Journal of Genetic Counseling

(The TQCC of Journal of Genetic Counseling is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
How are uncertain prenatal genetic results perceived and managed two years after they were received? A qualitative interview study55
Understanding type and quality of relationships between individuals with chromosome 18 syndromes and their siblings40
Training for the future of the genetic counseling profession: Exploring the assessment and adaptation of graduate programs' didactic curriculum37
Issue Information31
Acceptability of an online communication training intervention for genetic counseling students25
Toward depathologizing queerness: An analysis of queer oppression in clinical genetics24
Psychosocial impact on individuals who received negative test results from predictive testing for Huntington's disease: An exploratory qualitative study20
Factors that influence genetic counselors' participation in research20
Issue Information19
Incorporating multiracial and multiethnic experiences into genetic counseling practice and research: A necessary opportunity19
Genetic counseling certificate program: A program evaluation of undergraduate exposure to genetic counseling17
Research to reduce inequities in cancer risk services: Insights for remote genetic counseling in a pandemic and beyond16
Barriers in applying to genetic counseling Master's degree programs: Perceptions of prospective applicants when compared with Canadian admissions committee members16
Genetic counselors, patients', and carers’ views on an Australian clinical genetics service information system16
Evaluating parental genetic knowledge of hearing loss with and without pre‐test genetic counseling in a pediatric otolaryngology clinic16
Awareness of genetic counseling services among allied healthcare professionals in South Africa15
Awareness of genetic counseling and genetic testing for hereditary gynecologic cancers among Korean healthcare providers: A survey15
Exploring genetic counselors’ use of pedigree symbols to represent assisted reproductive technology15
Paid summer undergraduate internships are one strategy to increase diversity in genetic counseling14
Fellowships for genetic counselors: An emerging opportunity for additional training and specialization13
Pregnant individuals' genetic literacy and decisional conflict about prenatal screening tests: A cross‐sectional study13
Genetic counselors' perceptions of student supervision across service delivery models13
Incorporating telehealth education into the genetic counseling curriculum13
The evolution of genetic counseling graduate education in New York City during the COVID‐19 pandemic: In the eye of the storm12
Need for additional training to be a laboratory genetic counselor—A qualitative exploration12
An internship in psychiatric genetic counseling: Impact on genetic counseling graduates' practice and career choices11
A qualitative assessment of parental experiences with false‐positive newborn screening for Krabbe disease11
Psychological characteristics of Japanese patients and their family members receiving genetic counseling: A single‐institute exploratory study11
Preparing genetic counselors to serve Native American communities11
Effects of diet education on empowerment for individuals who have an increased risk of developing breast or colon cancer: A pilot study10
Women's thoughts on receiving and sharing genetic information: Considerations for genetic counseling10
Need for integration of genetic counselors in the Portuguese healthcare: Their added value from the medical geneticists perspective10
Factors associated with US and Canadian genetic counselors' testing decisions during pregnancy10
Genetic counseling program remediation practices for students underperforming in clinical skills: An exploratory study10
Mental models about heredity among immigrant Latinx adults with limited education from Mexico and Central America10
Comparison of genetic testing documentation between genetic counselors and non‐genetic counselors9
Universal access to genetic counseling for women with epithelial ovarian cancer in Nova Scotia: Evaluating a new collaborative care model9
Genetic counseling and diagnostic genetic testing for familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and/or frontotemporal dementia: A qualitative study of client experiences9
What knowledge is required for an informed choice related to non‐invasive prenatal screening?9
Sudden cardiac death in the young: A qualitative study of experiences of family members with cardiogenetic evaluation8
An investigation of preceptors' perceptions of behavioral elements of “professionalism” among genetic counseling students8
Adapting to the challenges of the global pandemic on genetic counselor education: Evaluating students’ satisfaction with virtual clinical experiences8
