Journal of Genetic Counseling

(The TQCC of Journal of Genetic Counseling is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Genetic testing and counseling for the unexplained epilepsies: An evidence‐based practice guideline of the National Society of Genetic Counselors39
Telehealth for genetic counseling: A systematic evidence review38
Use of a chatbot to increase uptake of cascade genetic testing36
Benefits and limitations of telegenetics: A literature review31
Genetic counseling service delivery models: A study of genetic counselors’ interests, needs, and barriers to implementation28
Chatbots & artificial intelligence to scale genetic information delivery27
Practice resource‐focused revision: Standardized pedigree nomenclature update centered on sex and gender inclusivity: A practice resource of the National Society of Genetic Counselors27
Supporting a sense of inclusion and belonging for genetic counseling students who identify as racial or ethnic minorities25
Considerations in genetic counseling of transgender patients: Cultural competencies and altered disease risk profiles23
Exploring racial and ethnic minority individuals’ journey to becoming genetic counselors: Mapping paths to diversifying the genetic counseling profession22
Rapid genome‐wide sequencing in a neonatal intensive care unit: A retrospective qualitative exploration of parental experiences22
Risk assessment and genetic counseling for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndromes—Practice resource of the National Society of Genetic Counselors22
Transitioning to telegenetics in the COVID‐19 era: Patient satisfaction with remote genetic counseling in adult neurology19
Evaluating co‐created patient‐facing materials to increase understanding of genetic test results19
Perceived barriers to paternal expanded carrier screening following a positive maternal result: To screen or not to screen19
Considerations for the use of qualitative methodologies in genetic counseling research19
Genetic counseling, virtual visits, and equity in the era of COVID‐19 and beyond19
Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis of a Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy: Parent Experiences19
Transition to telephone genetic counseling services during the COVID‐19 pandemic19
Rapid acute care genomics: Challenges and opportunities for genetic counselors18
Genetic counselors' experiences with transgender individuals in prenatal and preconception settings17
Do research participants share genomic screening results with family members?16
Influence of payer coverage and out‐of‐pocket costs on ordering of NGS panel tests for hereditary cancer in diverse settings16
A pilot randomized trial of an educational intervention to increase genetic counseling and genetic testing among Latina breast cancer survivors16
GeneLiFT: A novel test to facilitate rapid screening of genetic literacy in a diverse population undergoing genetic testing16
Breast cancer polygenic risk scores in the clinical cancer genetic counseling setting: Current practices and impact on patient management15
Genetic counseling for congenital heart disease – Practice resource of the National Society of Genetic Counselors15
Genetic counselor experiences with telehealth before and after COVID‐1915
Contributors to and consequences of burnout among clinical genetic counselors in the United States15
Impact of variant reclassification in the clinical setting of cardiovascular genetics15
Outcomes of genetic test disclosure and genetic counseling in a large Parkinson's disease research study15
Comprehension and personal value of negative non‐diagnostic genetic panel testing14
Geographical analysis of the distribution of certified genetic counselors in the United States14
Expanded carrier screening for reproductive risk assessment: An evidence‐based practice guideline from the National Society of Genetic Counselors14
Expanded carrier screening in the United States: A systematic evidence review exploring client and provider experiences14
A review and definition of ‘usual care’ in genetic counseling trials to standardize use in research13
A narrative literature review: Growing the workforce through increased fieldwork capacity in genetic counseling training programs13
After genomic testing results: Parents’ long‐term views13
Genetic counselors and legal recognition: A made‐for‐Canada approach13
A systematic review and meta‐analysis of telephone vs in‐person genetic counseling in BRCA1/BRCA2 genetic testing12
Attitudes toward population screening among people living with fragile X syndrome in the UK: ‘I wouldn’t wish him away, I’d just wish his fragile X syndrome away’12
Transgender patients’ perspectives on their cancer genetic counseling experiences12
“Doctors can read about it, they can know about it, but they've never lived with it”: How parents use social media throughout the diagnostic odyssey12
Reflections of parents of children with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome on the experience of receiving psychiatric genetic counseling: ‘Awareness to Act’12
Influence of lived experience on risk perception among women who received a breast cancer polygenic risk score: ‘Another piece of the pie’12
COVID‐19 vaccine hesitancy and acceptance among pregnant people contacting a teratogen information service11
Pregnant Hispanic women's views and knowledge of prenatal genetic testing11
