leadership affects team performance: examining sequential mediation model using MASEM7
What can I do for you? Line managers’ behaviors to support return to work for workers with common mental disorders7
Entitlement: friend or foe of work-family conflict?7
More than just managerial self-efficacy: conceptualizing and predicting top managers' means efficacy about the organization under extreme events7
The antecedents and outcomes of corporate volunteering: an employee- and organizational-level meta-analysis7
Perceptions and performance of knowledge workers transitioning from single-cell offices to shared workspaces: evidence from panel data6
When does benevolent leadership inhibit silence? The joint moderating roles of perceived employee agreement and cultural value orientations6
Workspace transitions: conceptualizing and measuring person–space fit and examining its role in workplace outcomes and social network activity6
Understanding awe elicitors in the workplace: a qualitative inquiry6
Gamifying an assessment method: what signals are organizations sending to applicants?6
HR practices and counterproductive behaviors: a meta-ethnographic study6
Is it my job? Leaders' family-supportive role perceptions6
The relationship between two dimensions of felt trust and promotive voice behaviour: the motivational mechanisms6
Double-edged sword of perceived mastery climate on evasive knowledge hiding: the mediating roles of perceived status and perceived social support6
Hindering talented employees’ internal mobility: managers’ territorial response to stress5
Empowering and directive leadership and taking charge: a moderating role of employee intrinsic motivation5
Investigating the effects of high-involvement climate and public service motivation on engagement, performance, and meaningfulness in the public sector5
The (socio) politics of misfit: a moderated-mediation model5
Dark side of leadership and information technology project success: the role of mindfulness5
How's the boss? Integration of the health-oriented leadership concept into the job demands-resources theory5
Using necessary condition analysis in managerial psychology research: introduction, empirical demonstration and methodological discussion5
Differential effects of rude coworkers and patients on nurses' safety performance: an emotional labor perspective5
Identifying the optimal safety leader: a person-centered approach5
Authentic leadership and employee health: a conditional process model5