Prenatal patient perceptions of receiving difficult news over the telephone8
Cross‐cultural adaptation and validation of a French version of the perceived personal control questionnaire as an outcome measure instrument for genetic counseling8
Genetic variants with discordant classifications: An assessment of genetic counselor attitudes and practices8
Issue Information8
Expanded carrier screening in the United States: A systematic evidence review exploring client and provider experiences8
Critical components of genomic medicine practice for non‐genetics healthcare professionals: Genetic counselors' perspectives and implications for medical education8
Interventions to support decision making in people considering germline genetic testing for BRCA 1/2 pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants: A scoping review8
The impact of Marfan syndrome on an Aboriginal Australian family: ‘I don’t like it as much as I don’t like cancer’8
A heartfelt thank you to the 2022 Journal of Genetic Counseling reviewers8
Application of motivational interviewing strategies with the extended parallel process model to improve risk communication for parents of children with familial hypercholesterolemia8
Advocating for equitable management of hereditary cancer syndromes8
Understanding and perception of direct‐to‐consumer genetic testing in Hong Kong7
National Society of Genetic Counselors' Board of Directors response to Myers et al. ‘A report of the AGCPD task force to evaluate associations between select admissions requirements, demographics, and7
Financial constraints on genetic counseling and further risk‐management decisions among U.S. women at elevated breast cancer risk7
An exploration of cultural competency training and genetic counselors' racial biases7
Attitudes and beliefs regardingrace‐targetedgenetic testing of Black people: A systematic review7
Issue Information7
Cross‐cultural adaptation of the Genetic Counseling Outcome Scale (GCOS‐24) for use in Canada: A qualitative study7
What next for “counseling” in genetic counseling training: A reflection on how CBT and ACT approaches can contribute to the genetic counseling toolkit7
Utilization of genetic testing: Analysis of 4,499 prior authorization requests for molecular genetic tests at four US regional health plans7
Attitudes and training needs of oncologists and surgeons in mainstreaming breast cancer genetic counseling in a low‐to‐middle income Asian country7
The effect of a prior e‐learning tool on genetic counseling outcomes in diverse ethnic couples with abnormal Down syndrome screening tests: A randomized controlled trial7
Leveling the field: Development of an asynchronous interactive module series for genetic counseling trainees on molecular testing and variant interpretation7
Metaphors and why these are important in all aspects of genetic counseling6
Genetic counseling for fetal sex prediction by NIPT: Challenges and opportunities6
Perinatal palliative care for family with prenatal diagnosis of Matthew‐Wood syndrome6
An examination of psychosocial and professional effects of the COVID‐19 pandemic on genetic counselors6
The current landscape of genetic test stewardship: A multi‐center prospective study6
Following NCCN guidelines within one hospital system in the United States: Comparison between cancer centers and genetic counselor utilization6
Courtesy stigma of parents of children with Down syndrome: Adaptation process and transcendent stage6
Characterization of variant reclassification and patient re‐contact in a cancer genetics clinic6
Parent experiences with genetic testing for pediatric hearing loss6
Genetic counseling in diabetes mellitus: A practice resource of the National Society of Genetic Counselors6
The impact of converting to telehealth for cancer genetic counseling and testing during the COVID‐19 pandemic6
Men with an FMR1 premutation and their health education needs6
Adding a genetic counseling assistant improves efficiency of hereditary cancer genetic counseling without impacting patient experience6
Development and evaluation of an educational resource for parents of children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome about the psychiatric manifestations of the condition6
Cancer genetic counseling via telegenetics and telephone: A qualitative study exploring the experience of patients and genetic counselors in an Australian cancer genetics context6
Exploring spiritual/religious coping strategies among mothers of children with severe or profound intellectual disability during genetic counseling in Brazil6
Maintaining psychological well‐being when living at risk of Huntington's disease: An interpretative phenomenological analysis5
Trauma‐informed practice for genetic counselors: Insights from a workshop evaluation5
Enhancing intersex healthcare: A qualitative study of parental perspectives on the role of genetics5