Australian healthcare professionals' perspectives on the ethical and practical issues associated with genomic newborn screening11
Improving gender‐affirming care in genetic counseling: Using educational tools that amplify transgender and/or gender non‐binary community voices11
The current landscape of genetic test stewardship: A multi‐center prospective study11
Pursuing genetic testing for children with autism spectrum disorders: What do parents think?11
Genetic counseling for patients with positive genomic screening results: Considerations for when the genetic test comes first11
A family systems approach to genetic counseling: Development of narrative interventions11
Characterizing standardized patients and genetic counseling graduate education10
The Canadian genetic counseling workforce: Perspectives from employers and recent graduates10
Preconception expanded carrier screening: Impact of information presented by text or video on genetic knowledge and attitudes10
Risk assessment and genetic counseling for Lynch syndrome – Practice resource of the National Society of Genetic Counselors and the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Gastrointestinal Ca10
Implementing innovative service delivery models in genetic counseling: a qualitative analysis of facilitators and barriers10
Understanding patients' views and willingness toward the use of telehealth in a cancer genetics service in Asia10
Pharmacogenomic education among genetic counseling training programs in North America10
Clinical genetic counseling and translation considerations for polygenic scores in personalized risk assessments: A Practice Resource from the National Society of Genetic Counselors10
Family communication of genetic test results among women with inherited breast cancer genes10
Genetic counseling for fetal sex prediction by NIPT: Challenges and opportunities9
Telehealth genetic services during the COVID‐19 Pandemic: Implementation and patient experiences across multiple specialties in Nebraska9
Social support networks of adults with sickle cell disease9
Communication about positive BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic test results and uptake of testing in relatives in a diverse Asian setting9
An evidence‐based practice guideline of the National Society of Genetic Counselors for telehealth genetic counseling9
Adapting genetic counseling operations amidst the COVID‐19 pandemic9
Advancing the genetic counseling profession through research: Identification of priorities by the National Society of Genetic Counselors research task force9
Family planning in carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic variants8
Does a proactive procedure lead to a higher uptake of predictive testing in families with a pathogenic BRCA1/BRCA2 variant? A family cancer clinic evaluation8
State of recent literature on communication about cancer genetic testing among Latinx populations8
Professional regulation for Australasian genetic counselors8
A report of the AGCPD task force to evaluate associations between select admissions requirements, demographics, and performance on ABGC certification examination8
The uptake and utility of genetic testing and genetic counseling for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy—A systematic review and meta‐analysis8
Newborn screening for Pompe disease: Parental experiences and follow‐up care for a late‐onset diagnosis8
Attitudes and training needs of oncologists and surgeons in mainstreaming breast cancer genetic counseling in a low‐to‐middle income Asian country8
Spanish language concordance in genetic counseling sessions in the United States: Counselor experiences and perceptions of its effects on processes and outcomes8
Genome sequencing among children with medical complexity: What constitutes value from parents’ perspective?8
The impact of a cascade testing video on recipients’ knowledge, cognitive message processing, and affective reactions: A formative evaluation8
Prenatal genetic counselors' perceptions of the impact of abortion legislation on counseling and access in the United States8
Motivational interviewing for genetic counseling: A unified framework for persuasive and equipoise conversations7
Characterization of variant reclassification and patient re‐contact in a cancer genetics clinic7
Offering preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorders (PGT‐M) for conditions with reduced penetrance or variants of uncertain significance: Ethical insight from U.S. laboratory genetic coun7
Adaptation and validation of the Genetic Counseling Outcome Scale for autism spectrum disorders and related conditions7
The long‐term impact of receiving incidental findings on parents undergoing genome‐wide sequencing7
Genetic counseling for early onset and familial dementia: Patient perspectives on exome sequencing7
Genetic counseling and diagnostic genetic testing for familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and/or frontotemporal dementia: A qualitative study of client experiences7
Financial constraints on genetic counseling and further risk‐management decisions among U.S. women at elevated breast cancer risk7
The impact of genetic counseling on women's grief and coping following termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly7
Content analysis of Journal of Genetic Counseling research articles: A multi‐year perspective7
Diversity training experiences and factors associated with implicit racial bias among recent genetic counselor graduates of accredited programs in the United States and Canada7
