European Journal of Political Economy

(The TQCC of European Journal of Political Economy is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Perceptions of inequality34
Perception vs. experience: Explaining differences in corruption measures using microdata33
Too afraid to vote? The effects of COVID-19 on voting behaviour31
Entrepreneurship, fear of failure, and economic policy28
Vertical fiscal imbalance and local fiscal indiscipline: Empirical evidence from China28
Natural disasters and electoral outcomes26
Public opinion on immigration in Europe: Preference and salience24
Politically connected firms and privileged access to credit: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe23
The COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on voter turnout22
Social media networks, fake news, and polarization20
Gender, attractiveness, and judgment of impropriety: The case of accountants20
Do unhappy citizens vote for populism?19
Low-wage import competition and populist backlash: The case of Italy18
Do fiscal rules need budget transparency to be effective?18
Using Machine Learning for measuring democracy: A practitioners guide and a new updated dataset for 186 countries from 1919 to 201918
Tax evasion and tax morale: A social network analysis18
Trust in the ECB: Drivers and consequences17
Do the ECB's introductory statements help predict monetary policy? Evidence from a tone analysis17
Foreign aid and the quality of economic institutions17
Exposure to corruption and political participation: Evidence from Italian municipalities16
Political accountability and public service delivery in decentralized Indonesia: Incumbency advantage and the performance of second term mayors16
“The mother of all political problems”? On asylum seekers and elections16
Political voice on monetary policy: Evidence from the parliamentary hearings of the European Central Bank15
Fiscal rules and budget forecast errors of Italian municipalities15
Inclusive institutions, unequal outcomes: Democracy, state capacity, and income inequality15
Mortgage market credit conditions and U.S. Presidential elections14
Geopolitics and rare earth metals14
Corporate tax competition: A meta-analysis14
The political economy of IMF conditionality and central bank independence14
Does government spending efficiency improve fiscal sustainability?14
The effects of mafia infiltration on public procurement performance14
Savings from public procurement centralization in the healthcare system14
Women and local public finance14
Regulation and income inequality in the United States14
COVID-19 fatalities and internal conflict: Does government economic support matter?13
The political economy of firm emissions: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China12
Are Democracies Cleaner?12
The influence of political fragmentation on public enterprises: Evidence from German municipalities11
Political influence, central bank independence and inflation in Africa: A comparative analysis11
Race to burn the last ton of carbon and the risk of stranded assets11
How do the factors determining terrorist groups’ longevity differ from those affecting their success?11
Does clarity make central banks more engaging? Lessons from ECB communications11
Investment in trade facilitating infrastructure: A political-economy analysis11
Explaining destinations and volumes of international arms transfers: A novel network Heckman selection model11
The political and institutional determinants of fiscal adjustments and expansions: Evidence for a large set of countries11
Real-time fiscal policy responses in the OECD from 1997 to 2018: Procyclical but sustainable?11
Income inequality and income bias in voter turnout11
Unbundling the effect of political instability on income redistribution11
Revisiting forced migration: A machine learning perspective10
Sharing the gains of transition: Evaluating changes in income inequality and redistribution in Poland using combined survey and tax return data10
Russian power and the state-owned enterprise10
Fiscal consolidations and electoral outcomes in emerging economies: Does the policy mix matter? Macro and micro level evidence from Latin America10
Perception of corruption and public support for redistribution in Latin America9
Terrorism and international economic policy9
The financial market impact of ECB monetary policy press conferences — A text based approach9
Believers vs. deniers: Climate change and environmental policy polarization9
Can internet surveys represent the entire population? A practitioners’ analysis9
Anchored or de-anchored? That is the question9
Attitudes towards euro area reforms: Evidence from a randomized survey experiment9
Debt policies in the aftermath of COVID-19 — The SGP’s debt benchmark revisited9
Trust and attitudes toward income inequality: Does individualism matter?8