Misattributed parentage identified through diagnostic exome sequencing: Frequency of detection and reporting practices5
Race, ethnicity, and ancestry reporting in genetic counseling research: A focused mapping review and synthesis5
Women's preferences for NIPT as a first‐line test in England and France: Challenges for genetic counseling practices5
Issue Information5
Genetic counselors' professional identity in North America: A scoping review5
Small programs, big challenges: Reimagining the evaluation of clinical teaching in genetic counseling5
The experiences and support needs of applicants who go unmatched to genetic counseling graduate programs: An exploratory qualitative study5
Narrative review on ethical and psychological issues raised by genetic and genomic testing in pediatric oncology care5
Understanding the psychological impact of identifying carrier status on young adults: A qualitative study exploring peer reactions5
Expanded carrier screening for reproductive risk assessment: An evidence‐based practice guideline from the National Society of Genetic Counselors5
Is it time for a paradigm shift? Inclusion of APOE on genetic dyslipidemia panels5
International genetic counseling: What do genetic counselors actually do?5
Health‐related quality of life and fear of progression in individuals with Li‐Fraumeni syndrome5
Status of abortion curriculum in genetic counseling: Survey of graduate programs and recent graduates in the United States5
Translation, cross‐cultural adaptation, and preliminary validation of a patient‐reported outcome measure for genetic counseling outcomes in Sweden5
Discussions of personal identity in genetic counseling supervision5
A cross‐sectional survey‐based exploration of diversity in the admissions committees and student cohorts of genetic counseling programs over time5
Familial communication and cascade testing following elective genomic testing5
Exploring parental cystic fibrosis disclosure to well children5
Gender imbalance in the genetic counseling profession: An Australasian perspective5
The experience of “at‐risk” status for familial frontotemporal dementia (fFTD) and its impact on reproductive decision‐making: A qualitative study5
Transfer of embryos with positive PGT‐M results: Genetic Counselors' perspectives and ethical considerations5
Predictive genetic testing for Huntington's disease: Exploring participant experiences of uncertainty and ambivalence between clinic appointments5
Clinical Bootcamp: Moving toward competency outside of the clinic4
Clinical geneticists' views on and experiences with unsolicited findings in next‐generation sequencing: “A great technology creating new dilemmas”4
A Heartfelt Thank You to the 2021 Journal of Genetic Counseling Reviewers4
Clients' experiences of empathy in genetic counseling for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer: A qualitative study in Japan4
Prenatal genetic counselors' perceptions of the impact of abortion legislation on counseling and access in the United States4
Reproductive deliberation: Supporting autonomous decision making in prenatal genetic counseling4
Issues, challenges, and future perspectives of genetic counseling in Republic of Korea: Perspectives of laboratory physicians based on a 2022 survey4
Assessing and attending to psychosocial concerns in genetic counseling: Proposing the BATHE method4
Defining orienting language in the genetic counseling process4
Assessing the acceptability, feasibility, and usefulness of a psychosocial screening tool to patients and clinicians in a clinical genetics service in Australia4
iKNOWgynetics – A web‐based learning concept to empower primary care gynecologists to participate in the care of patients with a family history of breast and ovarian cancer4
A team‐based approach to cardiogenomic education4
Experiences of reproductive genetic counselors with abortion regulations in Ohio4
From intention to action: Assessing need and creating a JEDI toolkit for individuals teaching cancer genetics curriculum4
Processing the process: Reflections on genetic counselor‐led student supervision groups and practical tips for future facilitators4
Exploring a brief medical improvisational performing arts intervention for genetic counseling graduate students4
Families' experiences accessing care after genomic sequencing in the pediatric cancer context: “It's just been a big juggle”4
No longer “non‐traditional”: Genetic counselors' perceptions towards laboratory and industry roles4
Results of the Genetic Counselor SARS‐CoV‐2 Impact Survey from the National Society of Genetic Counselors: Progress and penalty during the COVID‐19 pandemic4
Buying my existence. Just $49, free shipping included4
What next for “counseling” in genetic counseling training: A co‐production workshop exploring how CBT and ACT approaches can contribute to the genetic counseling toolkit4
Rethinking genetic counseling clinical skills training in the time of COVID‐194