Genetic counseling in the time of COVID‐19: The Philippine experience with telegenetics7
Examining clinical training through a bicultural lens: Experiences of genetic counseling students who identify with a racial or ethnic minority group7
Application of motivational interviewing strategies with the extended parallel process model to improve risk communication for parents of children with familial hypercholesterolemia7
COVID contingencies: Early epicenter experiences of different genetics clinics at a New York City institution inform emergency adaptation strategies7
Parenting a child with Down syndrome: A qualitative study of everyday practices in Danish families7
Outcomes from a pilot genetic counseling intervention using motivational interviewing and the extended parallel process model to increase cascade cholesterol screening7
Integrating genetic assistants into the workforce: An 18‐year productivity analysis and development of a staff mix planning tool6
Latinx attitudes, barriers, and experiences with genetic counseling and testing: A systematic review6
Process evaluation of a culturally targeted video for Latinas at risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer6
Assessing clinical education tools for expanded carrier screening6
Disclosure and comfort during genetic counseling sessions with LGBTQ+ patients: An updated assessment6
Large‐scale group genetic counseling: Evaluation of a novel service delivery model in a Canadian hereditary cancer clinic6
Utilization of genetic testing: Analysis of 4,499 prior authorization requests for molecular genetic tests at four US regional health plans6
Understanding and interpretation of a variant of uncertain significance (VUS) genetic test result by pediatric providers who do not specialize in genetics6
Evaluation of barriers to referral for cancer predisposition syndromes in pediatric oncology patients in the United States6
Trends in coverage and reimbursement for reproductive genetic counseling in New Jersey by multiple payers from 2010 to 20186
Between responsibility and desire: Accounts of reproductive decisions from those at risk for or affected by late‐onset neurological diseases6
Predictive testing for neurodegenerative diseases in the age of next‐generation sequencing6
Elective genomic testing: Practice resource of the National Society of Genetic Counselors6
Experiences of reproductive genetic counselors with abortion regulations in Ohio6
The erasure of transgender and intersex identities through fetal sex prediction and genetic essentialism6
Experiences of adolescents and their parents after receiving adolescents’ genomic screening results6
The COVID‐19 pandemic and reproductive genetic counseling: Changes in access and service delivery at an academic medical center in the United States6
Strength of the genetic counselor: patient relationship is associated with extent of increased empowerment in patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy6
Implicit and explicit racial prejudice and stereotyping toward Black (vs. White) Americans: The prevalence and variation among genetic counselors in North America6
DNA testing information on YouTube: Inadequate advice can mislead and harm the public6
International genetic counseling: What do genetic counselors actually do?6
Reasons affecting the uptake of reproductive genetic carrier screening among nonpregnant reproductive‐aged women in Flanders (Belgium)6
Graduate training during the COVID‐19 pandemic: North American genetic counseling students' challenges, intolerance of uncertainty, and psychological well‐being5
Management of amended variant classification laboratory reports by genetic counselors in the United States and Canada: An exploratory study5
Polygenic risk in familial breast cancer: Changing the dynamics of communicating genetic risk5
Exploring empathy in genetic counseling students and new genetic counselors5
Young people’s experiences of a CDH1 pathogenic variant: Decision‐making about gastric cancer risk management5
Medical knowledge and information needs among women with pathogenic variants in moderate‐risk genes for hereditary breast cancer attending genetic counseling at an academic hospital in Germany—A quali5
A Delphi study to prioritize genetic counseling outcomes: What matters most5
A survey of aortic disease biorepository participants’ preferences for return of research genetic results5
The genetic counseling profession in Austria: Stakeholders’ perspectives5
Courtesy stigma of parents of children with Down syndrome: Adaptation process and transcendent stage5
‘Steep learning curves’ to ‘Smooth Sailing’: A reappraisal of telegenetics amidst the COVID‐19 pandemic5
Adaptation of the working alliance inventory for the assessment of the therapeutic alliance in genetic counseling5
Conscience clauses in genetic counseling: Awareness and attitudes5
Experiences of receiving an increased chance of sex chromosome aneuploidy result from non‐invasive prenatal testing in Australia: “A more complicated scenario than what I had ever realized”5
Implementing genomics in the neonatal period: An assessment of parental decision making and anxiety5
Revising the FOCUS framework through a qualitative study assessing self‐reported counseling skills of genetic counselors5
Characterization of genetic counselor practices in inpatient care settings5