Election systems, the “beauty premium” in politics, and the beauty of dissent8
Fear of inflation and gender representation in central banking8
What constitutes a constitutional amendment culture?8
Corruption and legislature size: Evidence from Brazil8
Can judicial efficiency improve territorial attractiveness to FDI? The Italian experience8
Depression of the deprived or eroding enthusiasm of the elites: What has shifted the support for international trade?8
Government response to increased demand for public services: The cyclicality of government health expenditures in the OECD8
Intragenerational deliberation and intergenerational sustainability dilemma8
Voting under threat: Evidence from the 2020 French local elections8
Revisiting the nexus between fiscal decentralization and government size - The role of ethnic fragmentation8
Individualism and political instability7
To vote, or not to vote? Electoral campaigns and the spread of COVID-197
A corruption risk indicator for public procurement7
The transition of corruption institutions and dynamics7
The political economy of productivity growth7
Policy tolerance of economic crime? An empirical analysis of the effect of counterfeiting on Italian trade7
Political forecast cycles7
Politicians at higher levels of government are perceived as more corrupt7
Turnout in concurrent elections: Evidence from two quasi-experiments in Italy7
Political favoritism by powerful politicians: Evidence from chief ministers in India7
Does international migration impact economic institutions at home?7
Economic, social and political fragmentation: Linking knowledge-biased growth, identity, populism and protectionism7
The political economy of the G20 agenda on financial regulation6
Rara Avis: Latin American populism in the 21st century6
Asylum recognition rates in Europe: Policies and performance6
Why do people from wealthy countries migrate?6
Love on the rocks: The causal effects of separatist governments in Quebec6
Ideology and monetary policy. The role of political parties’ stances in the European Central Bank’s parliamentary hearings6
Sharks and minnows in a shoal of words: Measuring latent ideological positions based on text mining techniques6
Political economy of taxation, debt ceilings, and growth6
Property rights revisited6
On the political economy of minority rights. Three ways to manipulate a minority: Goals, rules, and border poles6
Non-trade provisions in trade agreements and FDI6
Are social and environmental clauses a tool for favoritism? Analysis of French public procurement contracts6
Politics of trade protection in an autocracy: Evidence from an EU tariff liberalization in Morocco6
Democracy favors access to credit of firms6
The economic effects of political disintegration: Lessons from Serbia and Montenegro6
Entrepreneurship, trust and corruption5
Political tenure, term limits and corruption5
The Commission and the Council Presidency in the European Union: Strategic interactions and legislative powers5
Does democratic progress deter terrorist incidents?5
How do electoral and voice accountability affect corruption? Experimental evidence from Egypt5
Immigration vs. poverty: Causal impact on demand for redistribution in a survey experiment5
Can gender quotas break the glass ceiling? Evidence from Italian municipal elections5
Environmental regulation, political incentives, and mortality in China5
Religion and unproductive entrepreneurship: The role of risk aversion5
Financial returns to collecting rare political economy books5
Economic growth, equilibrium welfare, and public goods provision with intergenerational altruism5
Taxation with representation: Understanding natives’ attitudes to foreigners’ voting rights5
Teachers and politics5
Health spending in Italy: The impact of immigrants5
Official fiscal forecasts in EU member states under the European Semester and Fiscal Compact – An empirical assessment5
The causal effects of rule of law & property rights on fiscal capacity5
Self-selecting candidates or compelling voters: How organized crime affects political selection5
The generation gap in direct democracy: Age vs. cohort effects5
Political connections and post-disaster assistance in rural Vietnam5
Determinants of compliance with fiscal rules: Misplaced efforts or hidden motivations?5
Delegation and the regulation of U.S. financial markets5
Temporary partnership and subcontracting: Pre- vs. post- award outsourcing in public procurement5
The consequences of hosting asylum seekers for citizens’ policy preferences5
Coherence of output gaps in the euro area: The impact of the COVID-19 shock5
The persistence of political myths and ideologies5
Decentralization, social capital, and regional growth: The case of the Italian North-South divide5
Do personal characteristics of councilors affect municipal budget allocation?5