Pregnant women's experiences of non‐invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in Japan: A qualitative study4
The experiences of families receiving a diagnosis of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome in Ireland4
“It becomes your whole life”—Exploring experiences of reciprocal translocation carriers and their partners4
Commentary from a commercial laboratory: The unexpected benefits of a more virtual world during the COVID‐19 pandemic4
Understanding patients' views and willingness toward the use of telehealth in a cancer genetics service in Asia4
Moral distress in genetic counseling: A study of North American genetic counselors4
Graduate training, credentialing, and continuing education to prepare genetic counselors for laboratory roles—Results of a national survey3
Investigating genetic counselors' communication with Lynch syndrome patients about cascade testing: Barriers, facilitators, and strategies3
Misunderstood terms and concepts identified through user testing of educational materials for fragile X premutation: “Not weak or fragile?”3
Lack of consensus among healthcare professionals at a large academic medical center on the use of exome sequencing for prenatal diagnosis3
Issue Information3
An evidence‐based practice guideline of the National Society of Genetic Counselors for telehealth genetic counseling3
Issue Information3
Research participants' perspectives about the return of uninformative genomic test results in a clinical research setting3
Large‐scale group genetic counseling: Evaluation of a novel service delivery model in a Canadian hereditary cancer clinic3
Exploring genetic counselors' practice of discussing clinical trials with patients3
Outcomes of psychiatric genetic counseling in relation to time since diagnosis and symptom onset3
Experiences of young people growing up in a family with Huntington's disease: A meta‐ethnography of qualitative research3
Identifying potential LGBTQIA+ competencies for genetic counseling student training3
Alleviating the confusion around content analysis: A comment in response to Wainstein, Elliott & Austin 20233
Pursuing germline genome sequencing to reduce illness uncertainty may involve additional uncertainties for cancer patients: A mixed‐methods study3
CDH1 variants leading to gastric cancer risk management decision‐making experiences in emerging adults: ‘I am not ready yet’3
Assessing genetic counselors’ graduate school education and training in congenital heart defects3
A qualitative study exploring LGBTQ genetic counseling students' relationships with peers and faculty in graduate school3
Assessing barriers to the career ladder and professional development for ethnic minority genetic counselors in the United States3
Should genes for non‐syndromic hearing loss be included in reproductive genetic carrier screening: Views of people with a personal or family experience of deafness3
The review of genetic screening services and common BRCA1/2 variants among South African breast cancer patients3
Public perceived knowledge of, attitude toward, and use of genetic testing in urban China3
Script concordance testing in genetic counseling training: A pilot study3
2021 National Society of Genetic Counselors Presidential Address: Seeking opportunities for growth and leading each other3
Use of gender‐inclusive language in genetic counseling to optimize patient care3
Policy and laboratory practice: How quality control procedures for genetic testing perpetuate biological essentialism and discrimination against transgender, gender diverse, and intersex people3
Cancer patients' experience of receiving variant of uncertain significance results: An Asian perspective3
A cross‐professional competency framework for communicating genomic results3
Uptake of genetic testing among patients seeking cancer genetic counseling in Taiwan3
Development and preliminary evaluation of a genetics education booklet for retinoblastoma3
Young adults' reasoning for involving a parent in a genomic decision‐making research study3
The role of emotional sensitivity to probability in the decision to choose genetic testing3
Sudden shift to remote genetic counseling during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Experiences of genetics professionals in Italy3
Issue Information3
Disability education and implications for genetic counselor training3
Cardiology clinic patient attitudes toward and potential personal utility of genetic testing: Findings from a unique multiracial clinical sample3
Enhancing the didactic learning experience for Laboratory Genetics and Genomics fellows through a multi‐institutional lecture series3
The multigenerational impact of long QT syndrome: A Gitxsan perspective3
Landscape of genetic counseling in the Philippines3
Leveraging electronic health records to inform genetic counseling practice surrounding psychiatric disorders3