Evolving approaches to prenatal genetic counseling for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in the new treatment era5
The experiences of families receiving a diagnosis of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome in Ireland5
Metaphors and why these are important in all aspects of genetic counseling5
Attitudes and beliefs regardingrace‐targetedgenetic testing of Black people: A systematic review5
Learning from our patients: Utilizing the expertise of transgender and/or gender diverse educators to build an inclusive learning cycle5
Medical interpreter‐mediated genetic counseling for Spanish preferring adults at risk for a hereditary cancer syndrome5
Effects of participation in a U.S. trial of newborn genomic sequencing on parents at risk for depression5
Interest in and uptake of genetic counseling for preconception carrier screening when offered to predominantly white reproductive‐age persons seeking gynecologic care at a single U.S. academic medical5
Exome sequencing study in a clinical research setting finds general acceptance of study returning secondary genomic findings with little decisional conflict5
Ethical and moral perspectives of individuals who considered/used preimplantation (embryo) genetic testing5
Ethical concerns surrounding sex prediction using noninvasive prenatal screening from pediatric endocrinologists' perspective5
Clinical genetic counselor experience in the adoption of telehealth in the United States and Canada during the COVID‐19 pandemic5
Family genetic result communication in rare and undiagnosed disease communities: Understanding the practice5
Misattributed parentage identified through diagnostic exome sequencing: Frequency of detection and reporting practices5
Advancing health equity: A qualitative study assessing barriers and facilitators of implementing hereditary breast and ovarian cancer risk screening tools in community‐based organizations4
Genetic counseling student rotations in industry: How COVID‐19 magnified the urgency for virtual learning options in diverse training settings4
Changes to the genetic counseling workforce as a result of the COVID‐19 pandemic4
Genetic counseling for advanced paternal age: A survey of genetic counselors' current practice4
U.S. Genetic counselors’ perceptions of inpatient genetic counseling: A valuable model for medically complex patients4
Opinions of adults affected with later‐onset lysosomal storage diseases regarding newborn screening: A qualitative study4
CDH1 variants leading to gastric cancer risk management decision‐making experiences in emerging adults: ‘I am not ready yet’4
Results of the Genetic Counselor SARS‐CoV‐2 Impact Survey from the National Society of Genetic Counselors: Progress and penalty during the COVID‐19 pandemic4
Adding a genetic counseling assistant improves efficiency of hereditary cancer genetic counseling without impacting patient experience4
The evolution of genetic counseling graduate education in New York City during the COVID‐19 pandemic: In the eye of the storm4
Telegenetics: The experience of an Indian center (Centre for Human Genetics) during the COVID‐19 pandemic4
Exploring how mothers of a child with a genetic disorder experience their couple relationship in a low socio‐economic setting4
Cascade testing for inherited arrhythmia conditions: Experiences and attitudes of family communication approaches for a Canadian cohort4
Explanatory models for the cause of Fragile X Syndrome in rural Cameroon4
Western Australian women's expectations for expanded NIPT—An online survey regarding NIPT for single gene, recessive and chromosomal conditions4
Stagnation in quality of next‐generation sequencing assays for the diagnosis of hereditary hematopoietic malignancies4
Research participant understanding and engagement in an institutional, self‐consent biobank model4
Understanding and perception of direct‐to‐consumer genetic testing in Hong Kong4
Adapting to the challenges of the global pandemic on genetic counselor education: Evaluating students’ satisfaction with virtual clinical experiences4
Building a foundation in self‐awareness: Genetic counseling students’ experiences with self‐care, reflection, and mindfulness4
Toward a better understanding of the experience of patients with moderate penetrance breast cancer gene pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants: A focus on ATM and CHEK24
A qualitative study of unaffected ATM and CHEK2 carriers: How participants make meaning of ‘moderate risk’ genetic results in a population breast cancer screening t4
Exploring the role of Islam on the lived experience of patients with Long QT Syndrome in Saudi Arabia4
A descriptive investigation of clinical practice models used by cardiovascular genetic counselors in North America4
Reproductive deliberation: Supporting autonomous decision making in prenatal genetic counseling4
Sudden shift to remote genetic counseling during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Experiences of genetics professionals in Italy4
No longer “non‐traditional”: Genetic counselors' perceptions towards laboratory and industry roles4
Toward depathologizing queerness: An analysis of queer oppression in clinical genetics4
Critical components of genomic medicine practice for non‐genetics healthcare professionals: Genetic counselors' perspectives and implications for medical education4
Need for additional training to be a laboratory genetic counselor—A qualitative exploration4